The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 510: Lower Tagil (5)

"Fuck!" Zhang Yang couldn't help but swear, he knew that things were not so simple. After seeing Zhao Fei get in the car, Zhang Yang thought that the matter was over, he could easily get what he wanted, But I didn't think of good and bad spirits, MLBGD, looking at the army on the screen, Zhang Yang gritted his teeth, and then began to frown and think hard. ;

This matter is not so easy. Others do not know how powerful the intelligence department is, but can Zhang Yang not know? Perhaps there is no such extreme master in the intelligence department, but things are not absolute. Can you guarantee that there is no such extreme nationalist master in the intelligence department of a country?

There are a large number of people in the angry youth who will become extremely excellent people. Although the angry youth are mostly derogatory, Chapter 510 under Tagil (V), but never think that the angry youth really have no chance. Those who have never been indignant, don't believe how good he will be, someone who hasn't even had his subjective preferences, how much enthusiasm and energy can you expect him to face life? To create a fame?

Throughout history, which great man is not a nationalist? In other words, which great man is not angry? You don’t think he is angry, it’s because you don’t understand, he will always be angry in some way.

But these are not the most important. The most important thing is that no matter how big a person is, he has no resources in his hand, and you can never be a stupid person who has rich resources in his hand. And these intelligence agencies in various countries not only have resources, but they are not stupid!

Zhao Fei left too many traces of them. If the KGB came a little later, they might have announced that they had left Russia, no matter what the other party’s tricks are, but now the other party has started the search directly. So, maybe the surveillance video of Kizil railway station will be called out soon.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yangmeng recovered. Although the starry sky has been monitored from satellites, Zhang Yang has invaded Kizil's server before, thinking of Chapter 510 here under Tagil (5) Zhang Yang immediately logged in his own broiler, and then let Starry Sky revisit these formerly Zhang Yang broilers Server. The KGB was active in that place, and Zhang Yang carefully drilled back into these servers.

Carefully entered a few servers, and carefully checked the server of the government department in Kyzyl, which Zhang Yang had entered, and checked it several times. This inspection, Zhang Yang's heart suddenly hung up, and some masters have been here! Although the entire server does not seem to have any problems, it is the biggest problem without problems! The entire Kyzyl is now blocked by the army. Will the KGB not send people into the government system to retrieve the video tapes of those public cameras on the street?

As long as it is not an idiot, it will do so, but now there is no abnormality in the entire server. This proves that there are definitely masters here, so the other party directly cleaned up all traces, so that the second person could not find any abnormality. Furiously frowned, for a long time, Zhang Yang hesitated before making a violent decision. Zhang Yang did not move any hands and feet for the first time, but directly took out his mobile phone and beat Zhao Fei.

If there is no accident, it is not difficult for the KGB to mobilize to the timetable of all recent train departures. Kyzyl is not a big city. Its train situation is quite limited. In such a short time, there are several buses that can leave Kyzyl It is quite rare now that Zhang Yang has asked Zhao Fei to come back with another method, so that it would be too unreliable to take the train directly to Taguire.

Zhao Fei answered the phone quickly, and Zhang Yang asked, "Is it convenient to speak?"

"Wait." Zhao Fei said two words, and then whispered something to the other side. After about two or three minutes, Zhao Fei's low voice came to him: "What's the matter?" Zhao Fei spoke in English in a low voice. Some people who speak Chinese in Kyzyl are too abrupt, and the Russian language does not understand, so Zhao Fei can only use English.

"There is a large-scale movement in the Kizil KGB. The boy's identity is not simple. Although I don't know why the other party sent two rookie agents to follow, the other party investigated that the train you took should not be difficult. Any ideas?" Zhang Yang quickly lowered his voice and said.

Zhao Fei didn't answer immediately. After a long time, probably two or three minutes later, when Zhang Yang felt like half an hour later, Zhao Fei suddenly chuckled twice: "I didn't expect it for so many years. I have run into old opponents and I don’t know if their tracking strategy has changed."

"You be careful." Zhang Yang couldn't give a reasonable opinion on how they left. Zhao Fei and they are experts in this area. They can be seen from the license plate and other behaviors. They are KGB agents. Obviously, Zhao Fei has already dealt with the KGB. Those who are familiar can no longer be familiar, and Zhang Yang does not need to direct them at all, so Zhang Yang just told him.

"Well, you can rest assured that I am doing things. We have absolutely not left any images for them to check in Kyzyl. Even if they can find surveillance videos of the entire city, they will never see our faces from any angle." Zhao Fei confidently gave Zhang Yang relief.

Zhang Yang nodded slightly. Although Zhao Fei could not see it, Zhang Yang could relieve his worries through such actions. Think about what Zhao Fei did before them, Zhang Yang was relieved, too. This is the job. If these intelligence agencies can easily capture Zhao Fei's appearance, it is estimated that Zhao Fei will have caught them.

"What do I need to do, you speak." Zhang Yang asked seriously, although he can't help in specific actions, but it is no problem to harass the KGB people.

"If possible, continue to monitor their actions, and others will not be used temporarily. In addition, it is best to pay attention to all the movements of Lower Tagil, especially your own safety. If it is not unexpected, the KGB may soon I will doubt you, of course, they are not sure about the specific country, but they will doubt it over there." Zhao Fei thought and said.

"Well, I get it. We'll contact you again if we have something." Zhang Yang promised seriously, and then hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed instantly. Zhao Fei's experience was much richer than Zhang Yang's, and he immediately considered the issue that Zhang Yang never thought about.

Zhao Fei was right. The KGB suspected that the meeting between the various countries in Nizhny Tagil might be just a matter of course. After all, the accident happened sooner rather than later. It happened just one time. It happened that during the meeting between the countries, the more important thing is Although the train they took on Zhao Fei did not go directly to Nizhny Tagil, they went in this direction.

The analysis capabilities of the intelligence department have been understood by Zhang Yang, so what Zhao Fei said is likely to become a reality. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang is not hesitating anymore. There is no more work on Kizil's side. Some things It’s too late to cover up. Those surveillance videos must have been in the hands of the KGB. If Zhang Yang started to work again at this time, wouldn’t he let the other party associate the hackers with Zhao Fei?

Just think of a hacker, and think about the starry heavy workers in this time, I am afraid that the identity of L will be remembered by everyone soon... L is also one of the super hackers. Zhang Yang suddenly has some pain, he suddenly found that he L's identity is a good trick, but it is also possible to become an innocent substitute somehow.

day! To understand this, Zhang Yang almost slapped himself, somehow fooling, and Zhang Yang quickly started wandering all kinds of thoughts in his mind. For a long time, Zhang Yang had a way in his mind. Taking advantage of the KGB's intelligence analysis is not so fast, Zhang Yang immediately began to invade various servers in Russia through the starry sky.

Zhang Yang and Starry Sky worked together at the same time, and the efficiency naturally did not need to be recounted. After successively invading the websites of several important Russian departments, Zhang Yang immediately began to plant his own backdoor for these servers. After planting the backdoor, I thought about Zhang Yang and some not. Rest assured, it took a long time for him to grind his teeth and start planting his own Trojans for these servers.

This Trojan was also researched by Zhang Yang, but it is pitifully used a few times. It is a Trojan with super destructive power. If this thing breaks out, the damage to the entire system and the files in the system is unparalleled. In fact, except for some hackers with ulterior motives, most hackers rarely study these destructive Trojan horses or computer viruses. In the eyes of hackers, the really superb ones are always silent intrusion and stealing. Things left quietly.

Just like Xu Zhimo's poem, I came gently, just as I walked gently, waved my sleeves, and did not take away a cloud. But just in case, every hacker will keep one hand, Niu's hacker will keep a few hands, just like publicizing various viruses.

However, unlike a super virus like an infecting insect, it has a letter structure and can perform genetic hybridization and self-mutation. This Trojan is not so complicated, and its function is quite single, that is, destruction, strong destruction! But this Trojan is just like we play online games, the characters take extreme plus points, maybe other functions are very garbage, but the ability to add points is definitely very good.

Its infectious ability is not strong, and its ability to autonomously spread is not strong, but its destructive power, er, if this Trojan is thrown into Zhang Yang’s own computer and let it start to explode, Zhang Yang may be destroyed by the system if he has no time to deal with it. Seeding this Trojan quickly into the servers of the invading websites of these departments, Zhang Yang silently invaded the Russian social welfare system, and also hit a Trojan here.

After the Trojans were put away, Zhang Yang turned to Lower Tagil again. All Zhang Yang's Zhang Yang didn't do it. Not because he didn't want to do it, but Zhang Yang hadn't figured out how to do it. It's only a matter of time before the KGB turns his goal here, and once the KGB realizes that there is a problem with Lower Tagil, their response will be very fast!

Don't forget what kind of state you are in Niagara now! The Russian government held a secret exhibition here. In order to prevent the news from leaking, the KGB arranged countless agents here, and the whole Tajikistan was laid out in the whole world. Once they realized that there was a problem here, these agents who were already on alert If it is specifically targeted, then if one is not careful, everyone understands the result.

It took a long time for Zhang Yang to start moving. Zhang Yang’s first move was the entire city monitoring system in Nizhny Tagil, as well as the city’s alarm, fire, and traffic systems. These systems are bound to be connected to the network and invade these places. It is not difficult. As long as its scope is large, any system has enough loopholes.

Presumably many people have read "Tiger Gallbladder and Dragon Help, Zhang Yang has also seen it. Although the description of hacking is a bit exaggerated, it is not particularly exaggerated in some places. For example, the traffic management system, once there is a hacker, the traffic management system If it is completely paralyzed, then the result is like that played in the gallant dragon and the dragon, the whole city will be in chaos!

I hope I don't use this stuff. After planting the Trojan, Zhang Yang said to himself, if he wants to completely destroy a city's traffic management system, it is naturally impossible to hit enter and input a few command codes as shown in the movie. These basic social systems are all closed-circuit systems, that is to say, although they can be made artificially, these systems can also be converted into closed-circuit The so-called closed-circuit control means that the system is autonomous It is running and is not moved by any external force. Such a switch needs to be made physically. After switching to a closed circuit system, a hacker can't do any damage to it even if it is hacked. However, this Trojan horse is not the same. Once it is hit into the server, once it is triggered, although its propagation efficiency is very low, it will automatically destroy various systems that can be contacted in an instant, and it is the underlying damage, it does not need to Modify your system, just destroy your system and make it inoperable.

If Zhang Yang triggers this Trojan, it will be conceivable what the whole Lower Taguir will be like, and then all the energy of the KGB will be attracted to the important officials responsible for protecting these coming countries. I didn't care about Zhao Fei.

However, this was only used when it was absolutely necessary. Zhang Yang was not crazy enough to paralyze the traffic in a city. The casualties caused by innocent people may be a horrifying number. This is the ultimate trick to ensure the bottom of the floor. At this time, Zhang Yang started to let Starry Sky download the entire city plan of Nizhny Tagil. ! ! ! ;




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