The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 521: Hackers are crazy (4)

Gscsd is a lunatic, which is recognized by everyone, so gscsd will retaliate, everyone is convinced. ; These technical people? * 涫 Di Ya  arrogant sucking scyd scsd to prepare for humiliation. In their view, the server they guarded was invaded silently by the other party. This is humiliation. Although gscsd is a great god, it can't alleviate their humiliation.

Everyone was staring closely at the screen in front of them, afraid of missing any small details and slipped in silently by gscsd, but they did not expect that Zhang Yang did not aim at several intelligence departments this time. On the website, Starry Sky helped last time, but this time Zhang Yang could not use the computing power of Starry Sky on a large scale, because there are technicians in the technical department of Starry Sky Group.

Chapter 521: Hackers are also crazy (4) Once the performance of starry sky supercomputers exceeds a certain limit, these people will definitely find out. Therefore, Zhang Yang was not prepared to go to the official website of the major intelligence agencies. Zhang Yang's goal is only aimed at the White House's official website. The White House is the face of the United States. They all say that hitting is not a face, and Zhang Yang has specifically targeted the face. As for the official websites of the major intelligence agencies, anyway, they have already invaded once. Even if they do not do it this time, others will only think that they are too lazy to hack them, rather than afraid of themselves.

The official website of the White House has also been strengthened, but because it is only a department's website, it uses only ordinary servers, not like the servers of several major intelligence departments. The powerful hardware performance inside makes the server as a whole The level of defense has improved a lot.

It took more than twenty minutes for Zhang Yang to easily hack into the official website of the White House. This time, Zhang Yang did nothing, but like an email to the Russian Defense Minister, Zhang Yang began to write an announcement. After about ten minutes, Zhang Yang directly scrapped the system on the official website of the White House, and then uploaded his announcement directly.

Many hackers who understand Zhang Yang’s character Chapter 521 hackers are also crazy (4) At this moment, there are many guarding the major US official websites, just waiting for gscsd to shoot it. What had you waited for a long time? gscsd gave up, but there are still some people who still miss the major websites in the United States. At the moment of publicity, some people found it directly. As soon as one person found it, the news spread like a shock wave.

In less than ten minutes, countless people gathered in front of the official website of the White House. Although the technical maintenance staff of the official website of the White House responded quite quickly, the server was immediately interrupted and the announcement of gscsd was withdrawn, but almost People all over the world have already seen it.

Anyone who can read Chinese, the first reaction to seeing this announcement is that this time Bush is estimated to be angry, just don’t know if that guy can understand Zhang Yangfa’s announcement.

"President... Don't translate this, right? It's just some swear words, no substantive content, we just don't care about crazy people like gscsd." Bush's life secretary exhorted carefully. As the secretary of the world's first president, it is compulsory to speak several languages, so this announcement must be understood by the secretary. But to be honest, the Chinese language art is too broad and profound. It is this secretary who cannot comprehend the meaning of some words in it.

"Translation!" Bush said sullenly and quietly. As the president of the world's largest country, Bush can understand some languages ​​of other countries. Although he can't see the lengthy Chinese, he still understands the word Bush. This announcement was specifically written for him. Whether it is cursing or other things, you must figure out what this means.

Seeing Bush's face was unsightly, the secretary hesitated, and finally handed over the translated announcement to Bush's hand. Looking at the announcement in his hand, Bush's complexion instantly became dark. The green muscles on both hands were straight, and he could imagine how much his anger was, but his secretary was still here, and Bush simply endured this anger.

If Zhang Yang is here, he will definitely admire and scream in surprise: "Brother, you are a bull, you are ruthless, you are fierce, you can really bear it, I think even the dead can give life."

"Haha! Niu! Gscsd you really TM is a genius, it is estimated that Bush should be at this moment?" Black Hawk patted his thigh hard, a black hawk's assistant looked at the black line, are you not afraid of the head? Does it hurt? Black Hawk didn't pay attention to his assistant's face at all, just grotesquely talking about Zhang Yang's announcement.

"...Bush, Lao Tzu found that your IQ is really superior, and actually TM's very advanced play with Yang Tzu to play a stratagem. Come on, okay, you are very sophisticated in the study of Chinese culture. Just don't know, back then Was your head trapped when you were born? Did you really imagine that everyone in the world has the same IQ as you?

Kizil’s special forces in the United States played mysteriously and burned down all the mountains and forests. I wonder what your American interests are there? Putin is also really a genius, and this kind of thing can be tolerated. Will the two of you have a passion? Are you doing it?

Forget it, forget it, for this time I’m shaming you, I’m not going to care about you. There is a saying in China that says you should never take a fool seriously, if you take a fool seriously He will make you as silly as him, and then defeat you with rich experience, so I will not go to the official website of any of your intelligence departments this time, it is always black, your technology I didn't make any progress at all. My dark eyes hurt. I just checked it. It's true that TM is a talent. The backdoors of those server guys are actually there.

I just don’t know what you will do to see this announcement. Is it just like before, to make an excuse to characterize an organization as a terrorist organization, and then directly send your soldiers to kill them all in the past? Okay, let me announce it for you now. Well, the US government is willing to be the pioneer of the world’s anti-terrorism based on the principle of being responsible for world peace and security, and now defines gscsd as a cyber terrorist and sends it to all countries in the world. Wanted orders, regardless of whether any country caught gscsd, we will try to extradite him back to the United States for trial. "

"It's a personal talent." While reading, Blackhawk patted his thigh with joy and vigorously. Gscsd's words are too TM-damaged. Although there is nothing too ugly to say throughout the article, they are more annoying than those words. The consecutive losses and abuses almost damaged Bush.

To be honest, the English translation cannot be as accurate as Chinese. It is so. Bush is like everyone feels. It’s really almost. If there are no other people in the room, it is estimated that Bush’s After a while, he started to fall crazy.

"Let Tom and a few of them appear in the White House within 20 minutes!" Bush raised his head and said angrily to his secretary. The secretary immediately shrugged off and immediately turned around and walked out. Although the president only said one person's name, the secretary knew that the remaining few people must have been the heads of several major US intelligence agencies.

Isn't it that you will plant it? I will let you swindle. Anyway, Kyzyl should definitely participate in the United States. Isn't it defamation? Nothing else. It's hard to defame. Anyway, now there is absolutely such information in the KGB, Zhang Yang dares to ensure that he will say so casually, I am afraid that the next problem of the US government will be very large, and Russia is not a masochist. It is inexplicably suffered by this indiscriminate disaster. The Russian government does not Crazy is the ghost.

Just around the world, all hackers shook their heads with tears and laughed, saying that gscsd is a lunatic, and a direct announcement offended the presidents of two big countries in the world. Although you don’t quite understand what it means to engage in relationship and relationship, you can also guess that it is almost the same. What do you mean by saying that two men are together? Is it true or pure friendship?

To be honest, Zhang Yang is actually not angry after he is angry, but he is not happy, why? If there is no such an interruption in the United States, God knows how the KGB will investigate, and even if it is impossible to find Zhang Yang on their heads, I am afraid that the goal will not be so clear. Now, with the toss of the US government, I am afraid that the KGB will directly target the United States. The government is listed as the biggest suspicion. There is no way. Who will allow the US government to send troops into Russia?

Zhang Yang has no doubt about this point. Although there is no evidence, Zhang Yang has a hunch. If it is simply to frame Zhang Yang for stolen goods and then establish that organization, it is unlikely. So the most important thing about this matter is still that little white boy. I just don't know what the boy's identity is, or what is in his hand that deserves the attention of the US government.

Dispatching special forces casually into the territories of other countries is not a small dispute in the world. The United States will even risk a war, even if there are no special Peugeots on these special forces. After all, there is no national intelligence department. Yes.

The most important thing is that this is Russia, not a small country like Afghanistan or Belgium. How do you want to come and go? Fortunately, Lao Maozi was also the most powerful country in the world. It is said that the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, the German industrial foundation that Lao Maozi moved back to during World War II, and the technological advantages that the scientists let them maintain have still existed in recent years.

Zhang Yang does not know how the United States decided to act today, but Zhang Yang dares to guarantee that he absolutely has a direct relationship with himself, otherwise, after so many years, it is impossible for these two organizations to have nothing to do with it. Just act.

There was a wave again on the Internet, and hackers in the United States and Russia began to interact with each other, especially Russian hackers, but now there is a rage, and Zhang Yang is just arbitrarily spoiling things, but these hackers are all Believe it.

No way, although the guy gscsd is a madman, but this madman never tells lies, and the forest fire in Kyzyl has caused the huge forest area to be burned, and even now it has not been extinguished. , This is Russia's land!

Even the United States sent special forces into Russia, what does the United States want to do? ! It’s okay if the government doesn’t do anything, but for these hackers, no one can restrain their behavior. So after Zhang Yang made a public announcement and disappeared, the US and Russian networks were completely unlucky.

The first hapless thing is naturally the US network system. Although Russian hackers are not as high-tech and destructive as they claim, Russia does have some super-strong hackers. Lao Maozi's talent in this area is actually quite good. Although these hackers are not as high-strength as Zhang Yang, they do not have as many scruples as Zhang Yang, they are here to destroy!

I can't destroy Niu's website, but I can always destroy ordinary small websites, right? So many Russian hackers started to make waves on the US network, and Zhang Yang had already turned off the computer and was ready to return home tomorrow. I don't know if it was because of the impact of this incident, the original four-day trip has become three days.

When Zhang Yang stepped on the car to the airport the next day, he got amazing news. Last night, the California power grid in the United States was invaded by a Russian hacker. This hacker not only damaged the grid system, but also put some of the programs inside. The deletion caused a large-scale overload of California's grid motor high-voltage lines, Although there was no large-scale damage in the morning due to power equipment, it caused a power outage throughout California for more than three hours yesterday!

The loss of these three hours is expected to exceed more than a billion dollars. Although the hacker has been arrested by the Russian intelligence department, and this hacker is really not a famous hacker, but a small hacker, but there is a sentence In other words, sometimes small people can do great things.

The U.S. government submitted an extradition request to the Russian government almost immediately, but it was rejected by the Russian government in good faith. If the U.S. government wants to extradite the hacker to the United States for trial, it can, but the U.S. must also cause yesterday to cause Russia The culprit of the network paralysis was handed over and extradited to Russia for trial.

This news almost made Zhang Yang laugh. Who was the culprit that caused the dogs to bite their mouths? Strictly speaking, it was Bush, sending special forces, and hacking the websites of government departments of other countries, but it would cause international disputes. Without the presidential order signed by Bush, the following intelligence agencies would dare to do so. Ghost. ! ! ! ;




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