The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 522: Insidious and poisonous (Part 1)

Zhang Yang did not go to see the boy on the plane. He endured it. This secret was only known to Zhao Fei and a limited number of people. Luo Tianshu did not know them, so Zhang Yang could not see them now, but Zhang Yang still secretly saw Zhao Fei. one side. ; Confirm that Zhao Fei did not have any problems, Zhang Yang was relieved.

Although I don't know what this guy will bring to him, Zhang Yang has a hunch, I am afraid that saving this guy back is the most correct way to go. When the plane was in Russian airspace, Zhang Yang was still worried. Until a security guard came to tell him that the plane had entered the territory of the Republic, Zhang Yang was relieved.

The two large passenger planes escorted the aircraft one after the other, and after entering the airspace of the Republic, there were fighters waiting outside to start **** in Chapter 522. The passengers of the Star Group did not land in Beijing. Instead, transfer directly to Fei'an City. They said hello to Zhang Shang on the plane, and the two planes were separated from each other, and the **** escorts outside began to evacuate.

"This trip is in vain. Hey"... Luo Tianshu shook his head helplessly. This time the Star Group went to this exhibition, there was no gain other than long-term insights. Luo Tianshu proposed that huā spend 10 billion US dollars to purchase all the technology of T-80Y, but was also rejected, but Russia did I really hope to sell T-80 to Xingkong Heavy Industry, but there are not enough researchers under Xingkong Heavy Industry. Zhang Yang bought it, even if it was dismantled, it is unlikely to be researched. Is it useful to buy it?

Unless Lao Maozi is willing to package and sell the technology of T-80Y as a whole, but 10 billion is estimated to be innocent. No matter how much he advertises, he will not be interested. After a few years, Laozi will definitely replace all of you.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but YY, the plane landed at the city's international airport, and immediately a bus prepared by Star Group took them back.

"After Luo Tianshu left," Zhang Yang told Zhao Fei Ding that he should take this guy to the place where he lived. Zhang Yang, Chapter 522, was insidious and poisonous (Part 1) going to the Starry Sky Group. This After leaving for so long a few days, so many things happened in the middle, Li Keqing they must be worried that they might be broken.

After chatting with Li Keqing in the company for a while, Zhang Yang hurried back to his room. In the room where he placed the server, Zhang Yang finally saw the boy's real person. His age is really not old, his face is quite immature, and he is estimated to be at most 16 or 7 years old. Although he is quite tall, he is about one meter and nine or so" with a typical European face.

A chestnut hair, with a little self-rolling.

A pair of glasses hung on his nose, his eyes were very big, at least Zhang Yang saw such a big eye on a man for the first time, it gave a very strange feeling "but his body gave a This kind of book is very angry. "Hello, nice to meet you. Zhang Yang asked in a proficient English language and stretched out his hand.

"Hello." The boy smiled slightly and replied, making Zhang Yang somewhat stunned that the boy's words were actually in Chinese. "You...don't be curious...I learned Chinese on the plane." The boy saw Zhang Yang a little stunned and immediately explained in less proficient Chinese.

"Poof..." Zhang Yang was choked directly by his slobber. He learned Chinese on the plane? Nima, you are a machine? You can learn by saying it? Looking at Zhang Yang's face, this boy looks incredible. Zhao Fei pointed to the side and said: "You can ask him. "

Seeing Zhang Yang's eyes cast, Zhao Fei nodded bitterly with a smile on his face: "It's like this, he got on the net on the plane" and then directly took down the entire Xinhua Dictionary... "

………………. "Zhang Yang was completely shocked. The boy had been on the plane for more than two days, so he collected the entire Xinhua dictionary? Is this TM a human or a monster?"

"Don’t be surprised. My place is not the same as normal people. I learn a language very easily. It just depends on whether I want to learn it. Although Chinese is a little more troublesome, it is just a few thousand Chinese characters and the corresponding explanation. Although there are what you call idioms, it is nothing more than a few more phrases. "Although I don't quite understand the mood they use, it doesn't bother me. "The boy pointed to his head and said softly.

".........This...okay, can I ask, what is your IQ?" Zhang Yang tentatively asked, which is... too a bit, what is called Chinese is a little more difficult, but it is a few thousand Chinese characters The corresponding explanation, Nima, is simple to say, but how many people can do TMD? Two days to remember the entire Xinhua dictionary.

"I don't know. At least I can't test it with my current ability. I know what you want to ask. If you didn't come too early, I don't think you will see me anymore. I probably have less than a year to live. "The boy said softly.

"What?" Zhang Yang was really shocked this time. The boy said this sentence quite calmly, like narrating something that had nothing to do with him.

Although Zhang Yang did not know what he would do, Zhang Yang knew that this boy was definitely of a rank. I am afraid that those scientists and the like could not compare with him. Even Einstein could not memorize the entire Xinhua dictionary in two days. Learn Chinese? Although scientific research has little to do with superior memory, but superior memory also means that this person's brain is absolutely equally superior.

"I am suffering from a brain tumor and it is malignant. Although it is now controlled by drugs, it still reproduces in my brain, and my IQ and memory and those whims are far more than ordinary people. , Is the subsidiary product that it brings to me, to be honest, if it’s not my grandpas who don’t want me to die too early, I hope I can bring what I have learned to this world, at least leave something for humans I don’t think I’m going to use drugs to control these brain tumors. You can’t imagine that when your brain develops to a point that far exceeds everyone, you have to suppress it and make you stupid again. That’s a kind of It makes people feel crumbled," the boy said calmly.

Zhang Yang is really stunned this time. The human brain is the most mysterious place. However, Zhang Yang has never heard of malignant tumors bring such side effects, but I have to say that God is really fair When you have one thing, it really gives you another thing.

Seeing Zhang Yang silent, the boy smiled instead: "gscsd, you don't have to be sorry for me."

"Boom," Zhang Yang was really frightened this time. He sat directly on the ground from the chair and dropped the chair on the ground. Even Zhao Fei over there was shocked. Looking at Zhang Yang, although Zhao Fei does not know much about computers, the name gscsd is too legendary. Now it can be said that everyone in the world who knows computers knows the gscsd.

But Zhang Yang never thought about it. When he was called by someone to break his identity one day, he really did not expect it! "Who are you?" It took a long time before Zhang Yang got up from the ground and lifted the chair from the ground, looking at the boy seriously.

"My name is translated into Pingwen. It's called Luo Gai. If you are asking me about the id on the Internet, my id is not well-known. My name is "hades" Luo Gai said with a smile.

With a "boom", Zhang Yang's head was like being thrown into a bomb. He looked at Luo Gai with shock, as if he saw something incredible.

"hadis" is translated into Chinese, which is Hades. I believe anyone who has seen a cartoon Saint Seiya will know this name. In ancient Greek mythology, he is synonymous with the underworld and is the four major creations in ancient Greek mythology. One of the world gods!

Hadis is equivalent to King Yan in Chinese mythology, but in Greek mythology, his status is much higher than that of King Yan in ancient Chinese mythology. This is not the key. The key is that Zhang Yang had asked his master thanatos in his last life, because thanatos translated into Chinese is the **** of death Tanatos, thanatos is one of Hades’s two cronies. To understanding.

Zhang Yang once asked Thanatos what he called this name instead of Hades. Thanatos directly passed by at that time, and Zhang Yang did not continue to ask. But later thanatos

It was mentioned that he has another person whose strength is almost the same, and that person's id.

Just like, another cronies.

Now the boy in front of him tells Zhang Yang that his id is hades. "Zhang Yang does not know if it is a coincidence, but there is a vague feeling in Zhang Yang's heart. This is definitely not a coincidence. The boy in front of me may be more than thanatos. "Have you seen me? Or do you know me? "

Luo Gai looked at Zhang Yang curiously and Zhang Yang's brain was a little messed up. It took him a long time to recover, and shook his head quickly. Zhang Yang looked up at this Luo Gai and asked, "Well, I don’t really want to know everything, I just want to ask a question, is the information I got true?"

"It’s true. But if you don’t go to that place to save me and you just produce it, then I tell you, the result is that the finished product you produce will happen after about a month of use, or after 20 times of repeated use. No less than 10kg tnt of explosive power, this formula lacks one of the most important additives. Although its finished product is insane, it would be a huge tragedy without such additives and related production methods." Luo Gai nodded directly.

The cold sweat on Zhang Yang's face immediately came down. At first, Zhang Yang thought about it, first produced, and then went to save the old men, but finally Zhang Yang thought about it and finally gave up. Although there are all drawings in the data, but Zhang Yang couldn't guarantee whether he was missing something different, so he was not in a hurry. It seems that if he really went to production and expansion first, it would definitely be a cup. ! ! ! ;




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