The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 537: Storm (2)

Waking up in the morning, Li Keqing didn't go to work, and Chen Xiaowei in the company was responsible. Before leaving, Zhang Yang thought about it, or called Li Guotao. He should know what the old man told them to do. The phone got through quickly, and Li Guotao answered with a smile and said, "Zhang Yang, this is rare, but you never call me."

"Haha, I'm not too busy, right, today the old man called us to go back, do you know what the **** is going on." Zhang Yang asked.

"This? It's okay. It's a family gathering. By the way, I forgot. The old man will definitely let you two come back. Last time we didn't drink well. This time we continue to drink." Li Guotao said with a quick smile. Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. Last time he was unable to go home after drinking in Chapter 537 Fengbo (2). Although Zhang Yang didn't have time to send him the next day, he left by himself.

"Forget it, your wine is too bad, no." Zhang Yang shook his head and said very dumbly. Li Guotao almost spit out blood, and Zhang Yang made Li Guotao choking with a word. My sister, my wine is still poor. There is nothing wrong with drinking a pound of white wine anyway. Who is like a beast? You drink two bottles of white wine without walking.

"Forget it, I won't be more serious with you, anyway, just come back as soon as possible. I'll hang up first." Li Guotao quickly dropped the sentence and hung up the phone.

"How is it? Is there anything?" Li Keqing asked Zhang Yang to hang up the phone and asked curiously.

"It's okay, did you tell the aunt who walked?" Zhang Yang asked.

Li Keqing shook his head, Li Shufang went back three days ago, Li Keqing called Li Shufang and said nothing. "Then let's go back, it is estimated that there is nothing wrong, just a party." Zhang Yang nodded, the two came out, Li Yingjie has prepared the car. The vehicles that Zhang Yang and Li Keqing are riding on are all specially customized bulletproof vehicles. After all, there are everyone in the society. Zhang Yang does not want to regret anything for his life due to his own negligence. .

After coming out of Mengxi Garden, two cars immediately followed and glanced at the rearview mirror. Li Yingjie said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I would be protected by someone." The two cars that followed were sent by Guoan The protection staff, the prime minister has already greeted Zhang Yang, there is no way, now the influence of the Star Group is too great, if it is said that there are no interested people, it is unlikely, at least if there is a chance, C Four A Gang People will not miss this opportunity.

Of course, Gong A will not do anything casually. After all, if this kind of thing really happens, then there is absolutely no second possibility, only one kind, war! The status of Li Keqing and Zhang Yang is now the same as that of assassination of state leaders. The pressure of the people alone can't bear it.

When they reached the place where the old general lived, the two cars that followed were stopped very far away from the community. Obviously they also knew who was living in this place like a nursing home. The protection power of this place is definitely no better than that of the state leaders. Just the difference.

The car soon stopped in the neighborhood where the old general lived. Although the old general lived here is a villa community, Zhang Yang had already learned that the residents in other villas in the entire villa community are simply the bodyguards of the old general. First, in other words, the entire community has no second family except the old general's family. The others are the security forces of the community.

A lot of vehicles have been parked around the villa. As soon as I look at this lineup, I know that the people of the Li family should be back. Zhang Yang and Li Keqing just got off the car, and the door of the old man's villa opened, and a group of people came out to greet him.

"Ye Keqing is back, how is it? Have you been busy lately?"

"Sister Keqing is good."

"Sister Keqing is good." All kinds of people who said hello to everyone immediately came up together, and it was a bit funny to watch all this Zhang Yang. It took only a few months before and after. These people's changes were really big. However, there was no special expression on Zhang Yang's face, but he accompanied Li Keqing to greet these people with a smile.

With the news of this period, these people are not stupid, and naturally they will no longer think that Zhang Yang is a soft meal. Surrounded by a group of people, Li Keqing did not have the kind of embarrassment last time. This scene has been experienced many times since Li Keqing became the richest person in the world, although she did not participate in many activities.

Entering the villa, the old general's hearty whisper came over: "Is Keqing back? Come, come and let my grandfather take a look. I haven't been home for months, but I want to die grandpa." The old general's body is still as he always sees it, but the red light on his face has faded a lot than when he was last seen, and his spirit is not as trembling as when he saw it last time.

Obviously, no one can contend with the things of time, but the situation in this room... Zhang Yang knows what it is today at a glance. Obviously, today should be the birthday of the old general? At the moment, the old general was no longer wearing the old-fashioned military uniform that he often saw, but a very old Chinese Tang Dynasty red Tang suit, accompanied by silver-white hair, which weakened a lot of past majesty, but instead More like an old man next door.

"Today is the birthday of the old man." Li Guotao whispered into Zhang Yang's ear, and Zhang Yang whispered helplessly: "I said you are not kind, since you know that today is the birthday of the old man, you can't Tell me? Let me come back empty-handed."

"There is no way for the old man to personally explain to everyone. They are not allowed to tell you, say, tell you, you must spend money indiscriminately, and say that the Star Group's funds are very tight now." Li Guotao said this with a very strange tone The funds of Star Group are tight.

It is very tight. After spending tens of billions of dollars, Starry Group still has 120 billion dollars. If the remaining shares of Starry Heavy Industry and Starry Software are sold, I am afraid that this fund will rise to one. About 160 billion US dollars, this is still called tight funds?

I am afraid that the 50% of the countries in the world that do not have this year's fiscal revenue have this number? "Ah..." Zhang Yang choked. "Okay, you two come here, Xiaoxiaoluo, you don't have to worry about it, you said I still lack something here? I don't lack anything, I'm very happy when you come, why do you buy those gifts, I You can’t use it again.” The old general clearly heard Zhang Yang and Li Guotao over there and shouted loudly at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang thought about it carefully, too, and it was indeed the case. Speaking of it, what did the old general lack? There is really nothing missing, and there is no need to buy those messy things. The dietitians and the like specially allocated for the old generals by the state know better than Zhang Yang what they should eat and how to maintain good health. These things do not need to be publicized at all. Their hearts.

Speaking of it, buying everything is a waste, and seeing that no one else has prepared anything, Zhang Yang is relieved. And although it is the birthday party of the old general, there are no outsiders at all, and some are all from the Li family. Having figured this out, Zhang Yang walked over to the old general, bowed to the old general, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then I wish Gong Gong you good health and happiness as the East China Sea."

"Haha, okay, okay, okay! That’s right, but speaking of it, you’ve given me the best birthday present, okay, it’s my grandson-in-law, this pen is big enough, hey, I’m old The Li family also has such a number one character. Perhaps in the history book one or two hundred years later, your little reel is more famous than my old man!" The old general said with a smile.

"Sir, I’m so proud of you to say that, but it’s not a big deal. It’s just that I’m not a good family since I was a kid, and my parents have no skill, so I think there are too many like my parents. People, so I decided to set up such a school, at least give everyone a chance to learn, they did not have the opportunity to learn when they were young, now I want to learn, I should give them this opportunity." Zhang Yang is not humble, everything has been done There is no need for humility.

"Well, that's a good one. Come and have two drinks with me. I'll see your little reeves. Their little reeves are nothing." The old man said with a smile. After sitting with the old man for a while, Zhang Yang each had a drink with the old man, and then Zhang Yangcai and Li Keqing followed Li Guotao on them.

Coming to the place where there was a conflict with Li Guotao last time, Zhang Yang couldn't help but laugh. Li Guotao obviously also knew what Zhang Yang was laughing, and he also laughed. After the laugh, everyone sat down next to the bar and Li Guotao took out a The bottle of wine poured a glass for Zhang We are not going to know each other, let's do one! "Li Guotao picked up the glass in his hand and touched Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang smiled and touched his head to drink the wine in the glass.


Khan, it’s so painful. It seems that people can’t be lazy. It hasn’t been updated for half a month. It’s really painful to restore three more today, and the stone is almost depressed. Hey, there are a lot of things during the New Year period, and there is no guarantee for the update. Stone here apologizes to everyone first.

However, in the next time, the stone should resume normal update, everyone can rest assured to read, the stone will try to restore the three daily changes. I don’t believe I can’t do it. It’s really painful today. These three are too tired to feel all of a sudden. This state is indeed done, not waiting, and everyone must insist on what they do in the future.

Well, without further ado, today I am here, and the stone flashes first. Let's see if we can write another chapter in a moment, so it will be easier tomorrow. ! ! ! ;




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