The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 538: Storm (3)

Although everyone is seated, Zhang Yang can feel that this time is completely different from last time, especially in this group of juniors, only Lin Nuoxue because they often mix with Zhang Yang, they behave normally, others Seeing that both Zhang Yang and Li Keqing were somewhat conservative, they obviously dared not talk to them, but instead Li Keqing smiled and talked to them with nothing.

Zhang Yang chuckled in his heart, didn't see it, but Ke Qing's aura is so strong now, I'm afraid that Ke Qing's current confrontation in his arms at night will only show his weak appearance. After drinking a few glasses of wine, Li Guotao also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and Zhang Yang touched a cup of helplessly and said: "There are many offenses in the past, forgive me."

"Forgive, forgive, everyone is the 538th chapter of the storm (3) family, there is nothing unforgivable." Zhang Yang shrugged and said. "Sister, good brother-in-law." Suddenly, a weak voice came in. Zhang Yang and Li Keqing forgot to follow the voice. It was a boy who looked about twenty years old. He was dressed quite well, and he was still driving on his nose. A pair of glasses, looks very weak.

"Hello, let me introduce it." Zhang Yang pointed at the boy to Li Guotao. "This is the child of the uncle's family, called Li Nimo. You can call him Nimo. It's more assertive from a young age. The name is still his own. It's about the same age as you, but his birthday is small." Li Guotao shrugged his shoulders and gave Zhang Yang introduced it.

"Hello. Is there anything?" Zhang Yang asked Nemo looking at him. This Nemo gave Zhang Yang a very strange feeling. Unlike Li Guotao, they gave people a feeling of being out of step with the surrounding environment.

"Yes, sister, brother-in-law, I am currently a graduate student in the Department of Financial Management at Tsinghua University. I want to enter the Starry Sky Group. I don't know if my brother-in-law can talk to me and let me in. I can start with the lowest-level employees. "Li Nimo said very seriously.

Zhang Yang looked up and down at him and then smiled. He was just about to speak. Li 538, the next chapter, Feng Bo (3) Ke Qing asked curiously: "If you are just such a target, you can If you want to apply directly, why would you tell us the two? You are fully capable of entering the Starry Sky Group through normal channels."

Li Nimo smiled bitterly, and then said helplessly: "Sister, brother-in-law, do you not know how prestigious the Starry Sky Group is now in major universities, the two of you are the idols of the entire Tsinghua student, if you two appear On the campus of Tsinghua University, I can guarantee that within half an hour, the whole school can come over. Do you believe it?"

"Um? Does this have anything to do with your joining the Starry Sky Group?" Zhang Yang did not expect that the Starry Sky Group now has such prestige, but nothing else, anyway, S Da now Zhang Yang and Li Keqing are absolutely afraid to go back. It is said that now the two The dormitory where people live has been sealed by the school, but not for other students.

"Yes, now all college students basically think they can join the Starry Sky Group. Although I have confidence in myself, anyway, you are also my sister and brother-in-law. With such convenient conditions, why don't I use it." Li Nimo shrugged. , Shou looked at Li Keqing and Zhang Yang before speaking.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then couldn't help but laughed directly, shrugged his shoulders and said, "OK, no problem. So, if you need to go to school, go to the Beijing branch, if you don't need it When you go to school, you come directly to the city. I greet the following people. You start with ordinary employees."

It can be seen that Li Nimo is very confident in his own strength, but at the same time he is confident and not so rigid. Such talents can have a good life, and those who are capable but do not understand the flexibility cannot survive in this society. . Just after the talk, there was a sudden footstep at the staircase, Huang Kexin walked up from below. After coming up, Huang Kexin immediately respectfully said to Zhang Yang: "The headman, the old headman let you go down and said it was a guest."

"Oh? Who is it?" Zhang Yang stood up with some curiosity and took Li Keqing's hand to walk down. After two steps, Zhang Yang found that Li Guotao did not move. Zhang Yang turned back and asked strangely, "Don't you go down?"

Li Guotao smiled bitterly: "You go down, there is no place for us below." "Not so?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Uh, you know when you go down."

Li Guotao apparently knew something, shrugging helplessly. After a pause, Zhang Yang looked at the meaning of no one else going down, and nodded helplessly and said, "Then I will go down first."

After Li Keqing came down from the stairs, Zhang Yang was shocked by the situation below, Khan, no wonder Li Guotao couldn't survive. Also, if this lineup came down, it was really awkward. There are seven or eight guests in the living room below, but these seven or eight guests are not simple at all. They are very old. It is estimated that they are sixty or seventy years old, but this group of people are carrying them uniformly on their shoulders. A group of shining Venus! And all are three gold stars!

Looking at the seven generals sitting on the sofa, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, and there were fewer than thirty generals in the entire republic. There were seven gathered here. No wonder the grandfather talked about 20 degrees, could this be great? Among these seven generals, one is General Zhang Yang who has seen it before, and the other is General Lu Yuanxing who Zhang Yang has also seen. There are five generals Zhang Yang did not know, but to be able to follow these old men, presumably the identity is not simple.

But these seven generals are not the most powerful, and there is another trembling old man sitting next to General Li. The clothes of this old man are the same as those worn by General Li. They are also in the fifties and sixties. Military uniform. But from the face, this old man should be older than General Li, and his spirit is not as good as General Li.

"Come here, Ke Qing, Zhang Yang has seen several old generals. This is my former comrade-in-arms and the only one who is now built. My old brother is now. The surname is Xiao, and it is called Grandpa Xiao." When Zhang Yang and Li Keqing came down, they hurriedly waved at them.

Zhang Yang and Li Keqing immediately awe-inspiring, and did not expect that there was one other general who was still alive in the founding country, "Grandpa Xiao is good." Zhang Yang and Li Keqing quickly bowed and respectfully said.

"Okay, okay, okay! Lao Li, you haven't lived in vain in this life, there are such a pair of grandchildren, give us a long face!" General Xiao Xiao said excitedly three good, holding General Li's hand Said. "Come and sit down." After that, General Xiao Xiao waved to the two again and pointed to the sofa.

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, or walked with Li Keqing and greeted several generals before Zhang Yang sat down. "I'm afraid I don't know a few. Let me introduce them to you. This is the sister of Li Keqing, the chairman of the Starry Group, and the granddaughter of Lao Li. This is the founder of the Starry Group, Zhang Yang, and Li Keqing. Sister's fiance." After Zhang Yang and Li Keqing sat down, General Lu Yuanxing smiled and introduced to the other five generals.

As soon as Lu Yuanxing finished the introduction, the other five generals except Admiral Zhang, all of them looked as if they were suddenly enlightened. Obviously these five people did not know Zhang Yang and Li Keqing. "A few of you young learn a lot from other children. You look at others and then you." General Xiao Xiao pointed to the seven admirals and said quickly.

Zhang Yang exploded in sweat. As he said, the generals were a little embarrassed, but they dared not say anything. The identity of the old general was there, and obviously, these generals were all old men of the old general. "Yes, yes, the old general said that we should learn from Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li. By the way, speaking of this matter, I happened to have something to ask." Sitting across from Zhang Yang, a little chunky The admiral quickly looked at Zhang Yang and Li Keqing and said.

"Please tell me something about the general," Zhang Yang said quickly.

"This is the case. Is the battery of Xingkong Heavy Industries real? Can it produce finished products? Oh yes, I will introduce myself. I am Chang Yun from the General Equipment Department." Admiral Chang Yun said very politely and introduced In my own time, I didn't even bring a position, but this face was too big.

It seems that only the minister and the political commissar are the generals in the General Equipment Department. This one should be the minister. "General Chang is good." Zhang Yang and Li Keqing asked again and hesitated before Zhang Yang replied: "It's a finished product, and I don't tell General Chang. The battery performance we announced is only about half of the actual battery performance. One or so But there is a very serious problem, that is, this battery needs to add a rare element, the storage of this element is too small, and the possibility of large-scale construction is not very large. So we I just thought about reducing performance and reducing the amount of this added element."

"Oh? What kind of minerals." Since he is engaged in equipment, the general will naturally know a little bit about these basic knowledge. Hearing this, he immediately asked. The other generals did not intervene, all stared at Zhang Yang curiously, waiting for Zhang Yang's answer.

If the research of Xingkong Heavy Industries is true, then it is clear that domestic weapons and equipment may be faced with new generations. Naturally, they are happy to see the commanders of these military regions or other generals. Even the two old generals are seriously waiting for Zhang Yang's answer.

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "It is platinum element. That is to say, we often make platinum elements for jewelry." Several generals opened their mouths, obviously they were a little speechless, and the rare reserves of platinum in the world were only laid. Now that it is where it is, platinum will definitely not be so valuable. The problem is... even gold. ! ! ! ;




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