The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 546: 1 Basket Plan (Part 1)

"If this is the case, there is no problem!" Anthony agreed readily. Don't look at Anthony as if he was five or three thick, like a no-brainer. Although Zhang Yang did not contact him, Zhang Yang felt it on Anthony's body. Like the trait of the black hawk guy, if you think he is a big five big three, then congratulations, you will be fooled.

I spoke to Anthony about the details. Regarding the issue of collecting minerals, Anthony gave several people the name to have this energy. Zhang Yang wanted to collect more than just platinum. After all, this battery has other There are also some rare elements. These minerals are best if they can be purchased from abroad. What Zhang Yang didn’t think about most was that when he mentioned platinum, Zhao Fei smiled and said a person’s name. Chapter 546 A Basket Plan (Part 1), I am afraid that there is only about a ton in this person’s name. Of platinum, just don't know if he sells it or not.

"Why is this person doing?" Zhang Yang is a little strange. Hearing the name, this person's name should be a woman, but Zhang Yang has no impression at all. "A professional killer, her reward is to collect diamonds, and then change to precious metals such as platinum and gold. This woman is crazy and has received many high-value targets. She has a lot of precious metals in her hands. But no one knows exactly where these things are stored." Zhao Fei gave an answer with a smile.

"Killer?" Zhang Yang was a little speechless, but he quickly asked curiously again, "Isn't it said that all your killers and the like are stored in Swiss banks? If they are paid a lot, how will they be transported to Swiss banks?" go with?"

Zhao Fei shook his head: "Swiss Bank? Don't be kidding. Although Swiss Bank is neutral, it's true that for some famous professional killers, many of their assassination targets are politicians of some big countries. With these countries exerting pressure, Swiss Bank Dare not to open user information? Everything is relative, so most of the killers have accounts in Swiss banks, but Chapter 546 of a basket plan (above) is definitely not their entire property.

Take the woman I told you, she is said to be a Frenchman, but her ancestor was a pirate, and many of her property did not know where to bury it. "

""Emotions, what kind of people in the world have changed," "Let's forget this kind of person. Let's buy it from the regular channel first. How much can we buy, especially platinum, the number must be sufficient, So, tomorrow you apply for an account of a Swiss bank. I will let you transfer $10 billion in it. I will give you a list of the mineral raw materials you have purchased."

Zhang Yang did not continue to talk nonsense, but turned directly to Anthony. Although he has worked in the Star Group for a short time, Zhang Yang's generosity still made Anthony laugh bitterly: "Boss, are you really afraid of my donation to escape? That can be It’s not ten billion yen, it’s the dollar."

Zhang Yang laughed twice, then dragged Anthony on the shoulder and said, "It's not just 10 billion. If you run in a curl, you can run, anyway, it's nothing to me." Zhang Yang's words Zhao Fei and Anthony were speechless for a while, but although Anthony didn't say anything, he was still moved by Zhang Yang's trust.

How much money the other party has is for the other party, but the other party believes you. This is a matter of human relations. Besides, even if there is a lot of money, 10 billion dollars is not a small number. If Zhang Yang dared to donate the 10 billion US dollars to the country, plus his current identity, it would be no problem to be a general in Dangdang. There was no excuse to tie Zhang Yang.

"Anyway, you can rest assured that the boss will leave it to me. But my daughter, Zhao Fei, help me look at it and let her live in your house first." Anthony looked at Zhao Fei and said. "Okay, no problem, your daughter is not a child anymore, someone who has already gone to university, what are you afraid of? Let her live on campus," Zhao Fei said with a smile.

"It’s up to you to take charge of things like registering a company. The funds are also at your disposal. Anyway, it’s up to you to look at it, how convenient it is, if there is not enough money, or something, you know how Contact Zhao Fei, he will contact me." Zhang Yang said to Anthony.

Anthony nodded, stood up from his position and said: "No problem, the boss gave me two months, I estimate that there will be the first result, I will buy enough for our company before the end of this year. Sufficient raw materials."

Zhang Yang nodded: "Well, then I can rest assured." Zhang Yang didn't realize that even Anthony didn't realize what this two people's conversation meant. After Anthony left, Zhang Yang devoted all his energy to the Starry Sky Technical School, especially in the construction of several special places. Zhang Yang personally went to select the site.

This place was Wenchuan and the neighboring counties when the earthquake occurred in the fierce year. When building schools, these cities, Zhang Yang took great pains. He struggled with whether to build schools in this place for a long time, and finally Zhang Yang was down. Decided to cover it, it must be covered, and the quality must be covered according to the level of defense against ten earthquakes. At the same time, satellite phones and other equipment to be used in the school should be prepared in the school, so that after future earthquakes occur, As long as the school is okay, it can play a big role.

Other historical Zhang Yang may be able to change, but like the natural earthquake, such as the natural disaster, Zhang Yang thinks that even if his butterfly effect is cattle, this kind of thing estimates that he may not be affected. While Zhang Yang was busy with these things, Star Group did not stop at all. On the contrary, in the next more than a month, Star Group set off a wave of buying and selling all over the world.

The first to be bought by the Star Group was FA. In 5 years, kshan mk can only be said to have just been weaned, and it was all famous, so the Star Group received FA without any resistance to the purchase.

70% of the shares, and only spent less than three billion US dollars.

Three billion dollars is now a astronomical number that is too large to add to the current ratio...and now FA

Entering a period of rapid development, a few years later, the market value of Ren u*k may make everyone exclaim that Star Group has made another profitable sale.

And the second and third were successfully acquired by the two companies amd and ati that Zhang Yang thought would be difficult, but ati was later aamd. The purchase has been made, which proves that the two companies still have something in common. Now the gap between ati and ...D Foura is still quite large, plus the current market value of amd is not particularly high, the two companies are in After Chen Xiaowei contacted them, although after a short period of silence and consternation, he soon became interested in the topic described by Lian Xiaowei. amd

I want to talk to I. It's not news for a long time, but aamdD started relatively late. When anubis is a little famous, I. TEL is already a super giant in the industry, and the biggest shortcoming of anubis compared with the other party is insufficient funds! It is not that simple to engage in cPU. The amount of money invested in research every year is definitely not a small number, but what is the biggest problem of Star Group at present?

It's very simple, there is only one of the biggest problems of Star Group at present, that is, there is no place to spend money! $150 billion in cash! This is still cash! If the Star Group wants debts and bank financing, I am afraid it can at least get a horrible figure of 100 billion US dollars! This is why aamdD and ati are very interested after learning that the Star Group intends to take over the two companies. To put it bluntly, they fancy the Star Group's money.

After the Star Group was less than a week away from the acquisition of the purchaser, it announced the successful acquisition of aamd and at" and the formation of the first chip company under the Star Group by anubis and ati. The name did not take the Star Group and continued the original aamdD. The name, Chaowei Semiconductor Co., because aamd and ati are both currently listed in the United States, if the name is changed, the two companies' shares must be listed in the new group, and Zhang Yang is most afraid of trouble. Anyway, it is a name. It does not matter if it is changed. In fact, the gap between amd and I.T is still quite large, even after a few years, the market value of aamdD is still only tens of billions of dollars, that is, billions of dollars, which is the same after it is combined with ati. But it is different now. , After the Star Group announced the acquisition of the two companies, the market value of aamdD and ati immediately began to rise, and the increase was quite large. The market value of the two companies was not high, that is, about three to four billion US dollars, but was starved by the sky. After the group's acquisition, the market value of the two groups quickly rose to more than 10 billion US dollars and nearly 20 billion US dollars, and the market value increased more than five times.

Then, with Chen Xiaowei's announcement, the Star Group invested US$20 billion in anubis and ati to support amd in the research and development of new products, which caused an uproar in the US media. Everyone knows that aamd is short, and after aamdD buys ati, it means that aamdD becomes one of the only companies in the world that can provide CPU, motherboard chips, and graphics chips to customers at the same time.

Moreover, the biggest shortcoming of aamd was directly compensated by the Star Group. At the same time, the Star Group also has good strength, although the Star Group has never shown it in this regard. But the fact that the Star Group can have today has a lot to do with the Star Group's strength in computers.

However, although the acquisition of aamd and ati has set off a frenzy in the industry, many financial experts are analyzing that the Star Group is using the funds in their hands and spending money crazy, but whether the acquisition of these companies can produce chemical effects. This is still An unknown. ! ! ! ;




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