The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 547: 1 Basket plan (middle)

But no one thought that this was just a prelude to the starry sky group’s crazy plan. You know that the paper Zhang Yang gave Chen Xiaowei had dozens of companies on it. Although the market value of these companies is not too high, there are many even It's just a small company, such as LACEBOOK. At this time, LACEBOOK didn't reach tens of millions of dollars. Starry Sky Group can be said to have taken nothing.

However, there are still some big companies. With the passage of time, Star Group's press conference is also held, and people all over the world are somewhat numb by Star Group's madness during this time. "Everyone has calculated an account for the Starry Sky Group." In less than a month, the Starry Sky Group was solely for the purpose of acquiring major companies, and at the same time, a basket plan for Chapter 547 of these companies (middle) Financing, restructuring, etc. cost around US$50 billion before and after! That is to say, the cash in the Star Group's hands has dropped by a third!

But no one expected that the next news would shock everyone. In fact, Zhang Yang did not expect it to be so easy. Although Zhang Yang wrote this company, Zhang Yang actually did not hold How much hope "First, this company's influence in the United States is not small," second, this company's shares are relatively concentrated" is not so good to acquire.

However, Zhang Yang did not expect this thing to be done by Chen Xiaowei. In August, during the hottest season, the Star Group once again held a press conference, and everyone was guessing what company the Star Group acquired. The news released by the group's press conference shocked everyone fiercely. At this time, all the talents exclaimed, and some financial experts exclaimed what the Star Group was paying attention to.

The news is very simple, the whole thing did not appear from the beginning to the end, Li Keqing did not appear, it was Chen Xiaowei who was at the top of the hand. The news was naturally announced by Chen Xiaowei. "Just yesterday, Starry Sky Group just had a basket plan with Qualcomm, Inc. (China) reached an agreement, the Star Group invested a total of 46.7 billion US dollars or perhaps 55.7% of the US Qualcomm Group's shares, successfully holding the US Qualcomm company, and Qualcomm will work with six companies such as AMD and ATI Together to form Star Semiconductor, these several companies will all become the holding subsidiaries of Star Semiconductor! "When Chen Xiaowei smiled and faced hundreds of reporters and announced the news," the whole venue was in an uproar.

And those outside the world who saw this news suddenly discovered what the Star Group did. Qualcomm, the name of this company may not be very famous! But after smartphones became popular all over the world, Qualcomm, a company that originally occupied only about a quarter of the world's mobile phone CPU market, started to make a third of the world with two other companies!

The reason why Zhang Yang didn’t start moving Samsung is here. Isn’t Samsung’s mobile phone CPU a bullish fork? Now that’s fine, after Qualcomm becomes a subsidiary of Star Group, don’t think about the domestic market. Especially domestic ones. It is absolutely impossible for those domestic mobile phone manufacturers to use Samsung's CPU. "Whoever uses it, no one can sell the phone."

As all the talents of the components of Star Semiconductor found out, Star Group has formed a complete system in the CPU market. Perhaps INTEI is a well-deserved leader in the CPU market of the computer field, but in the mobile phone market, INTEI's CPU has been It's sloppy, and there is no way to compare with these three companies, so Zhang Yang is not afraid of INTEI in the mobile phone market.

After Zhang Yang acquired AMD and ATI, Zhang Yang solved the biggest problem of Qualcomm mobile phone CPU in his previous life.

Qualcomm's CPU is definitely the best in terms of system loading, operation and performance." Texas Instruments' CPU can only be said to be quite satisfactory. Samsung is not as good as Qualcomm in this respect, but Qualcomm's CPU is indeed the worst among the three companies in graphics and image processing. , But now this problem has been solved. "With AMD and ATI, well-known graphics card companies of later generations, high-end companies in graphics and image processing joined, after the three companies started to share technology, Qualcomm's CPU graphics and image processing capabilities are beyond doubt. Too.

Originally, Apple’s IPHONE series of CPUs were developed in cooperation with Samsung in the previous life, provided technical support by Apple, Samsung foundry. But in this life because of Zhang Yang’s intervention, Apple chose to cooperate with Texas Instruments and after Star Group announced the acquisition of Qualcomm, Apple It was also announced that the new generation of IPHONE 2 generation mobile phone CPUs are expected to be replaced at the end of the year. The same? * Also sold at a rate of $100 million to Qualcomm.

Although Apple has not announced the end of the contract with Texas Instruments, everyone knows that this will be undoubtedly in the future. It can be seen from Apple’s sale of its CPU R&D department to Qualcomm. Star Group has already adjusted its strategy. "Because these companies are all subsidiaries of the Star Group, and it is impossible for the Star Group to resell the acquired shares to others, there will be no problem in merging these companies with each other." Is the best choice.

And this series of combined punches made INTEI, who hadn't even ignored it, sit still.

There is no way, "If AMD and ATI are the two companies alone, "INTEI is not afraid." After all, AMD has received financial support from Star Group, but there are still some gaps between its technology and INTEI. These gaps are not short-term. Can be solved within.

But now I have joined a Qualcomm and an Apple hardware department. You should know that Apple also sells its own notebooks. "Although Apple's notebook CPUs have always used INTEI CPUs, Apple's own hardware department also has quite a lot in this regard. The skill, now that the technology departments of these companies are combined, INTEI has to admit that their biggest opponent in personal PC history has finally appeared.

Less than three weeks after the announcement of the Star Group, INTEI announced that it will increase its hardware R&D department by $10 billion in R&D expenses, which will be used to study the latest dual-core CPUs for personal computers.

AMD is almost unwilling to lag behind and announced that after the integration of the hardware departments of several companies, it will "update AMD's current CPU and introduce a new dual-core CPU."

The actions of the two companies undoubtedly announced the advent of the new era of INTEI and the new AMD confrontation, oh no, it should be said that the era of confrontation between INTEI and the Star Group began. Immediately after INTEI, Qualcomm announced the development of the latest mobile phone CPU, and this new mobile phone CPU

The dual core concept will also be adopted.

Qualcomm's announcement is like giving the world a more turbulent mobile phone market because of Apple's sudden rise. Nokia, Motorola and other companies have announced that they have increased their own mobile phone development. But they all have an unbearable dilemma, that is, "Obviously, after the biggest drawback of the battery is solved, the biggest development direction of the mobile phone market in the future is smartphones!

But now, as long as you talk about smartphones, there is an unstoppable hurdle, Star Group! Apple is owned by Star Group. The patents for touch screens and multi-touch patents for smartphones are all in Star Group! And the latest battery is also in Star Group! Now Star Group has its own mobile phone CPU manufacturer. In other words, in the mobile phone industry, Star Group has formed a unique industrial chain of its own company.

All the components of the entire mobile phone can be produced by their own company, and what other advantages do they have?

Huge user base? Yes, their user base still seems to be larger than Apple's user base, but can this number withstand the passing of time? Nokia didn’t pay attention to smartphones for the first time in its life, which caused the company’s stock to fall wildly and its market value shrunk madly. Tiger.

Just when Zhang Yang looked at the huge and complacent Starry Group in front of him, a phone call from Jobs awakened Zhang Yang from his dream. Jobs’ content on the phone is simple,

There is only one, that is, several other companies have begun to conspire to sue the Star Group in terms of monopoly.

Zhang Yang has a headache, monopolizing this thing. In terms of the products produced, it is simply a nonsense to say that the Star Group monopolizes. With so many mobile phone manufacturers in the world, where is the Star Group? But from another point of view, "Star Group is a monopoly, that's This depends on how the governments of various countries judge. But so many mobile phone manufacturers sued the Star Group in their respective countries to monopolize this" Pressure, how the governments of various countries will judge, Zhang Yang really has no idea.

"I don't think this is a problem." Zhang Yang thought for a while or came up with a solution.

"What do you mean? It's really not difficult to solve this matter, as long as we relax on patents, the problem is that once patents relax," our mobile phone will face competition. "Jobs said helplessly, the monopoly business is easy to do." Everyone knows this. "If it is possible, Jobs also wants to monopolize."

"You can rest assured that our reputation has already started. Even if other mobile phone manufacturers are involved, the impact on us is actually very small." Users have a habit of using it. When they are used to our system, they are used to us. After the mobile phone, it is not used to change other mobile phones. Why is Microsoft always so strong? This is the reason. Although they may steal some users in terms of price, but we are loose on the patent, the mobile phone is used as a system." Do they still Can you use this to sue us to monopolize? "Zhang Yang paused and said.!!!;




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