The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 565: Structure (4)

Perhaps the companies acquired by the Star Group are not the most advanced in the industry, but the strength of their integration is not worse than other companies, especially when these products form a complete industrial chain, its hardware performance will be Although it does not dare to say that it is 100% perfect, it is definitely at least 90%.

For example, hard disks, most of the current hard disks are parallel hard disks, and high-speed serial disks have just begun to develop. However, if the Star Group launches a complete computer, it is completely unnecessary. You can directly use the onboard solid-state hard disk and mechanical hard disk. Mention the operating efficiency and utilization rate of the computer, and its cost will be lower than that of other companies.

For example, the video card can be made into an on-board video card. The on-board video card and the structure of Chapter 565 (4) are not on-board video memory. These are two delusions, which refers to welding the independent video card directly to the hard disk through technology. In order to achieve the purpose of increasing the use efficiency of video memory, etc., this may not be the best, but it can explain one thing, that is, the Star Group has formed an industrial chain, and does not need to look at the eyes of any other company.

After communicating with the Blizzard Game's Warcraft creation team, Mo Lei and Mo Xin stayed here. Now there is no better environment for the Star Group, but it is not as good as Blizzard, but Zhang Yang will be responsible for writing lucky software. Wu Bo and others were transferred to Blizzard for cooperation and development.

In fact, it is not difficult to modify the situation of World of Warcraft. The main characters, the map art resource Nebula software can be generated directly, which saves a lot of art. It is important to know that when World of Warcraft was created, the main force was the huā fee on the art. Too. And now other data can be called out, and the artist has Nebula software there, so the progress should be quite fast.

When the Blizzard was settled well, on the evening of that day, in the morning of Europe, Vivendi Group suddenly unilaterally announced the termination of the contract with GM Group and withdrew the sale of the Global Chapter 565 Chapter 4 Structure (4) Theater Negotiation of most shares. When this news came, Zhang Yang suddenly understood why Vivendi Group wanted Li Keqing to announce a capital injection of US$50 billion.

At this moment, if the debt of Vivendi Group is not sold, if it does not sell most of the shares, I am afraid that Vivendi Group will face the risk of bankruptcy, so it was only in the last life that most of the shares of Universal were sold to GM Group. But what surprised Zhang Yang was that if his memory is correct, it seems that it should be 2004, Vivendi sold Universal to GM, right? Why was it still in Vivendi's hands in 2005?

Is this also its own influence? But he didn't have any intersection with Vivendi. Except for signing a contract with Blizzard, there was no intersection with Vivendi Group itself. It is impossible to affect here even if you have the butterfly effect.

Can't figure it out, Zhang Yang didn't think about it anyway, he couldn't go back to his previous life to check if Vivendi Group was sold in 2005, but now it seems that Vivendi Group is not very good It may be sold worldwide. However, Zhang Yang still couldn't understand that the Star Group did not really want to finance the Vivendi Group. The two parties were only an agreement. The Vivendi Group's financial situation is quite poor. The debt has reached the time when the repayment must be made. What are they from? Places change money.

However, soon the Vivendi Group explained to Zhang Yang. Just less than an hour after the appointment between the two sides, Vivendi Group suddenly heard the news to BNP Paribas, one of the four largest banks in the world Submit a new loan financing application, and further increase the loan amount, at the same time submitted a new investment plan to BNP Paribas.

When the news came out, everyone was a bit stunned. Was Vivendi Group crazy? Vivendi Group has applied for loans to the Paris Bank several times before, but they were rejected by the other party. Although Paris Yinyang is very interested in Vivendi Group’s new investment plan, it still requires Vivendi Group to rank first. Only the first loan can issue the second loan.

But now Vivendi Group has not only submitted a higher loan amount, but also applied again? What confidence do they have to ensure that BNP Paribas can pass their loan application? Just as everyone was stunned, Star Group suddenly heard a new news. Star Group Chairman Ms. Li Keqing and France Vivendi Group reached a preliminary agreement, the most preliminary agreement to invest 50 billion US dollars in Vivendi Group.

When the news spread, everyone immediately realized that it was no wonder that the Vivendi Group dared to apply to BNP Paribas. It turned out that a big rich man stood at $50 billion, and he was already able to buy half of the Vivendi Group, Bank of Paris. It is bound to be affected by this news.

After seeing this news, Zhang Yang immediately understood what Zi Futu was doing. This guy played the financial means with great pleasure.

Vivendi Group’s previous debt was about more than 10 billion US dollars. Now they have submitted a 15 billion US dollar loan application to the Paris Bank. If the loan application of the Paris Bank is approved, then the Vivendi Group can not only Repaying the first batch of US$10 billion in loans, you can also get US$5 billion in working capital, plus the US$1.5 billion paid by the Star Group to purchase Blizzard Entertainment, Vivendi Group has nearly seven in hand One billion dollars of liquidity.

Regardless of what Vivendi Group’s new one-step investment plan is, the money is enough to support Vivendi Group for the next year, and after one year, Vivendi Group’s income can keep their capital chain from reaching Broken, but they have retained the money-making machine around the world.

With the advancement of science and technology, the living standards of various countries are getting higher and higher, and the consumption of movies has also begun to expand in a wide range of countries. With the global, Vivendi Group can guarantee billions of dollars in revenue every year. A sum of money, plus other Vivendi Group companies, at least this crisis is over.

Selling a Blizzard is nothing. After all, Blizzard is a game company. The annual profit of various games is only hundreds of millions of dollars. If Universal makes a good movie, I am afraid that the money will be recovered. . And don’t say, there is really a very competitive movie at the moment, that is, a large-scale game adaptation movie made by Star Group for Blizzard Entertainment’s StarCraft 1.

The entire movie is no shorter than Lord of the Rings, with a three-hour screening time and this is just the first step. Because Blizzard was still a company of Vivendi Group at that time, the entire movie made for StarCraft I was divided into three parts, and the copyrights were all in the hands of Vivendi Group, that is, in the hands of Universal and Star Group It only has 20% of the sales share of the film.

However, apart from using the portrait rights of some Hollywood stars, the entire movie did not use any live shooting at all. The entire movie was produced by CG animation. This is also the first CG animated movie completed by Nebulas software. 〖Japanese〗The final fantasy special effects are even better.

Moreover, if Zhang Yang remembers correctly, the first StarCraft movie seems to have been released in North America during the National Day of 〖China〗. It’s just a bit speechless, and there is another film released at the same time. , That's the return of Paramount's Superman. Originally Superman returned was not Paramount, but Zhang Yang did not know how this thing went to Paramount.

But in any case, the two special effects movies produced by the Starry Sky Group will start playing against the stage. No matter what idea the Vivendi Group plays, it has nothing to do with Zhang Yang anyway. Anyway, he got OK with Blizzard he wanted. I just don't know if BNP Paribas can pass the investment application of Vivendi Group.

However, I have seen the well-made StarCraft movie Zhang Yang, and the scene is absolutely magnificent. Because it is a CG special effect, there is no problem with the production cost at all, so the whole scene is the kind of unusually grand war scene! Compared with this film, the Galaxy Team looks like a graffiti. Although the whole movie can be seen as a real person as long as the person who knows the insider looks carefully, Zhang Yang dares to guarantee that the effect of the nebula can be achieved as a fake. To the point that those audiences cannot distinguish.

After the trailer of StarCraft was released in Europe and America, it has been the first in the movie expectation list. However, its production costs have not been disclosed to the public. Vivendi and Universal don’t know how to tell Zhang Yang. It’s impossible to tell them, and they can’t tell them that the cost of the entire film production is the wear and depreciation of the supercomputer and the salary of employees Something like that? Even the actors have no remuneration, just use their portrait rights. Of course, if this film can compete with Hollywood's best films, the protagonists still have to come forward.

After boarding in the United States for a few days, Wu Bo, who had been transferred from China, arranged for Zhang Yang before returning to China by special plane. GOD also followed Mo Lei and they stayed at Blizzard. By the time Zhang Yang came back, Bai Su had already recruited people. At least they could maintain basic operations, including the establishment of clubs in various countries, and the e-sports of Star Group by governments of various countries. League invitations, etc.

After returning to China, Zhang Yang quickly asked Bai Su to hold a press conference, announcing news about the World of Warcraft battlefield and career joining the Star Cup, as well as other news of being able to join the Star Cup game. With the announcement of Star Group, the world’s most exciting players are World of Warcraft players. After all, it is announced that only those who often play World of Warcraft can become one of the members of the professional team.

Didn't Star Group say? Although the Carrion World Competitive Edition is a re-made art resource, etc., the game’s damage data, game character’s skills, attributes, and talents are directly drawn from World of Warcraft data, and will not be reset, although the skill special effects Will be reset, but the role, effect, etc. of the skill will not be reset.

In this way, with the talents of World of Warcraft and the use of skills, etc., only these old players of Warcraft can understand these skills. Their starting point is naturally more high-end than others. So these people are very likely to impact the first batch of team competitions, individual competition of one million dollars in prize money.

The bonus provided by the Star Group is for all games, and the share of each game is about one million dollars. However, the bonus is not the main factor that stimulates the development of the industry. In fact, the most important factor is the advertisements sought by the clubs. This is the key to the prosperity of the entire industry.

And now the Star Cup games not only include the world's most fun stand-alone games, but now even online games with the highest number of registered players in the world are included. How big is the population covered? I am afraid that there are at least hundreds of millions of players, these people are the eyes of major advertisers.

Although the Star Cup began to recruit advertisers, what Zhang Yang did not expect was that the first advertiser to invest was not any advertiser that Zhang Yang had made before, but Pepsi! Pepsi was the first to come to the door, and at the price of 500 million US dollars in one fell swoop to buy the Star Cup's key position in the world's advertising.

After receiving this news, Zhang Yang was still shocked. The advertising cost of PepsiCo’s annual huā fee is not known, but the 500 million US dollars is quite terrible. And Zhang Yang also explained in advance Bai Su, if an advertiser finds it, the first advertiser will give a discount.

500 million US dollars, is this a preferential price? Zhang Yang is a little speechless, but Zhang Yang also understands that PepsiCo’s $500 million huā is not wrong at all. In fact, let alone the world, it is not wrong to lose the 500 million Pepsi in 〖China〗, knowing the Star Group How powerful and terrifying is the current influence among young people in China?

As the first advertiser to support Star Group, Star Group held a press conference specifically for Pepsi, and future sponsors will not have this treatment. Although Pepsi is betting,

I made the first one to eat crabs. No one can say how bad it is. However, the president and director of Pepsi-Cola enjoyed it on the third day of the press conference, because from the rough statistics just obtained, on the second day of the press conference, Pepsi’s sales increased by at least 100% year-on-year. Three hundred, although this is the data of the sample survey in 〖China〗, but this data can be maintained in the next year, even if the data is maintained in 〖China〗, Pepsi will earn! ! ! ! ;




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