The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 566: Connect or not connect (on)

Chapter 566: Whether to Accept or Not (Part 1)

Regardless of Pepsi, this is not something that Starry Sky Group needs to consider. Now Zhang Yang needs to consider too many things. The Starry Sky Cup is not just a cup game, because Zhang Yang spreads the stall at one time, so all the work is combined. The workload is too big. Fortunately, Zhang Yang used the reference and the reference to get quite comprehensive when specifying the rules of the cup. With these rules as the fundamental, as long as it is in accordance with the regulations, it saves a lot of work.

However, around this, there are still many loopholes, and these loopholes are still being perfected. During this time, almost all the employees recruited by Starry Sky Group have been invested in the formation and registration of clubs in various countries. In these formed clubs, There is a considerable part of some good people who play games or play Chapter 566 or not (Part 1). But there are also some clubs invested by large companies, such as Jiucheng Company.

I am afraid that the only one that has not established a club is Star Group. "This is your company's supercomputer?" It wasn't anyone else who spoke, but it was Luo Ge who was pulled by Zhang Yang from the research base. Luo Gai's face was already quite pale, and his hair was also lost due to long-term use of those drugs. At the moment, he was completely bald.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Zhang Yang nodded. Luo Gai had no chance to see the Starry Group's technical department. This time, Luo Gai was transferred to Luo Gai for the first time to see their super computer. Luo Gai shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, but I tell you the truth, did you order this supercomputer from Siyou?"

"Well." This can be seen from the signs on those supercomputers. Besides, there is nothing to hide from this thing. "To be honest, the server of the four trainers is the best, but there is a problem, that is, the CPUs of the four trainers are all reduced instruction set CPUs. This kind of CPU is used for the Adam system. Oh, that is the starry sky system now. In other words, the utilization rate is not high. It is better to use the complex to refer to Chapter 566 or not (Part 1), that is, our personal supercomputer is much more beneficial to the starry sky than the computer. "Luo Ge lowered his voice and whispered to Zhang Yang.

I am afraid that only Luo Gai and Zhang Yang in the world now know the real existence of the starry sky. "Are you sure?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but asked, the C of the complex instruction set was just not good as the C of the supercomputer, because many of its operations are useful for personal concave but not too much for the server It has a great effect, and many of its functions are easy to conflict.

"Of course, so, I won't come here, I can't think of it, I will give you something." Luo Gai didn't wait for Zhang Yang's response, just sat on a workbench and started to work, Zhang Yang After thinking about it, I quickly whispered to the security guard who was in charge of protecting Luo Gai. The security nodded immediately and then signaled to the other security guards. These security guards who personally protected Luo Gai's safety immediately isolated the other technicians.

These technicians are also very interesting, knowing that there are secrets above that they don't want them to know, so they all do their own things, and Luo Gai's behind is only left with publicity. As Luo Gai started to work as a computer, Zhang Yang's eyes instantly glared at the boss. As soon as the expert shot, he knew if there were any. Luo Gai once said that he was on the Internet, but Zhang Yang didn't know this song, so I didn't know it had. More cattle.

But Luo Gai's work at this moment can be said to be quite different from what Zhang Yang imagined. The entire system of the Starry Sky Group is Starry Sky, which was the former Adam, but its most prototype is still based on the EINUX system, that is to say, its The basic code is still EINUX, and after many years of hard work by ANUBIR programmers, it gradually evolved into what it is today.

But Luo Gai used an embedded program. This program was found by Luo Gai from the Internet. Where it was found, Zhang Yang did not know. This program is very simple, that is, it can be directly implanted into the system, and then use this input command to work on the bottom layer of the system. Seeing this, Zhang Yang understands why Luo Gai did not warn Zhang Yang when he tested the starry sky.

Obviously, there is a back door left by Luo Gai in the starry sky system! "This is also the reason why I found that the starry sky has mutated, because this backdoor allows me to directly order the entire system to get the highest management authority of the entire system, but now I have not got the highest authority of the system, but just I got a default secondary permission, that is to say, the core permission of the entire system is still you." Luo Gai said to Zhang Yang while doing it.

Zhang Yang nodded silently. From the rebirth to the present, although Zhang Yang never felt that he was too bullish, but in terms of computer strength, Zhang Yang did not put anyone in the eye, even though THANATAR once gave Zhang Yang a lot of pressure. , But for Zhang Yang, THANATAR is just an opponent, but Luo Gai’s work only made Zhang Yang understand that Luo Gai’s understanding of computers is no longer just like Zhang Yang, they are just familiar and based on computers. This big environment to modify some software, so as to make some achievements, hack into other systems and so on.

And Luo Gai has risen to the analogy of the basic rules of the computer that he began to modify. This is like in mythical novels, some people who practice monasticism are only based on the rules of the whole world to enhance their power, no matter how powerful his power is. How much he will use the energy between heaven and earth, but he is still only one of the people who appear within the limits of this heaven and earth rule.

Even Zhang Yang is such a top-notch master, but Luo Gai's insight is to start to modify the power of the rules that make up the entire space. It is an exaggeration to say that the two sides are not on the same level. For example, now, Luo Gai only uses a small program to directly modify the machine language, and from here, you can test the hardware performance of the entire supercomputer, and start to modify some of the hardware code, which Zhang Yang cannot do.

Looking at the bare head in front of him, Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling a sigh of relief. Sure enough, if God gave you something, he would take away another. People like Luo Gai actually only have less than 7 months of life left. And, depending on his current physical condition, in the next few months, I am afraid I can only spend it on the hospital bed. Whether I can continue to do experiments and research is unknown.

Luo Gai didn't test the computer performance for a long time, but pulled a software and started to build a model. With Luo Gai's work, Zhang Yang's eyes slowly began to shine. Although Zhang Yang did not reach the level of Luo Gai, But what he made was publicly understandable, not to mention Luo Gai made a short mark next to it.

Luo Gai designed the structure of a supercomputer. "I've seen the design drawings of your Starry Sky Park building. This thing is just practical for you. The entire supercomputer is composed of a 7656-C concave array structure and a brain. These 7600 The fifty-six C concave array structure is composed of different numbers of concave U from 3 to the old block, a total of 61,248 C Gang, in addition, it also has a main computing area, It is composed of 8,192 blocks of C. The whole structure constitutes a complete supercomputer, and the number of its C array array structure is the same as the number of subsystems of the starry sky system!" Luo Gai said side by side. Explain to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang heard a little dizziness, and the number of these C recesses alone made Zhang Yang feel a cold sweat. A total of sixty-four thousand four hundred four Feng Cang, the value of these C Gangs alone is a huge number. The other structural parts that make up these C recesses are a huge number.

"In addition, this thing is a piece of C designed by me. I dare not guarantee the performance on the market, but I found that the current C research on the market has entered a strange circle. I admit that multi-core C can just improve performance. But that is not unlimited. Even if the machining technology advances fast, humans can pursue the manufacturing technology of the extreme nano, but that is not boundless. But I can’t solve this problem unless humans invent new materials, but, I modified the chip bridge and circuit structure in it. Under the condition of the same core, the overall performance of C Gang has increased by at least about 400%, and it does not affect the performance of multi-core."

Luo Gai did not know where to download a large document, and pointed to a C designed in the document and said. Zhang Yang's eyes almost bulged out, did he make a mistake, 400%? ! According to the meaning of Luo Gai, that is to say, the performance of this concave U dual-core will be more than four times that of the best INTE processor currently on the market, that is, the CPU of the INTE8 core

And it solves the problem of adding core itself? "Can this thing be produced with the current technology?" Zhang Yang felt that he was a little dry, and that this thing was living money. Luo Gai turned his head back and shrugged indifferently: "Of course, Dan, but for you, it has a very serious problem."

"What's the problem?" Zhang Yang asked subconsciously immediately.

"Although this C concave is my successful research in the recent, but when I was organized under Freemasonry, that is, under F, I began to study it, although the data in F hand is not retained Many, although it is just a scrap of this C, but if you put it on the market... F will immediately realize that I am in the Starry Sky Group." Luo Gai said stop here.

Luo Ge did not continue to say the next thing, he knew that Zhang Yang understood the seriousness of the matter. Luo Gai's words immediately made Zhang Yang raise his eyebrows, his whole face became serious, and the excitement just disappeared.

Star Group is now a big business, but the structure of Star Group is too sparse. Once F realizes this problem and starts to fight back, whether Star Group can resist, it is really unknown. Don't look at the Starry Sky Group as if it were a huge monster now, but this monster is just huge, its muscles and bones haven't grown strong, and its skin hasn't grown to the point of the copper wall and iron walls.

Freemasonry does not only have the strength in business, but the unknown strength that has penetrated into all walks of life for hundreds of thousands of years. That is the most fearful. ! ! ! ;




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