The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Connect or not connect (below)

After reading Luo Gai’s diary, Zhang Yang admired the boy who was only this year old. Although he could not experience the pain he said, Zhang Yang could imagine that even if his brain caused his IQ to be high for various reasons, At best, he was just a young man who came to this world before he was twenty years old. ;

In this year, he saw something that many people couldn't see. Perhaps he should feel happy now, at least he wants to understand something. Zhang Yang never felt that he was a saint, and he never thought of any great ideals to contribute to human development, but at least in Luo Gai, Zhang Yang really saw this spirit, he used his life to describe such a scroll, In addition to admiration, Zhang Yang couldn't think of anything else.

No gossip, just as Zhang Yang thought about whether or not to answer Chapter 568 (Part 2), the next day Star Group announced that Intel had bought the Star Cup at a price of 500 million US dollars per year. After sponsoring the advertisement, people all over the world did not believe it, but after getting the affirmation from Intel, everyone’s expression was a little weird. The embarrassing situation between Intel and Starry Sky can be understood by everyone, but Unexpectedly, at this moment, the Star Group still did not take advantage of its own company's such a good opportunity to lay the foundation for its newly established Star Computer Company, but also undertook the opposite advertising business.

What is this for? No matter what you do, Star Computer, a subsidiary of the Star Group, immediately announced that it also purchased the one-year advertisement of the Star Cup for the same price of 500 million US dollars, and will launch a world's first complete machine when it arrives in 2006. Combined with personal PC computers, the year-on-year performance estimate will break Moore's Law for the first time, especially the outstanding performance in graphics cards, and it can meet more luxurious 3D rendering effects and so on.

Immediately after Star Computer, INTEI was not far behind, and also announced that it will launch a new personal dual-core CPU. The new dual-core CPU will be connected or not received than Chapter 568, which has just been launched (below) Substitute product performance is more excellent. Compared with Intel’s announcement, Zhang Yang did not feel anything. Although Zhang Yang did not know how Luo Gai knew that the future CPU is a dual-core processor and a multi-core processor era, Luo Gai had served in the laboratory before , Intel and other research should not hide them.

The CPU proposed by Luo Gai has already caught up with the CPU after two or three years, but it should be noted that the performance generated by the new architecture is not generated by technology. With the development of nanotechnology, I am afraid that the performance of this architecture will increase faster.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yang did not want to take out this CPU. When Bai Su held a press conference, Zhang Yang had already asked Luo Gai and asked Luo Gai for the research data of this CPU. Zhang Yang did not ask AMD to come up with a comparison. Intel’s better products come out, but as long as AMD

It is enough to work **** this architectural direction proposed by Luo Gai.

The laboratory on the chip under the construction of Starry Sky Heavy Industry has been almost completed. Zhang Yang can mobilize AMD researchers in China directly, as long as they arrive in China, after the laboratory's safety is guaranteed, they will experiment on their own. In the room, this new architecture of CPU can naturally appear, and continuous research, as long as the laboratory keeps the technology updated. As for the market, publicity is still waiting for two or three years.

However, Zhang Yang did not expect that the press conference of Phantom Technology and Apple would be held together with Bai Su, and when Apple announced that it would license the related technology patents of smartphones to Phantom Technology.

And only in exchange for a very small share of Phantom Technology, and 40% of sales profits, the whole world was in an uproar.

Although Phantom Technology is not well-known, it does not matter, it is now well-known.

What does this news mean? It means that Apple, which vaguely has a monopoly concept in the smartphone field, has not maintained this monopoly, but has given up this cake.

At this time, the major media have speculated that the major mobile phone manufacturers may be dying to die. After all, although the traditional mobile phone market still has a place in the current market, with the development of time, within the next three to five years I am afraid that the number of users in the traditional mobile phone field will shrink to a relatively small part. It is only a matter of time before it is replaced by a smartphone. However, although these media guessed rightly according to common sense, they did not expect that the major mobile phone manufacturers in the world not only did not want to work hard, but wanted it.

They were busy for a long time before they prepared the information in their hands and handed it to the courts of various countries. Although the court is still investigating and did not submit a subpoena to Apple, this is not far away today, but no one Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, Apple suddenly came to such a place, which is like these hands * manufacturers have been holding a lot of strength to prepare a punch and hit the opponent.

Who knows that it fell on a soft cotton huā all at once, and this kind of effortless feeling almost made them suffocate the internal injury, and directly spurted blood out. It is not necessary to know that the courts in various countries will not issue subpoenas to Apple. The original application made the courts in various countries very difficult. Although the smartphone has two more words, it is also attributed to the mobile phone. , Can you say that there are so many mobile phone manufacturers in the world?

This is simply a matter of nonsense, but it is still a little theoretical basis, but now it is fine, the only theoretical basis is gone, and a fart, and the judge of the court is not an idiot. This is obviously plain and innocent. In the end, the judges of various countries will not do things that have not yet produced a good result. Regardless of the judges of other countries, it is South Korea. Samsung’s courts in countries with considerable domestic influence have called the Samsung Group directly after receiving this news. Think of the attitudes of courts in other countries.

Although Zhang Yang does not know what the situation of mobile phone manufacturers in various countries is, he can guess, but the only thing that Zhang Yang did not expect was that the first company that submitted a special application to Apple was not another company, but Samsung! Nima, it's so cheap! When Zhang Yang got the news, he made a sloppy sentence, and even Steve Jobs on the phone was speechless.

Although Steve Jobs did not know the beginning and end of the incident, he still knew those who were on the bright side, but Steve Jobs did not expect Samsung to be so shameless. "Drag, don't just promise to do it anyway. You can mention all kinds of harsh conditions. As for other mobile phone manufacturing companies, you can start normal negotiations with them." Zhang Yang has no other mobile phone manufacturers.

Negotiation is not a simple matter, even if the negotiation is fast, in this tenon event, it is not only as simple as patent licensing, but there are other things to be discussed. One half a month of negotiation, a month is normal, etc. After being authorized, and then getting technology, etc., especially the smart system of mobile phones, major companies still have to talk to the Star Group. Even if they don’t want to use the Star Group’s smart system, they will develop it by themselves.

Therefore, their mobile phones will be listed at least in the second half of 2006. I am afraid that the Phantom Technology smartphones will be available. Because the Star Group requested 40% of the sales rights of all Phantom Technology products and some shares, Phantom Technology not only received patent authorization, but also technical support.

For them, making mobile phones is faster than other mobile phone manufacturers. It’s awkward to say. Just put it in one sentence and take it away. It’s basically the same as piracy in other fields. The difference is that this piracy It is supported by the original version, and the materials used are slightly worse in terms of materials, etc., the cost is reduced, and it enters the low-end mobile phone market and grabs market resources.

What makes Zhang Yang speechless is that Phantom Technology can’t wait to hold a press conference on the second day of the press conference, announcing that Phantom Technology’s first mobile phone, Phantom, will be officially released on January 1, 2006. The official website directly gives the performance of this phone. The overall performance is slightly lower than I*, but the overall shape is black. The shape is slightly different from I*, but it is more gorgeous.

But its price is low! Its price is only 2199RMB, which is more than half cheaper than I. As soon as the price came out, I immediately got a good applause on the network. Although the performance is a bit lower than I, it is also a smart phone. UU reading www. is for those who are financially constrained and cannot afford I, Phantom is naturally a better choice!

However, this move of Phantom also made other mobile phone manufacturers understand that Phantom may have gotten together with Apple long ago. If they don’t do it again, it’s really nothing to drink! Anyway, Phantom still hasn't come up with it, and he negotiated a contract with Apple as soon as possible, so there is still the possibility of retaining his market share.

If you can’t play Yin, you can only hurry to negotiate. For a time, Jobs’ phone rang one after another. As for Samsung, Zhang Yang did not let Jobs refuse, but in fact it is impossible to completely stop them. These businessmen’s The means are far smarter than you think.

For example, find a small mobile phone manufacturer to talk to Apple about the contract. After the negotiation, these small mobile phone manufacturers are immediately acquired by someone with ulterior motives, and the contract still has to be fulfilled.

Therefore, it is impossible to really eliminate it. How much cheaper you can earn is how much cheaper, let alone, the one that is very disgusting is not used yet. ! ! ! </p>;




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