The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 569: It's you who is disgusting (1)

"You give this to Anthony, he knows what to do." Zhang Yang gave Zhao Fei a plate in his hand. The scalping company has grown very fast. At the beginning, it has sufficient funds. In addition, his bilateral trade is a serious transaction. Anthony’s true identity has never been mentioned by others, except for Zhao Fei. Apart from a few people, Li Keqing and Chen Xiaowei didn't know about it.

The only goal of the scalping company is to carry out various ore transactions around the world, and then help the Starry Sky Group to acquire platinum very secretly. As for these precious metals, Starry Heavy Industries is directly purchased from the outside world. All mining tycoons in the world basically know it, so scalping No one doubted that the company sold these things to the Star Group.

After giving the explanation to Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei is disgusting that you (1) nodded and turned out of Zhang Yang’s office, Zhao Feigang,

As soon as he left, the phone of Zhang Yang's office rang. Although this office set up Zhang Yang for a short period of time, Zhang Yang had rarely been there, knowing that he was poor in the office.

, "Hello?" Zhang Yang picked up the phone on the desk and asked in surprise, "Zhang Yang is me, Chen Xiaowei, "General Manager" has something to do with you, your phone can't get through, I'll pick you in? Asked Chen Xiaowei quickly.

Zhang Yang nodded: "You come in." Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang took out his phone and looked at it. The signal was not very good. The phone on the table rang quickly again, Zhang Yang picked up the phone and smiled and said, ""General Manager" Hello."

, "Hehe, hello, I called this time but I have good news to tell you." 〖General〗Go straight to the subject.

, "Good news? Is there any good news?" Zhang Yang asked curiously, as if Starry Sky Group had not applied anything with the country recently? What good news can there be.

"Of course it is good news. After discussing and demonstrating the establishment of the Starry Sky Security Company last time, you have agreed in principle. Your relevant application materials will be approved soon. Chapter 599. You are disgusting. (1) Come down, but the company's personnel information must be reported to the Ministry of National Security. Any employee leaving the company must ensure the safety of the company's weapons.

In addition, if there is any news, you need to contact the local public security department, can you do it? ""General Manager" pondered for a moment and said.

"Ah? Really? Of course this can be done." Zhang Yang was immediately overjoyed, and didn't expect that the issue of member information filing for this matter was not a problem at all, and Starry Group did not want to rebel, just to prevent those spies Originally, if there was state property in the company, you could apply for a gun, but Zhang Yang wanted more than just a gun.

Although the Star Group’s stuff is not a national property, it can also be counted as a national property from a certain aspect, such as the military system currently written for it. This stuff has been written within the Star Group, at least for outsiders. If it is leaked, the system may not be used even if it is successfully written in the future.

For example, although Xingkong Heavy Industry said that it has become a private company, but the batteries and other products in it have cooperation contracts with the above, and these companies cannot always mobilize all national security or troops to carry out safety work, so after repeated consideration above, they still passed Starry Sky Group's application to establish this security company.

Although the employees in this security company of the Star Group are special, they believe that these people are still good. , "It would be great if you could do it. You are given the highest authority license above. You can equip all weapons except some heavy weapons. However, in some public places, only pistols are allowed."

"No problem, no problem. But those auxiliary equipment should be nothing?" Zhang Yang asked quickly. "Auxiliary equipment? What auxiliary equipment do you want?" 〖General〗 is a bit confused. If it is just general auxiliary equipment that looks like Zhang Yang, there is no need to ask it again?

, Like radar. "Zhang Yang asked vaguely, shouldn't radar be a weapon of destruction?" "Radar?" Are you ready to equip your company with radar? "General manager's voice is a bit strange, it is estimated that this is also the first time someone has heard that the company is equipped with radar.

, "Yes, such as life detection radar and thermal energy detection radar, etc." Zhang Yang can't forget the radar at the base when they performed the mission with Zhao Fei last time, if the equipment is equipped, it is really not like to mix in people. An easy thing.

, "Uh... this is no problem in theory." 〖General〗 choked but did not refuse, anyway, these things are fine as long as they are not large-scale lethal weapons, and now the guns are given to some radars. What a big deal.

"Then I would like to thank [General Manager] first. Zhang Yang immediately [Xing] struggling for a haha. [General Manager] called to mainly inform about this matter, and then by the way, Zhang Yang must guarantee the company’s Safety. As far as personnel recruitment is concerned, the general manager did not mention it, but there are probably many people they can contact with Zhao Fei. There are also soldiers who have retired from the special forces. Although the combat experience may not be very rich, at least it is sufficient. Is this not Zhao Fei and them? With these veterans, they shouldn't have much trouble.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang called Zhao Fei directly, and then told the matter again, the company's security department was all in charge of Zhao Fei, and this matter was also handed over to Zhao Fei, let him first Make a list of the equipment that needs to be purchased, and then hand over to Luo Tianshu to purchase. As for other auxiliary facilities, they will not be installed for the time being. Wait for the company's new park construction to be installed during the renovation.

Next, there is not much about Zhang Yang. He also started to write the system above. In fact, it is written, mainly to adapt the whole rest function of the starry sky system, and then copy the overall system of the starry sky. The starry sky itself It is quite complicated. Its processing power is calculated according to its hardware. If the hardware performance can fully satisfy the starry sky system, in theory, the starry sky can monitor 600,000 different targets at the same time.

No matter what these goals are, but such an investment is also quite huge. Of course, the benefits are also unparalleled. Looking at the overall combat effectiveness of the US military, we know that what happened in the Middle East is just a few words if the Pentagon wants to know. It can be transmitted within minutes, and even the Pentagon can directly command any soldier located anywhere in the world.

This will be more intuitive for the entire battlefield, so that the commander of the battlefield can get any detailed information at any time. Although there is no way to do the same in the United States, as long as there is enough satellite system support, it can be achieved within the republic. This purpose is not difficult.

When Zhang Yang prepared the entire system, Luo Gai's progress on their side was also quite fast. The construction of the entire battle platform was basically completed, but when Zhang Yang didn't think about it, Luo Gai did not just write a platform, It is equivalent to writing a network TV station similar to PPS and PPTV.

All viewers can directly play any video they want to watch through the embedded software on the platform" and then the live broadcast of the Star Cup can also be directly performed on the live page of this platform. In this way, the saved viewers go Download additional live streaming software, and some players who do not have a game can also watch other people's games live.

Club competitions in various countries and individual competitions will be online competitions, in other words 1

In the calculation of effective points, etc., you must play against this platform, otherwise it is invalid, at least the official of the Star Cup does not recognize such game scores.

Zhang Yang, who has already seen the concept of the entire platform, has now waited for the completion of the platform, as well as the re-writing of the World of Warcraft battlefield over Blizzard. Although various shapes have abandoned existing art resources, this game, which is equivalent to a new competitive game, still adheres to their consistent style in the eyes of the programmers of Blizzard, or they will do their best if they don’t do it.

So the system of the entire game will not only be as simple as a competitive platform, but also add some other elements. The map in the client of the entire game will be divided into two large maps, the first map is the PVP area, the second This map is the arena area!

The settings of these two maps are completely different. First of all, in the PVP area, the theme is PK, endless PK, which can be wild PK, or private duel, and the system has set up a variety of leaderboards, like a battle. Power list, as well as various occupation rankings and so on.

There are also levels in the PVP area, the difference is that "the only condition for upgrading in this super-large map is to kill! The difference is that here you can't kill equipment without killing" but the durability is lost. If the durability disappears, the entire equipment will be completely scrapped. But there are also, that is, in the entire PVP area, everyone in the wild will die up to ten times a day, and each death will deduct 50% of the current experience. In theory, there can be no downgrade.

Although there are times of deaths in the wild, there are no deaths in the battlefield of the PVP area. There are also two kinds of battlefields in the PVP area. The first is team competition, and the second is qualifying.

Qualifying, as the name implies, is heads-up, because there are so many professions in World of Warcraft, in theory there can be no invincible professions, it depends on how you play. And there is absolutely no draw. Even if the two thieves meet together, they are invisible. You can find each other through the true sight in the battlefield. And there are definitely a lot of true sight runes.

There are also two types of qualifying, the first is full professional, and the second is divided into professional qualifying. There are a lot of talents here, and the addition of race is the key to winning.

The only source of equipment here is to defeat opponents in the battlefield, get honor, use honor to change materials, forge by yourself, or use honor to directly exchange finished equipment, but finished equipment does not have the best, and it is always the most moderate.

Compared with the gameplay in the PVP, the arena area is much simpler. There are no individual games in the arena area, but only team games of various numbers. The play method in the arena area is very simple. PK is not allowed on public maps. The data of all the characters in it will directly extract the data in the PVP area. In other words, what you will develop in the PVP area will directly affect your performance in the arena area, and every victory in the arena area. In the field, you will get honor points and various materials for forging equipment. Losing it has no effect, but it will affect your ranking in various leaderboards.

There are two modes in the arena area, the first team mode, which means that you start your own group, you can invite opponents to play by yourself, or you can match by the system. If the system matches, teams with equivalent combat power will be automatically assigned. The second mode is the stunned temptation of a personal follower? *ヅ淠剑Book faded. Low time 婊Shiqi stunned Mu You dizzy Better than Huan 婊Shi Lai Jiang Mu You Yan banana wish Investment court drop annoyance Banana wish σColor Qiao 嗗钗钗傅湹?br/>

The rules of the entire game are basically like this. Except for the remake of maps, skill special effects, character images, etc., other game skills, talents, levels, skill damage data, etc. are almost exactly the same as in World of Warcraft. The speed of making all this is very fast. In less than half a month, the official website of Blizzard Entertainment and the official website of the Star Cup directly opened all the materials, gameplay and related information from this World of Warcraft competitive game. Battlefield maps and so Because it is a game specially tailored for the Star Cup, Zhang Yang did not plan to operate it at all, that is, it was prepared to operate for free, but what Zhang Yang did not expect was that After the game was released to the public, the gorgeous special effects and so on attracted everyone's attention. After all, the environment and special effects in this game are all effects made by Nebula software.

The game engine was also helped by Luo Gai, and the response on the Star Cup Forum began to rise directly. One of the most interesting issues is whether this game will be open to the public, and the concern of this issue is as high as domestic More than 17 million, and the foreign attention on Blizzard's official website is as high as 20 million!

This number not only made Blizzard and Zhang Yang stunned, but also made all game manufacturers a little surprised. This attention level can only be clicked once for each registered account. In other words, the number of registered Star Cup users has reached tens of millions. This number appeared in just one month, although The reason for the Star Cup, but this game can have such a high degree of attention, obviously also attracted the attention of Zhang Yang and Blizzard. ! ! ! ;




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