The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 570: In the next city (on)

Zhang Yang has not discussed with Blizzard whether this new game is only open to these players and is open to all players. Another thing that has always been concerned has finally attracted everyone's attention. That is, the two films "Star Wars" and "Superman Returns", currently at the top of the North American and even the world's expectation list, and the second, began to be released almost simultaneously.

The difference is that it was adapted from the StarCraft 1 game. The original "StarCraft" that promoted StarCraft 1 was released four days in advance and was released this Thursday. The return of Superman is to be scheduled for next Monday. There is no way, who What about the expectations of StarCraft? The promotional video released in "StarCraft" is too shocking. The lens inside can't see a little virtual taste, and the whole scene is absolutely grand. Chapter 570 in the next city (Part 1)

In the first month of "StarCraft", there is no Protoss. The Protoss will only appear at the end of the film. The main melody of the whole shot is the human race and the Zerg, and the entire film is not as few as the Galaxy Team. A monotonous weapon, and the lowest level of Zerg.

In the three-hour film, the two camps except for the final ultimate unit did not appear, almost all the weapons are outcrop, and because this film is produced by the computer, it has also been produced in 3D version, the entire The 3D version will be even more shocking.

What is expected is that "StarCraft" will be released in a total of 3024 theaters in North America. The movie tickets for the first day of these theaters are directly bought out two days before the film is released. That is to say, no matter what the movie is, on the first day alone, Universal has got a box office score of $32.2 million! This is almost the equivalent of the weekly box office champion of the previous weeks, and StarCraft has reached it in just one day!

When he got this news, Fortu almost smiled and crooked his mouth, no matter how much box office "StarCraft" can get at the end, but according to this progress, the box office score of more than one billion US dollars is willing to be 570 chapters below One city (above) must be there, maybe it will be able to impact the box office record set by the Titanic, and the production cost of the entire film is only a few million dollars, who would believe this?

The movies on the same day as StarCraft were quite bleak. The box office performance was declining. The major film companies were speechless, but there was no way to be speechless. Now let's see how the response after StarCraft aired. Seeing such a crazy box office in North America, Zhang Yang looked forward to it. He hasn’t had time to watch this movie yet. Although Star Group has a backup of the entire movie, this thing is still shocking to watch IMAX3D!

However, there are currently too few IMAX theaters in China. There are only a few in the country, and there are only two in the city. , "Otherwise, I invite everyone to watch the movie?" Zhang Yang thought about it, naturally, it was not too difficult for the Star Group to get the master of this movie because IMAX has too few sources, so these two The theaters of IMAX are basically in a state of losing money, and it is not difficult for Star Group to want to charter a venue.

"Yes, yes, we have to watch." The most positive response was the guys in the technical department. The people who worked on the computer were relatively homely. Everyone likes to play some games. The game such as StarCraft is played by their generation. Although they have watched the entire movie, they have never seen the shock in the cinema. More importantly, it is definitely not enough to watch such a movie.

"Okay, this way, let's inform that we will go to the cinema tonight, and I will let someone contact you now. All the employees in the headquarters will go." The two theaters in Omchi are still relatively large, and the venue can accommodate six. About a hundred people. Although it was impossible to put down the entire headquarters of the Star Group, the big game would not be finished after two games. If you can’t pack a day for two days, you can’t spend much money on a theater.

Zhang Yang explained to Xia Yiyue, the first secretary of the entire group, and then called Chen Xiaowei to let her arrange this matter. Chen Xiaowei did not object. Most of the employees of the Starry Group have too little time for vacations. Although the wages are enough, people always need a rest because they are not machines. This time it should be a good break.

With the news of Zhang Yang, the whole company was boiling. Everyone had seen the promotional video, but there was no time to watch it. Besides, it was released in North America, and it will take a long time to be released in China. Now the company actually invites everyone to go to the movies. These tired people immediately cheered and everyone began to look forward to the evening.

"Is this very scary." Li Keqing asked with some fear when entering the cinema. "It's okay, it's me, I'm afraid." Zhang Yang's position is in the Zhengfeng room of the theater seats, and they are surrounded by Zhao Fei and their security guards. There are also company security guards at the door of the theater. The members they looked at were all carefully selected by Zhao Fei. They were all the old employees in the company. These people were fine.

"I said, you sit in the middle, we were scared for a while, at least someone could stop it."

Tan Yudie thought for a while and said. "Okay." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders and then sat in the middle. Li Keqing was sitting on the left, Tan Yudie was sitting on the right, and Chen Xiaowei was on the other side. Yun Wei was sitting next to Chen Xiaowei.

On the other side of Li Keqing was Li Yuxuan, Ouyang Xin and Xia Yiyue sat on the row behind Zhang Yang. A row of security guards surround the company in a row around them. The whole hall is in front of the company, and the source of the screening is also from the company, and there is no advertising. After all the people are seated, the film will begin to show directly.

At the beginning of the film, the first scene to appear is the long dark sky. The difference is that although it is the Milky Way, it is definitely not the solar system. From this angle, the entire starry sky is quite beautiful, because it is an IMAX source that is more outstanding than the 3D picture. Everyone has a feeling of being on the ground. The whole hall can't help but whisper.

Then the camera slowly zoomed out, and then appeared in the lens is a huge interstellar battleship, the entire battleship is completely the big ship of the human race in Interstellar 1, as long as anyone who has played Interstellar 1 can recognize it at a glance. Even though StarCraft 2 itself is a 2D lake game, you can still see its shadow overall. The difference is that the muzzle on the entire battleship is enlarged and clearly displayed in front of everyone.

When we saw this sturdy interstellar battleship, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, and then the camera quickly zoomed out, this time everyone was completely shocked because they appeared in them What is in front of me is not an interstellar battleship, but a whole huge human race battleship fleet!

Because the film has enough time, the entire lens alone took about ten minutes, and many details of the lens were specifically enlarged to make people look more real. The following is completely a war scene. Although the whole film also has a protagonist, the overall process is a huge war scene.

With the debut of the opposite Zerg, a lot of exclamation came from the whole theater, especially when the Zerg was seen by the most terrible ground thorns in the arms made by Nebula, the whole theater-all exclaimed Suddenly, Tan Yudie and Li Keqing subconsciously directly hid in Zhang Yang's arms. To be honest, this shot shocked Zhang Yang. Because this ground thorn emerged directly from the ground, and it looks like a giant spider, with its ugly eyes and mouthparts clearly visible, this is at 3. In the theater, suddenly appeared in front of everyone, Zhang Yang felt that his heart was almost unbearable.

At this time, Zhang Yang remembered that it seems that when the United States rated StarCraft, cardiologists were strictly prohibited from watching movies. Indeed, such scenes are estimated to be unbearable for cardiologists, even in 2D. What made Zhang Yang speechless was that, after Li Keqing and Tan Yudie got into his arms, I didn't know when, and there was a trembling person in his arms.

No need to look at it, just by sniffing it with your nose, Zhang Yang can feel it is Li Yuxuan. Li Yuxuan's body was trembling so badly that Li Keqing and Tan Yudie didn't dare to bury their heads in Zhang Yang's arms, and Li Yuxuan was terrified. Fang Shaoyun is not in the city of Om, and the two sides are just ordinary security guards, so she can only get into Zhang Yang's arms.

Zhang Yang couldn't help crying, but he patted Li Yuxuan and said, "Are you all right?"

, "No... nothing... Zhang... Zhang Yang me... I quietly you... you don't know... I don't know what I'm most... most afraid... spider... spider?" Li Yuxuan's words are unfavorable~www Li Keqing and Tan Yudie also whispered to comfort her twice.

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay, that shot has passed." Zhang Yang looked at the screen,

Said quickly. Tan Yudie and Li Keqing first carefully looked at the screen and saw that the lens had passed before patting Li Yuxuan on the back again, comforting her a few words.

Although the camera passed, Li Yuxuan was afraid to sit by herself. She simply squeezed into a chair with Li Keqing. Zhang Yang looked around a bit speechless, and Zhang Yang saw through the light of the screen that Chen Xiaowei on the other side had got into Yun Wei's arms, and the following Xia Yiyue and Ouyang Xin held each other. .

Zhang Yang almost laughed out of laughter. Does the movie he made with affection also have this effect? Isn't it similar to the Titanic? Although the process of achieving the goal is different, but now in the entire theater, there are a lot of them-I am afraid there are many. ! ! ! ;




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