The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 571: In the next city (middle)

No matter what it looks like inside the Starry Sky Group, it has no impact on the release two days later, and the result of the premiere no longer has to wait until it is released. The movie tickets are sold out in advance and the result is already known. For this reason, some newspapers such as the Los Angeles Post have commented on this matter, but these newspapers have only one comment, that is, no matter what the result is, the trailer for the movie StarCraft may be the most successful one in history. none of them.

Because there has never been such a situation in the history of Hollywood, the movie tickets were booked in advance at the rhythm of the light. I have to say that the special effects of the Star Group have done so well. I am afraid that Superman returned because of the influence of StarCraft. The box office will also be greatly improved by the good news.

This matter Starry Sky Chapter 571 in the next city (middle) group also paid attention, because this is related to the future settlement of Nebula Software. And if StarCraft can really succeed, maybe this will create a new trend of filmmaking, because the entire scene is made of computer-grade and software effects from beginning to end. The only use is the portraits of major stars. Right, but how many can that be turned into?

Even whether it meets the criteria of the Hollywood Awards is unknown. Because the box office was known in advance, but the audience's evaluation did not know whether it was good or bad, so Zhang Yang and others were very curious to wait for the reports of major US media newspapers the next night.

However, what surprised Zhang Yang and others was that the comments that flooded the entire page of the newspaper were almost the same. Apart from some praises, there was only one statement. That is, everyone said that watching this movie is completely indifferent to the meaning, because when you watch it for the first time, you will be shocked by the overall special effects, and you have no time to taste the plot. When you are numb by the special effects At that time, the entire film has fallen into the end of time.

So newspapers in major cities in the United States interviewed ten viewers, nine of them said they must re-read the entire chapter 571 in the next city (middle) movie because they found that the entire movie There are many things they all ignore. Although the overall rhythm of the film is a battle between humans and Zerg, at the end of the film, the human fleet is driven back to the galaxy where humans are by the vast air force of the Zerg, and when the whole army is about to be overthrown, the Protoss Appeared.

The appearance of the Protoss can be said to be the most gorgeous and the most beautiful place in the entire film, and the Protoss was also the only race in the production of Nebula software that had an arm that does not exist in the game than the game. In fact, this arm is not untargeted. It was made by Zhang Yang based on the prototype of the Protoss star carrier in StarCraft II in the memory of his last life.

The shot of the Protoss appearance is that a huge space-time vortex suddenly appears on the edge of the battlefield between humans and Zerg, followed by a huge, almost equivalent to the size of an asteroid, filled with faint blue and white light like a flying saucer-like mothership.

When I saw this lens, everyone in the Starry Sky Group was shocked at that time. It was an indescribable magnificence, different from the grim and unpretentious human warship, and different from the horrible evil of the Zerg, with a disgusting appearance. And the vast sea of ​​insects, the Protoss represents noble and gorgeous. Underneath that magnificent appearance is also full of terror attack power.

At the end of the film, a blocked sea of ​​insects rushed directly towards the huge mother ship. Although the light blue particle beam was shot from the mother ship, the particle beam's lethality was too small, especially Facing the terrifying sea of ​​insects, when everyone thought that the mothership would also be submerged by the vast sea of ​​insects, suddenly a small mothership with a size different from that of the human warship suddenly suddenly moved from that huge Drilled under the mothership.

Then, a large number of small fighters flew out of this small mothership, and instantly wiped out that piece of the sea of ​​insects. Until this time, all the audiences realized that with the stealth force field around the mothership, other arms would be invisible. of. And the film came to an abrupt stop here, leaving a huge suspense!

Undoubtedly, this can greatly arouse the curiosity of the audience, and even Zhang Yang can't wait to see the results below. To be honest, this is probably the first time since the movie was born, it perfectly presents the battle between humans and appearance races. The overall picture special effects have no place to dodge, and various alien arms are presented one by one.

Unlike other science fiction movies, it may not be different in a huge scene, but there are not too many shots on an extraterrestrial creature, but this is not the case for StarCraft. Not to mention those alien creatures, that is, the fully equipped mobile suits of human beings make people shout 〖Xing〗, although the overall mobile suit is a tragic existence in the face of the vast sea of ​​insects.

Moreover, the StarCraft movie is not like other big productions that only use big scenes as the selling point of science fiction. There are also many thought-provoking things in the middle, which are not without meaning. This is why many audiences say they want to go. Look at the reason for the second pass, and this evaluation is undoubtedly quite high.

In any case, Universal has made a profit this time, and there is no problem with the loan application of Vivendi Group and the Bank of Paris. Even Li Keqing’s $50 billion investment will not be cashed, but for Vivendi What is the most difficult for the group?  eclipse  arrogant and troublesome?br/>

The box office of StarCraft is no longer in doubt, and on the three days of the weekend, almost all the screenings of StarCraft are full! Many of them are the audience who watched the first time, and even the second time! And StarCraft is directly on the North American box office list without controversy this week, and its box office is unprecedented to reach more than 87 million US dollars! This is a miracle created in just four days!

"...Unlike other sci-fi movies with big scenes as the selling point, StarCraft is full of not only perfect special effects, but also magnificent war scenes, not **** horror, many of them Questions that are thought-provoking, for example, at the beginning of the film, why did not introduce the reason, humans directly attacked the Zerg.

And during the whole war, the Zerg showed a collective wisdom, but the wisdom is not particularly high, but it is still shocking in many places. For example, in 1 hour and 46 minutes, the mother insect was born to protect its own bug He used his life to block the attacks of many mobile fighters. Although the Zerg is the opposite of human beings, the Starry Sky Group did not shape them into a savage, evil, and no human race... Finally, after reading Star Wars, I still I deliberately went back and downloaded Blizzard's StarCraft game to play a few, although the picture can not be compared with the movie, but it caused my interest. "This is a comment from the Washington Film on StarCraft.

Although Zhang Yang did not see the physical newspaper, he saw the electronic version of the comment. "Hey, it looks like we have created another fortune for our company. Should we also set up a media company?" Chen Xiaowei smiled proudly and asked. With the success of StarCraft 1, the success of the next sequel is already a matter of course, and there is no Vivendi to take advantage of the fisherman next.

"Forget it, don't chew too much, and do you still have the energy to manage the media company?" Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. Now almost everyone in the Starry Sky group can't wait to have a doppelganger. If they set up another subsidiary, Not to mention the ordinary employees below, but these senior executives are probably about to approach.

"But with Nebula software, are we still afraid of making money? The StarCraft series is still going to be done, but next time we will not be so offset for the first time, and I believe that the next Hollywood will have Many movies find our company to do computer special effects, this time gave me a hard knock, our quality is there, don't worry about the price, Hollywood companies have never been afraid of throwing money, they are afraid of throwing money at nothing. Zhang Yang said quickly to Chen Xiaowei.

According to the current situation, in this way, Nebulas Software may bring about US$2-3 billion in revenue to the Starry Sky Group every year. Coupled with Apple and other companies, I am afraid that the Star Group will not be too difficult to impact the world's top 500 next year. And it is very possible to squeeze Wal-Mart down. Although Wal-Mart is still strong, but the Star Group’s ability to gather money is too scary.

Most of the media in the film industry have praised Star Group, while other media have once again lamented the Star Group. The reason is too simple. Although Star Group’s money is fast now, it is too fast to gather money. See Look, this has almost brought up some **** storms in the media industry. I am afraid that many film companies will have to look at the Star Group’s face in the future, and many newspaper media are simply speculating whether the Star Group will next I have established my own media company. After all, Starry Sky Group is too rich now.

And the Star Group is obviously diversified, so the group's ability to resist risks is naturally quite high. After reading these media reports, Zhang Yang couldn't help but shook his head, and it was true, the consequences of being too famous are like this, everyone will put you under the magnifying glass, as long as you move a little, someone will jump out and do it for you Various analyses, low-key? Since the day when Star Group became famous, the word has no connection with Star Group.

But this is just an episode. Now that the company's other things have basically entered the formal, although it takes time to integrate Star Computer, it is actually not too difficult. In addition to the need for sufficient board of directors, the management of the entire computer company On the contrary, it is easier to handle. After all, many companies before the combination have very good management, and now the star group is missing management personnel. Some of the management personnel that were replaced are directly placed by Chen Xiaowei in some important positions in other branches. on.

These people do not have much opinion, the treatment is better, and the group is more promising. It is undoubtedly easier to get results when going to a new company. These people do not have shares in the company, which naturally makes it easier to enter. The core senior level of the group. In addition, even after changing jobs in the future, there will be more capital. Now let’s say that it is not a Chinese country, and I will go abroad. When it comes to the Starry Sky Group, no one will look down upon it.

If you don’t believe it, if Chen Xiaowei resigns now, the world doesn’t know how many large groups with more than 100 billion US dollars will hesitate to hire Chen Xiaowei as the CEO of their company. There is no way, where are the achievements made by others. After turning his gaze back, Zhang Yang followed the busy military system every day, and Luo Gai and they were busy writing a battle platform, and then perfecting the competitive version of World of Warcraft.

Regarding whether this version is open to the public, Zhang Yang has not yet made up his mind. Instead, Luo Gai helped AMD solve the CPU problem in the process of writing, but it is not his new architectural method, but for The original AMD architecture has been optimized so that AMD's latest CPU performance has almost caught up with the performance of Intel Core Duo in Zhang Yang's memory.

This performance has been much higher than Intel's new generation of CPU, and its cost has not improved much. Time passed quickly. With the rapid approaching of January 1, 2006, when less than one and a half months before New Year's Day, all the procedures of the Star Cup were finally completed, and the Star Cup's battle platform and system have also been officially Going is open to the public!

This includes the registration of the club, etc., all registered clubs must pay no less than 100,000 RMB of registered capital to the Star Group, and the registered capital of the club must not be less than 500,000 RMB. Originally Zhang Yang didn't want to do it, but now it doesn't work anymore, because there are too many different clubs, and those small clubs simply don't have the ability to compete. They just want to win a bonus in the first Star Cup.

With the withdrawal of the Star Group’s new policy, more than 4,000 clubs have been successfully registered in 66 countries currently interested in starting the Star Cup. In other words, there are almost more than 60 clubs in each country. But this is only a few days ago, and these clubs do not have some big groups.

Zhang Yang didn't know if these big companies were not going to join in, or they hadn't started to work hard. However, Zhang Yang understands that it is unlikely that he is not going to join in. The reason is very simple. For these large companies, hundreds of thousands of them are not enough for their weekly advertising expenses. If their club can win the bonus, then But it's a multi-million dollar prize! This investment is also well worth it! ! ! ! ;




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