The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 572: In the next city (below)

Starry Sky Group not only made the club, but also made it possible for players to participate. First of all, these players must register and register their real name information on the Starry Sky Cup website before they have the right to register. Second, the transfer in the entire club league is like a football game, divided into two transfer periods in winter and summer, the transfer period is the rest period of the club league, in addition, all players are not allowed to transfer casually otherwise In that case, officials will suspend players for one year or even longer, and related clubs will also be punished.

In addition, the club league also uses a drafting mechanism similar to the NBA. That is to say, the lower ranked clubs have priority. Of course, the players you sign can stay in your club for more than Chapter 572 in the next chapter. It's a long time since the city (below), that's your own club's ability, in this way, you can maximize the balance of strength between the clubs, so that the game is more beautiful, otherwise, if you have money, you can buy the first , The whole game lost its suspense.

The draft competition takes place once a year in January, and the individual competition does not have any. Players in various clubs can also participate in the individual competition. All in all, the various rules of the entire Star Cup have been thoroughly improved in the efforts of the Star Group and the opinions of countless enthusiastic game players and players in the forum, and there are hardly any loopholes.

And after the first batch of club registration turmoil ended, the second batch of club registration turmoil finally arrived. These clubs are no longer the clubs held by the previous small companies. The companies behind these clubs are almost all in the world. Famous big companies, such as intel! Zhang Yang didn't know what Intel thought, anyway, Intel not only invested in advertising, but also really registered the club, although Intel participated in American competitions.

However, because it is e-sports, unlike the football league, the transfer of players does not exist in Chapter 572 in the next city (below) nationality, of course, when the entire league will become more prosperous in the future, It is unknown whether the sports departments of various countries will make publicity. At least for the time, the sports departments of various countries have only set up a relevant office in their respective sports departments in order to attract investment and sponsorship. several.

There are not many clubs established in the second batch, and most of the other companies have made advertising investments. Many of these clubs have received advertising sponsorship. Most of the companies that sponsor these clubs are related to games and related Companies related to the industry, anyway, hundreds of thousands of these companies are only a small number, and even not as much as a week’s advertising costs on a TV station, but for these clubs, these hundreds of thousands of sponsorships are already quite different. Less, at least for now, the entire Star Cup is still in its infancy.

In less than two weeks before New Year’s Day in 2006, the official website of the Star Cup has finally issued an announcement. All registrations for the entire Star Cup will come to an end. At present, almost all players and club registrations have been completed, and For the first time, the Starry Group released a selection game about being able to participate in the Xing'an Cup competition.

StarCraft, Warcraft, cs, and the World of Warcraft competitive version that has been basically completed.

This year's Star Cup has only these four games, and these four games are currently the only games in the mainstream games that have done quite well in terms of balance and so on, but the one that has received the most attention is undoubtedly World of Warcraft. There are too many competitions in the competitive version, five-person team competition, ten-person team competition, twenty-person team competition, and individual competition!

The World of Warcraft sports version of the Star Group has separately increased the bonus. Whether the beast is a five-person team game, a ten-person team safety, or a 20-person team game. Their top three prizes are 40 million and 20 million, and 10 million RMB. Because the Star Group does not use currencies such as the US dollar, the bonuses of all countries are the same. How much is the currency to be converted into each country's currency, then they need to be exchanged separately. Of course, when remittances, the Star Group can also be directly converted into countries. Currency.

However, all the bonuses officially announced are replaced by rmb. While the prize money of the World of Warcraft Competitive Edition personal game is relatively low, but the number of rewards has increased a lot, all the top 20 have prizes, and even the twentieth prize has 200,000. The bonus for one person is 10 million. Although the number is not large, the number of rewards is large. The other competitions are only the top three, but the prize for the individual competition is 20. If there are too many people rewarded, the odds of everyone winning will be changed.

And as we all know, World of Warcraft's occupations, races, talents, etc. cause a lot of accidents in individual games than in team games, because it is not just your work, technology, heart, and even luck, especially The maps of the individual tournaments have been specially prepared by the official. There are many features that can be used in the maps for the Yin people. The best use of the environment is the biggest feature in the World of Warcraft.

To know the previous game, the map is nothing more than to show everyone the excitement, it is useless at all, the most is an ornamental thing, but it is different in the World of Warcraft Athletic Edition, such as attacking in a higher position. Afterwards, the attack distance is increased.

With the complete improvement of the materials of the World of Warcraft competitive version, the expectations of global players, especially World of Warcraft players, have reached a peak, which even Zhang Yang did not expect. Because in World of Warcraft, if you want to kill someone, you can only use the Horde to engage in the Alliance, or the Alliance to engage in the Horde, but it is different in the World of Warcraft. There is no tribal alliance at all.

That is to say, in a team game, it is possible to have blood elf thieves, undead thieves, human thieves, human priests and other occupations coexist. This is undoubtedly more playable, tactical, etc. of World of Warcraft. However, because the Horde can cooperate with the Alliance, some skills have been temporarily adjusted.

After the entire game was completed after Blizzard, Zhang Yang finally gave the game to the side of the starry sky for analysis. After wasting the starry sky for a week, Zhangyang found out the starry sky. There were dozens of bugs in the data. All were handed over to Blizzard's game department for modification.

When Blizzard's game department got the information passed by Zhang Yang and verified it one by one, the group of people even more admired Zhang Yang's eyes. You know, the whole World of Warcraft is quite fair to them, but Zhang Yang just gave so many B Zhaos in just a few days.

And almost all of these bugs are technical aspects, even the skills data bugs, and after their calculations, after modification, after these bugs are completely repaired, the data balance of the entire game will almost reach a perfect level!

At least in the eyes of these game developers, they can't find any bugs, many of them just. Even the factors of the map are included. The people who develop the games of course know how much computing power it takes to thoroughly test these things. These people simply can't think about how Zhang Yang did it. In the end, they all attributed this to the mysterious computer technology of the Star Group. .

Of course, Zhang Yang knows how to do it. In order to test this, the entire Star Group except the spare server, all the components of the supercomputer can be "upgraded and maintained" for a week! In a week, the performance of the entire starry sky was almost maximized, and this is still the starry sky in the simulation calculation. If it is replaced by other supercomputers, because their logical judgment ability is different from the starry sky, so many Useless calculations will result in even greater calculations.

But the starry sky is different. Many self-judgments of starry sky will be eliminated directly after self-judgment, so the starry sky can complete the World of Warcraft in a short period of time. test. Fortunately, it is the competitive version, because it has a small number of maps, and there are no monsters. Some are only tests of skills and related map data, so the amount of calculation is not large. If it is replaced by the World of Warcraft online game version I am afraid that it takes at least half a year to calculate the starry sky.

That's too much to lose. However, these B Zhao calculations calculated by Zhang Yang are not only valid in the World of Warcraft, but also in the modification of many skills in World of Warcraft. Because of the skill data, the World of Warcraft is directly extracting the World of Warcraft data, so In Zhang Yang will be these secluded. Tossed to the development team of World of Warcraft, Blizzard immediately conducted two large-scale updates to World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft after testing to prove their correctness and effectiveness.

After Blizzard modified the World of Warcraft Edition, Zhang Yang finally made the decision, that is, the World of Warcraft Edition will also officially start camping in various countries around the world, and the charges will be the same as World of Warcraft. It is also open to ordinary players, but ordinary players can only play in the ordinary area, and the ordinary area will be divided according to a zone of 10,000 players.

And each person can only register one account per month, and one account can only establish roles in one area, and only one role is allowed. If you want to create a second role, you must delete the first role. Zhang Yang had to take such measures, because according to the current level of attention, if it is not set, I am afraid that the Star Group will purchase a large number of servers in the next large number.

Because of the Star Cup, the Star Group has to set up branches in these countries, and the game engine in the World of Warcraft is unique, so Zhang Yang will not hand over the World of Warcraft to other game companies. The launch time of the World of Warcraft Athletic Edition is selected on New Year's Day, and the global synchronization of the number begins the public beta.

Because after the starry sky test, the internal test is eliminated, just start the public beta. The World Warcraft Athletic Edition game start time will be placed on May 1st, there is still enough time, if there is any problem , Also enough for Star Group to update the version.

Because of the Starry Sky Cup, the number of employees of the company specifically registered for the Starry Sky Cup now exceeds that of the major company employees of any company except the Starry Sky Heavy Industry. The total number of employees has reached the number of 50,000 or 60,000 people. On average, each country has almost 1,000 employees.

These people were recruited successfully within half a year. It can be imagined how the Starry Sky Group has become busy during this time. When all this preparation was completed, Zhang Yang finally began to implement his plan. During this time, Samsung did not participate in the Starry Cup anymore, because...the existence of the flute..."The flute is still held because of its early prestige, but it has some prestige, but in the case of the Starry Group throwing money, I am afraid It won't last long.

The only country that does not allow Star Cup participation is South Korea! I have to say that Samsung's influence in South Korea is still quite huge. And what does South Korea, a stick country, say, although Koreans are more arrogant, overall they are more arrogant, at least they think that the whole world belongs to their Korean nation.

But these sticks are indeed relatively united. Because of Samsung’s sake, Star Group’s reputation in South Korea is not good at all, and it can be said that it is stinking to the limit. Although the Korean government's eyes are not so short-sighted, the huge public opinion has forced them to consider these issues.

And Zhang Yang's loss can be said to be only one In half a month before January 1, Zhang Yang asked Chen Xiaowei to issue an announcement on behalf of Star Group. The group conducted a series of crusades. Then it was Zhang Yang's turn to play. After all, Chen Xiaowei was the executive president of the Starry Sky Group. Her speech represented the image of the Starry Sky Group.

However, Zhang Yang is a different person. Anyway, Zhang Yang is already famous. Whatever the media said, he will not say much, so Zhang Yang directly held a personal conference as the honorary technical director of Xingkong Group.

Zhang Yang, these media naturally know who he is. Although Zhang Yang has never spoken to the outside world, but with a public announcement by Li Keqing, all media know that Zhang Yang can be said to be another invisible chairman of the Starry Sky Group. !

And Zhang Yang, a person who has always been low-key in the eyes of outsiders, is about to hold a press conference. Obviously, there are some major news. These media like swarms of smelly flies. ! ! ! ;




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