The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 580: Hotspot (middle)

The plane quickly landed at Renshi International Airport. Three people got out of the plane. Because they greeted in advance, no one came to pick up Yang. After coming out of the airport through the passage, Zhou Xiaolai Li Yu said to the two: Where? My car is parked at the airport, and I will send you: ""Uh, no need, someone here will pick you up, just send Xiaoxiao to their school, remember, don't bully others: "Zhang Yang is kidding Said: "Uh, hey, no problem." Zhou Xiaolai actually scratched her head a little embarrassedly, Lou Yixiao just prepared to speak, Zhang Yang's bodyguard, and Zhao Fei their wave of instructors, Cao Yong: "General Zhang." Cao Yong walked He whispered reverently to Zhang Yang.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yang was nothing. Anyway, his position was estimated to be hiding the hotspot of Chapter 580 (middle), so he didn't plan to hide it. It was good to talk to them both along the way. . "Mr. Chen called, because your mobile phone was not turned on, so she made you have to answer the phone, saying that the company has important matters that require you to decide:" Cao Yong whispered.

Zhang Yang nodded, took his phone from Cao Yong's hand, picked up the phone and turned it on. Asked: "What's the matter?" "Why didn't you come back today and don't call in advance? But I was in a hurry. The situation is like this. Samsung just announced that it is increasing its investment in postal services. It has also increased a lot. The prize money, and increased investment in the competition, the overall investment amount is about one billion US dollars, you see? In addition, Zhao Fei just came over and gave me a piece of information, saying that Li Jianxi recently seemed to see Someone, Samsung got a lot of money to settle in. Others are not clear for the time being. In addition, on the stock market, the shares of several subsidiaries below us seem to be being bought by others." Chen Xiaowei Li actually took things seriously. Probably said it again.

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows and greeted Lou Yixiao and the two of them apologetically. Then they walked to the side and confirmed that they could not hear their calls. Zhang Yang then said in a deep voice: "For Chapter 580 Hotspot (Middle) Increase the mega. This matter, investment matters, you don’t have to worry about it, as long as they use normal means of competition... We can compete normally, and only when the market is bigger, can we share the bigger cake. Don’t worry. As for what’s going on inside Samsung, I personally called Zhao Fei. I’ll explain it, but it’s the third thing that needs attention. So, please contact Buffett, he’s here There must be a lot of masters in the field. After all, he is also a shareholder of the company... It is not too much to let him do a favor, see if I can investigate it."

"Okay, I know." Chen Xiaowei saw that the batter was very calm, and she didn't continue to say anything. She agreed, and then she picked up the phone: After hanging up, Zhang Gu smiled and walked over to talk to Lou Yixiao. Say hello and watch Zhou Xiaolai drive the car to leave Lou Yixiao, and Zhang Yang turned on the car they had driven.

Zhang Yang and Daqiao were slower than Lou Yixiao and they walked for seven or eight minutes. There were not many bodyguards left beside Zhang Yang. Except for the two people with Cao Yong, the rest were all hidden piles: the car left the parking lot and hurried away At the exit of the upper level, a black Xialiyue suddenly rushed out next to it.

The driver slammed the crane directly to the bottom, and Cao Yong directly rushed to Zhang Yang's body. Zhang Yang's reaction was not slow at all. The body snatched slightly and then shrank to the back of the back row. This car is a specially customized bulletproof vehicle. If it is just an ordinary gun reel, it will not pose any threat to it.

Zhang Yang raised his head and looked through the gap between the two seats. The Xiali car was not unusual, but came down from the cab position and was a man in his thirties who looked honest. As soon as the man got out of the driver's seat, he directly raised his hands at Zhang Yang: when he saw this action, Zhang Yang realized that this was not a coincidence. This man really came to Zhang Yang. The man had a thick file bag in his hand. He raised his hands and walked slowly towards Zhang Yang's car. Cao Yong in the incident all took out their hand reel guns.

But Cao Yong didn't lower the car window for the first time, just staring at the man seriously. The whole car is made of bulletproof glass and bulletproof body, because it is specially customized, the body can resist the attack of 7 Liaobo sniper rifle guns, and even the glass can resist two such sniper rifle bullets, so in case Open the door and let the opponent have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The distance between the two sides is not far away, that is, about seven or eight meters away. The man walked to the front of the windshield of Zhang Yang's car, slowly put the file bag in his hand on the front cover of the car, and then rushed to Zhang Yang He bowed respectfully before turning back to the Xiali.

Cao Yong wanted to open the car window and Zhang Yang reached out to stop him. Although the file bag was very thick, there was nothing like explosives in it. Even if there were explosives, Zhang Yang couldn’t hurt Zhang Yang in that position. , And the car had been inspected in detail before Cao Yong and they drove over, without any problems.

Seeing the man driving the Xiali quickly left the parking lot, Zhang Yang said, "Go down and take that thing to see what it is?" Cao Yong nodded and pushed the car door down, walked to the front of the car, Cao Yong Quickly holding the document bag, he first moved back seven or eight meters to the distance before starting to check the contents.

After seeing that there was no problem, Cao Yongli made a few gestures into the car. Then came to the car: a bodyguard sitting at the front desk immediately turned back and said to Zhang Yang: "Zhang Zhang, there is nothing wrong with the content inside, just some information. However, you need to wait until we have thoroughly checked it before you can view it. Its content: "Isn't it okay?" Zhang Yang is a bit strange: "The content is okay, but we have to check whether these papers are coated with special drugs or the like, because there are many highly toxic and not It must enter the human reel, even if it comes into contact with the skin of the human reel, it will enter the human reel and cause a fatal threat." Cao Yong who opened the car door explained Zhang Yang's classics.

Zhang Yang hesitated and did not insist. After the vehicle started, sitting in the front row, the bodyguard took a small box from the storage box in front of the co-pilot, then opened the small box, and took out a silver-white plastic hand tea from the inside. Passed it to Cao Yong.

Cao Yong caught this hand reel set in his own hand, and then opened the file bag, took out the information inside and put it on his lap... Zhang Zhang began to check it with his hand reel set. "Mr. Zhang, this hand reel is made of special materials, and some of it can penetrate into the human reel body and the colorless and odorless highly toxic have some ingredients that can react with this hand reel. Just use it to touch one side, and if there is something abnormal, this hand reel will immediately change color."

Cao Yong apparently knew that Zhang Yang was more puzzled about this, and he directly explained to Zhang Yang without waiting for Zhang Yang to ask. When Cao Yong checked these papers, Zhang Yang saw the approximate contents of the paper, as if it had something to do with Samsung. But I didn’t know what it was because I didn’t read it very carefully.

But Zhang Yang pondered, who sent this thing to himself? People in Guoan? It’s not like, if it’s Guo’an, it’s not necessary at all. It’s mysterious. There are Zhongnanhai bodyguards sent by Guoan around you. It’s very simple to inform these people. It’s easy to say hello to yourself in advance. There is no need to get nervous Yes, and Zhang Yang also found another problem: that is because the people around Zhang Yang are basically from Zhao Fei. They are basically from the same source, so their skills are not comparable, so the bodyguards from Zhongnanhai sent above did not have to protect themselves, but turned In order to covertly pile up: just after publicizing them down, the Zhongnanhai bodyguards changed their methods to avoid being discovered by others. This person apparently knew this and deliberately bypassed those people.

Although Zhang Yang has a special stature, he is not a national leader. After all, Zhang Yang’s bodyguards can be equipped with the bodyguard of the Zhongluan Central Security Bureau. Zhang Yang’s protection procedures naturally have some loopholes and are not so strict. The person who sent the thing, or the representative organization, even investigated this. It is estimated that he did not want to provoke the power of Guoan.

Cow. With this in mind, Zhang Yang understood that these people also have some supernatural powers: Is it Song Zhaojun? Zhang Yang subconsciously thought of a person who can have this and intelligence powers. It is nothing more than a two-he people. The first is the National Intelligence Organization. The second is those black and gray forces. Don’t underestimate the power of the underground world. Black people sometimes their intelligence is even more accurate than national intelligence organizations.

There is only one Song Zhaojun who seems to be connected with himself in the whole city, and Song Zhaojun now has a tendency to unify the underworld in the reel city. This guy is quite aware of the current affairs. It is estimated that this is one of the reasons why he has made such progress in the underworld. . During Zhang Yang's contemplation, Cao Yong has checked all the information: "Zhang Zhang, there is no problem with the information. The other party is estimated to have really sent something."

"Let's see." Zhang Yang, who was awakened by Cao Yong's words, nodded, and then took a thick stack of documents in Cao Yong's hand, and began to read it directly. At the top are some photos. The protagonist is a man in his forties. Zhang Yang didn’t know him. After a while, Zhang Yang quickly figured out his mobile phone. He first switched the phone back to the model and connected to the starry sky. Zhang Yang said directly: "Starry sky, help me search who this person is? I take a picture."

After Zhang Zhang used his mobile phone to take a picture of the main man in this photo... almost less than thirty seconds after Zhang Yang took the picture, the sound of the starry sky rang out: "Go through the comparison, so The portrait is as follows: Zun Jianxi, the chairman of the South Korean Samsung Group... "Nan Nian, born in Yining, South Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea, graduated from the Department of Economics of Waseda University in Japan in the old Western year.

Zhang Yang called directly to stop, he knew who the man was, but Samsung didn’t expect that the middle-aged man who looked a little insignificant was Li Jianxi. This person was still quite capable. He took Samsung down from a large scale. It is no exaggeration for quality producers to transform themselves into the most valuable technology companies in Asia.

Although it is not easy for Zhang Yang to look at Samsung, he can't look down on the other party because of the enemy. Samsung's performance is enough to prove the other party's performance. This person is not like Zhang Yang's rebirth. I flipped through the photos in my hand, many of them are people with whom Li Jianxi is talking. These people who talked with Li Jianxi are typical European and American foreigners. From their age, they are probably about 40 years old, but these Faces are all born. One of the most important Europeans and Americans in these photos is a man about fifty years old, with an eagle nose, thin body, and deep eyes: after reading these photos, Zhang Yang again I turned over the information behind, and this part of the information listed all the personal details on the photos, very detailed, and even the time, place, people involved, and even the general content of the conversation. All: After reading these contents, Zhang Yang's first reaction was not Samsung or the board member of Deutsche Bank, but the people who delivered the information. Only four of them appeared in Zhang Yang’s mind, because from the photos of Li Jianxi meeting with these people, there are obviously many places where Li Jianxi and this man named Bill, Adolf’s men met in some private places. From the scene point of view, only Li Jianxi, Bill, and Adolf are two people, but these people can actually get the photos of the two of them: "Check whether these photos are destroy these materials." Zhang Yang I handed over all the documents in my hand to Cao Yong: The documents in this hand actually have no substantive content. Although some of them contain the content of their conversation, and some of them also mention the Starry Sky Group, there is no too detailed content, no Know if they can't get the conversation, or if the other party wants to use this thing to exchange conditions with Zhang Yang.

Cao Yong took what was inside Zhang Yang's hand and promised. Zhang Yang closed his eyes against the back of the chair. Could it be that I don’t know why, Zhang Yang has a Masonic figure in his head, in the organization that Zhang Yang can come up with, and this and black background, who have this and powerful energy, it seems that there is only F. Right?

But if it's F, what do they mean to give it to themselves? Deutsche Bank? Do you say World War I or World War II?

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, vote for the recommendation, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation, support the author, support genuine reading.)! ! ! ;




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