The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 581: Hotspot (below)

The car quickly returned to the company, and the things were handed over to Cao Yong to deal with. Zhang Yang did not pay attention to this matter. Now the other party is in the dark, Zhang Yang is in the Ming, no matter whether the mysterious organization is F, no matter what it is playing. The idea, even if it was just because of the fancy of Zhang Yang, who had a good opinion of Zhang Yang, and wanted to engage in a relationship with him, Zhang Yang did not plan to make any changes. ;

The soldiers came to cover up the water, and now the other party was dark, the Starry Sky Group was bright, and Zhang Yang wanted no action or any targeted action. It was like the Samsung Group increasing its investment in WD, no matter why, but as long as it is not touched For the interests of Star Group, Zhang Yang let him come. Star Sky Group's truly profitable project is not ready to rely on this at all. Since you play it, you can play it, depending on who hit the money Chapter 581 Hotspot (below).

Judging from the current scale of D, Samsung’s current investment is 20 degrees, and if the newly added billions of dollars are kept unchanged, excluding advertisements and so on, the annual investment is about 1.2 billion dollars. The Starry Sky Cup calculated by Bai Su, according to the current investment, not counting the increase in advertising and influence, etc., the Starry Sky Group's annual investment is about 2.2 billion US dollars...

These two numbers are not a small number for Star Group and Samsung. Don’t look at Star Group’s money now, but Star Group’s money is exchanged for some assets. In the future, the annual profit is estimated to have to wait for Star Heavy Industry’s battery production. You will know that you are on the right track. But this number is definitely much higher than Samsung, everyone depends on who can throw money? The Star Group can be said to be Li Keqing’s private company. No matter how much money was thrown, the Star Group did not have a second person who disputed, more than 95% of the shares, even if other shareholders have opinions, it is estimated that it is just listening. The decision is still Li Keqing, but Samsung is not Li Jianxi. He said Li Jianxi alone, so many shareholders look at whether these shareholders are willing to spend more than one billion yuan every year on a chicken rib. Chapter 581 Hot spots (below).

But not everyone can do whatever they want, like Zhang Yang. And other things are not necessary for publicity, Deutsche Bank? Zhang Yang doesn't understand what the Germans are doing, but since they want to engage in trouble, they will definitely have to do something else. Otherwise, it is of little use.

"Are you sure that's enough?" Chen Xiaowei said his thoughts. Of course, Zhang Yang, who just happened in the airport parking lot, didn't tell anyone. Cao Yong wouldn't tell anyone casually.

It's good to publicize these things by yourself.

"Well. Regardless of how they are used, the clown jumper, I want to see what tricks they can jump on? By the way, you help me find a piece of Deutsche Bank information." Zhang Yang thought to Chen Xiaowei.

"Deutsche Bank? What are you looking for them for?" Chen Xiaowei looked at Zhang Yang inexplicably and asked now that although Star Group only owns 20% of the shares of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and ICBC is still a state-controlled bank, ICBC is in the same position as Star Bank. With the support of capital flow, ICBC's scale expansion is much faster than Zhang Yang's previous life.

ICBC in the last life. It was ranked first in the World Bank in 2004, but now, I am afraid that this goal will be reached next year. 20% of the shares are not enough to affect anything, but in the case of not being in the above situation, These shares have been enough to affect quite a lot of things. At least the big clients of the Starry Sky Group are so terrible. Even if they don't have any shares at all, their influence in ICBC is quite scary.

"Don't just give me a copy of the information, it's okay, I have an investment manager from Deutsche Bank looking for me, I have nothing to look at their information." Zhang Yang casually found an excuse: "Oh, yes, I let People will prepare a portion for you." Chen Xiaowei still has a lot of things to deal with, so he didn't think about it, he agreed directly, and left Zhang Yang's office: Deutsche Bank's information is easy to find. Soon Chen Xiaowei will Let her young secretary send Zhang Yang a detailed copy of the information just agreed.

Zhang Yang took the information and looked at it. Deutsche Bank was founded in Post Year. It is Germany’s largest bank and one of the world’s most important financial institutions. Since its establishment, Deutsche Bank has not engaged in the financing of large-scale projects in the world. , Played an important role in the industrialization financing in Germany and overseas. Deutsche Bank is an all-round bank, and it is also engaged in the investment business of commercial banks worldwide: in other words, you can think of it as a venture capital company, basically no difference. Such a company finds Samsung Group, is it really just a simple venture investment? If it is a venture capital, wouldn’t it be Samsung? Even if you are looking for Samsung, I am afraid that the shareholder of Deutsche Bank will not let Samsung throw the money for a reason without knowing why it is impossible to make money?

Venture capital companies, called venture capital companies, because they are often driven by interests, they are not philanthropists, it is impossible to do this and stupid things, unless there are other purposes behind this matter . And Samsung is the pride of Koreans. Although it does not know how much Deutsche Bank has invested, in general, Samsung is unlikely to make Deutsche Bank a shareholder with a heavy voice.

It's so greasy, greasy, ambiguous, ambiguous. Zhang Yang looked at the exempt information and touched his chin, which was a bit unclear. What are these guys doing? Besides, even if there is a purpose, if it is the Freemasonry F to come to the door, Zhang Yang is not surprising, but what does Deutsche Bank do over here? The First World War and the Second World War are not just as simple as the two World Wars. At the same time, these huge bankers and the like are also secretly shuffling each other with the power of the country.

Germany and Freemasonry can say that it is a death feud! To a certain extent, it has risen to the height of the race, dry! After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yang didn't want to understand what was going on, and he ran out somehow, German guy. day! Can't figure out Zhang Yang simply didn't want to, he suddenly remembered the thing he wanted to do years ago, well, okay, since you are going to play a little action, I will try to test you first.

After making a decision, Zhang Yang thought about it and directly picked up the phone on the desk to call Chen Xiaowei. After receiving a call from Zhang Yang, Chen Xiaowei was a little surprised, especially when he heard what Zhang Yang said, Chen Xiaowei was happy: "I said, I heard it right? My big boss, your sun is coming from the west today. ? For the first time since the company was founded, you shared the work from my hands for the first time without finding me more to do. You have no fever today."

Zhang Yang was a little speechless: "I said, what do you want to endure? Is it that I take the initiative to share your work and you are not happy? If you say so, it will be left to you to solve this matter, I don't care...!

"Don't, don't, don't you, don't worry, I was still troubled by this incident. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to take it over, and I will leave it to you. I will be busy with Starry Heavy Industry and Apple. I don’t care about the coordination work between the two parties..." Chen Xiaowei finished speaking directly and then called the phone.

Listening to the blind tone in the phone, Zhang Yang's helpless shoulders of the cradle and then hung up the phone: the three clubs of the Star Cup have officially started. The reverse in China is not very good at first, especially the five sets in the center. After the sports channel broadcast the Star Cup game, it was also abused by many people, but this time the SARFT did not say anything, and the central five sets did not withdraw the program.

Now to get this show up, to be honest, I really have to resist a certain amount of pressure. After all, the mainstream of watching TV is still Qinhou. The latter has not grown up, but as time goes by, As Tian Hou slowly graduated and became a family, this phenomenon will be much better.

And not only that, the five sets in the center also played a bit about the World of Warcraft Athletic Edition. The classic game of the You 5 created by ordinary players just happened to watch the game, compared to other games. The game and the less clear video, the World of Warcraft Competitive Edition completely compensates for this permission, and the whole picture is gorgeous, just like watching a perfect magic big reel film, plus the current Zhao still relatively speaking More professional, the explanation is also okay, so this bite, the reaction caused by the game is still very huge: this is like a man when looking for the woman in his At first glance, it is often appearance . There is no way. Those things like beauty in the heart can only be decided after a detailed understanding. The first impression can only be determined by appearance.

And the World of Warcraft eh competitive version is undoubtedly the ultimate in appearance! Because this gorgeous special effect attracts a lot of people who come to pay attention, the unique vision of God. When these characters release their skills and fight, some thrilling actions will even cause many people to be nervous and worried.

Regardless of any competition, when the audience watching him put his emotions into it, it is not far from success! It can be said that the beginning of the new year is the most joyful and painful time for the media in various countries. Say they are most happy because there is too much news during this period, which undoubtedly plays a crucial role in catching the attention of the audience readers: saying that they are suffering because there is too much news, because there is so much news that neither of them Know which one should be played.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, vote for the recommendation, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation, support the author, support genuine reading!!! ;




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