The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 582: Focus (1)

Although there is a lot of news, on the day of Valentine’s Day in February, all the newspaper media reported an important news, especially the German media is like crazy, whether it is a TV station or the main newspaper. The topics are full of major news!

That was the night before Valentine's Day, the fiance of the chairman of the Star Group, Miss Li Keqing, and the founder of the Star Group. The invisible helm of the Star Group landed at Munich Airport, Germany! Although Zhang Yang does not often appear in front of the media, it does not mean that these media cannot dig up Zhang Yang's information. In fact, the resumes of the entire Star Group's senior executives can hardly hide these supernatural media. ;

Although some of Zhang Yang’s and Li Keqing’s resumes and archives have been sealed by the focus of Chapter 582 of the Ministry of National Security (1) and disguised, some of Zhang Yang’s and Li Keqing’s actions on the mall are not fake, including Last year, how the Star Group got 45 percent of Apple’s shares and the appearance of the Xian series could not escape the investigation of these media, and all the media in Zhang Yang’s role naturally know.

Therefore, if Li Keqing is known as the most beautiful angel of the Starry Sky Group, and is the most beautiful and most suitable helm, then Zhang Yang is called the power system of the Starry Sky Group and is the main source of power for the development of the Starry Sky Group. Without Zhang Yang, it would be impossible for Li Keqing alone to develop to the point where he is today. All in all, Zhang Yang is like the golden hand of the Star Group.

Zhang Xing's figure can be found in some of the Star Committee's public decision-making before the public, and others have not been told by outsiders. Although these media do not know the specific situation, in short, Zhang Yang's special status in the Star Group is that There is no doubt.

And what did he do in Munich? All the German media have begun to look for the famous companies in Munich and the companies that can be related to the Star Group. After looking around, the focus of this chapter 582 (1) Some German media have only found one the company! Bavarian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., also known as Don’t Touch Me, BMW, BMW!

After finding this, these media seemed to be crazy, and immediately issued a variety of comments, such as what Star Group is going to buy BMW and the like. After all, the market value of BMW has not been considered too high. Although its annual sales are steadily increasing, the market value of BMW is now less than 20 billion US dollars. After 2008, the market value of BMW even Once reduced to less than 10 billion US dollars.

The senior executives of BMW are collectively messy. Zhang Yang came here but did not say hello in advance. Even when Zhang Yang’s special plane landed in Munich, BMW did not know Zhang Yang’s arrival from the president to any shareholder until Valentine’s Day. This day when various media in Germany and local newspapers in Munich reported it, BMW executives knew about it, and Zhang Yang had already slept in the most luxurious hotel in Munich for one night.

Hemutpunk is a bit of a pain, of course, if he understands the Chinese noun of 〖中〗, he will not understand, how to get up all night, today is still preparing to buy some roses for his wife Thing? What is the Star Group, Hemuut will not be unfamiliar, this has created a miracle of the start of all companies in the world, from a small unknown company to a company with the highest listed value in the world in one year, and more than the second The market value of the name is hundreds of billions of dollars higher!

I don’t know how many people in the industry talked about it after tea and dinner, and the sour upstart is! Star Group’s experience over the past year, and their entire global start-up process is like an upstart waving their banknotes, all of which have brought various banknotes from all over the world into their arms, but only one Can the upstart describe the Star Group?

People like this level will naturally not think so. The success of any company has his unique story. A crazy company like the Star Group is no exception. It is something that others cannot copy. Legend, and the only male among the founders of the Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang will naturally be studied by people in the circle. What is even more incredible is that this founder is old enough to make everyone crazy this year!

At this year's time, Hemut had not graduated from the university, and the other party was already the founder of the world's largest company. Can such a super talented youth go to Munich inexplicably? Although the above analysis in the media may not be correct, but it has said that Hemut is worried about, Star Group? I am afraid that except for those companies in front of the world's top 500, the rest of the companies will be shaking when they hear the Star Group.

No way, too rich! Even Qualcomm's company with a market value of nearly 100 billion US dollars has not escaped the devil's claws of the Star Group, and is in the hands of the other party's inhumane income. BMW is now only worth more than 10 billion US dollars, which is basically not enough. Although this more than 10 billion US dollars is already quite large in the eyes of others, in the eyes of the Star Group, if the other party is determined to acquire Hemut, it is really unfounded.

Not enough. Hemuth knows he’s not talking about it. Although BMW is a listed company, unlike most of the listed companies in the United States, BMW can also be said to be a holding company. It is the most famous but the most low-key family branch in Germany. The property of the Wante family, the Coventry family owns 56% of the shares of BMW, so if the Coventry family does not sell, the Starry Group is really the same.

Although the assets of the Coventry family are not as large as the Starry Sky Group, when it comes to this, the Zhang Zhongzhengrenzhen TM is a demon, and the wealth accumulated in one year is more than the wealth accumulated by many families in 100 years. . Although invisible wealth may not be comparable, it is already more than many families in terms of money alone.

But I don't know why, Hemut has a feeling in his heart. This young man can see from his growth experience and the growth experience of the Star Group. He is definitely not the kind of untargeted person. Just when Hemut was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door of Zhangyang Hotel, but he was stopped by Cao Yong.

"Mr. Zhang, there is a person outside who claims to be the Covent family who wants to see you." Cao Yong came in and said. Naturally wanting to buy BMW, Zhang Yang naturally investigated BMW's history, so after hearing Cao Yong's words, Zhang Yang immediately smiled and said: "You let him in."

Cao Yong nodded, then turned around and took the blame. Soon Cao Yong walked in with a typical German in his thirties. As soon as the German came in, he smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang Yang, my name is Stefan Covant, and you are welcome to Germany." The German actually spoke this fluent Chinese.

Zhang Yang was quite surprised and exclaimed: "Hello Mr. Stefan, I didn't expect you to speak such fluent Chinese." Since the other party can speak such fluent Chinese, Zhang Yang naturally uses Chinese.

"You have won the prize, Mr. Zhang, why don't you say hello to us in advance, as one of the partners of the Star Group, of course the host's friendship will be hosted by us. Mr. Zhang" I only represent our Covant family please You visit our family, can you see it? "Stefan Coventry said elegantly.

Zhang Yang smiled and nodded immediately, "Of course, you can do whatever you want. Even if Mr. Stefan doesn't come to me, I'm afraid I will cheer on the door and eat a few meals. Haha" Zhang Yang said jokingly, since The other party has already come, no matter whether the other party guessed his purpose or not, Zhang Yang will no longer cover up.

Now it is too fake to cover up. After all, there are no important companies in Munich. Is it true that Zhang Yang went to Munich to buy the team? "Welcome! Welcome!" Stefan nodded with a smile. The two said a few words. Zhang Yang had expected that someone would come to the door with media reports today, so he had already packed his things.

After a few words of greeting, Zhang Yang simply followed the Stefan Coventry and left the hotel. After coming out of the hotel Zhang Yang was also taken by this scene, it seems that this guy is also ready, the whole lobby is neatly standing should be the waiter of the Covent family, and in Outside the hotel is a fleet of dozens of luxury cars produced by BMW.

This man is also a second person, it is estimated that Zhang Yang will follow him out, and simply brought the team over. Zhang Yang told Cao Yong a few times, and then followed Stefan into a car in the middle. After the team started, the two did not talk about any work, just chatting, and the team quickly drove to the northeastern suburbs of Munich.

After about an hour, a large manor-style villa area finally appeared in front of the team. Although it is winter, it can still be seen. The scenery here should be quite good. And the whole decoration is also full of classic atmosphere. It seems that this upstart is still a little different from other big families.

Zhang Yang scorned himself in his heart. It seems that he is still not luxurious enough. Real luxury people are so luxurious! A grand welcome concubine was also made in the whole manor, full of German style. ! ! ! ;




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