The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 590: 1 new era (1)

"You are finally back, quickly, let's go." When Zhang Yang's footsteps just stepped into the Star Group headquarters building, Chen Xiaowei immediately seemed to be burning, jumping straight from the place and pulling Zhang Yang. Rush outside. I didn't wait for Zhang Yang to ask why Chen Xiaowei, Chen Xiaowei had taken out the phone and dialed a number to go out: "I am Chen Xiaowei, now I will give you half an hour to prepare for the flight, we will arrive at the airport in about 20 minutes! Tell Helicopter, ready to go!"

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yang asked her doubts a little bit puzzled at this moment. While pulling Zhang Yang into the elevator, Chen Xiaowei hurriedly said to Zhang Yang: "It is Luo Gai! Luo Gai is still alive. He left a sentence for us. If you are in Chapter 590, a new era (1 ) We can come back without our notice. He has something to leave for you. If you don’t come back, he said let this thing disappear in this world with his death."

"What!?" Zhang Yang was taken aback. "I'm fucking, why didn't you say that early? You tigers, he said that I really rushed you back when I hurried back?" Zhang Yang was almost mad, Luo Gai Who is it? It can be said that he played an inestimable role in the development of the entire Star Group. Even without Luo Gai, Zhang Yang may allow Star Group to develop to the point where it is today, but it is definitely not so fast, and many things appear not just a sentence Words can be obliterated.

Although Chen Xiaowei didn't know what it was, but from what Luo Gai told, Zhang Yang knew that this thing has a huge influence! Otherwise, Luo Gai would not say so! what is it? Zhang Yang frowned desperately. Without seeing Luo Gai, Zhang Yang could not know what Luo Gai wanted to tell him.

In fact, four months ago, Chen Xiaowei notified Zhang Yang that Luo Gai had entered the dying period. At that time, Zhang Yang had no way to rush back quickly, so in the end Zhang Yang simply did not go back, anyway, Chapter 590, a new Times (1) respect for Luo Gai is not that he can show respect when he goes back to see him when he is dying, but Zhang Yang did not expect Luo Gai to die now!

"Do you think we think! You have not given Rogay Star System very high authority, don't you know Rogay's computer technology? Rogay said, he can probably know how we got through the starry sky system. You came back. If you came back abnormally, he said he wouldn’t tell you if he died. He said that all this should be carried out according to the will of the heavens. Moreover, you just kept talking to us, just told us your approximate whereabouts. , How do you think we find you?" Chen Xiaowei immediately glared at Zhang Yang with a bitter smile.

Zhang Yang choked for a while. In addition to the core control, because Luo Gai needed a supercomputer, Zhang Yang gave Luo Gai very high star power, and Zhang Yang also knew that Chen Xiaowei was right. Others did not know the performance of Star Sky, but Can Zhang Yang know? Especially when Chen Xiaowei can only contact Zhang Yang by phone.

"Don't you find Guoan? They will definitely find me." Zhang Yang shook his head slightly.

"Don't you understand Luo Gai's strength? How dare we? It's just destiny. But your luck is good. Luo Gai is still alive, but the tumor in his head has infected most of the brain cells. He is now It’s a miracle to be alive. I don’t know if he’s holding on until you come back ten. But in a word, he’s not dead yet, but he’s been in a coma for a long time. Now he can’t eat anymore. Holding his life." Chen Xiaowei said quickly.

Zhang Yang nodded solemnly, he didn’t know what Luo Gai left behind at the scene, but Zhang Yang Mingzi, I am afraid that this thing will be very terrifying, otherwise the atheist like Luo Gai will not be able to take this thing in the end Throw it to the unpredictable God to decide.

The elevator quickly reached the top of the building, and as soon as it reached the top of the building, Chen Xiaowei quickly explained: "In order to feel the airport as soon as you come back, we will have built a helicopter platform here, and there are helicopters here 24 hours. Stand by! At the same time, we purchased another plane at the car door and stopped at the "City International Airport!" "

Zhang Yang nodded immediately: "I know, since the matter is here, let it be destiny." "I won't go, the plane can't sit down." Chen Xiaowei shook his head, and then waved directly to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang froze for a moment, could the plane sit down? What kind of grace? However, the matter was urgent, Zhang Yang did not ask, but went directly to the helicopter.

This should be transferred from a military base. In fact, it is very simple to use national power to find Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yangming, it is estimated that Luo Gai used his own power to bluff Chen Xiaowei, so this decision was made. It was a captain who was flying the plane. When Zhang Yang came up, the captain directly pulled up the helicopter and quickly rushed towards the city's international airport.

Although it was a helicopter, it still took more than ten minutes to get to the international airport and sit on the helicopter. Zhang Yang smiled bitterly. This Luo Gai really played a big trick for himself, but Zhang Yang didn't say much, but he started to think about something in his mind. Didn't Luo Gai really go to any organization in his last life, just Did he stay in that city until he died?

Zhang Yang rubbed his forehead. When the rescue of Luo Gai came out, the US special forces appeared there. Zhang Yang knew that the US government should know that Luo Gai existed. Even if Luo Gai didn’t know that, he knew Luo Gai’s. There is something important in their hands, but why didn't they do it? Obviously, there is something that makes them very afraid. The first is Russia, and the second is not known.

But Russia should not know about it, otherwise, Luo Ge is on his site, and it is impossible for him to publicize it. As for F, F should not be able to find where Luo Gai is. But in any case, even after Rogay died in his last life, whether it is the US government or Russia must have got something.

Zhang Yang rubbed his temples again, trying to recall some clues from his memory, but Zhang Yang couldn't think of it. Zhang Yang thought of it only one thing. "Fuck!" Zhang Yang suddenly yelled directly, because when he got on the helicopter, Zhang Yang brought his ear to his ears, so his sudden scream made the next Shang Ran shake his hand.

"Sorry, sorry, I suddenly remembered a very serious problem." Zhang Yangzheng hurriedly said to the captain. "It's okay, Chief." The captain said nothing, obviously he should know the identity of Li Yang. Zhang Yang just suddenly realized that this problem, whether it was from the moment of his rebirth in this life, or whatever, Zhang Yang ignored the biggest problem, that is, what did TAMATS invade the North American Air Defense Command in the last life to do? !

This most essential question is ignored by Zhang Yang! MLGBD, Zhang Yang would like to smoke his mouth, the problems that idiots can think of, the problems on the bright side, he actually ignored? Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang, you are really... a claw baby, and the pig IQ is higher than you!

But now, Zhang Yang is obviously unable to consider this problem. He quickly began to think about the essence of the whole thing. Zhang Yang’s mind is a little confused. Enwei in his head makes Zhang Yang unable to calm down. He doesn’t know why he is so nervous at once. ,calm! calm! Although he kept telling himself to calm down in his head, Zhang Yang’s confusion could not calm down. He seemed to jump out of his chest. His excited hands felt a bit of a struggle. If he couldn’t calm down, Zhang Yang couldn’t. Thinking about the problem.

"Headman?" The captain next to him was obviously aware of Zhang Yang's awkward question and asked. "Captain, I ask you, is there any way for me to calm down? I need to think about something." Zhang Yang pointed his head. The captain froze for a long time and hesitated and asked, "Is it important?"

"Very important." Zhang Yang nodded quickly. "Sir, you reach out and grab the handle in front of you, and I will let go of your work in a while, you come." The captain suddenly made a suggestion that surprised Zhang Yang. This helicopter is a military transport plane, a military transport plane with positive and negative pilots. Usually two people and one crew, but now there is only one pilot. When Zhang Yang boarded the plane, in order to ensure the safety of Zhang Yang to the greatest extent, Zhang Yang was put in the front co-pilot position.

"Are you sure this works?" Zhang Yang asked with a pause.

"I'm sure that this is human instinct. After it is related to life and health, the rapid secretion of human renal adrenergic hormone will make people calm down quickly." The captain said seriously.

Okay, let me try. "Zhang Yang nodded and put his hand on the vertical bar in front. In fact, after flying, the vertical helicopter is quite simple, but for a rookie who has not taken a flight lesson, this is not simple. "Yes, hold it, just like playing a game console, don't step on any pedals. "After seeing Zhang Yang grabbing the pole, the captain asked him, and he let go of the pole in front of him.

At the moment when the captain opened the vertical bar, in fact, Zhang Yang’s current mind was completely concentrated on it. He didn’t even know when the captain let go, but he suddenly felt that the vertical bar that seemed to be easy to control suddenly changed. It had to be heavy, and then the entire helicopter's fuselage immediately shook quickly.

With the rapid swing of the whole body, I don’t know when Zhang Yang can’t hear and feel his heartbeat and that trembling feeling, the whole person’s brain is like a red iron It poured a scoop of cold water on it all at once and calmed down instantly.

Quickly holding the vertical rod in his hand, the helicopter immediately began to glide smoothly in the air. "Chief, good job. Are you better now?" The captain next to him secretly wiped his sweat. The reason why he dared to do this is because his main pilot position can take over the control of the entire plane in an instant, allowing the co-pilot position He became ineffective, so he dared to do so, otherwise, he would not dare to play this risk if he was killed.

"You take over, rush to the airport quickly, I'm fine." After taking a few deep breaths and taking a look at the window, Zhang Yang realized that they were far higher than unknowingly..." The city building's flight was high. It has actually dropped to the point where some skyscrapers are not tall.

"You just let go of your vertical bar." The captain hurriedly explained and then quickly took control. After letting go of the vertical bar, Zhang Yang suddenly felt tired for a while, as if his spirit had been consumed. dry! Seeing that this trick really worked, Zhang Yang couldn't help whispering in his heart.

The body was as tired as running a few dozen kilometers of armed cross-country, just the kind of excitement that was shaking was naturally gone. Leaning on the back of the chair, Zhang Yang immediately wondered when did the last life thanatos begin to teach himself hacking techniques? And what about the invasion of North American Air Defense Command?

Thinking carefully, Zhang Yang figured out one thing. Zhang Yang always thought that thanatos began to conspire after knowing himself, but thinking carefully, it was not. First of all, Zhang Yang ignored one thing. When his first life thanatos first met Zhang Yang, he didn’t even bother to talk to Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang himself was entangled in desperation. The waiting dragon who had seen it all but thanatos suddenly agreed to teach him hacking techniques.

And if the time is compared with the present time and space ~ ~ probably more than three months ago! In other words, not long after Chen Xiaowei told himself that Luo Gai was critically ill! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang finally grasped some context. In his last life, F should know that the US government got Luo Gai, or that he got some things that Luo Gai left behind.

But these things do not know what it is, this is probably thanatos they decided to invade the North American Air Defense Command, and it is one of the main reasons for the invasion of North American Air Defense Command using secret methods! The reason why the US government didn't show much performance is probably because the economic crisis that followed the sudden outbreak of the US government caused the US government to burn its head. Finally, it had to put this matter aside for a while.

F is bound to be hidden, and the political situation in the Middle East will start to be chaotic after the period of economic crisis has passed. why? Zhang Yang faintly felt that he had grasped something, but everything could only be seen by seeing Luo Gai. After Zhang Yang had sorted out the probable cause of the matter, the helicopter had already flown over the international airport. Obviously, some instructions had been given here. When Zhang Yang flew over, he did not receive any special warning. ! ! ! ;




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