The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 591: 1 new era (2)

The helicopter flew directly to a spare runway at the international airport. When approaching the runway quickly, Zhang Yang was dumbfounded and asked what should be the latest J-10 twin fighter parked on the runway. Do you want me to ride this?"

"Uh, yes. This is a plane purchased by the Starry Group." The captain is probably aware of this matter. After choking for a while, Lisheng returned weakly to Zhang Yang. "Okay...okay...:" Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, but he didn't have time to discuss this issue with the captain anymore. He quickly opened the door and jumped off. He already had seven or eight crew members waiting outside. . Seeing Zhang Yang get down from the helicopter, the people who had already lined up in front of the fighters in July and August set up a military salute. They took the lead and said quickly: "The report will chapter 591 a new era (2) army! Hurricane 07 Ready to go! You can take off at any time: ""We will go to our destination with the fastest speed..." Anyway, Chen Xiaowei and they have prepared everything for themselves, and Zhang Yang will not be nonsense. Although he has never been a fighter, he himself After all, after Zhao Fei's training, there should be no problem with his body, isn't he just flying? Fear of hair. These people should have been instructed too. One of them quickly got Zhang Yang to take a set of pilot equipment, but it was really nothing, mainly the helmet, and the connection and use of the equipment.

The cabin of the fighter has been opened. There is no weapon hanging on the fighter. After Zhang Yang sat down from the ladder into the co-pilot position at the back, a ground crew member was set up for Zhang Yang to wear all the equipment, and then a ground crew member Zhang Yang was specifically informed about the position of the emergency button for the catapult jump, and finally the door was closed.

"General, request to take off." This spare runway should have been notified in advance, without the tower notifying them, and this did not leave any civil aircraft taking off or landing! ? * Sand sand umbrella   "core ankle vomiting miao that ⒄ 鸲   rebellion  exhausted 锩 弦 錪 錪 錪 fool to take  Rui dry 尖 谖 簖灬灬玬玬繩繩繩?nbsp; a new era (nbsp; a new era) 2) The personnel had left and ran. With the sudden increase in the acceleration of the horrible gravity, Zhang Yang felt that he had taken care of himself, and the person was suddenly sucked onto the back of the chair. There was a grunt. There was only less than 400 meters of taxiing, because no missiles were mounted, the fuselage was quite light, and the fighter jet jumped into the air with a very light leap: "Go with the fastest speed. "

Zhang Yang said quickly in the headset. "Yes...but, if there is anything uncomfortable for the chief, you tell me." After the pilot finished, the fighter began to climb quickly. Although this fighter Zhang Yang does not know whether it is J10, the flight speed of the fighter at low altitude and high altitude is not the same, and the flight speed of the fighter in Zhoukong can be almost three times that of civil aviation!

"I'm going!" After climbing into the stratosphere, Zhang Yang couldn't help but vomit violently. gas. Zhang Yang's headset call channel should be directly connected. The pilot in front heard Zhang Yang's violent gasp. After resuming smooth flight, he asked quickly, "General... Are you okay?"

"Wow, it's okay, take a fighter plane, I'm so excited, I will buy a play in the future." Zhang Yang took a deep breath and said with excitement. Even Zhang Yang is not sure why he has this feeling. Anyway, although the fighter is not a limit climb, the climb speed is already quite fast for ordinary people. Although it is impossible to talk about the overload of a few G, it has an impact on people. There are still. But Zhang Yang was very excited and felt that there was something burning in the blood.

Especially when you see the blue sky outside through the glass of the cabin. It seems that you can't describe it with words? Does Lao Tzu still have the talent to be a fighter pilot? The pilot in front of me who didn’t know what rank was estimated to have been speechless by Zhang Yang. It took a long time to reply. General, you’re fine. "Accelerate, catch up with the fastest speed." Although Zhang Yang did not know how fast the current speed is, he did not understand the instruments in front of him, but Zhang Yang could feel that the fighter should not have reached the maximum speed.

"Yes!" The pilot in front did not hesitate. If it was just fine with the climb, the acceleration should not be much. Besides, in the stratosphere, there is not so much air vortex, and the fighter will not pick up, no big problem. of. As the fighter accelerated, Zhang Yang also felt that his blood seemed to surge up, but after a short period of adaptation, it was no longer a big deal.

And it is not fighting now, the fighter has been flying smoothly, Zhang Yang quickly adapted to this situation. When Zhang Yang thought about looking out of the cabin, Zhang Yang found out that he did not know when the fighter in front of him was no longer alone. There were two fighters on the left and right, and the fighter crew became a triangle. Formation flying.

The flight time didn't last long, probably more than twenty minutes, the pilot's voice came in front, the fighter plane slowed down and began to descend. When the fighter plane passed through the clouds, Zhang Yang looked down, and there were green peaks everywhere. Zhang Yang could not recognize where it was, but it should be a secret military base. At least there must be an airport fist.

Soon as the fighter descended, Zhang Yang saw a well-disguised airport below. As the striking navigation lights above the runway lit up, the fighter quickly landed smoothly on the runway. The sudden stop suddenly made Zhang Yang slightly uncomfortable, but his body was nothing. When the fighter stopped, Zhang Yang had returned to normal.

When Zhang Yang jumped out of the fighter plane without help, no matter what the pilot or the person who was already prepared to respond was dumbfounded. "Uh, why? Don't you feel wrong if I didn't vomit or have a pale face?" Zhang Yang said with a smirk.

"Uh, no, the chief, please come with me." The next reception is a colonel and a group of officers. There are already two off-road vehicles parked next to the runway. After jumping off the ladder, the leading captain Li Liao took Zhang Yang to the off-road vehicle that had been launched: "General, the patient is in the base's super critical observation room, but he has been in a coma for more than a month. When did he wake us up? I don’t know, but his brain wave shows that his brain has not died. This is the doctor in charge of the patient in the hospital." The colonel introduced Zhang Yang to a middle-aged man wearing a lieutenant colonel's costume next to him.

"Hello, I won't talk nonsense, tell me about the patient." Zhang Yang shook hands with the middle-aged military doctor and asked quickly. "Okay, this is the case. Although his brain wave proves that his brain has not died, and his physical life characteristics have not disappeared, but our testing equipment has found that his brain cells have begun to die in small quantities. I died, because the cancer cells spread too fast, we simply have no time to stop this and death. If our test is correct, his brain cells will die in the last half month..."

After the doctor had probably finished speaking, the buggy had quickly moved to the base in the distance. With the doctor’s words, Zhang Yang’s mood also became heavy. This guy, Luo Gai, did not let other people live in peace when he was in critical condition. However, Zhang Yang also knew that Luo Gai would be able to wait for Zhang Yang to the best of his ability. I just don't know what he is going to hand over to him.

And according to the situation recommended by the doctor, Zhang Yang did not know whether he had gone away, and whether Luo Gai could wake up. Even if he wakes up, according to the doctor's introduction, his brain cells begin to die, is his consciousness or his memory normal?

Zhang Yang didn't have the chance to visit this base. Ten minutes later, Zhang Yang came to the intensive care unit where Luo Gai was: watching Luo Luo who was covered with liquid and his body was already swollen, even his face was almost indistinct. Guy, Zhang Yang sighed slightly. Who knows if he can wake up in this situation?

"How's it going?" Zhang Yang turned and asked the two Yixi staring at the ward.

"The patient's life characteristics are still declining slowly. It's a miracle that he can persist until now. It is estimated that..." This bite gave Zhang Yang a stern look. She didn't know Zhang Yang's concentration, so she didn't know how to answer.

"I'll go in and see." Zhang Yang said in silence. "Okay. Open the door:" The doctor thought about it, and finally waved his hand. Strictly speaking, it was a miracle that Luo Gai could persevere until now, and Zhang Yang didn't expect anything more. But I was able to rush over and look at this, boy, Zhang Yang suddenly felt quite calm.

When I walked to Luo Gai’s bed, it took a long time for Yang to whisper: "You guy, you are dying and you are dying, and you won’t let me settle down, okay, I’ve ridden the ride, just buddy, you still Can you wake up? I don’t know what you are going to give me, but I promise that the wealth you bring to all mankind will one day be made public...” Zhang Yang did not know if Luo Gai could hear: but with With Zhang Yang’s words, the two standing in the house suddenly gleamed with eyes, and said with shortness of breath: “Quick, the patient’s brain wave activity is accelerating...” The voice of this hasn’t fallen Seeing Luo Gai open those weak eyelids.

"You're here" Luo Gai's weak voice rang, Zhang Yang opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, how do you know I took it, and finally Zhang Yang said nothing.

But Luo Gai seemed to see Zhang Yang’s question, cracked his mouth, and barely put a smile on the weak posture: “Before I was comatose, I remember your voice, and then hypnotized tens of thousands of times, As soon as I hear your voice, I must wake up, I must wake up... so I wake up... Of course, when you ride, my brain is dead... I am also right." Very Strangely, Luo Gai can still clearly express his meaning.

Is this the way back to the light? Zhang Yang just wanted to speak. Luo Gai didn't give Zhang Yang this opportunity. He continued: "Well, since you are here, it seems that this thing must appear in the world. You lean your ears over:" Zhang Yang nodded and then bent down He lowered his ear close to Luo Gai's mouth.

(To be continued) ! ! ;




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