The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 600: Horse-hook event (4)

"Apart from our position, thank you for this matter." After making a decision in his heart, Zhang Yang raised his head and said to Xiang Tingwei with a smile.

"No, take what you need. Since that's the case, I'll go first." Xiang Tingwei nodded lightly, then stood up and walked directly outside.

"Wait." Zhang Yang stopped him. Although he said that Xiang Tingwei's life and death had nothing to do with him. Although he paid money, Zhang Yang believed that at least what he told himself was far from 200 million. "What's the matter?" Xiang Tingwei looked back at Zhang Yang.

"Be careful, you know what I mean." Zhang Yang didn't say it too bluntly, but just clicked on it. After mixing for so long in this position, if he can't even hear such a meaning, then he too In vain. Chapter 600 of the "Hanging Horse" Event in Xiang Ting (4) Wei nodded and turned around and left. After Xiang Tingwei left, Tan Yudie asked curiously, "Why are you so polite with him?"

"I said, people are also one of your suitors anyway? You don't have to hate people like that?" Zhang Yang was in a good mood, looking back at Tan Yudie and asked with a laugh. Tan Yudie rolled her eyes. I turned around and walked out of the door when I was too lazy to look at you. Zhang Yang stood there and shook his head. Finally, he followed me helplessly. Just two steps away, a waiter He quickly greeted and blocked Zhang Yang and said, "Sir, sorry, you haven't checked out yet."

"Ah..." Zhang Yang choked for a moment and found that the two protagonists drinking coffee had ran away. But he, who later paid two hundred million, didn't get anything? Also check them out? Nodded helplessly, Zhang Yang immediately touched all over his body. Fortunately, he came out and brought his wallet. When he walked to the desk to find out his wallet, Zhang Yang couldn't help but smiled bitterly. It seems that although he brought his wallet, Zhang Yang's wallet There are only so many bank cards in it, and the cash seems to be gone.

Think about it, he seems to have not spent money for a long time. When he was outside, Chapter 600 of the horse-hanging event (4) was settled by Cao Yong. After all, Zhang Yang’s identity is a little special. Who knows what will happen, so it’s big Cao Yong bought things part of the time, and Zhang Yang had been out of cash for a long time. After a pause, Zhang Yang took out a silver burst card inside. This bank card is light blue, with special diamonds inlaid with six sapphire blue stars. These diamonds are not valuable, but this process It's very valuable.

This bank card was issued by ICBC specifically for the Star Group. It is not issued to the outside world. It is only issued to the employees of the Star Group as the salary settlement card of the Star Group. Although the rhinestones composed of sapphire blue are artificially synthesized and are not valuable, But this process is not simple, and owning it is a status symbol.

Inside the Star Group, this kind of bank card is the same as the car specially created by the BMW company under the Star Group for the company manager level. Seven stars are, one star is an ordinary employee, and seven stars are unique, only the starry sky. Li Keqing, the chairman of the group, is owned by Sister Xiao, who is said to have no Zhang Yang. Of course, the legend of the outside world can prove that he really does not have seven stars. Li Keqing now stands for the Starry Sky Group, and everything is unique.

Of course Zhang Yang doesn't care about this anyway, anyway, hey, at night, does your dear chairman still sleep with me? Therefore, Zhang Yang’s bag contains only this six-star bank card. As for the other bank card, it is ICBC’s bank card. There are only a few cards in the world, so Zhang Yang did not take it out, but just took out this bank card and handed it out. In the past.

When I saw Zhang Yang's bank card, what surprised Zhang Yang was that the front desk and the waiter immediately became respectful, and the waiter simply returned the bank card in his hand to Zhang Yang, and then said respectfully : "This gentleman, you don't have to pay the bill anymore."

"Ah? Why?" Zhang Yang froze for a while, so the waiter smiled at Zhang Yang, and then politely pointed to the clerk at a coffee shop at the front desk. Zhang Yang noticed that this used an English word. Behind the named coffee shop is then decorated with a small star group e*, the Peugeot star, and a unique sky blue. "Well? When did Starry Sky Group start a coffee shop? Why didn't I know?" Zhang Yang was a little speechless. He really didn't know about it. It seems that Starry Sky Group has never invested in a coffee shop? "No, no, you misunderstood this gentleman. Although it can be said that it was invested by the Star Group, it can also be said that it was not invested by the Star Group." A sudden voice was inserted.

Zhang Yang glanced along with his voice. A 30-something appeared in Zhang Yang's sight. When he saw Zhang Yang's doubts, he smiled and said, "This coffee shop is the investment product of the Starry Employee Fund." In a word, Zhang Yang Immediately realized, the Star Employee Fund, the establishment of this fund is not long, in fact, less than six months, Zhang Yang was no longer in the company, but Zhang Yang once heard Cao Yong mentioned that Chen Xiaowei and Li Keqing discussed Come out uh.

It doesn’t want to make a profit. In fact, it can be said to be part of the Star Group’s welfare. The purpose of this fund is to make a part of the Star Group’s money to invest in the fund every year. The difference is that you can see it from the name. If the family members of the employees of the group make an investment, you can apply for this fund as long as the family members of the employees of the Star Group, and then submit your ideas and your investment plan to it. There will be a person to review it. If the review is passed, the Star Group will Provide these families with an interest-free loan as a starting capital for investment.

Of course, you have to pay a part of the shares of this industry or other things to mortgage, but this mortgage is temporary. When you can repay all these loans, then these mortgages will be returned to you intact. "My husband works in Star Group, so I opened this coffee shop. Star Group can be said to be our second home, and all investments sponsored by the Star Employees Fund will have the Star Group logo." Zhang Yang smiled again. Explained again.

Zhang Yang suddenly realized why this coffee shop had the Star Group logo. After a pause, Zhang Yang still handed over his bank card and smiled and said: "This is the benefit the group gives to employees, but it cannot be ours. The reason for not paying the bills, because you have put in labor, so... and there are so many employees in our group, you can’t be a group employee and you don’t have to pay bills?"

Of course, Zhang Yang is not a good name, in fact, he also knows that this coffee shop does not lack his table, but this cannot be a precedent! At least he can’t be a good guy. He is also the founder of Star Group. These people have a sense of belonging to Star Group. This is a very good thing, so Zhang Yang cannot let this sense of belonging disappear.

This is obviously a bit stunned, but she smiled quickly again, nodded slightly, and then signaled to the front desk to check out, but at checkout, this one smiled and said: "Although we can't give out the bill as long as it is a group employee, but at least Don’t our group employees hold the right to discount?"

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and immediately "haha" laughed, this woman is interesting, but it also reflects from the side how good the work of Chen Xiaowei and Li Keqing is, you have to know how long the Star Group was established, just With this atmosphere, when the Star Group has been established for decades, and when the influence of the Star Employees Fund or the like lasts for decades, what a huge number will it be?

With so many employees going to love the Star Group, such a company is hard to think about! "Then I would like to thank you." After taking back his bank card, Zhang Yangwei smiled and then turned around and went to gather. After Zhang Yang left, the waiter could not help but asked: "Boss, why do I look at him a little bit familiar?"

This smiled immediately, and she said for a long time: "Ah, you go to the second floor window of the coffee shop." The waiter was stunned for a long time, and for a long time she suddenly seemed to think of something, and then reached out to cover I stopped my mouth and I was afraid that I would call it out. The front desk heard the conversation between the two of them was almost the same expression. For a long time, the younger sister at the front desk stuttered and said: "Old... boss... you... you are Say...he... he’s like... he’s the starry sky... the founder of the starry sky group? Li Keqing's fiance?

"Don't you know if you go and see?" This smiled slightly, and then turned to the other direction. Of course, Zhang Yang did not know that he was recognized. In fact, Zhang Yang did not expect to be on the second floor of this cafe. Set up a promotional window of the Starry Sky Group with many photos of the important people of the Starry Sky Although the exposure of Zhang Yang is not high, it is not difficult to find his photos on the Internet.

When he left the cafe, Tan Yudie was sitting on a guardrail in front of the cafe and looked at the pedestrians on the street. When Zhang Yang came out, Tan Yudie asked helplessly: "I said it takes so long to check out. "Aren't you without money?" Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders, took out his wallet without any nonsense, and opened it to Tan Yudie.

Looking at the clean wallet inside, Tan Yudie was also speechless for a long time before she said, "What do you plan to do next? What did you just tell Ting Wei? Seriously or not?"

"Serious and serious, simple and simple, let me solve this matter. Don't tell Chen Xiaowei about them. I think of a way. In fact, this matter is not difficult to tell." Zhang Yang thought about it, he I already have a plan in my heart, but it has not been implemented yet.

"Then I don't ask, you look at the solution, I went to the company." Tan Yudie thought for a while, shrugged her shoulders directly, and walked to her car. ! ! ! ;




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