The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 601: Horse-hook event(5)

After returning from outside, Zhang Yang did not go to the company with Tan Yudie, but returned directly to his home. When Zhang Yang returned, there was an item of data listed on the computer screen, and Zhang Yang immediately began to read it. These data are the tasks left when Zhang Yang left, which is to let the starry sky retrieve the most recent intrusion incidents and so on.

After reading all the intrusion incidents, Zhang Yang immediately looked at the similarities listed in the following starry sky based on these intrusion incidents, although many of the similarities are useless at first glance, such as what letters are in the company name Yeah or something, but Starry Sky is a program after all, it can't be too demanding, and is already very satisfied with this result.

But that's it. Zhang Yang still found what he needed. Looking at the comparison of the horse-hiding incident in Chapter 601 (5), Zhang Yang couldn't help but burst into a cold sweat. This common point almost covered the recent More than 80% of the companies that were hacked in a week! To put it plainly, these companies are all Asian companies! And 80% of these companies are communication companies!

In other words, these companies are responsible for the mobile communications business of various countries. To put it bluntly, it is that these companies all have satellite base stations! Able to contact these satellites! Zhang Yang was a bit worried when he saw this. Mobile and China Unicom must have been invaded. Zhang Yang dare to ensure that the other party did not find evidence that the starry sky was connected to those satellites, because now the starry sky is using satellite base stations to contact those satellites. .

Don’t forget that because of translation software, Starry Sky has contracts with most of the mobile communication service providers around the world to use the other party’s network, which provides great convenience for Starry to sneak into the other party’s network. These mobile communication service providers There are a lot of communication giants who have their own commercial satellites, so now the stars are connected to the satellites in the sky by turning these commercial satellites into broilers.

So even if the other party didn't find his own handle, but Chapter 601 of the horse-hanging incident (5) was Zhang Yang still startled with a cold sweat, it seems that these professional intelligence departments are not covering the work, professional is professional Although they did not lock in their targets, they were right in the direction they were looking for. They were looking for Asian companies. Undoubtedly, the six satellites were hovering over Asia. This made the other party suspicious. Too.

Using satellites as a broiler as a server is naturally impossible to use only the server resources of the satellites, which is too small to use. You must know that these satellites are all military satellites that can guide defense missiles. There are too many things they can do! For example, stealing a little peek at what is simply unfavorable!

Just when he saw this, Zhang Yang didn't understand. Since he wanted to investigate in secret, why would the US side modify the trajectory of several other military satellites? Isn't it clear that they have discovered that the satellite has anomalies? Moreover, after modifying the movement trajectories of several other satellites, they did not use the underlying command to retrieve the several satellites in their hands, and they continued to keep these satellites under their own monitoring. What is this?

Self-deception? Or is it blindfolded? Is this too natural? This idiot's approach is that a person with a slightly normal head will not do it, let alone the other party is an intelligence department with countless staffs and a country's government. It's greasy and greasy.

Zhang Yang touched his chin hard, he still couldn't figure it out, or you wouldn't move the 13 satellites at all, and secretly investigate by yourself, I can understand that you don't want to kill the snake, or you just get all the satellites back, Then by investigating the use of these satellites to track down the hackers, I can understand that you have confidence in your strength, and you don’t want these fake satellites to become scrap iron.

But you can’t keep up, it’s too nonsense to go back and forth, right? Are the CIA or FBI so sure that this hacker will not use these satellites? Or simply say...Zhang Yang suddenly thought of another possibility. Did the other party do it on purpose? Want to let yourself know that they have discovered that they have stolen satellites? Then the mind is vigilant and exposes itself while erasing the traces?

This is very possible! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang immediately felt that this explanation was quite reliable. The strength of CIA in Asia is very strong! Even if China is a little weaker, it is undoubtedly possible in other Asian countries to use the power of these countries’ cybersecurity departments. Obviously, these people have decided that they should have used satellite base stations, so it is not impossible for them to find ways to track themselves by monitoring the abnormal conditions on the network.

And this possibility is not small, don't underestimate the amount of resources that the CIA can call, especially when the US military system and even nuclear weapons, and the national strategic missile defense system are threatened by cyber security, the resources that the CIA can call are even more Horrible. Moreover, judging from the analysis and warning of the intrusion of these various companies just collected by the starry sky, it is clear that this is the action of the other party, in other words, the other party is doing it on its own.

To be honest, if these people really invaded the server of the mobile satellite base station that Zhang Yang used to contact the satellite, and conducted a thorough search, they can really find clues. Zhang Yang did not deliberately clean up that server, but there are so many satellite base stations all over Asia. This is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack. They are really playing the snake, but they dare not startle the snake too much.

There were a few thoughts in my head, Zhang Yang suddenly laughed with pride, NND, okay, you guys play with yin, right? I’ll give you a big one, and Zhang Yang suddenly thought of another wretched way. Just do it. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang didn't say anything and directly turned off all the messy things on the computer screen, and quickly opened the programming program.

Zhang Yang has not programmed for a long time, he doubts whether his level can keep up, but this is not difficult for Zhang Yang, there is no way, who makes Zhang Yang have such a big starry sky in his hand? It is recommended that the castration of the iliac shell be Xinxin fiber  Xinyan meteorite barium 恫 "Jing  ⑶ axillary thick flutter  堑 which citrus Mi pepper  衿鞯 Male Penguin low holding small! Betrayal, benzyl glaze, qiang qiangzhan, karma, cynical, sorrowful, sorrel, stag, stag, scorpion, stag, sorrow

Don’t forget, Star Group also has a network security department, and Star Group also has a photon defense software. Although photon defense is not the main product of Star Group, but now the global installed capacity of photon defense software has exceeded 700 million computers. It is the most used security software for individual users to use the integrated system to clean up, prevent viruses and so on! none of them!

Because the photon defense software is completely free, so its virus detection and killing ability is very strong, but there is still a slight gap between the defense ability and professional antivirus software, but this can not deny the software's ability to capture viruses! This photon defense software for virus capture and killing capabilities is definitely the world's top class! This is almost the default for companies doing cybersecurity around the world.

Although the photon defense software's ability to defend against viruses is not outstanding, but its ability to find viruses is very good. Although the photon defense software was later in charge of the Star Group’s network security department, it was actually merged with the Star Group’s own firewall, but the function was simplified by more than N.

The firewall used by the Star Group, others regard it as a firewall, but Zhang Yang naturally knows that it is simply part of the Starry Sky system! With the current reputation of the Starry Sky Group and the views of various websites under the Starry Sky Group, all the viruses on the network will inevitably be driven to spread to the Starry Sky Group's servers, but these viruses want to invade the Starry Sky system, that is simply Nonsense.

Unless Luo Gai is born again, or ANUBIS concentrates on releasing such a virus, it may not be possible, because other hackers don’t even know that such a system exists in the starry sky. Naturally, they will not specifically study the virus against it. Detect the Starry Sky Group's servers, and try to figure out the Starry Sky are a fairy, you can do and these viruses have no effect on invading the server, as a process that threatens the program system One, Starry Sky will automatically record the code characteristics of these viruses, and then naturally upgrade its own firewall, and then the photon defense software will naturally have the ability to capture and kill these viruses.

Therefore, it is naturally unfavorable for Zhang Yang to let Starry Sky search for the super viruses that are currently erupting around the world, or that the virus databases of other security companies may not be as complete as the virus databases of Starry Sky. Of course, Zhang Yang can't be a virus. He is looking for viruses with a high threat level. Zhang Yang wants to transform a virus. As for how to use this virus, hey, I don’t know if the CIA is there. Will you know if you know the details?

Zhang Yang's ability to research and write viruses is unquestionable! Otherwise, there will be no infected insects at the beginning, and there will be no starry sky! Although Zhang Yang is now working on another new virus, but with the analysis reports of various super viruses rectified by countless hackers around the world, and even some viruses even decompile the source code than Starry Sky, if Zhang Yang wants to modify it, then It's as easy as drinking water. ! ! ! ;




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