The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Horse-hook event(6)

With the help of the starry sky, it took about six or seven hours for Zhang Yang to get a computer virus. This computer virus is not the same as any one that Zhang Yang has used. In fact, it is like telling Zhang Yang to Ting Wei. It is more like a connection program with a satellite. The difference is its concealment ability and anti-reconnaissance. The killing ability is quite strong. Except that the starry sky can be checked out, other current internationally advanced anti-virus software, Zhang Yang, has been tested one by one. Their current anti-virus engines are absolutely powerless to this virus.

After carefully rechecking it and confirming that there are no problems, Zhang Yang directly wrote it into the white list of the starry sky system. After setting the time for the white list, Zhang Yang directly uploaded the virus to the server and opened the first Chapter 602 The horse-hanging event (6) is activated.

This computer virus is not very harmful, it does not occupy the system for its own use, it will not automatically copy files, steal files, but it can secretly open a backdoor in your system and use your network resources . In fact, there is no other harm to put it bluntly. Its main thing is the terrible infection transmission ability and mutation ability. Zhang Yang also wrote the cross-mutation method of infecting insects into its source code.

It is almost impossible to kill the virus if the correct mutation law is not found. Of course, if someone has the anti-virus ability of the mother nest, then the virus can also be killed. But unfortunately, other security companies are still the old-fashioned anti-virus methods. In fact, the emergence of Zhang Yang has raised the global cyber security technology a lot.

The main server of the starry sky system has the official websites of all subsidiaries of the starry sky group. Other companies are okay. Blizzard games, World of Warcraft, and the official website of the starry sky cup. The daily global visits are a horrible number. See Looking at the number of virus infections on the computer screen, Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

That number is growing at a geometric rate in Chapter 602, The Horse Virus Event (6). This computer virus can be spread by almost all existing transmission methods, and now Zhang Yang personally hangs it on the Star Group server. Inside, that is to say, within the next twelve hours, its global spread will reach a horrible number.

Looked at the number on the computer that was still beating, Zhang Yang turned it off directly, it would only exist in the starry sky white list for 13 and a half hours, Zhang Yang looked down at the time, it is now 9:30 at night Two points, that is to say, after a few minutes at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, it will disappear from the white list of the starry sky, and then the starry sky will kill it directly.

Watching the time walking slowly on the desktop, it took about ten minutes or so before Zhang Yang picked up his mobile phone and directly dialed the GOD phone. The network security department of the Star Group is on duty for 24 hours, and the technical department is also on duty, but it is not possible to notify the people in the company first.

GOD quickly answered the phone, "Hey? Is there anything wrong with it?" GOD asked strangely, and Zhang Yang wouldn't call him when he was generally fine. "I just discovered a virus that has been hiding on the Internet for a long time, but I haven't caught its existence yet. If my analysis is correct, it is very similar to the assassin virus that has appeared."

Of course, Zhang Yang only said that this computer virus is definitely more powerful than the assassin virus, regardless of its harmfulness, single infection ability and concealment ability. "Really? Is it a new variant of Assassin's virus?" GOD's tone immediately became serious.

"I don’t know, but I just discovered that it seems that our company’s servers have been infected with this virus. You should check with someone first. If you can be sure, call me back immediately. I will ask the company’s technical department. Issued a virus alert." Zhang Yang said.

"I know." GOD agreed and hung up the phone directly. Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang grotesquely said to himself: "Well, let's see who played who this time." Once again, click on the number of infections of this virus to check it again. The number of replications of this virus has reached 70. More than ten thousand times, in just ten minutes or so, it has infected more than 700,000 computers worldwide, and this number is now jumping to a terrible rate almost every second.

In the seven or eight seconds that Zhang Yang checked, the number of copies of this virus has reached more than 1.5 million. With the increase in the number of infections, the mutual transmission between computers, I am afraid in 13 hours Since then, its infection number has reached tens of millions, and even hundreds of millions of them is not difficult at all.

Zhang Yang was not idle. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang took the initiative to spread these viruses to his own satellite broilers and mobile communication service providers in several countries in Southeast Asia. After doing all this, Zhang Yang began to modify The command of the starry sky will remove all traces that are unfavorable to oneself in the 6th satellite.

After erasing all his traces, Zhang Yang thought about it and copied the virus in this satellite to the mobile communication service provider server and satellite base station in Australia several times. Then Zhang Yang ignored it. The rest is simple. After doing this, Zhang Yang directly wiped out all the mother viruses and control programs he wrote from his own server. Now let the virus wreak havoc on the Internet. It follows Zhang Yang. It doesn't matter at all.

Zhang Yang did not wait too long, that is, more than an hour, the GOD phone called: "L, we have checked it, you are right, the concealment and infection ability of this virus is quite scary, And it is almost the same as the assassin virus and has cross-infection ability. It is also a mother-child structure. We just caught a computer virus, but during the analysis, it carried out the first mutation, and now we have no way to kill it. 'S opinion is..."

………We shut down all our servers now, and upgrade and maintain the servers immediately. "

"Did you understand its function?" This virus was released by Zhang Yang himself, so Zhang Yang is naturally not in a hurry, but this surface effort needs to be done. This matter will be known by itself, and it is impossible to kill this identity. exposure. Otherwise, you will not know what kind of storm is waiting for this.

"No for the time being, but you can definitely get the super administrator rights of our server through it. This is affirmative, and it is not difficult to use this virus to break through the firewall, but you can rest assured that our company's server system is not the same as the system on the market. It has no way to get the core management authority for the time being, but can only establish some low-level authority, which is useless."

...GOD said.

"I know, in other words, is it not a big threat to our server right now?" Zhang Yang said again.

"Yes." GOD answered yes. "Don't release this news for the time being, at least not tonight. Tonight, you will work overtime to study this virus to see if you can find a way to kill it in the shortest possible time. I will analyze it here at night to see Is there any progress? If there is still no result at 8 o'clock next year, I will notify Chen Xiaowei to hold a press conference." Zhang Yang thought about it. Said.

This news must be known to GOD, but it cannot be leaked to the public. What Zhang Yang has to do now is to let the hackers on the network know the existence of this virus through GOD and their mouths. Tomorrow, the starry sky and other groups will take the initiative, ANUBLS Don't you want Yinxing Sky Group? Let me see you tomorrow, where do you go next?

GOD agreed, and then dropped the L sentence he went to study the virus and hung up the phone. Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang couldn't help but laugh, hey, he is more and more proud of this trick, but unfortunately, such a good trick can only be appreciated and known by himself, and no one else can know.

But tonight I still have to do something. Zhang Yang went downstairs to say hello to Li Keqing and Li Shufang, and then went back upstairs again. After the door was locked, Zhang Yang went to bed in Shi Shiran. . As long as the virus leaves the starry sky whitelist, starry sky will automatically generate an antivirus program to kill it. At that time, even if the photon defense software has no way to kill it, the starry sky group can launch its own special killer program, but these are not Most importantly, these are just creating momentum for the purpose of publicity!

One night, Zhang Yang dreamed almost all The next morning, at 7 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Yang woke up. After he arrived, Zhang Yang called Bi D directly and asked GOD about them. Progress. However, the inquiry is also a white question. Zhang Yang knows that they have no effective solution for the time being. Although the Star Group has a supercomputer, the calculation of the mutation law of viruses is not so easy to calculate.

According to Zhang Yang’s design, it takes at least a week or so to crack all the mutation laws. "My analysis results haven't come out yet, but there shouldn't be too many problems to get the results, but this time the disease is coming... You have to be prepared, I think it will elicit some super hackers." Zhang Yang vaguely gave GOD they "sounded an alarm."

GOD didn't ask anything, but agreed in a solemn tone, telling Zhang Yang that they would be ready to defend the server, and then passed some of their analysis files to Zhang Yang for one night, and then hung up the phone.

Hanging up the GOD phone, Zhang Yang didn't say anything, just picked up his mobile phone and called the Blackhawk. ! ! ! ;




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