The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 606: High (on)

Gates cracked his mouth. If Zhang Yang is in front of him, it is estimated that Gates can rush up to strangle Zhang Yang. Although Gates is a defense minister, he is also a senior politician. Of course, Zhang Yang can listen to such words. Understand what it means. The problem is not a simple cooperation problem. Once the cooperation is over, even if the Star Group does not announce what is in the hand, what will the outsiders think after this incident? Wouldn't it be said that the US government really went to the Star Group for technical support?

It will be even more embarrassing! But this is always easier to accept than Zhang Yang's hand. Before calling, Gates was already mentally prepared. The president had given him authorization, even if he paid nothing to the Star Group, he could not allow the Star Group to throw out the things in his hand. After all, he paid 606th. Zhang Gao (top) is nothing more than taxpayer's money, but if it is thrown out, it will be his position as president.

"Well, we have a project on artificial intelligence that needs to be studied recently. I don't know if the Star Group is willing to take this order?" Gates asked helplessly.

Zhang Yang almost laughed on the spot, artificial intelligence, you really think of this excuse, this word is really not related to computer viruses and network security, and it is really shameful. "Uh, how much is the amount of this project? Minister Gates, you also know that our company is relatively large, and some small businesses are not connected." Zhang Yang said implicitly.

"SHIT!" Gates covered his microphone with his hand and couldn't help but swear. Gates wanted to scold Zhang Yang for a vampire, but in the end Gates still refrained, and what Zhang Yang said was indeed true. The profitability is not to mention other companies, that is, the governments of all countries in the world are envious. If you give others $ 780 million, people may not really be able to look at it, especially Star Group is now preparing to launch Star Security , Throw out the information in your hand, I am afraid that the annual advertising fee will have this number?

"A five billion dollar investment! We only have five billion dollars in Chapter 606 high (upper) yuan!" Gates gritted his teeth, lowering the price in his heart by half, the highest authorization the president gave him It’s 10 billion. This year’s military spending in the U.S. government has reached more than 400 billion U.S. dollars. It’s okay to squeeze out 10 billion U.S. dollars from the middle, but Gates can’t naturally hand over all the money.

"Okay, we accepted this contract, then we should hold a press conference as soon as possible." Zhang Yang does not care how much money, even if Gates said that 100 million US dollars Zhang Yang recognized, Zhang Yang cares about the US government Order, what is the US? The boss of the world, except for the super companies and consortiums in his own country, when has the US government received orders from companies in other countries, especially if the other party is still a developing country?

Moreover, this order is not an ordinary product, it is related to network security. Although it changed its name, everyone knows it. What Zhang Yang wants is that this advertising effect will be held when the press conference is held. Absolutely, this is more than any advertising effect. This is publicity! In particular, Zhang Yang’s own press conference has already achieved certain results. If half of the countries in the world can respond, then this time the advertisement will be more arrogant than going to TV or the like.

Anyway, the goal of Star Group is not aimed at ordinary users at all. It is aimed at enterprise-level users. For enterprise-level users, their judgment standards are naturally not as blind as ordinary users. There must be a screening process between them. , Just like the Swiss bank’s network security system, there is a dedicated security company in charge. You have never heard of this security company in any country in the world, but this company’s reputation in the circle is very famous. .

"We will hold a press conference the day after tomorrow, and hope that the Star Group can send enough important people to the United States." Gates said in a deep voice, since the money has been paid, it can't be spent in vain, at least Star Group is currently in the virus killing The killing engine is quite good, and at least it is a reference after getting it back.

"No problem, I will go in person at that time." Zhang Yang nodded and said cheerfully, people gave this face, Zhang Yang will naturally also give face. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang immediately smiled with pride. Haha, this time the US government was suffering a big loss. Zhang Yang did not expect that those few broken military satellites could get 5 billion US dollars, and they still used other people’s. Something makes money for others, and it's relatively cool to make this money.

Anyway, this money does not make any money, and the US government will not treat you as a friend. Naturally, Zhang Yang doesn’t mind a bit of a contradiction with them. In fact, it’s blunt. The contradiction is very easy to resolve, and it’s enough to have enough interests. With the tiger? *げ⒉Huangxuan Training neon quietly salt salt Zhan **** Ask the Starry Sky Group for help.

After Zhang Yang laughed, he found that the employees in the technical department all looked at him with a weird look. Zhang Yang waved with pride and said, "Okay, those things just don't need to be sent out. Our dear President Bush used He bought him for 5 billion dollars. How about you, is your director good? You will earn 5 billion if you open your mouth."

GOD and others looked at each other, and for a long time, GOD nodded seriously and said: "You are very powerful, I found out that I can't do business with you in the future, otherwise if you are sold, you don't know how to be you. For sale." "Rely!" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, "Forget it, you continue to study, yes, the one that kills the whole, and in addition, our company's slightly outdated virus killing technology, And the firewall technology is ready for a share, ready to sell to Laomei."

Although I didn’t say anything in the middle of the phone, Zhang Yang also knew that Lao Mei couldn’t freely give 5 billion and then don’t have to do anything. Some things still have to be given. These technologies are the most important for global security vendors. Advanced technology, but for the Star Group, this virus-killing technology is outdated. Anyway, it is appropriate to maintain its own technical advantages, and then the rest of the things will be handed over. Isn’t that what the US government does? ? How many years have US military weapons around the world not been replaced? It is not that there is no better, but there is no need to change for better.

As long as the technical reserves are maintained, * Tomb  Tomb  矣 Xin Shuo  Mei Mo  Yue Block  Yo Tomb ひprayer . 庑┬Recording of the world's best luck, the falconry is a good one. (⑶依纬杉綦international wrestling and climbing fatigue 揖Young ammonia father卢淮俣染Membership aroundYejia Lamb?br/>

"Well, I understand." GOD nodded in excitement immediately. Who doesn't know that the United States is the only one on the Internet, and I didn't expect to have a day to export technology to the United States. In fact, these technologies are not really deep stuff. I believe as long as they are relevant The technology of the past has passed, and within a month, the technical staff in the US government can eat them all right away. There are no difficulties and they are very simple.

When he came out of the technical department, Zhang Yang went directly to Chen Xiaowei and said about the cooperation with the US government. After Zhang Yang finished speaking, Chen Xiaowei almost figured out what was going on. Some headaches rubbed his forehead, Chen Xiaowei asked silently: "Dare you do anything, even the United States government, you dare to black, you are not afraid that they will wear small shoes for our company in the United States. ?"

"You don't understand this. It is different in the United States and in the country. The laws of the United States are very different from the laws of the country. At least, if the jury system in the United States is in the country, do you think our country still has Will it be the way it is now?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows. Although he was deeply targeted by the old and beautiful, Zhang Yang did not have a good impression on this country, but simply taking the legal system of others, it is definitely sounder than the domestic one. Whether it is execution ability or execution strength, there are basically two levels.

"Okay, I know this, but I think it's better for us to come up with something. It saves the other person to feel uncomfortable. After all, we still have to do business in the United States, and our main business companies are all in the United States. Once there is a conflict between us, this situation is more troublesome. After all, we are a company, and there is still a gap between the government and the government." Chen Xiaowei thought about it, and still put forward his own opinions.

Zhang Yang nodded his head. Chen Xiaowei was right about it. Zhang Yang actually felt the same way. If he really only took money and didn't do things, in case the rebellious people made a big effort, the starry group must be the one who suffered the most. After finishing everything in the company, Zhang Yang went directly to his home, turned on the computer, and Zhang Yang looked at the news online. Almost all major portals posted this news as their headline news on their own. Website homepage.

Zhang Yang checked the number of downloads of the special killing through his account. In just a few hours, the number of downloads of this special killing of the virus reached 10 million levels, and this is still a transit for many websites, many people are in Downloaded from other sites, because this kill is directly and freely open, these sites naturally have no pressure when reprinting.

The media on the Internet have mixed reviews on this matter, but most of them still praise it. Although many newspapers have written reports about Zhang Yanggu’s reputation and the like, Zhang Yang doesn’t care at all. You can’t follow other people’s lives. The idea goes to live, can you still make people scold.

What surprised Zhang Yang was that the first spokesperson of the State Council was the spokesperson of the State Council. The spokesperson of the State Council highly praised the contribution of the Star Group in this virus incident, saying that the country is free from After a major loss, the State Council decided to award the Star Group National Star Enterprise, Outstanding Enterprise, and other honorary titles, and at the same time reward the Star Group’s technical staff and the National Science Contribution Medal for some computer researchers in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. .

Zhang Yang felt that after seeing it, the Prime Minister and No. 1 were really second people. For the people above, they naturally knew what Zhang Yang was going to do, and suddenly came to Zhang Yang’s itch. Starry Sky Group is not short of money, and rewards and the like are exempted, but no one should have too much honor, especially the honor issued in the name of the country, who is too much?

Moreover, this is not just commending the Star Group, it is completely running against other countries. Although it is said that the Star Group is our country, you can see that all of us who can justify and enjoy the results of the Star Group have been commended. Are you sorry to commend it? ?

Zhang Yang thought of the action above, but what Zhang Yang did not expect was that the second person who came out to make a statement was not actually a European country, nor a small reel country in Asia, but the United States! Moreover, the press conference was not actually a spokesperson for the White House, but Bush Jr. personally held a press conference to announce the details of the incident to the outside world.

"In this regard, I only represent the U.S. Government Department to express its gratitude to the Star Group for its outstanding contribution to the U.S. Government Department in this virus crisis, and on behalf of the U.S. Government Department to the founding of the Star Group Mr. Zhang Yang Zhang, the director of the technical department of the Star Group, awarded the Medal of Honor! In addition, the US government and the Star Group will start new research on artificial intelligence. The estimated investment is the first phase of 5 billion US dollars! The cooperation will hold a special press conference slightly."

"In addition, although the Star Group is a Chinese company, in the United States, a democratic and free country, we will accept everyone fairly and impartially, regardless of whether he is an American or a foreigner. A responsible world republic, powerful republic, UU reading We have the ability and the responsibility to protect the network security of all countries in the world..." Zhang Yang read the whole press conference without a word To be honest, after reading, Zhang Yang really admired home.

I have to say that these politicians really didn't say that they played word games. I have to say that Bush's method is really very high-end! First of all, put your own political retreat in a relatively low position, so that it will immediately give people a feeling, take a look, look at others, this is the style of the Dalang State! Is the status of the United States used propaganda? No, because everyone knows that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, and this position is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so there is no need to publicize it at all. Everyone knows this is a fact.

And Bush like this put the US Government House in a relatively low position, which made people feel that this attitude is indeed a responsible government house, and sincere attitude, he was wrong. It was wrong, dare to admit the mistake, and the reputation loss of the United States Government in this incident was not only recovered, but also won the support of more middle and lower class people.

high! Really high! Taller than the Himalayas! ! ! ! </p>;




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