The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 607: High (medium)

Medal of Honor! To be honest, Zhang Yang didn't expect that this guy, Bush, was really willing. He actually took out the most difficult medal to obtain from the US government! The US National Medal of Honor must be awarded by the President of the United States personally. This is probably the first award to a foreigner. But since others dare to grant it, why doesn't Zhang Yang want it?

And to be honest, if Bush did not come up with this medal, his announcement may not have any effect, but it is because of this medal that the people feel the sincerity of the government. The thinking of ordinary people in this country of the United States is actually different from that in China. They pay attention to the freedom of the people and think that everyone has their own freedom, and they will get paid for any contribution they make.

Now even a high (middle) person in Chapter 607 of a foreign country can get this kind of national medal of honor, then the nationals of the country will naturally take care of it more! It seems that Bush's psychology of catching his ordinary civilians is also more accurate, and the timing of the selection is also very good. Just after the Zhongluo government's government issued its own opinions, it immediately held a press conference. The outside world seems quite sincere.

Not only have you minimized your negative impact, but you have gained a lot of good reputation. These politicians can all be called conspirators. It seems that politicians are generally black all over the world, not only domestic means of playing, but foreigners are not bad at all.

However, when others made a gesture, Zhang Yang would naturally not find any trouble. Now that he has passed the most dangerous time, as long as the US government’s government is looking away, the rest of the situation will be simple and big deal. Take out the GSCSD and shake it up? As for the situation of the military satellite, the ID of GSCSD cannot be admitted. Isn't ANUBIS trying to bring the trouble over? Then just go back yourself.

Although Zhang Yang does not know where the secret base of ANUBIS is, if Zhang Yang remembers correctly, there is an ANUBIS website relay server in Chapter 607 Australia (Central) Asia. When the time comes, let the U.S. government reel and the Australian government reel. Zhang Yang had a lot of information in his hands. First, he carefully checked the status of the starry sky and confirmed that the starry sky had wiped out all the traces connected to the satellite. Zhangyang began to check the situation of the virus.

Although the company has produced a special kill, but the special kill does not guarantee that the virus is completely cleaned, especially to this mutant virus. If all the viruses cannot be killed, it can still spread on the network, and it It is too powerful for ordinary people, and ordinary anti-virus software really can't kill it.

Although this matter has a great impact, not everyone will read the news, especially this kind of news. Many ordinary netizens think that it has nothing to do with them, and a large part will not pay attention. Zhang Yang has cleared all the information of the virus, and only retained the original source code and files that can detect the number of times the virus has been copied. The program for detecting the number of copies is useless, it is for statistics.

This virus can cross-infect each other, so Zhang Yang can completely control the virus here to weaken its ability to infect, and then slowly disappear into the eyes of everyone on the Internet. Zhang Yang was originally prepared to do so. However, when he was about to reach his head, Zhang Yang suddenly changed his mind. Instead of completely silence the virus, he changed its source code completely.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang added some functions that the infecting insects had in his source code, increasing the destructive ability of the virus and its mutation method, and then Zhang Yang directly spread the mutant virus. . Zhang Yang couldn't tell what his purpose was, but he felt that it was better to do it subconsciously, and then he did it. Anyway, there is no loss for the Starry Sky Group. It can completely kill all the viruses in the Starry Sky system, even after the mutation. The same is true.

After releasing the virus, Zhang Yang did nothing, and Zhang Yang, the satellite in the sky, didn't care, but he could monitor these satellites remotely at any time, but he no longer controlled by infected insects, but recovered the original time. Zhang Yang controls the way it is. Next, Zhang Yang is ready. If the US government does not do anything, he will not do it, just leave it there. Anyway, it should be erased for a long time, some are not. The traces erased were intentionally left by Zhang Yang to show them.

In the next few days, following the US government, countries all over the world that received the Star Group’s warnings all issued public statements, followed by praises made by the Star Group in this global virus crisis. Contribute, but the declarations of these countries are not as noticeable as the declarations of the old and beautiful ones. First, let’s leave the Zhongluo country aside. After all, the Star Group is an enterprise of the Zhongluo country, even if all countries do not issue this statement, Zhongluo The government will definitely issue it.

Therefore, everyone in China will automatically ignore it and leave China alone, then the US government will become the first country to issue a statement, which is why Bush will gain such prestige after lowering his posture. The reason, after all, in the eyes of ordinary people, the first to jump out to make such a decision, which contains great courage, and is really a responsible country and president. No matter what the real situation is, at least this is what ordinary people see.

As for the latter countries, other people don’t know what to think, but Americans will surely think that these people will only follow the United States to do some actions without even a little responsibility, and that kind of superiority will come at once. It can be said that these countries do not know what their prestige is, but in the eyes of Americans, instead of nagging any benefits, they have become the foil of the United States.

Next, Zhang Yang and Li Keqing personally flew to the United States, and everyone was given enough face. This gesture Zhang Yang and Li Keqing must definitely do. After personally signing relevant contracts with representatives of the US government, the two sides held news. The press conference announced some relevant contents of this cooperation in front of reporters from all over the world, and then Bush personally awarded Zhang Yang with the National Medal of Honor.

Although Bush smiled as a reluctant smile when he received the Medal of Medal, Zhang Yang pretended not to see it. It had nothing to do with him anyway. Even if the old Bush had so many benefits from the outside world, he was definitely uncomfortable. At least in front of Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang knew the relevant situation.

After the press conference with the United States Government Department, Zhang Yang went directly to California. It seems that Zhang Yang has not visited his company well. The last time he came to Apple, he hurriedly turned around. Visit. This time it was different. California State Government issued a considerable police force to protect Zhang Yang, and the FBI did not dare to take it lightly and arranged enough agents around Zhang Yang.

If Zhang Yang is just an ordinary rich person, it doesn’t matter, for example, people like Rockefeller, because they don’t appear in the public eye, so it’s okay if they don’t protect, but Zhang Yang and Li Keqing’s influence in the world It's quite huge. If something goes wrong in the United States, the image of the US government will plummet. So even if Bush wants to strangle Zhang Yang, he has to make sure that Zhang Yang can't have an accident on his site. As long as Zhang Yang leaves the United States, it doesn't matter if Bush sends troops to kill Zhang Yang.

"How about we go out secretly?" Zhang Yang whispered to Li Keqing. "Ah? Where to go?" Li Keqing froze for a moment, and then said with a little excitement on his face.

"Go to Hawaii, let's go there to travel, just the two of us, no one, how about?" Zhang Yang looked at Li Keqing and said softly. Although Li Keqing himself wanted to be a strong woman like today, speaking of it, Zhang Yang felt very sorry for Li Keqing in the past two years. The two of them hadn't traveled together or hung out together.

Although the two had lived together before, Li Keqing was busy working for a day, and almost fell asleep in Zhang Yang’s arms when he went home. Zhang Yang himself did not know what to do busy every day. The time when the two can get along together is really good. Not much. Many times, Zhang Yang can’t figure out why people are alive. When they don’t have money, they want to earn money. When they have money, too many things make you have no time to rest.

"Isn't that bad? Sister Xiao Wei will be very worried? And the two of us are not If it really runs away... I guess the embassy of Dalang will have to report to the US The reed house exerted pressure." Li Keqing said worriedly. Zhang Yang thought carefully. It really was that if he really disappeared inexplicably, no matter what, the Dalang Embassy would definitely put pressure on the US government. He and Li Keqing now represent more than individuals.

Above, I have to consider the influence of the two of them in China and the consequences of this incident. "Well, let's take Cao Yong with them and wait until Hawaii to let Cao Yong disappear automatically, and then let Cao Yong say hello to Chen Xiaowei, saying that the two of us went to our company to investigate, and the specific whereabouts is not easy to disclose. Let They just confessed to the embassy of Dalang." Zhang Yang thought for a while and then came up with another idea. Since he can't steal away, it's better to steal away.

"Well, okay." Li Keqing was a little emotional. She spent too little time with Zhang Yang. This time, Li Keqing wanted to go with such an opportunity. Even if some American recognized them, it would not cause them. Looking around, the atmosphere here is relatively relaxed, and Li Keqing has longed for the beaches of Hawaii. ! ! ! ;




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