The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 611: Cooperation direction

In Chapter 611, the cooperation direction Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows. He didn’t know what this old gentleman said about the Freemasonry. Zhang Yang nodded nonchalantly: "I know, as long as people in the business community should know about it Freemasonry also knows the influence of this organization on the entire world economic system." Zhang Yang said nothing too much. Freemasonry's influence on the world's economic system is unquestionable, regardless of its own purpose , Its contribution to the world economic system exists.

So Zhang Yang said that it wasn’t too much for him to know. This old gentleman listened to Zhang Yang’s words and smiled: “Oh, Mr. Zhang knows what I’m talking about, and I’m not referring to the influence of this Freemasonry. Naturally know, but Freemasonry once had its own influence in the direction of cooperation of the Mafia Chapter 611, but their development started differently from ours, but in general they still have great Dark forces are hidden under the normal order of this world."

Zhang Yang nodded and did not answer, but just looked at the old gentleman and said nothing. It took a long time for this old gentleman to sigh and continue to say: "Mr. Zhang is indeed the founder of the Starry Sky Group. This calm attitude has already made many elderly people who have experienced storms ashamed, let alone young people. "

"The old gentleman has been praised." Zhang Yang owed slightly and thanked him. "No, no, I don’t have a reputation, or I should just look down on Mr. Zhang, okay, so, I won’t sell it anymore, I just said, it’s the control of Freemasonry. The gray power, that is, the power hidden under the normal order has been weakened a lot, from their peak? *谔偬倭玩还庑┝α霍慈Generous rose  Scar armpit smoke Yi 堸 that  cloth has no shells  枘龑樾 strong accounted for  cattle  also  Yi stolen by the aunt's letter 宄   堑 Which Kang Gian??br/>

This old gentleman did not sell anything at all. He directly told Zhang Yang about the direction of the cooperation in Chapter 611. Zhang Yang expressed a little surprise, and then he said nonchalantly: "I It is completely understandable that if I have such an organization, and there is another such group, I will also collect all the information of this group, which does not explain anything."

"It really can't explain anything, but I don't think they will do it with good intentions. At least, even if the incident of the Star Group's virus invasion has nothing to do with Freemasonry, Freemasonry has definitely participated in it. I I don’t know if Mr. Zhang knows that the US defense military satellite system was invaded by hackers, and Freemasonry tried to lead this matter to the Starry Sky Group, but the incident was also a coincidence. It happened that the Starry Sky Group discovered this virus. The crisis has been resolved invisible." The old gentleman squinted at Zhang Yang, as if he wanted to see something from this face.

However, he was quickly disappointed, not to mention the expression, that there was no special change in Zhang Yang's eyes. Only when he heard Freemasonry trying to plant the Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang's eyes flashed a bit of surprise. The old gentleman sighed slightly in his heart. This young man is really not easy. I really don't know how he grew up. It's really weird that he doesn't know how to develop his heart.

Generally speaking, if there is not enough life experience, it is difficult to have such a steady quality of mind, but the young man in front of him is obviously enchanting enough, but if you think about the achievements of Yang Yang, the old gentleman will be relieved, no matter who can If such achievements are made, there must be some ability to control emotions.

"I didn't expect there is such a hidden thing behind this incident, but I don't think we have much time. Is the old gentleman able to talk about the basis and sincerity of our cooperation? If there is no problem, I don't mind One more strong ally." Zhang Yang thought about it, or expressed his position.

Zhang Yang has also been carefully considered. First of all, if Longmen said that there is no purpose, it is impossible, but no matter what their purpose is, at least Longmen wants to pay attention to Starry Group. This is unlikely. The structure of Starry Group is destined. The possibility that Starry Group wants to be inserted by others for no reason is small, not to mention that Starry Heavy Industry has a very powerful and key technology, which leads to the above starry group not being watched by other people for no reason. Plus, don’t forget, Zhang Yang is now the major general of the Republic! This is not fake! This is a real major! Whether it has real power or not! This identity alone is already a major insurance.

The second point Zhang Yang also thinks very clearly, no matter what the old gentleman just said, but first of all, he certainly does not know the contradiction between him and F, that is, the Freemasonry and ANUBIS, I am afraid Even ANUBIS and Freemasonry themselves do not know that they are in conflict with Zhang Yang. People in this world will naturally not think that someone is born again, so Zhang Yang is still hidden in the dark.

So since this old gentleman could not know the contradiction between Zhang Yang and the Freemasonry, then he said what he just said was obviously from the eyeline of the Freemasonry, that is, the information investigated by their intelligence system, and then passed Their analysis tells Zhang Yang that in this way, it indirectly proves that these organizations that have been passed down for four or five hundred years are really very strong.

But speaking of it, maybe Freemasonry will be mysterious to ordinary people like Zhang Yang, but it is not necessary for Hongmen, who have also worked hard for more than 100 years in the world. After all, there is a lot of overlap between each other. The sphere of influence, it is actually quite simple to want to know the insider of the other party.

Moreover, after careful consideration, there can be no substantive contract or other things between Zhang Yang and the other party. The most is the oral cooperation between the two parties. In this way, even if the information is leaked, it will be nothing, and the big deal is not to admit it. However, if this relationship can be maintained, Zhang Yang will not be like a headless fly now, at least, Zhang Yang does not believe that there is no Freemasonry information in Longmen's hands!

It is now a strange situation between Zhang Yang and the Freemasonry. The Freemasonry does not know who is the enemy behind them in the end, while Zhang Yang does not know the secret stronghold of the Freemasonry and the like. If Zhang Yang can know some Masonic secrets, then it is much simpler for Zhang Yang to use GSCSD to plant mascotism, at least he has a goal!

Hearing Zhang Yang’s words, the old gentleman’s face was shocked for a while, followed by a joy, and immediately said with delight: “OK, Mr. Zhang, rest assured, we believe that Mr. Zhang’s position will not be regretted, so I will say To say the sincerity of cooperation between us, first of all, all the forces of Longmen's subordinate Mr. Zhang can call if they want, and we can even help Mr. Zhang to achieve the purpose you need."

"Conditions." Zhang Yang nodded, which was what Zhang Yang needed most, so Zhang Yang didn't say much, and asked the old man's conditions directly. "The conditions are very simple. If there is any business, the Star Group must first cooperate with the companies affiliated with Longmen. Of course, it is completely normal commercial scope, but within the normal commercial scope, I hope that the Star Group can give priority to the priority. Our companies affiliated with Longmen, I guarantee that the business of these companies is completely legal business." The old gentleman said seriously.

"This is no problem, but one day we made it clear that whether our company needs to order your product or you need our company's product, both parties must be on the premise of a fair and fair disclosure, such as product quality, if the product If the quality, etc. cannot be met, the cooperation between us will naturally end." Priority is nothing, but normal business behavior must be governed by business rules. This is the basic principle.

To Zhang Yang's words, the old gentleman immediately smiled and nodded and agreed: "Mr. Zhang is assured that all we need is a right to prioritize cooperation. The other Mr. Zhang said naturally according to market laws."

"Well, that's okay, you can say the next condition." Fully mobilize the power of the Dragon Gate. Even if Zhang Yang still doesn't know the Dragon Gate well, he can imagine how huge this power is. It's no exaggeration to say that it's just not a very good thing, almost Dragon Gate can do it.

"The second condition is also very simple. In case, I mean that in case the Dragon Gate encounters a factor that cannot be carried, I hope that Mr. Zhang can use your influence to help the Dragon Gate overcome the difficulties." The old gentleman looked carefully Zhang Yang, then said. Zhang Yang's brow furrowed immediately, this condition... how to say?

It's hard to say difficult, simple to say simple! And if this really happens, I want to help... It's not a simple matter, how big is the Dragon Gate? Not to mention Longmen, let’s just talk about Hongmen. It’s just a Hongmen, helping more than one million people! In case something goes wrong, this is not a trivial matter. No matter how big the influence of Zhang Yang is in China, this influence cannot be exerted well. It is impossible to allow such a gang force to exist in China.

In fact, the US government also wants to destroy these gangs, but because of the special environment and the special society, these gangs have grown. Now it is impossible to eliminate them, but this is not foolproof, just in case the United States If Zheng Lufu made up his mind to clear these gangs directly regardless of their influence, then these gangs could not compete.

Then again, a terrorist organization like Longmen is unlikely to be completely eliminated, and it is not a country’s decision. Maybe Bush can bomb Afghanistan through Parliament and destroy Uncle Laden, but Longmen The power of this kind of organization is no longer in a country, and its gang is too large. Once a turmoil is caused, no country can bear the consequences!

And if you move a dragon gate, the other gangs will surely endanger themselves. The end result is that all the gangs will unite. Such a combined force, the United States Government will not dare to touch easily. This is an alternative nuclear weapon. Once it explodes, The consequences are unimaginable unless the United States wants a complete unrest in its own society and the entire economy is backed up for a decade.

But since the old gentleman said so solemnly, it proves that Longmen must have sensed something, and is not aimlessly, so if Zhang Yang wants to agree to this condition, he must be prepared in his heart. "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, Longmen will not force Mr. Zhang, but only within the scope of Mr. Zhang's power. If the outcome of the matter exceeds Mr. Zhang's ability, Longmen will naturally not be tough." The old man added another sentence.

Zhang Yang shook his head slightly, and for a long time he whispered, "I wasn't that kind of person. If you really help me and I don't help you at last, it's meaningless to be alive. It's hard to talk about being a good person Okay, but at least the three words Zhongxiaoyi should be put in front."

Zhang Yang didn't say anything big, everyone has everyone's principles, and it doesn't make sense to say more. "Well, I know. I don't know if Mr. Zhang agrees with our proposal." The old gentleman nodded, with a hint of joy on his face. Before they came, they had investigated Zhang Yang's information. Look, they can see that Zhang Yang is not a kind of treacherous villain. People who are unscrupulous to make money. On the contrary, Zhang Yang's character and behavior are far from a standard businessman, so his achievements today are seen by many people. It is a magical thing to come.

"On your last point, sir, I will talk about my thoughts. If you can agree, then we can implement it. If you cannot agree, then we should not have this I agree in principle, but it is up to me to decide how I will help you, and in addition, I want you to do something for me, something that is very likely to be very dangerous, and if there is really one day , I hope you do not try to return to the country." Zhang Yang said his thoughts.

Zhang Yang is afraid that these people at Longmen will pin their hopes on the country. This is nonsense. Even if Zhang Yang’s influence is great, this kind of thing cannot be allowed. Even if Zhang Yang becomes the president of the country, he can’t agree. This kind of thing happens, it is totally two concepts.

The old gentleman smiled bitterly, and for a long time he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I agree, so if our cooperation is officially established?"

"No problem." Zhang Yang nodded seriously.

"Gentleman said!" The old gentleman extended his hand seriously. Zhang Yang froze for a long time. It seemed that he had understood for a long time. He stretched out his hand and gave the old gentleman a slap in the palm. ! ! ;




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