The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 612: News

"So what does Mr. Zhang want us to do?" The old gentleman has not forgotten what Zhang Yang said just now. If the two sides cooperate successfully, Zhang Yang wants them to do something.

Zhang Yangwei smiled, and for a long time, Zhang Yang sighed softly and said softly, "Old gentleman, I have a question for you. You said, who is the richest person in the world?" Zhang Yang's words made the three present. A stunned face, although Lin Xiaohu is only ten years old, and is still a virtual year old, Lin Xiaohu's child's IQ is not the same as ordinary people, although it can't compare with adults, but at least with a child in his tens about there.

Li Keqing was stunned because he didn't understand what Zhang Yang meant. Although there are many invisible rich people in this world, how much money does Starry Sky Group Chapter 612 have? Although trillions of dollars is an external estimate, there is absolutely no problem with at least 800 billion dollars. So how much is Zhang Yang or Li Keqing who owns more than 95% of the group's shares?

This old gentleman was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Zhang Yang meant. For a long time, he answered strangely: "I'm afraid I don't need to answer this question? Mr. Zhang is rich in the enemy. This is known to everyone in the world. Zhang Yangwei smiled, and for a long time he gently shook his head and said: "If others say this, I have no opinion at all, because they don't know, but I don't know the old gentleman, have you heard? Have you been Leo Vanta?"

As soon as Zhang Yang said his words, the old gentleman's complexion instantly became weird. It took a long time before he nodded his face wacky and answered, "I know. Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?" Zhang Yang smiled strangely: "Since Old gentleman, you know, old gentleman, you shouldn’t forget that Leo Vanta has nearly $28 trillion in wealth in his hand?"

With a puff... Lin Xiaohu over there directly sprayed the drink from his mouth. Li Keqing also looked at Zhang Yang with a shocked face. Now the news of Chapter 612, Li Keqing is naturally not Li Keqing was a few years ago, 28 trillion! Still dollars! This is not the so-called peak of Rothschild? * Neon word cutting   temptation rebellion 题 蔘 婺 婺 芴  隼  cooking moisturizing worms filed in the style of Kite. ?br/>

"I know." The old gentleman nodded seriously, but the look on his face became more weird, but there was a dignity in his eyes! How many people know Leo Vanta? The old gentleman did not know that he also knew this person from the Longmen Information Hall at a very accidental time. When he knew the news at the time, the old gentleman remembered that he almost dislocated his chin.

But now the young man in front of him is telling the truth. Leo Vantas and even the government of some small countries are not aware of it, but the young man in front of him knows and listens to his accent. What I know is quite detailed, and the news is not rare.

The shocked Zhang Yang in the old gentleman's eyes naturally saw it, but Zhang Yang smiled and said nothing, now it is 2006! This was not the era when the aunt Baidu was quite bullish, and no one from Leo Vanta has revealed that there is no information about this person on the Internet, or that this secret is a super secret at this time. The people who know are absolutely few in the world!

As for the 27 trillion US dollars in Leo Vanta’s hands, it is the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, and the entire Soviet Union has accumulated seventy years of wealth! It can be said that the complete disintegration of the Soviet Union is in the hands of Leo-Vantaa. As for the detailed situation, as long as the people who lived in the era of Zhang Yang, Baidu knew the name, they would know everything.

27 trillion! Putting this number in any country is a horrible number, or simply put it. If this number is thrown away, the financial system of the world will have to collapse, and this year, that is, the sharp depreciation of silver and gold in 2006 is The turmoil in the world’s financial system caused by the transfer of a huge amount of wealth from Swiss banks to the United States, it can be said without exaggeration that such an order is hidden under the circumstances that no one in the world knows about. Fear of financial figures.

If Leo Vanta jumps out and asks the bank that deposited the money to repay, I am afraid that the current top 20 banks in the world, except for the newly emerging Chinese bank, all banks will fail! "Oh, since the old gentleman you know, then I want to say that now the whole world has a huge financial black hole, presumably the old gentleman should be understandable even if he is not studying economics, at least in the hands of Leo Vanta. The funds have secretly provided successive US presidents with at least close to a trillion dollars in additional assets!" Zhang Yang said lightly.

Although the end of this Leo Vantaa is miserable, he is still sentenced to imprisonment by the U.S. government, but I have to say that this person is still a fairly fair person! At least he never buys the accounts of the American presidents. He thinks that the money in his hands belongs to the entire American government! However, this money is not publicly available to the President of the United States and those in high-level circles. In other words, it is impossible for the President of the United States and high-level people to know the money.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in the old gentleman's eyes, as if he thought of something weird and asked: "Is this why the Star Group has never used US dollars?" Star Group, a habit known to everyone in the world, knows Starry Sky The group does not use US dollars, although everyone has some difficulties in trading, but the financial system in the world is already too perfect. For the leading technology of the Star Group, this is not a matter. Is it not settled in RMB? Given China's rising international status, this is not a big deal.

Anyway, RMB is not like the currencies of those small African countries that have no credit. Although it is still far away from the status of the US dollar as an international currency, it is also very strong. "One of the reasons." Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. In fact, when this decision was made, Zhang Yang didn't think of Leo Vanta, or its influence on world finance.

Or simply say, Zhang Yang’s vision at that time was not enough, but now it’s different. After more than two years of development, Zhang Yang can already understand these things. Although he is not a professional financial expert, let’s make the simplest analogy. For example, an American used 1 US dollar, exchanged more than 8 yuan for China this year, and then used this 8 yuan to invest in fixed assets, such as real estate! Well, after a few years, in terms of housing prices in the city, this investment has at least tripled, that is, 24 yuan RMB, but at that time the renminbi has appreciated. If these people exchange dollars, they will have 4 dollars. !

400% profit! And the investment period is definitely not long! Maybe one dollar can't see anything, but don't forget, when the 8 yuan RMB becomes a fixed asset, the market circulation will be 8 yuan less, and the central bank will reissue the 8 yuan banknote, then when this foreign exchange investment returns When going to the foreign market, the domestic currency circulation market will be 24 RMB more!

After this number is magnified, the inflation rate does not rise before there is a ghost! Other Zhang Yang did not know, but in the year after next year, H city has more than 10 billion US dollars of foreign exchange copying real estate! Ten billion yuan, a discount of 40 billion US dollars in profits, who will bear the money in the end? Not yet a Chinese citizen?

Economic development is true, but in China's real estate, Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, real estate will rise. This is an economic trend, no one can stop it, but it can't be allowed to go up too crazy! At least Zheng Yunfu cannot take the initiative to promote this matter. If Zhang Yang remembered it in his previous life, Zheng Xiangfu would regard this matter as an option to boost the economy, although from Zhang Yang’s present point of view, he can understand The choice above.

The world economy is developing. If China does not drive the economy, nothing will be empty if there is no money, but Zhang Yang dare not say that it can affect this, but since the Star Group appeared, and now Zhang Yang has some things that can affect the world’s pattern Things, so the real estate thing, when necessary, Zhang Yang felt he should suggest to the above to control it.

"I don't know if Dragon Gate can put people in the Middle East?" Zhang Yang retreated his thoughts and turned to the old gentleman. "Middle East?" The old gentleman froze for a while, and Zhang Yang's topic changed too fast, so that the old gentleman could not keep up. "Yes, the Middle East." Zhang Yang nodded solemnly. Although Zhang Yang didn't know whether the United States would get what Luo Gai left behind as he remembered, it was right to prepare for himself. Zhang Yang didn't know the Dragon Gate. Power, and the Middle East is not the same as the place where all countries in the world are.

Unique nations and beliefs have caused the Middle East to be a chaotic place, or Western countries simply don’t want it to be peaceful. Anyway, let’s see if Dragon Gate can do it now. It took a long time for this old gentleman to laugh suddenly: "Mr. Zhang, you really will give us a problem. I admit that our power is currently very weak in that part of the Middle East, but don’t forget that the total number of formal members of the entire Dragon Gate exceeds two Million! Of these two million people, there are still a few people responsible for their appearance and characteristics."

"That's good, I can pay, but I have a requirement, no matter which country you are in the Middle East, anyway, the greater your power, the better. In addition, don't be targeted by intelligence agencies such as the CIA and M16. Zhang Yang nodded and said.

"Oh, this matter doesn't cost much money. Longmen can still afford the money. Since Mr. Zhang made a solemn request, we will take this matter seriously, and Mr. Zhang... "The old gentleman paused slightly, and then he smiled and said, "Don't you think that the Middle East is a paradise for us gangsters..."

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then for a long time he couldn't help but laughed a few times, nodded slightly, and Zhang Yang said nothing. "Then we will leave, in addition, this is my contact information. My surname is Long, just call me Long Qi." The old man smiled slightly, and then took out a business card and handed it to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang took the business card, looked at the number above and remembered it, and Zhang Yang threw the business card directly into the barbecue grill next to it. Long Qiwei smiled and said nothing, but turned to Lin Xiaohu: "Miss, we should go back."

Lin Xiaohu's face was a little bit nostalgic, but she knew what the big picture was, and nodded slightly. Lin Xiaohu stood up and waved at Zhang Yang and Li Keqing: "Brother and sister bye, by the way, don't forget, in Honolulu or It’s in the United States, no matter who bullied you, call me, remember that anyone who bullied you can call me? It’s okay for the FBI to trouble you.”

Zhang Yang smiled, this little guy's tone is not small, but Zhang Yang knows that Lin Xiaohu can really do this. After Long Qi took Lin Xiaohu's hand away, Zhang Yang sensitively noticed that the people on the dozen or so tables around them quickly left each other. If they didn't pay attention, they didn't feel anything, just pay attention I understand that these people are probably Dragon Gate people.

No wonder the old man just dared to tell Zhang Yang about these confidential things in this place, and no one was bothering them in the middle. Obviously this place is already under the control of Longmen. After Lin Xiaohu left, Li Keqing asked inconceivably: "Zhang Yang, what you just said is true?"

" Zhang Yang nodded slightly, Li Keqing exclaimed: "I didn't expect this world to hide so many genius characters, it seems that we know too little. "What Zhang Yang just wanted to say, Cao Yong's nervous voice came from his ear: "Are you all right, boss? "

"It's okay." Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. "Sorry boss, this is our dereliction of duty. It was too late when we discovered the other person, but our sniper has controlled them. The boss, if there is an order, you speak." Zhang Yanghan gave a little thought, they did not expect Cao Yong Actually got sniper rifle. Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Yang said lightly: "It's okay, let them go. We will be partners in the future. What happened to me?"

"It's done." Cao Yong agreed immediately, and just publicized it to let Cao Yong go to work. Otherwise, Cao Yong should have known about this matter.

"Well, that's good, you send things over." Zhang Yang said. ! ! ! ;




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