The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 635: Follow-up of the horse-hook event (1)

Chapter 635 Follow-up of the Horse-hiding Event (1)

Chapter 635 Follow-up of the Horse-hiding Event (1)

"Quick, brother, sister-in-law." After entering the house and sitting down, Sun Lin said to her pair of daughters. "Brother-sister-in-law is good." Crisp Shengsheng's voice was very beautiful, and the two little girls blinked curiously to say hello to Zhang Yang.

"Good! Neither of you." Zhang Yang smiled and stretched out his hand. He touched the heads of the two little girls very old-fashioned. "Brother Zhang Yang, don't touch my head. I'm not a child anymore. I'm all sixteen." He Xiaoxue wrinkled his nose and said on the left.

"This child, be polite." Sun Lin said with a slap on He Xiaoxue's back. "Auntie, it's okay, Xiaoxue is right, they are not kids anymore. Chapter 635 The follow-up of the horse-hanging incident (1) I am already old." Zhang Yang hurriedly made a haha, kidding Said.

After sitting on the sofa and chatting for a while, Sun Lin stood up and entered the kitchen, and He Xiaoxue and He Xiaoyu approached Li Keqing with Li Keqing and did not know what to whisper, there was laughter from time to time. "Zhang Yang, your uncle has something to ask for your opinion." After talking with Zhang Yang for a few words, He Guozhang said hesitantly.

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Zhang Yang said quickly.

"That's it... that, there are seven million more in my bank card. You must know this thing, and the matter has not been investigated. My bank card must be frozen. Now that I am out, it is estimated It won't take long for my bank card to be unfrozen, these seven million... Should you hand it over to your uncle?" He Guozhang said with some embarrassment. The money has not yet been dealt with. If you let him hand it in, He Guozhang is awkward in his heart. The money was originally not his. Now, it feels like he has returned the stolen money.

"What do you pay? Why is it more than 7 million? That 7 million is the follow-up (1) money that I sent to Xiaoxue and Xiaoyu to buy gifts from Chapter 635. Relationship?" Zhang Yang said without even thinking about it. "The money is our own." Zhang Yang made a final decision without thinking.

"Uh..." He Guozhang choked, he didn't know what to say. Of course, he wouldn’t think that Zhang Yang was trying to covet the 7 million. What a joke, the president of the Star Group would be scarce of the 7 million? Adding three zeros behind you may not make Zhang Yang's eyes blink. Didn't see that Zhang Yang donated nearly two billion yuan in gifts for this wedding? How many are seven million in two billion?

"Isn't this bad?" He Guozhang asked awkwardly for a long time. "What's wrong, I just asked someone to remit 700 million to my aunt's bank account, and we still have 700 million? Isn't it a problem to have 7 million in your account?" Zhang Yang is casual. He waved his hand and said.

After listening to Zhang Yang, He Guozhang knew that there was still such a thing, but He Guozhang couldn't help but feel a little sighed, his nephew, it was to say, those so-called young handsome men compared with him It’s not a **** at all, seven hundred million! It sounds like seven dollars.

"Uncle, don't even think about this matter, you just follow my instructions. Anyway, no matter if your superior asks you about this matter, or whoever asks you about the 7 million things with you, anyway. In a word, you don’t know. As for what they say about the money in your bank card, I will leave 100 million as my dowry for Xiaoxue and Xiaoyu in the future! In other words, I still have a hundred million in my card. You want a few seven million. You just go back." Zhang Yang said without hesitation.

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, He Guozhang immediately said, "No, no, we can ask for your money... Although Zhang Yang has a lot of money, that's what you earned a little bit hard. We can't ask for this money."

"Uncle, I'm not happy if you say that. Uncle, I say something unpleasant. The money I donate every day is billions of billions. Don't I give it to my relatives, to myself? Isn’t it reasonable for my sister’s 100 million dowry? I earn so much money and I can’t eat it! Everyone says that one person can get ascended to heaven. What's the use of so much money?" Zhang Yang said seriously.

In fact, this time Zhang Yang came here to understand these things. The relatives on both sides of Zhang Yang's family are very good except for Zhang Kuang's brother who is not as good as his neighbors. I have made so much money myself, and it’s okay to give money to these relatives. As Zhang Yanggang said, billions of dollars have been donated. Can’t we give money to our relatives?

Anyway, it's impossible to spend so much money, let alone that the money Zhang Yang spends on his own money. He doesn't want to leave the company's accounts. No one can control how he wants to control his own money.

"Yes, uncle, this is a little bit of our intentions. When Xiao Xue and Xiao Yu get married, there is such a brother and sister-in-law. Didn’t they even have a good dowry when they got married? Brother and sister-in-law's stingy, uncle, you don't want to quit." Li Keqing beside him also hurriedly persuaded.

He Guozhang didn't know what to say for a while. It stands to reason that Zhang Yang and Li Keqing had already spoken this part. He Guozhang didn't go on. It was really a bit of a fight on Zhang Yang and Li Keqing's face, especially since they rescued him today. . It's just... He Guozhang smiled bitterly, this gift is really a bit too expensive, but it is a hundred million! As for the astronomical figures that He Guozhang didn't dare to think about, his nephew just sent it as an ordinary fruit.

"Xiao Xue Xiao Yu, do you accept your brother's gift? This gift is at your disposal? What do you want to buy? By the way, the subsidiary company of the brother company, the new BMW car is not bad, then brother One person will send you a car to play, how about it?" Zhang Yang turned his eyes directly to He Xiaoxue and He Xiaoyu.

He Xiaoxue and He Xiaoyu glanced at each other, and for a long time He Xiaoxue blushed and whispered, "Thank you brother." "This girl..." He Guozhang wanted to scold He Xiaoxue for coming, but when it came to his mouth, He Guozhang gave up with a bitter smile, 100 million will be sent, and it will be fine to send two more cars, not to mention that this car is still produced by the company under the name of his nephew.

After spending most of the day at He Guozhang's house, the people sent by the effort came down. The first place of the investigation was naturally Wenchuan County. With the county committee of He Guozhang present, Zhang Yang did not have to trouble others. Zhang Yang spent more than a week in Sichuan Province. When he stayed on the eighth day, a call from Chen Xiaowei made Zhang Yang have to give up his schedule. In fact, this kind of work does not need to be done by Zhang Yang. The following people are enough Too.

However, Zhang Yang was on his honeymoon with Li Keqing. There are many scenic spots in Sichuan, and the scenery is also quite good. These days, Zhang Yang is doing tourism while investigating. Another goal is to delay Zhang Yang. Many people are waiting for Zhang Yang at the headquarters of the Star Group, including Gates, the US Secretary of Defense. However, in the past few days, Chen Xiaowei did not call Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang didn't call to ask, and he didn't know whether Gates was gone, but he should be gone. Gates didn't have that much time. After all, he was the US Secretary of Defense, and he couldn't stay with Star Group all the time. "What's the matter?" Zhang Yang was still a bit strange when he received a call from Chen Xiaowei, because Zhang Yang had already explained it when he left. No matter what, Chen Xiaowei would have to delay at least a month.

"This is the case. Minister Gates must contact you, saying that if I can't reach you, some consequences will be borne by me, and Minister Gates is very serious, so I have to contact you." Chen Xiaowei It was also a little helpless. In these days, she has been hiding from Gates for several days, but she can't hide it anyway. After all, the identity of the other party is there, so it is not a matter of hiding.

"He hasn't left yet?" Zhang Yang asked with a look of consternation. Is this old man all right? It's been 11 days. He's been to China for 11 days. Is the US Secretary of Defense so busy? by? But soon Zhang Yang knew that Gates must not be idle, but Gates must have other important things.

"No!" Chen Xiaowei gave Zhang Yang the word with certainty. "Okay, so let him call me." After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang nodded and said, after all, Gates represents the US government, not him, and he can't offend the US at this time~www all, many of Zhang Yang's companies are in the United States. Qualcomm, Corsair, MD, i, and even the largest Apple are all American companies.

"En." Chen Xiaowei nodded, and then hung up the phone. After hanging up, Li Keqing next to him asked curiously, "What's wrong?" "It's okay, it seems that we probably don't stay here long." "Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly, and he realized more and more that this time was not his own.

Li Keqing smirked twice before covering his mouth and said, "In fact, I already think that we can stay here for seven days, which has already exceeded my expectations." These seven days Zhang Yang and Li Keqing did not do anything, Zhang Yang Basically, all the nearby county towns and the like have been walked through, and Zhang Yang already has a rough idea in mind.

When the time comes, you only need to give an explanation. Less than fifteen minutes after hanging up the phone of Chen Xiaowei, Zhang Yang’s mobile phone rang, picked up the phone and looked at it. The caller showed an encrypted phone. Zhang Yang knew that this must be Gates. Phone. Gates has diplomatic immunity when he comes to the country, so Gates’s telephones are all encrypted telephones of i. It is impossible for Guoan to eavesdrop on the other party’s telephones. RO! ! ! ;




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