The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 636: Follow-up of the horse-hook event (2)

"Mr. Zhang, it's not easy to find you." When Zhang Yang answered the phone, Gates said a bit tangled. Zhang Yang had a bad cold and sweat, and it was not easy for a 70- to 80-year-old man to tell Zhang Yang to find you. This made Zhang Yang feel awkward. "Uh, Mr. Gates, I didn’t mean it. Something happened on my side. It’s my family’s affairs, so I’ve been busy with this for a few days. I don’t know what Mr. Gates is looking for me? If only For our cooperation, it would be good to contact Miss Chen Xiaowei, the president of the Star Group." Zhang Yang didn't know what Gates asked him, but Zhang Yang deliberately opened the subject.

"Okay, my time is relatively close, and I have to return home as soon as possible. So I won't talk nonsense. Last time, Mr. Zhang, the global virus panic, remembered the follow-up (2) of the horse-hook incident in Chapter 636? Asked Gates quickly.

Of course, Zhang Yang remembered it. He nodded and puzzled and said, "I remember? What's wrong? If I remember correctly, it seems that several US military backup satellites have been hacked by hackers? And I heard Said it is the control satellite of TMD and NMD's strategic defense system?" Zhang Yang asked directly.

These things are not secrets. It is not a difficult thing for a hacker like Zhang Yang to get the news. Although this matter has not spread around the world, it has been spread in the circle of hackers. Didn’t you see that the hackers in the world have disappeared in the past six months?

If it were not for fear that the US government would be irritated, and mad dogs around the world would start biting people everywhere, then these hackers would not be too obedient to disappear. "It seems that nothing can be concealed from Mr. Zhang." Gates said with emotion, seemingly pointed out.

Zhang Yang was too lazy to mean what physicochemical means. He asked quickly: "About this matter, I don't know what Mr. Gates is referring to?" Gates Weiwei Chapter 336 The Follow-up Event (2) After a pause, I finally said, "I remember that the Star Group once transmitted a series of relevant evidence to cia. After more than half a year of tracking, we basically determined the location of these people, and then the agents of cia also tracked and It’s very polite to investigate, but these people seem to have strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. During these seven months, cia lost a total of 17 agents!” Zhang Yang froze for a moment. Zhang Yang didn’t expect Gates to use these Very secret things are said, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that a very strange thought suddenly flashed in Zhang Yang’s mind. Wouldn’t cia really catch anubia’s handle? In other words, wouldn't it really be the masonic handle? Otherwise, so many agents of cia cannot be sacrificed.

Especially with the current detection by Freemasonry, as long as it is a concealed action, they can’t act with integrity, let alone directly kill the agents of cia. Although agents like this are actually treated similarly in various countries around the world, if secret things are carried out, they are basically not recognized, but in the United States, even if the US government may not publicly announce the recognition of these agents to the outside world. Identity, but they will definitely find ways to rescue these agents.

This has a lot to do with the national policy of the United States, not to mention that 17 people are now lost! Losing so many people, I am afraid that even the intelligence network with cia will be greatly threatened!

"Mr. Zhang, in fact, when I want to ask, based on Mr. Zhang's hacking strength and some strengths of the Star Group's technical department, I want to know, is the website of Anubia or the real base of this organization in Australia?" Gates I asked a question that Zhang Yang had never thought of. If I knew it, I would have hacked the Australian military network and bombarded that place directly with missiles. Zhang Yang wanted to say this sentence, but he didn’t say that the last time he hung the horse was completely self-directed by Zhang Yang himself. In the end, Zhang Yang just found a place casually, finally chose Australia and then directly all 'S goal led there.

But when he arrived in Australia, Zhang Yang didn't think too much. He just found a public broiler to leave the last signal, and Zhang Yang secretly swept away all his traces and evacuated. Later, Zhang Yang passed these false information to cia through the hands of Chen Xiaowei and employees of the technical department, and some of them were directly placed on the Internet.

Could it be that cia really traced these things to something? Isn't it possible? After Zhang Yang froze, he finally said quickly: "To be honest, Mr. Gates, if I know the real position of Anubia, I will tell you directly, but unfortunately I don’t know, and I I’m not afraid to tell Mr. Gates that I have something to do with gacad. But our relationship may not be what you think. At least for now, gacad has no small conflict with me, I’m sure, last time The virus of the host of the Starry Sky Group was put in by gacad. No one else has this strength except him. This is not my bragging." Zhang Yang said that this is very arrogant, but it is not so much in the ears of Gates. Arrogant, deeply US Secretary of Defense, several major intelligence agencies affiliated with the various data collected by Star Group have shown that Star Group is definitely the world leader in the level 21 network technology, including the United States The government is probably not as advanced as the Star Group.

This point was obtained through the joint analysis and determination of many staff members under the three major intelligence agencies.

So after Zhang Yang said this, Gates just kept silent for a while, then paused and said, "So, Mr. Zhang, I only have one question. You don’t know the location of anubia, but you know the principal behind anubia. Who is the person? Or what kind of organization, or provide its general location."

Gates asked several questions in a series. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and did not answer immediately. The phone was silent immediately. Gates was not in a hurry. He knew that this kind of thing was even better than the negotiation between the US government and the Star Group. More importantly, both sides have their own chips. In the last incident, Gates did not believe that Zhang Yang had taken out everything.

The Star Group must have information that no one else has. Gates is meditating here, and Zhang Yang’s mind is still wandering. What is the purpose of Gates’ question? Want to eradicate anubia completely? This possibility Zhang Yang ignores, it is not impossible, but if the US government knows the specific location of the anubia base, I am afraid that the US government will not do that. It is estimated that the US government will pursue to capture everyone in anubia And then serve the US government!

Anyone who is not a fool will do this. This is just a guess. Gates does not seem to know the true identity of anubia, but the true identity of anubia is known. Zhang Yang probably knows it in this world. I got these things from MAK's computer. If it's not this, I'm afraid Zhang Yang doesn't know that Freemasonry is the main brain behind anubia.

But can Zhang Yang say this? can not say! Because Zhang Yang has no idea how many secret hidden powers Freemasonry has in the entire US government! Don’t doubt this. Even a Chinese organization such as Hongmen can control several senators, not to mention that Freemasonry has existed for hundreds of years, and the entire United States was almost supported by Freemasonry. Only developed into the world's largest organization?

At this point, Hongmen has no comparability with Freemasonry, and people like Gates cannot but believe it, but they cannot believe it! Although Gates is the US Secretary of Defense, he is also a politician! Can politicians believe what they say? You will be stupid if you believe it, but Zhang Yang does not want to let this opportunity pass. Zhang Yang knows that the US government has always been deeply worried about Freemasonry.

If we find the US government to be an ally in this regard, it will undoubtedly be a powerful help for the Star Group! At least if the Starry Group solves this matter by itself, I am afraid that it will follow the current development rate, and then it will develop for a period of 30 to 40 years of steady development.

Zhang Yang can't wait that long, no matter who it is, there is a person in the dark corner behind who is always wanting you to stare, I'm afraid I can't wait that long. Moreover, the identity of gacad is not 100% foolproof. The longer the time, the greater the possibility of exposure. After all, Zhang Yang is a man or a god.

Thinking of these, Zhang Yang couldn’t help but analyze the geographical location of Australia. To be honest, the base of anubia can be braved in any corner of the world. This world is too big, and there are many places that fit anubia’s hiding place, but if If Gates didn't mention it, Zhang Yang couldn't think of Australia. When Gates mentioned it, Zhang Yang's mind flashed a light.

If the analysis is rigorous, Australia really TM is the most suitable place! First of all, don’t forget that anubia is a technical organization, and whether its base is built or used, it must use the most advanced electronic technology that can be described in the world.

If you use these, then there is a prerequisite! Hardware facilities must keep up! Yes, places such as the withdrawal of the Harrah’s Desert are definitely a good choice for establishing a base. No one has visited that place for thousands of years, but you have forgotten that Africa, South America and other countries love the hardware facilities, especially in terms of network broadband, fiber optics The laying is far from the world.

And the number of countries that can keep up with the world’s mainstream network hardware facilities and facilities can keep up. This number is not too much. To put it bluntly, even the Chinese countries are lagging behind. Although they have basically kept up, Asian countries are unlikely. . Although Zhang Yang knows that there are definitely people from all countries in anubia, its person in charge must be white! There is no doubt about this!

In addition, Asian countries generally have large populations and political systems are not open. It is not easy to build such a large and advanced underground base, and white people are not easy to integrate into Asian countries. Then next, Russia, the United States, and European countries are another option.

And Zhang Yang has personally seen that a base was destroyed in France, but that base is not a base like anubia, as Zhang Yang thought before, after the hardware facilities kept up, because anubia is a public website, so its exposure Sexuality is great, so Europe and the United States and Russia can be excluded directly.

the reason is simple! The intelligence services of these countries are too powerful! Undoubtedly, the intelligence services of these countries are definitely the first in the world. If something happens to the base in these countries, it is difficult to run. Counting it, Australia, which is almost independent of the ocean, is very suitable.

First of all, Australia’s military power is very weak, at least it is too weak compared with those of the world’s giants. Second, its hardware facilities are not weak. As a country supported by the United States, Australia’s construction in this regard is better than〗 〖 The country is much stronger and the hardware requirements are met.

Third, Zhang Yang thought of a perfect or a perfect cover-up method of building the base in Australia! If Zhang Yang remembers correctly, Freemasonry has already slowly invested his own assets in fixed assets such as minerals and financial aspects such as banks.

Many of the world’s largest and largest iron ore mines in Australia, if Zhang Yang remembers correctly, many of them are related to Freemasonry. In addition, Australia is very sparsely populated and it is too easy to get something to be transported under the pretext of mining.

Undoubtedly, Gates just gave Zhang Yang some hints, making Zhang Yang have some bottom in his heart! In any case, the US government must have traced some clues in this tracing, otherwise, with the character of Lao Mei, it is impossible to put down his body and consult himself!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yangxin instantly made a decision. "Mr. Gates, although I admit that my hacking strength is good, but also, after all, I am only a person, and Mr. Gates has three of the world’s largest intelligence agencies under your staff. I cannot be as powerful as the US government. Than, so I don’t know much more than Mr. Gates, but, I think I can still provide some information."! ! ! ;




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