The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 637: Follow-up of the horse-hook event (3)

"Mr. Zhang, please." Gates asked with a slight euphoria. No matter how much Zhang Yang can say, Zhang Yang's attitude has let Gates know that Zhang Yang doesn't have much affection for anubis at least. "First of all, let’s talk about the location of anubis. I think there is a great possibility that it is in Australia. At least I know Australia is more appropriate. And the things I got last time were obtained without alarming anyone. I arrived in Australia. The clue is broken."

Zhang Yang said that there was a slight pause here, saying that seven points left three points, some words can not be said directly and justly. Zhang Yang thought for a while, and he said again: "As for the behind-the-scenes boss of anubis, I have a good idea and a guess, but I can't tell Mr. Gates chapter 637 the follow-up of the horse-hiding incident ,Sorry."

"Why?" Gates asked immediately. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said thoughtfully: "Some things are not clear to me, but according to some information from my hands, this organization is too close to your US government. What’s the matter with me joining in? I don’t want me to help, and finally I’m raked.”

Zhang Yang didn’t believe that Gates had no clues. Zhang Yang estimated that Gates might have some information, but Gates was not sure, so he came to consult his opinion. Of course, Zhang Yang thought so, but no matter what How to say, the news that the boss behind Anubis is Freemasonry is impossible to tell Gates, at least it is impossible to tell Gates personally.

"Mr. Zhang is worried, and the US government has always treated the friends who have helped him sincerely." Gates said very seriously.

Zhang Yang smiled. If you believed this, you would be stupid. Zhang Yang shook his head slightly and said softly, "Mr. Gates, we are all adults. I don’t have as much gold as this kind of words. I have commented, and again, even if what you said is true, what about five years later? When Chapter 637 of the horse-fighting incident follows up (3) What happens after the next president comes up? The policies of each president It’s different from each president’s policy. You know better than me. As for you want to know who is the boss behind anubis, I can only give you a sentence according to the information in my hand. Just look at the dollar. I believe you can find what you want.

After speaking, Zhang Yang did not continue to say anything, just hung up the phone. "What's wrong?" When Zhang Yang hung up the phone, Li Keqing asked strangely. Obviously, what Zhang Yang and Gates said was not understandable. "Nothing, it has nothing to do with the company's affairs, it is a private matter, he wants to learn about an international criminal organization through me, saying that our technical strength in information is strong, but I haven't paid attention to this kind of thing, even I can't tell him if I know."

Zhang Yang did not conceal, but did not elaborate. As for how much Gates can understand, that is not what Zhang Yang can know, but these things have nothing to do with Zhang Yang.

Although it seems that the matter here at Gates has been resolved, Zhang Yang must go back to this matter. Zhang Yang also wants to know if anubis is in Australia, although anubis is just an organization under Freemasonry.

But Freemasonry is low-key, Freemasonry is not a mysterious secret organization, Freemasonry has clubs in Europe and America, etc. If Zhang Yang can find the relationship between anubis and Freemasonry, as long as If there is such a shock on the Internet, even if it is not publicized, someone will do it.

"Let's go back," Zhang Yang said, holding Li Keqing's hand. "En." Li Keqing nodded. That night Zhang Yang and Li Keqing took a special plane directly back to Om. As for Gates, Zhang Yang did not contact Zhang Yang again. After returning to the Starry Sky Industrial Park from the airport, Zhang Yang did not go to the Starlight Group headquarters building but drove directly to the starry sky group headquarters building, which belonged to him. Villa.

Although the structure of the entire Starry Sky Park is open, as long as you come from the 〖Guang〗 field, you can reach almost any place in the Starry Sky Park, but these structures are very clever to separate the villa Yang Yang... There is only one winding road from the outside, and the other directions are surrounded by various buildings.

But if you don't look at the architectural drawings, it's impossible to tell. In addition, there are various jamming devices in the headquarters building of the Star Group. These camouflage are very clever to avoid and mislead the detection of satellites, especially the detection of military satellites. The car drove directly into the villa along the road, and it seemed to drive smoothly along the way, but Zhang Yang knew that the various scanning devices on the road were hidden. I don’t know how many.

Starry Sky can confirm Zhang Yang's identity through various scanners. If it is a stranger, Zhao Fei will appear in front of them, and they will definitely be Wulou's people. If the Star Group headquarters building is a combination of high technology, its advanced nature and automation will make everyone amazed, then the publicity of this villa's automation and computer use is definitely more than the Star Group headquarters building high!

How high is it? High enough that if you come in, you will not feel any high-tech at all! Whenever you have any need, what you need can always appear in the place you need in time, and you can also find what you want in time.

According to the statistics of the starry sky, it can already analyze the movements and facial expressions of humans based on the data in the database, and then it can analyze 65% of human needs. For example, when you want to drink water, you always pick up the cup first. When you have this action, the starry sky analyzes that you want to drink water. The water purification system of the entire villa will automatically start to water. Heat to boiling.

It can be said that this three-storey villa with a total area of ​​more than 600 square meters is definitely more advanced than that of Bill Gates. Back home, Li Keqing went to chat with Sun Yixiang, and Zhang Yang greeted his father and mother and went straight to the study.

Sitting in front of the desk in his study, after Zhang Yang sat down, the chair behind him automatically adjusted the most comfortable posture for the human body, and then the massage system on the chair began to run slowly. And all the massage places are the parts that are more prone to fatigue after people travel.

"Starry sky, I found that you are more and more humanized, if you are alone, it is estimated to be the best waiter in the world." Zhang Yang said with emotion. "Thank you for the compliment." Starry Sky's voice rang softly in the room. Actually speaking, this suggestion was still from Luo Gai to Zhang Yang. Luo Gai once told Zhang Yang that he couldn't even understand the starry sky pattern now. Luo Gai once suggested that nothing can "talk" to Starry Sky like a person, and it will definitely have great benefits for enriching Starry Sky's database and logic analysis ability.

"Give me a computer...., lying on a chair for a while, Zhang Yangben said. A piece of the table in front of him immediately rose upwards, and then popped up slowly, an LCD screen appeared on the desktop, then The desktop close to Zhang Yang automatically separates to both sides, and then the keyboard inside rises automatically, slightly higher than the desktop by a distance of about half a centimeter.

The backrest of the chair also stood up automatically, and his hands began to strike on the keyboard.

Although these tasks can be completed in the starry sky, the vague orders of the starry sky are very troublesome to execute, and Zhang Yang has no clear purpose now, so he simply started to do it himself.

Opening the official website of Australia, Zhang Yang thought about it, and finally entered the homepage of the Australian Police Bureau. The starry sky automatically translated the page into Chinese. In these official news, Zhang Yang began to slowly find it. After searching for a long time, Zhang Yang rubbed his forehead slightly and turned it for almost an hour, and still found nothing. There was too much information in it. There was no clear goal. It was too difficult to find what he needed.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang said: "Starry sky, store all the materials I have just browsed.... After giving the starry sky instructions, Zhang Yang turned off this page directly. Then Zhang Yang opened several famous Australian Large media and news websites.

Zhang Yang started to browse these news sites again, no matter how the CIA died 17 agents, but these things can not leave no clues, and although Australia is almost the same as the United States wearing a pair of pants, but Australia is still a sovereign country Therefore, the CIA will never dare to be fair and honest when doing certain things. Especially when it comes to searching for satellites that are black and beautiful, the CIA will not advertise it everywhere.

And their people have an accident, the strength of these agents is undoubted, since they can have an accident, UU reads www. uukanshu. Com Zhang didn't believe that the 17 agents did not cause any sensation. When these things happen, the CIA can cover up the identity of these people, but the incident itself cannot be hidden. There are definitely reports in these media. It depends on whether Zhang Yang can find it useful.

This time Zhang Yang spent more time, knowing that it was more than two hours when eating dinner, Zhang Yang just found some vaguely seemingly useful, the most direct one is in Sydney, which is two Many months ago, there were three shootings in about half a month, and the three people who died in these three cases were all coincidentally hackers!

Two of them have even heard of the network ID Zhang Yang. Although their strength is not the top in the world, their technology is still higher than that of KING. And the third and strange thing is that it is just a little hacker, and the technology is really average.

"Starry Sky compares the information I have read with these news websites and the police, and finds out the most different ones and the ones with the highest similarity. I list them separately.... Zhang Yang thought about it and gave Starry Sky another New instructions!!! </p>;




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