The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 643: Fox tail (5)

Mediterranean shipping company, just look at the public information of this company and so on, there is no problem, but when Zhang Yang investigated the shareholder status of some Mediterranean shipping companies, he immediately found something that had to be imaginative. Yun Company is not a private company, and several of its major shareholders are investment companies. Many of the names of these investment companies have been heard by Zhang Yang, but for the time being, Zhang Yang first retrieved Johnny Jefferson's information.

When he saw the post behind Johnny Jefferson's name, Zhang Yang immediately narrowed his eyes. Johnny Jefferson was actually the director of the Australian Customs Service! Zhang Yang looked at the survey data. The survey data should have been obtained from the CIA. Since the CIA has found Chapter 643, the tail of the fox (5) Johnny Jefferson, it is estimated that some have been obtained. Information, of course, the specific location found, this publicity is not clear.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yang immediately searched Google for the current Director of the General Administration of Customs of Australia. When he saw that the Director of the General Administration of Customs in Australia was still Johnny Jefferson, Zhang Yang understood that no matter what the CIA found What is the matter, the CIA has absolutely not yet done it. It is estimated that the evidence in their hands is not enough, or it is known that there is another huge organization behind anubis. The CIA is somewhat afraid of this organization, so it did not do it.

After hesitating, Zhang Yang immediately compressed all the data and stored it in the encrypted space of Starry Sky. After the storage was completed, Zhang Yang entered another information for Starry Sky to let Starry Sky search for several major Mediterranean shipping companies on the Internet. Shareholders, and then continue to search along this line until the end of the search, the information can be found on the Internet, but if you let Zhang Yang to find it, then it will be very troublesome, to find the starry sky, Zhang Yang can save a lot of time .

While Zhang Yang was looking for these materials, as the fox tail (five) long of Chapter 443 of the US Department of Defense, Gates looked at the shocking information in his hand and was a little shocked. To be honest, Gates had a premonition though , But he never thought that the organization behind anubis was actually this! In China, after Zhang Yang said that, in fact, Gates was hanging up the phone, and he had guessed it without any help.

This is not difficult to guess. What is on the dollar? In addition to the five US presidents, a Treasury secretary, and Benjamin Franklin, there are more things that can be stated on the dollar. The only thing that can represent the organization is the Freemasonry! This is not a secret in the minds of these gates, but after receiving this news, Gates has a bit of bitterness, maybe people in other countries do not know, but Gates knows that the entire American society seems to be a freedom Western countries, but no one knows, in fact, the entire United States has long been under the shadow of three organizations.

The first is Freemasonry! This is not even known to Americans, but most people all over the world know it. In particular, the right to issue the world's worldwide settlement currency, the US dollar, is not in the hands of the US government, but in private hands, in other words, it is in the hands of Freemasonry!

What is the composition of Freemasonry? Only three words! Jews! Think about how sad it was during World War I and World War II. The control of the US dollar fell into the hands of Freemasonry during World War I and World War II. At that time, the world’s largest country, the British National Central Bank and the right to issue pounds, the country The gold reserves are actually in the hands of Freemasonry! Although in the hands of the Rothschild family that was known as the Sixth Empire at that time, the Rothschild family was the core elite strength of Freemasonry!

And the second shadow over the United States is another organization, this organization is full of mysterious and strange colors, its name even makes people shudder! The name of this organization is Skull and Bones! It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the Skeletons, as long as you know that during the election of US President Bush and party candidate John Kerry, although they were from different parties, the two of them were invariably conservative. The secret, they are all members of the American Skull Society!

At the beginning of the establishment of the Skull and Bones, there were two, and the first was that the Jews could not join the association! The second place is that black people with serious racial discrimination cannot join the club! From these two points can be seen clues.

As for the third organization, it cannot be said to be an organization, just a group of people gathered together, and this third organization is composed of those who did not join these two organizations and are interested in making the United States a truly free country. Yes, don’t underestimate the strength of these people. These people come together because of the pressure of the other two organizations, but those who can understand the information of these two organizations already have a fairly high power and status.

However, among the three organizations, the first one to be unlucky is Freemasonry, because Freemasonry has a significant difference from the other two organizations, that is, Freemasonry is composed of Jews! This nation that once did not even have its own country in the world, as if floating like a solitary ghost in the world, know that once the United States issued an antitrust bill!

Although trust does not refer to Jews, trust refers to a form of capitalist monopoly organization, but in today's world in the field of finance, Jews say that they are second, no one dares to say first! There is no doubt about this. The wisdom of the Jews has a thick historical evidence. Without too much expression, the previous antitrust bill or simply the anti-Semitic bill should not be overstated. You can imagine the status of the Jews in the United States.

Gates is not a member of any organization, but he has the most powerful power in the United States. It is no exaggeration to say that what the US president does not know Gates knows that there are many secret military bases and secret military departments. , Secret operations, military budgets, etc., the President of the United States does not know, but Gates knows!

Those who have watched Will Smith’s Independence Day in a science fiction movie in 1999 are probably very impressed. In that, the US president did not know that the United States has the legendary 51st district, but the Secretary of Defense knows it! And the words of the Secretary of Defense in the film also made people have to think deeply. When the US President asked the Secretary of Defense in the movie, why didn’t he tell me, the Secretary of Defense said a sentence, saying, I don’t want to hurt the President to lie!

From this we can see that the position of the Secretary of Defense in the United States sometimes has more power than the President! That's why Gates can be the assistant to the six US presidents!

And now Gates is undoubtedly facing a difficult choice, check, or not check! If the investigation continues, Gates will not have to doubt at all, he is sure that he will be able to find out the problem! If Gates was chosen to support one from Freemasonry and Skeleton Society, Gates would not hesitate to choose Skeleton Society! Because Gates is like most Americans, he hates Jews who are covered in copper smell and can sell American national interests without hesitation for their own benefit!

At least the Skeleton Society will not do this, but if you check, the resistance and problems encountered, Gates also knows how big! Even if it really happened, Bush's resignation was light! There is no other reason! There is only one. Is the world today not the First World War or the Second World War? ?br/>

For example, the mysterious oriental man, the man who was rich at the age of twenty-two, a legendary man! If he thinks of it, if he puts hundreds of billions of dollars in his hand into the US financial market without any consequence, it will directly lead to an economic crisis!

An economic crisis is enough for the entire government and the entire cabinet to step down! And Freemasonry is more terrifying than that man, because there is no other reason, because the right to issue dollars is still in the hands of Freemasonry. Freemasonry doesn’t even have to smash money, just let the factory run full horsepower and print all the money.

If it’s during World War II, Gates doesn’t need to think about it. If Freemason would dare to move intentionally, in the war? Starry terrier ≌ straw  tsuka gu decay rush to wash ∪ 绻  Qin stalk  诖  砉 cloth without a cape curtain  cloth is not luckily 舛   benzene young 芡 withdrawal ⒉ family   The ridge cloth is not  planted Lei Lu   嗟 mold  淞 δ not 孛 waterlogging  ⑿ fishy 戮 sledding sorrow  Fortunately, the palm of the palm and benzene You coal >  straw straw cherry sakura  刂 planting generous and foolish? br/>

War?* Yeah.  Column 闈午嗾Neon Lang Mei Play The Emperor 呛呛上上 I want to condemn the Emperor Qin straw  塻   willing to condemn Lee filter 氚麱釱懣涳涣卧心覒  怰  Huan Fang  ∫ Huan mei cloth not 沵 Huan liquid  leaves  value sodium    Paiyun  level  Zheng? br/>

For a long time, Gates sighed, opened the shrinking cabinet next to it, picked up a red phone inside the cabinet, dialed a few numbers, and Gates said lightly, "Let's start the cleaning operation." After talking, Gates hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Gates silently made a cross on his chest, and said softly in the unmanned office: "The contributions of several of you to the United States, I will always remember it when I leave this When you are in position, I will let you get the respect you deserve. Now, for the sake of the overall situation, you can only leave this world first. Rest assured, I will go to you soon."

Zhang Yang did not know that Gates had made a decision in his heart, and after Gates finished the call, in the next twenty-four hours, all the CIA, FBI, NSA and other inside agents who helped Gates investigate this matter were all All will be wiped out by the special department inside Gates! Do not leave any live mouth!

At this time, Zhang Yang had already gone to sleep, and it was enough to search the information with the starry sky. Zhang Yang didn't need to do anything at all. At the moment in faraway Australia, fool has just finished organizing his computer system. It has been nearly two hours since GOD invaded his computer. At this moment, there is still no outside to invite him to drink tea. Fool is slightly relieved. It seems that GOD is really No alarm, just want to know a little gossip about this matter from your own hands.

However, Fool decided that he still had to move as soon as possible, and find another house to move out as soon as possible. This place has been known. Although the other party is in distant China, Fool does not want to put his destiny in the hands of others. So after sorting out his computer, fool immediately started to search for rental information online.

Just opened a website for a long time, and suddenly a crisp reminder sounded, fool froze for a moment, he reacted violently, and there was a tangled expression on his face immediately. In the same way, he quickly opened various anti-virus software in the computer. The scanner thoroughly checked his computer and confirmed that there was no problem. Fool opened a free mailbox quickly.

When he clicked on a spam in the mailbox, a bright red command document was displayed in it, and fool was shocked when he saw the symbol on the document. "!" Fool couldn't help but screamed. The email came from a fool Trojan. If you go out, many hackers may not believe that Fool can be planted into the Trojan in the CIA system.

This matter is actually a coincidence. Fool was not an Australian before. Fool was originally an American and a senior hardware engineer in IBM! Of course, fool's hacking technology at that time was basically the same as it is now. Whether it is publicity or the hackers in the ideal, they don't know that fool's hardware technology is much more powerful than his hacking technology on the Internet~www.mtlnovel. com~ As a senior hardware engineer, fool has held many important positions in IBM's hardware department. In a cooperation with the CIA, fool unintentionally discovered a hardware vulnerability, but this vulnerability has never been discovered. , So fool added a gadget to that host, which is mainly used to test this hardware vulnerability, but who knows that the CIA was about to replace a batch of hosts at that time, urging IBM to deliver, the batch of hardware that has been tested It was delivered directly to the CIA.

He hadn't had time to report the hardware vulnerability discovered by fool at that time, but the goods had already been handed over. If it was reported at this time, I'm afraid IBM would lose at least nearly 800 million US dollars! So after fool told his supervisor at the time about this matter, his supervisor immediately prohibited him from telling anyone about it, otherwise the $800 million loss would be borne by him alone! Of course, Fool can’t afford to pay $800 million, and this matter will go away, but the gadget left by fool in the host of those hundreds of tons and the hardware vulnerability that only he himself discovered made fool easy. Enter the internal system of the CIA, and it is not discovered by anyone! ! ! ! ;




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