The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Scare you (1)

All the information before fooe came this way, including those handed over to Zhang Yang, and when seeing this command, fooe was still taken aback, because Xi E had been shopping in the CIA system for many years. So Xi E knows a lot of confidential things, and although this command came out of the inside of the CIA, not everyone can see it. This command is through an internal system of the CIA, now a secret operations department of the CIA. . ;

This action department does not exist externally, just like the US government has never recognized the existence of Delta Special Forces. The only difference is that Delta Special Forces are known all over the world, and this secret department is in addition to the CIA’s top chief and some people. No one outside knows that f 645th chapter frightens you (a) ooe is an exception.

From many times the order fooe knows that there is only one task in this secret department, and that is to kill the mouth! It is sad to say that they are not for others but for themselves. At the time, the reason why Xiao E ran from the United States to Australia was because of this department. At that time, fooe knew the existence of this department for the first time, and then foee felt It was terribly chilling, because people... many of the people who knew that this secret service was exterminated did not make any mistakes at all, but made a significant contribution to the United States.

But just for the sake of confidentiality, the secret department was sent to kill the mouth. Even if the final honor is given, it will make people eat like flies, and there is no airtight wall in the world. This is the most important thing in Zhibi here. The perfect interpretation, at least fooe is sure, that those senior officials used absolute excuses when ordering people in this secret department, not the truth of the matter.

If they dare say that, people in this secret department may turn around and kill them. It's easiest for these people to frame the stolen goods, so the fooe will be so surprised when they see this news! The fact that Chapter 644 scares you (1) The information that foee gave to Zhang Yang is not all. There are still a lot of confidential things in his hand. From the cleaning object in this command, foee immediately Understand that the US government is ready to cover up this matter.

I don’t know why there is some inexplicable anger in foee’s heart, and he doesn’t know where this anger comes from, but foee just feels inexplicable anger, maybe it has something to do with what he saw in the past, these What's wrong with the following agents?

Didn't these agents perform the tasks according to the orders of your officials? But in the end, according to your order, the investigation started and something was investigated. What happened? The result is that the lid you lifted now has something you can't handle, and then you want to put the lid back, then these people who took the lid in the first place must not be able to say what they saw, no doubt the dead are the most Simple thing.

Fooe's hand was shaking a little, he wanted to shake the information in his hand directly, but he still had no impulse, because Fooe knew that no matter which website he threw these things on, there is absolutely no website that dares to release these materials. Yes, these things will subside from the Internet soon. If you want to release all the information at once, there is only one way, a very simple way!

That is to hack websites and put them up! And it can't be tracked, and you have to have enough power to put these things on enough websites, and those who meet these requirements seem to know only one person...gacad! The legendary man like a **** is more like a short-lived man. Although he did not appear for a long time, gacad still left a legend in the hacker world. One person at a time simultaneously hacked the websites of three US intelligence agencies and entered the French military system, Japan, China, France, the United States, the United Kingdom and even the entire Europe have his shadow. It can be said that at present in the world There are almost no networks that he can't invade. At least, foee has enough confidence in gacad, but there is no way to find the scam, but more importantly, fooe doesn't know why gacad wants to help him, he didn't find gacad to help him Reason.

Don’t look at many hackers who think that gacad officers are coming according to their own mood, but fooe doesn’t think so, because no matter what foe has done, there are some things connected, and there are many government departments in these countries. Find it actively.

Take the initiative to find it? Fooe suddenly lit up, gacad has disappeared for more than a year, many hackers are rumored that gacad was caught by the United States or other countries, and is serving the government of these countries, but foe does not believe If you want to lead gacad out, do it all the time!

Fooe gritted his teeth and immediately had an idea, but this thing had to be designed. Isn't gacad hated anubia? Well, from this aspect? After thinking about it, fooe immediately started his own vest, quickly started to log in some hacker forums and posted some seemingly specious news.

Zhang Yang hugged Li Keqing's smooth body and slept soundly. The constant wēn system throughout the villa is always in the most suitable wēn under the control of the starry sky, and will automatically adjust according to the person's sleeping state. wēn different. At seven o'clock in the morning, a soft music rang in the ears of two people. Zhang Yang and Li Keqing opened their eyes almost at the same time. Looking at the sun that had just risen outside the window for a long time, Zhang Yang asked with a confused voice: "Starry sky, why is it so early today?"

"The security department of the technical department seems to have some things that have a great impact on the public company, and the director of the Xin Department of He Xin has already sent you two telegrams. I think I should wake you up." Starry Sky A soft voice rang in the bedroom. "Okay." Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then lowered his head on Li Keqing's clean forehead. Wěn whispered, "You go to sleep for a while, it's still early, I'll call them a telegram to see what's going on. ."

"Well, okay." Li Keqing was a little confused, and promised to re-drill into the quilt. Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Yang put on his pajamas, and then picked up his telegram from the head of the bed and hit GOD. Is this guy pretending to be his name? Zhang Yang thought a little bit imaginatively, but soon Zhang Yang left it behind, anyway, he was not pretending to be afraid of máo.

"What's wrong? Call me so early?" Zhang Yang asked when GOD picked up the call. " hurry up on the Internet this time. Lao Mei is unlucky. According to the CIA, the address of anubia has been found, but Lao Mei seems to be in line with anubia for his own network security. This news, and quietly went to the Internet, although the evidence is not enough, but it is said that there are noses and eyes, now the old and the beautiful are already anxious, the White House has said that the people have held an emergency news conference, but those media agencies Obviously don’t believe it."

. Ao directly told the thing that Zhang Yang missed one night. "Uh? Really?" Zhang Yang heard a little stunned. He said that there are other hackers besides himself who are showing old actions. Can't? The CIA's strength in cyber security is definitely more arrogant than that of several other intelligence agencies. Could hackers be hacked into internal systems? Who is this? I don't seem to dare to say that I can hack into the internal jun system of the CIA.

Is it thanatoa? No, if the news is true, the US government is ready to agree with Anubia. Thanatoa doesn’t seem to be able to come out and take the initiative to reveal these news? Is it a smoke bomb? Nor can it be, GOD can actually use the gossip information on the Internet to tell the story about it. It is obvious that someone who knows the true image is exposed.

There were seven or eight thoughts in my mind, but none of Zhang Yang had a good answer. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang said quickly: "Okay, then I'll go online and see who I want to see. So daring to challenge the United States and the country's state government."

"Haha, please come and see, this guy's information is all used vest, but now the noodles on the Internet have been reprinted by all kinds of hackers, so this news has almost flooded. But who is the specific I’m afraid I didn’t do it. The black guy who can find these things is obviously not a simple person, and the other party uses the vest and various vests, whether it is the CIA or the FBI. Hey, but this obscure style is very similar to gacad, is it the gacad guy? It disappeared after a long time to come and give the big country a big one?"

… Hú guessed a pass.

Zhang Yang is full of black hair, and hey, when did you use the vest to pass the information? And when did you use the vest indiscriminately, it seems that when you use the ID of gacad, it is just a good thing. Although it is said that sometimes I have to pretend to be GOD and the like, but that is not a good strategy. What? I used a small waistcoat er, well, L is also a small waistcoat.

Of course, this is what Zhang Yang despised GOD in his heart, and he casually echoed a few words of GOD. After agreeing with his words, Zhang Yang directly hung up the telegraph. Anyway, Zhang Yang himself knew that this was really not what he did. As for who did it, I don't know if I see these things.

After hanging up the telephony, Zhang Yang quickly walked to his study. After turning on the computer, Zhang Yang entered a URL and went to the Heimen Forum. Anyway, the GOD guy actually knew about it, so the Heimen Forum There must be reprinted. Just clicked and joined the Black League forum, Zhang Yang saw the popular post by the administrator plus red plus cū. The post has been restored, and Zhang Yang immediately clicked in and looked at it.

The upper face is an English post directly reprinted. As soon as this nòng English post, Zhang Yang instantly understood that this is not a black guest in China. In fact, there are many differences between Chinese and foreigners when writing English articles, especially in the use of some languages, etc., Xí is not the same, as long as those who often read these articles can be grouped out at once . But as he looked at the content, Zhang Yang was more surprised.

who is this? Why is there a lot of content and supporting evidence in this post that Zhang Yang came from fooe yesterday? Could it be said that there is a second person who knows these materials? In other words, no matter how the second person found fooe, this guy was very arrogant from the tone of the tone, and from his tone, the hatred with anubia is also very big.

Otherwise, the government of the United States and the country will be so eager to deal with his farts, but this jumped out, but this guy said that the tone of this article actually made Zhang Yang appreciate it. Well, this expression is good. While seriously despising the zhèng government of the United States, it does not pull on the slogan of building a country in the United States. The people of the country have their own reasons, and they seriously damage the people of the country. The interests of the United States seriously protested to the government of the United States.

In fact, as long as people who are not spoiled all know that this guy's shouting of these sentences is simply to make his article more sensational, but who makes Americans like this? Especially when it affects their vital interests, these people are not confused at all.

After reading the whole Yang opened the guān website of several famous media agencies in the United States and looked at it, such as huá卝尔卝街卝 said 卝卝報, huá卝盛卝The Dunton Post and other famous newspapers in the United States. Judging from the reports in these newspapers, in the short period of ten or so hours of sleeping, the United States has actually spread the incident very rapidly. And many people have already held demonstrations and protests on this matter.

Well, yes, the efficiency of these countries is high! But after reading the analysis reports of several newspapers, Zhang Yang suddenly understood what was going on. by! I said, how does it feel a bit wrong, who is this black guy? Fuck, that's enough sword. From the analysis of these newspapers, it is likely that this incident was caused by gacad, because from the birth of the Internet age to the present, it is possible to invade the internal jun event system of the CIA, and all retreat, it seems that there is only one gacad.

Didn’t even the famous Kevin Mitnick get caught by Yang Si? dry! Looking at the analysis of these newspapers, Zhang Yang stunned dāi, no wonder he just thought that the announcement looked more pleasing to the eye, the emotional guy subconsciously misled others? ! ! ! ;




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