The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 648: Unexpected events (below)

"Hello." Zhang Yang politely answered the phone. "Hello, is it Zhang Yang, Major General Zhang?" A steady man's voice came from the phone. "it's me."

Zhang Yang froze for a while and said that the general military title is higher than his own. If the other party has a position, it is called the position, such as the leader, company commander, staff, political commissar, etc., but if you don’t know the other party In terms of positions, they are all called long, and in another case, the other party has a high position, but also called the other's military rank, then there is something to be notified.

"Hello, General Zhang! I am a member of the Military Commission..., Division. Now I will inform you on behalf of the Military Commission. At 7 pm tomorrow, please attend the meeting of the Military Commission." The other party's polite voice came from the phone, but the content was the 600th The forty-eighth chapter unexpected events (below) made Zhang Yang froze for a while. Military committee meeting? Let yourself be present? Zhang Yang is completely speechless, how is this happening? Although I said that I was a major general, it was impossible for the generals to go to that kind of meeting, not to mention the major general, and only those generals and some special department generals were able to attend.

Now let the major general who didn't even have a specific position attend the meeting? However, this person certainly could not ask anything about this matter. He was in charge of the notification and said to the other party. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang thought for a while and directly picked up his phone to call the General Manager’s Office. In the past, this matter still had to ask [General Manager].

The phone was connected quickly, and it was not answered by the General Manager’s secretary, but directly by the General Manager. "Oh, Xiao Zhang, you received the call." Obviously, General Manager had guessed the purpose of Zhang Yang's call. "Um... I have received the call, this... Can I ask the general manager, what's going on?" Zhang Yang asked with some curiosity, after all, he made his company rank forced by the above. The people who participated in the military conference of the highest level in the Republic, Zhang Yang did not know what the above thought unexpectedly happened in Chapter 468 (Part 2).

"Haha, don’t think about it. In fact, this is the case. A lot of things have happened recently. The chairman and several members of the Military Commission discussed it and decided to make certain changes to our national defense policy. Meeting, and you, have a very important position in the future defense policy changes, or that the country needs to cooperate with the Star Group, so I hope you can attend this meeting, and many things have to be discussed with you. In this way, I I heard that Starry Heavy Industries has made a lot of good things. If you have time today, you can rush here before 7pm tonight. You can bring some Starry Heavy Industries related personnel to introduce you to several military commanders. Equipment." 〖General〗 said with a smile.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, er, this is a good way. What equipment needs to be purchased by the General Equipment Department and what the military needs to do, in fact, it still depends on the specific needs of the front-line troops, and this advertisement directly reaches the commanders of the major military regions. , Which is a good thing.

I thought about it, and I was fine. It would be okay if I rushed over. Anyway, the Zhangyang special plane is parked at any time in the city’s airport, and I can take off any time. "Then I will rush over tonight, and this, the general manager will give me a whisper? What else is there? If it is just this, it seems that I will not attend the meeting.? Zhang Yang still doesn't quite believe it. If it's just this matter, it's enough to notify Starry Heavy Industry after the above meeting. Can Starry Star Group still be rich without making money?

"Well, there are actually other things. The Defense Department will hold a press conference this afternoon, mainly about the announcement of McAfee. Of course. We will not speak out, but everyone knows how this matter is. It is impossible for us to respond at all. This matter has already been concluded, and the specific implementation requires your support. The other thing is about a military exercise."〖General〗I thought about it, or Tell Zhang Yang.

"Military exercise?" Zhang Yang searched his mind immediately. He was sure that in his memory, there was absolutely no large-scale military exercise from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2008. "To the military exercise! In order to better enable the troops to form combat power, we need you! You are the opener of the Pangu system. No one has more say than you in the use of the Pangu system, and the military exercise is undoubtedly the whole The best test for the system!" 〖General〗 simply stated the purpose of letting Zhang Yang attend the meeting this time.

"Okay, I will rush over in the afternoon." Zhang Yang thought for a while and nodded. Indeed, although the entire country's military network system has been handed over to the country for a long time, and has reached a year, but familiar with the whole system is not So fast, how many years has the US defense system been built? This is not something that will be familiar in a short time, especially in some battles, etc., these domestic commanders may still not be able to adapt to the use of the entire military network. After all, the main first-level commanders want to be thorough It will take some time to integrate into the new technology of the new era.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to replace the entire military network with new ones all at once. In that case, the combat effectiveness of the army will be scary for a long time, which poses a serious threat to national security.

Moreover, all the functions of the starry sky system are not yet understood by Zhang Yang, let alone the Pangu system. The Pangu system can be regarded as the extension of the starry sky, but the detailed functions are perfected by the Computer Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zhangyang just copied the starry sky. The main body, and the following sub-directory functions are all done by them after handing over the source code to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, Zhang Yang has studied. Although the Pangu system is a copy of the starry sky, it can be said that it is copied directly in the past, but the source code of the two is different. The core source code of the starry sky system is full of many things that Zhangyang does not understand. I am afraid this This is what makes the starry sky unique, but the copied source code is indeed very regular, without any exceptions, and the specific reason is that Zhang Yang can't figure it out.

"By the way, remember to wear your military uniform!" While hanging up the phone, 〖General〗 said to Zhang Yang with a smile. "Uh... I know, goodbye." Zhang Yang choked for a while, and then hung up the electric nose. That military uniform was only refreshed when the other party sent it. After that, there was no chance to wear it. I thought that now I have the time and the opportunity to wear him to show off in front of others.

Well! Not bad! Zhang Yang smiled strangely, and then took out his mobile phone to directly call Luo Tianshu. "Hello, President Zhang." Luo Tianshu's voice came from the phone. "Well, it’s me. In this way, you are now ready to prepare the latest research materials of our Star Group, especially those that can be put into operation in a short time. I am afraid that there will be big moves on it. There are many big orders. Prepare to follow me to Zhongnanhai." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Ah? Really!" Luo Tianshu immediately exclaimed with excitement. There were many things researched by Xingkong Heavy Industry, but now there are not many military orders officially, even the new tanks are only starry sky. The group is researching itself, and it has not placed an order yet. If it is possible to make a large military order now, it is certain that Star Heavy Industries will not worry about its business in the next few years or even ten years. Too.

Although it is not too worrying now, because the appearance of starry sky battery has made Starry Sky Heavy Industry have a terrifying exhibition potential, but now the production potential of starry sky battery is completely suppressed by Zhang Yang, in fact, Luo Tianshu does not quite understand why Zhang Yang did this .

Starry Sky Battery has now developed a very high-level battery in Starry Heavy Industry's laboratory. The latest laboratory-grade battery has at least three times more storage capacity than the Luoge prototype in the same volume! Although its cost is terrible! But this is a kind of accumulation of technology. The accumulated experience and technology in the laboratory are accumulated. You Falcon Fell from Magnesium?br/>

In fact, this is the mode currently used by the US government, but ordinary star batteries, which are at least ten times the performance of ordinary batteries on the market, are calculated according to the star battery classification system. The secondary batteries are early You can enter the market on a large scale, but they are all suppressed by Zhang Yang.

At present, Xingkong Heavy Industry is only madly constructing production lines in the country, but after these production lines are completed, less than one-tenth of them are under construction, and the others are not operating at all. However, it can be put into operation at any time. Luo Tianshu has calculated that the current demand for star batteries in the world is terrifying, especially after the Star Group has negotiated with many car manufacturers, this demand will be even more terrifying. A car needs about one ton of starry sky dry batteries, so according to the current global car sales are about 60 million! The car battery needs to produce 60 million tons every year!

If the country’s orders and battery production such as iphone are counted, the annual output of starry sky batteries must reach at least 80 million tons to meet the demand. Of course, this is the most ideal state because the car cannot be at once. All become electricity to drive cars. In that case, the global power network simply cannot keep up.

But even so, according to the speed of large-scale promotion, I am afraid that Starry Heavy Industry can now sell 10 million tons of batteries every year! And now, the quantity produced by the Star Group is less than one tenth! That's just over ten thousand tons! In addition to the battery required by the iPhone and BMW, all others are provided to some national scientific research institutions. And the current production line built by Star Group, if fully operated, the annual battery production will reach about 8 million tons! By the end of this year, this number will reach 15 million tons!

It must be said that the Star Group can expand its production line at such a terrifying speed, and the role played by the Star Technology School is decisive! ! ! ! ;




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