The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 649: Historical deviation (on)

Chapter 649 Historical Deviations (Part 1)

When Zhang Yang's special plane flew to Beijing, the Ministry of National Defense held a press conference. Zhang Yang already knew this at the prime minister. What was not specific enough was not clear. However, Zhang Yang’s special plane had a TV, so Zhang Yang watched the press conference throughout.

"Hello friends, journalists, and I am Jiang Yun, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense." A university about 30 years old went directly to the podium at the beginning of the press conference. The press conference held by the Ministry of National Defense was still Relatively few, when they are held, they are all heavyweights. It seems that there is now some inexplicable emergence of a spokesperson, but the following reporter froze for a moment after Chapter 469 The historical deviation (above) knows that today's press conference will definitely have a lot to watch.

"Today's press conference only announced some changes to the specific national defense policy of the Republic, and did not answer any reporter's questions. Please abide by the discipline of the venue." Jiang Yun first announced the venue meeting with a serious face before coming up. Took out a file.

"In response to the US government’s call to make significant contributions to cybersecurity forces around the world, the Republican Committee passed a resolution that will continue to invest 1,200 in construction funds for the defense network construction of the Republic from the second half of this year to the first half of next year. Ten billion RMB!" Jiang Yun's announcement was like throwing a bomb into the venue.

All journalists thought they had heard it wrong. You should know that although the military expenditure of the Republic has increased more in the past two years, the military expenditure of the Republic last year was only about 240 billion, which is about 30 billion US dollars. Military expenditure, and now just one aspect of defense network construction has increased by nearly 15 billion US dollars! What would be the increase in military spending in other normal expenditures?

"Second, between 08 and 10 years, the Republic will continue to disarm the 649th chapter. The historical deviation (top) is about 400,000 people, but while disarming, we will increase the special operations force! And increase the information War and other related forces!" Jiang Yun announced the second news.

The following reporters quickly started to strike on their laptops. The number of the army of the Republic is not large, but now it is disarming another 400,000. This number makes the number of the army of the Republic basically reach the historical minimum, of course, Modern warfare is about technology. Sometimes there are hundreds of thousands of people. It is really not necessarily how much more fighting power, especially after equipment replacement, reasonable disarmament, and to ensure a reasonable distribution of the army, fighting power is not How much will be reduced.

Although there is now disarmament, the whereabouts of these soldiers after the disarmament is not mentioned. According to the proportion of population and economic strength, the proportion of soldiers in the Republic is actually very low. So these soldiers can be raised completely. The difference is where these people will go after disarmament. This is an unknown number. In fact, Zhang Yang does not know whether these people are really disarming, or they should be retained as it. Yes, but Zhang Yang has a hunch that this disarmament is probably just to reduce the vigilance of the Western world, and increase investment in other areas.

After all, if according to the current spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense said such an increase in military expenditure, this year the military expenditure of the Republic will increase by at least 100%! This range is a bit scary, especially since the world today is a peaceful world, and a sudden increase in military expenditure can easily cause military unrest in other countries.

"...Reporters sitting here know that as one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, the world's second largest economy, the world's largest exporter, the world's second largest importer, the world's largest foreign exchange reserve country, and the world's most economically developed country The fast country, with the third largest land area in the world, has more than 18,400 kilometers of coastline, more than 20,000 kilometers of coastline on the road..." After a pause, Jiang Yun began to read out his hand again. document.

Listening to this beginning, Zhang Yang’s face immediately became eccentric. After saying so much in front, Zhang Yang was sure that there was absolutely shocking news behind, otherwise, there would never be so much China announced in front. It can be said that the data is known to people all over the world.

"...As the country with the highest ocean area and land area in the world, the Republic’s naval construction has always been in the middle and lower reaches of the world. As a responsible world power, the Republic’s Central Military Commission has decided to speed up the construction of the Republic’s navy. To speed up the excessive speed of the Republic Navy from the Yellow Water Navy to the Blue Water Navy. Let the Republic Navy move from light blue to dark blue as soon as possible. To this end, the Republic will issue a total of 4 constructions to China Shipbuilding Industry Group () and China Shipbuilding Industry Group (i) 4 Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!" Jiang Yun finally said the most important news.

When he heard the news, Zhang Yang couldn't help jumping up from his bed! China is finally going to have an aircraft carrier. This news Chinese generations do not know how long they have waited, but today it is finally here. Although this news is not too unexpected for Zhang Yang, there are still great surprises.

You know, it is only 07 years now! It was more than two years before the last generation reported that China would build an aircraft carrier! In other words, Zhang Yang made his own efforts to let China start building aircraft carriers two years in advance! Two years may be almost a flash for a country’s naval construction, but two years is enough to change a lot, especially if the shipyard is allowed to speed up the construction, perhaps China’s first after four years and five years The aircraft carrier formation can sail on the sea.

Zhang Yang has seen many online posts in his last life, saying that modern aircraft carriers are useless and the like, saying that building an aircraft carrier can build 30 advanced destroyers, and also saying that the rapid development of missile fish and so on, let The aircraft carrier has basically become a sea coffin, but everyone overlooked the most important thing! That is, only if you have an aircraft carrier, you are qualified, or have the strength to compete with others for air control!

Thirty advanced modern destroyers may be able to destroy an aircraft carrier formation by its attack, but can thirty modern destroyers compete for air supremacy? The answer is needless to say, maybe every country in the world now has the ability to destroy the opposing aircraft carrier formation, but if you don't have it, people will save even the elimination! Now the war is the war in the sky! In the case of a limited range of fighters, the aircraft carrier is something that every country that wants to go out must have!

Many people in the last life know that in the South China Sea of ​​the Republic, why do slapstick countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines provoke China to behemoths over the ownership of islands in the South China Sea? The Chinese navy is only a light blue navy, this is the most critical point!

Just as Zhang Yang once said to the next head of the No. 1, whether it is Zhang Yang or the leader of China, everyone likes the famous saying of the US President, where is the latest aircraft carrier formation! This is a kind of strength, or a kind of naked violence!

No country wants its country’s coastal defense to be mainly coastal defense. If it can go out, no one wants to shrink at the door. Now that this condition exists, it is necessary to go out! This has nothing to do with strength, this is an attitude! Only if you want to fight, and dare to fight, will you have the result you want. If you dare not fight, then the other party has always been in Asia.

The following reporters have been crazy about flashing lights. This is the first time that this oriental dragon has made its own voice since the economic reform and opening up, and it is a sound voice. Is this a sign of this? The Oriental Dragon is about to take off?

No one knows, but these reporters know that they may have witnessed a historic event! No reporter can guess what kind of changes will be caused by this announcement in China, but these reporters understand that in the past China has been secretly researching what weapons and equipment, and this time it was announced justly, which means No one knows what it is, but everyone knows that I am afraid that no country can stop this Eastern Dragon.

"Finally, in the coming months, China will hold a multi-arms all-round large-scale joint exercise. The exercise will cover a total of 16 provinces, four major military regions, and a total of 950,000 troops at all levels of combat!" After Jiang Yun announced the last news, Zhang Yang knew the news, but he was surprised to grow his mouth, and the following media reporters directly reached a *, various flashes, etc. will be on stage The flash became a white piece.

To be honest, Zhang Yang was very surprised, quite unexpected, very unexpected. Zhang Yang had never thought of killing him. This time, he had such a great determination and was close to a joint exercise of a million troops! It can be said that this is the first time such a large-scale joint military exercise has been conducted since the Republic has not engaged in foreign wars, and it is a military exercise involving the three armed forces of sea, land and air. For military exercises of this scale, let alone the following reporters be surprised. It is estimated that people in all countries of the world will be surprised.

After announcing all the things, Jiang Yun quickly left the venue directly under the protection of the two soldiers, ignoring the crazy inquiries of the reporters below, because I have said before, this is just a press conference to announce things They will not answer any questions. After asking no results, these reporters gave up, and all of them quickly sent the reports in their hands back to their own countries.

Zhang Yang smiled a little, I am afraid that at this time, the world does not know how many presidents and military officials of the country have been summoned from their bed by their subordinates.

To be honest, in the end, how many industries in China has been driven by a starry sky. Zhang Yang is not from the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Finance, etc. So he is not clear about this, but what Zhang Yang knows is that the state’s fiscal revenue is announced annually. Some of them will definitely be withdrawn at the time. This is what almost all countries in the world will do. The Republic is not the pioneer or the only one.

However, judging from the fiscal revenue announced in 2007, the fiscal revenue of the Republic has almost caught up with that of a few years later. It should be known that the domestic inflation rate is not as high as it was in the previous life around 2012! Now it's 2007! To maintain such a terrible economic income when the inflation rate is so low, the economic development of the Republic is definitely more benign than in the previous life.

Much of the economic development of the previous life was based on the abnormal development of domestic real estate and other aspects, which is fundamentally different from this life. When the inflation rate is so low, the economy must be the same as in the previous life. The purchasing power of 100rmb must be at least about 30% higher, which is a terrible number.

Zhang Yang's special plane did not land at two civilian airports in the capital, but landed directly at a military airport on the outskirts of the capital under the **** of several fighter jets. This military airport is a military airport under the capital Weirong Military Region. When the plane landed and ran to the top, a long list of military vehicles had already been waiting on the runway. The commander of the entire military base, the political commissar, etc. were already waiting by the runway.

As the commander of a military base with a level of secrecy, Colonel Fu Hongjun certainly knows who is on the plane, or which company the plane belongs to. In fact, if you really don’t know, just look at the plane The Peugeot Peugeot and the four Chinese characters resounding in the world will understand that this aircraft is a private aircraft that can be said to have a company whose strength is higher than the central tax of the entire Confidentiality level The military base of level 2 is already a military base with a very high level of confidentiality in the Republic, and everyone in this military base must sign a confidentiality agreement, including the lowest level of non-commissioned officers! In fact, none of the guards here are ordinary soldiers, and the entire base is all professional soldiers.

In space, it is impossible for you to see this air base from the satellite. It has a variety of signal shields and camouflage all year round. Of course, one of the most important tasks of this air base is to guard the air. The security of the Rong capital! The entire base has been on alert all year round. When there is an emergency in the capital, the fighters of the air base can take off within ten minutes!

Therefore, Fu Hongjun can learn a lot of confidential information, but this time let him come here to pick up the president of the Star Group to a secret base to attend the Supreme Military Committee. Fu Hongjun is still a little dizzy, although Fu Hongjun knows that the Star Group and the country have many Cooperation in scientific research, but I did not expect the president of the Starry Sky Group, the young man praised as a genius by businessmen all over the world, actually has the ability to attend the Military Commission! RO! ! ! ;




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