The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 654: The miserable world (Part 2)

Chapter 654 The Tragic World (Part 2)

In fact, fortunately, Bush didn’t know that gd is Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang is gd. Otherwise, it is estimated that Bush’s heart for eating Zhang Yang is raw, but now Bush has no way, or he can’t think of any way at all. It's like being a world-class boxing champion with outstanding force, and then hit with a punch, only to find that there is not even an individual on the opposite side, but he can't help but be beaten.

This kind of sullen depression and discomfort made Bush feel impulsive, but if it were not for Bush's body to be healthy, it is estimated to be like this. In the words of ancient Chinese medicine, what is depression and illness is his true portrayal. But maybe other people don’t know, but as Bush’s personal secretary, she usually knows Chapter 654 of the miserable world (below). Shemir who lives in a villa with Bush knows that, in fact, this time Although Bush looks nothing to the outside world, behind it, Bush is estimated to be almost crazy.

The inexplicable arrogance has been tempered several times, and the office facilities at home can be considered to have suffered bad luck, and was dropped by Bush many times. But this is also no way to do anything. During this time, bad news came to Bush continuously, and now Bush has the most powerful countries and violent institutions in the world, but he can’t find anyone. Come to vent, it is strange that Bush is not depressed.

"Wow," a dull voice came from Bush's office, to be honest, when Bush had been his personal secretary for several years, Shemir never found that Bush had such a gaffe. Whenever there were any problems in the past, it was even a situation. Poor, Bush did not lose his temper to this point, it seems that this gd is really a disaster star.

Shemir shook her head slightly, and finally pushed open the office door gently, and then helped Bush to clean up the broken tea cup. When she saw Shemir come in, Bush was a little depressed, but he still said with great grace: "Sixth Chapter 154 The Tragic World (Part 2), Shemir, please." Shemir shook his head slightly: "Mr. President, hasn't the problem been solved yet?"

Bush smiled bitterly: "No, it would be good if it were so simple, Shemir, hey... you said I am a very incompetent president. Why did such a simple and disgraced thing happen in my tenure? "Shemir quickly shook his head and said: "Mr. President, it doesn’t matter what you do. After all, the strength of this gd is too great. It has nothing to do with you. If it is incompetent, it can only be the following technical departments and intelligence. The department is incompetent and cannot catch this gd."

Bush sighed and said with a hand, "Shemir, please go out first, let me be alone." Shemir nodded immediately and turned back respectfully. After Shemir left, Bush rubbed his forehead with a headache. Recently, his spirit was really bad. The first thing was because of this gd thing, the current McAfee business was almost at a standstill, not to mention expansion. Business, that is, the current business can not be guaranteed, many companies and individuals have repeatedly requested McAfee compensation, but the current situation of McAfee can ensure that the company’s operation is good, how to talk about compensation?

These are all things that Bush needs to solve, but this is not a big deal at all compared with the Star Group’s negotiations on technology. It is not a big deal at all. A McAfee is not worth much, and most of the key technologies of f-22 are taken. Going out to change things with others, a McAfee is irrelevant, but now McAfee's situation is more depressing.

These two are still good, but regarding the third one, that is, the large-scale and omnidirectional three-dimensional military exercise of that huge and ancient ancient country has to attract the attention of Bush. In fact, the entire Ministry of Defense and i are at a height The tense state mainly wants to clarify the purpose of this exercise, as well as some of the new technologies shown in it, and the judgment of the squadron's combat effectiveness. This is the most critical task of the Ministry of Defense and i during this time.

At this moment, the exercise has basically entered the middle stage. It can be said that the ultimate goal of this exercise is for one party to completely lose its combat power, just like what Zhang Yang once saw in the TV series directed by Liu Meng in later generations, regardless of the other party’s The command headquarters is completely destroyed, or something, as long as one party loses its combat power, but it is almost impossible to completely destroy the other party's command headquarters, as shown in the TV series.

First of all, on such a large scale, it can be said that the highest command of the group army is strictly confidential even within the other party’s system, and it is impossible for it to be easily investigated by your special forces as it was performed in a TV series. . Things are not that simple, and the supreme command is not a fool, not all supreme commanders are there, and the entire command has a lot of countermeasures.

In this way, it is almost impossible to catch the thief first to capture the king in modern warfare, especially to directly capture the highest commander of the other party. At least Zhang Yang knew that within a few kilometers of his headquarters, there were dense mobile radar bases, and every soldier in the nearby security guard who served as Wei Rong had his own identification mark on his body, every half In a few hours, a set of marking methods will be changed to prevent the enemy from infiltrating.

And the closer you are to the command, the less likely you are to sneak in. You are now about half a month away from the start of the exercise. Zhang Yang is not the highest commander in this half month. He just observed behind the scenes. When he appeared in the Blue Army’s highest military command center, he didn’t show up at all. He only learned from behind the scenes about the staff, the way officers are commanded, and the use of military systems.

After more than half a month of observation, I have to say that Zhang Yang has a very intuitive understanding of the command of the entire system. At the same time, Zhang Yang can be said to be frowning, because Zhang Yang found that although the Institute of Computer Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences clearly took the entire system The functions have been introduced to these front-line combat troops, and these specialized staff departments and the computer masters have already thoroughly understood the system, but they still cannot play the functions of the entire system.

Or in other words, their mindset problem! Their way of thinking has not been completely transformed from this three-dimensional operation of the trinity of sea, land and air, and it shows from this that although the development of the modern weaponry and the Republic is fast and fast, in terms of military network systems, the Republic really falls. After the United States, and after the last conflict in the 1960s related to the republic ended, the republic’s army basically maintained a peace?

Fighting against the DPRK in 1950, the war against Vietnam in 1954, the Gulf War in 1991, the war against Yugoslavia in 1999, the war in Afghanistan in 2001, the war in Iraq in 2003, and the Syrian and Libyan wars that will occur in the memory of Zhang Yang, although these are all It is a local war, but it is enough for the United States to test its own military and find differences in its tactics. The most important thing is that these wars are enough for the United States to discover the shortcomings in the modern military command system and improve these command systems.

What is modern warfare fighting? The area is bigger, the technology, the more it is, the logistics and the potential for warfare, but if these factors are set aside, it is only reconnaissance and information that is said in a war of close competition. Some people say that modern war is nothing but information war! Your intelligence gathering capabilities, as well as your command and command capabilities, will directly affect the combat capabilities of your entire army.

It has been said that we must attach importance to the enemy strategically and despise the enemy tactically. To be honest, these military commanders at these levels have no problems at all, Zhang Yang has no doubt, and Zhang Yang of the Republican team has no doubt at all, but how to exert these combat forces is a big problem, although Zhang Yang was reluctant to admit it, but had to say that the use of military systems by these domestic combat staff was terrible.

Until this exercise, the two sides have lost about one-third of their "troops", and even the Blues have some disadvantages. This is because the Blues’ combat staff are composed of young combat staff. In the Legion combat, these young combat staff are not as good as the old generals who have participated in various wars in the Republic opposite the Red side. However, the reason why the Blues have not shown too many disadvantages is still in these young Staff.

Because of their youth and their understanding of weapons of modern warfare, these young staff often use some unexpected tactics. Although the overall Blues are still at a disadvantage, the disadvantage is not too great, but some local areas have great advantages. At the same time, up to now, many combat troops of the Blue Army have remained intact, which has given the Blue Army a sufficient advantage in the turnaround.

"Xiao Zhang, how are you doing?" During this exercise, all the gangsters of the entire Military Commission did not participate, and these gangsters were all concentrated in the blue army headquarters. There is no way. The purpose of this exercise is to let The troops have a new understanding of the new military system, as well as changing the commanding habits of the troops, etc. At the same time, they also incidentally train troops to allow the troops to exercise and discover the talents found in the troops. As for the outcome, these are incidental.

This time the entire Pangu military system has been delivered to the blue side, and the red side uses the original military system. So these military leaders are all concentrated on the blue side. The military hall used by Blue is also the latest strategic command center newly built for Pangu.

"Do you want me to be honest?" Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders, and these days with the military gangsters, Zhang Yang can accurately count the temper of these older revolutionaries. In fact, these old soldiers are very pure, as long as they are against the Republic They are not stingy at all, and even in order to enhance the strength of the army, they can pull down and ask for a young man who is a few decades younger than them, so during this time, Zhang Yang has almost become these old generals. After the year-end friendship, everyone talks a lot.

"Of course, to be honest, you can rest assured, to be honest, you don't have to face us." Admiral Zhao looked at Zhang Yang with a smile and said, as the oldest in the entire military commission, and at the same time the military's influence is also the largest general, General Zhao has already In the age of sparseness, he will soon retreat to the second line, and the prestige of General Zhao in the army is naturally quite high.

"Then I tell you the truth, if you look at the current command, their command is not even as shown in a game I've ever played. Don't think that some of the systems shown in those American games are fictitious. Yes, there are many things that the United States can actually do now. From the current point of view, this new military system does not greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the entire army." Zhang Yang directly said his observations.

Although Zhang Yang said it was very polite, this is a fact, and now all are his own people, all of them in the army, for the republican team's tomorrow, Zhang Yang will not naturally ignore some problems in order to save face. "The evaluation is so low?" Although General Zhao has seen some clues from Zhang Yang's expression these days, he never expected that Zhang Yang's evaluation would be so low.

"Yes!" Zhang Yang nodded honestly, and General Zhao nodded thoughtfully. For a long time, he looked at Zhang Yang and asked with a smile, "Is there any interest in taking over the Blue Army's highest command." "I won't fight." Zhang Yang said very directly. Only when he took over the supreme command of the Blue Army, could Zhang Yang have the highest authority of the entire Pangu system. Of course, the highest authority in wartime, he can let other staff see It is clear how the command of modern warfare is.

In fact, Zhang Yang does not understand the command of the army, but he understands the use of the entire system, how to maximize the performance of the entire system. To be honest, Zhang Yang is very eager to try, don’t look at the starry sky system than Pangu in some calculations It is even more excellent, but to tell the truth, strictly speaking, the starry sky is not comparable to Pangu at all. There is no way. Pangu now has the support of the entire country. The resources available are too large to compare with the starry sky.

"You don't need to understand warfare, you are the highest commander, as long as you find the most correct suggestions from the analysis results of the military staff below, and then give the order. Besides, this incident is most for the new defense military system, It doesn't matter if you win or Liang Liang will say directly.

"No problem, I'll try it. But if I win, hey, I hope that the generals of the Red side don't want to beat people." To be honest, Zhang Yang was still very excited and commanded a war personally! How many people have done this kind of thing? And now he has this opportunity. Although this is an exercise, how can there be so many real wars for you in modern society?

"Haha... then it depends on whether you have that skill." Zhang Yang said with a word, which made the old generals in the whole meeting room laugh.

"In this case, I will command!" said General Liang, who was seated in the throne. Although General Liang was not the highest position in the Military Commission, he was the Minister of National Defense, so the highest command and appointment rights were still in Minister Liang. Hands. The sound of "brush" was neat, so all the generals stood up from their positions, including the oldest admiral Zhao!

Zhang Yang sighed in his heart. Although these old generals are older, their actions are still vigorous! RO! ! ! ;




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