The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 655: The so-called modern war (1)

The rhythmic sound of "papa" neat military boots stepping on the floor passed into the huge military command center. This military command center was newly built, and it was not placed in some first-tier cities, but in a secret military base. Yes, this is actually a backup military command center. When the entire system is fully integrated into the defense network, a new Ministry of Defense and emergency command center will be built in the capital, just like the US Pentagon. ;

When the sound of neat military boots came, all the staff of the entire command center stood up straight from their respective positions and looked at the entrance of the hall. They had received the news in advance. Today there will be a new The general will serve as the supreme commander, and the original general will be his deputy.

Chapter 655 The so-called modern warfare (1) All the staff now look at who has the highest command.

After all, the general who is in command is also the youngest one in the country. It can be said that he is one of the new generation of soldiers. In the future, one of the top beams of the Republic will be replaced by someone. ? But didn't it mean that these old generals just watched behind the scenes this time?

With the sound of "Boo", when the automatic induction door of the military command hall capable of defending individual missiles was separated from both sides, the original highest commander, General Wang, and a series of officers entered the military command hall, when he followed General Wang After a young man in the back appeared, after a brief eerie silence in the entire hall, a burst of buzzing broke out in an instant. The character of these soldiers was originally quite rigorous. At this time, it was impossible to discuss privately. Happening.

But the scene they saw was so amazing, they were so surprised that these young military staffers almost dropped their laymen, because they knew the young man who followed the admiral. A young man who is admired by all his peers in the world, but this young man appears in the so-called modern warfare (1) in Chapter 655. He actually wears military uniform! He is not wearing military uniform! The military uniform carrying the shoulders above the shoulders is a golden star!

Although only a major general! But this young man is big? twenty-three? twenty four? Isn’t it 25 years old anyway? The 25-year-old major general? Are we crazy? The old generals above were crazy but surprising. Although these young staff members were shocked, they caused some short-lived buzzing in their shortness of breath, but everyone involuntarily straightened their chests and stood upright. His body became short of breath and his face became a little surging.

Everyone didn't know what was wrong, there was a kind of unspeakable excitement, as if the heart had jumped out of his throat. Admiral Wang looked at the flushed faces and expressions of the young staff members in front of him, and almost laughed in his heart. To be honest, as a domestic sixty-year general, Wang Mingguang has reached the peak of his life with only 45 years of age. It is the first time in the Republic to sit in the position of general in age! At the same time, it also represents the growth of young soldiers in the republican system!

Although with the next appointment, he will become an assistant to this young man who is more than 20 years younger than him, but Wang Mingguang does not have any feelings of discomfort at all. Wang Mingguang knows that only this young man can let him Only when the function of this system is maximized can the Republic take the first step of blinding the elephant in the use of this modern command system.

In this regard, there is no experience to learn from, whether it is Europe or the United States, it is impossible for you to learn. Even the United States will not let Europe learn from another aspect. It can be said that this is the top secret of a country. Therefore, it is like the political system chosen by the Republic when it was founded, and it is an independent exploration of the thorns. ,

But Wang Mingguang had to admit that although he was already a general of the Republic, he could not be proud of this young man. Even if the other party was not a general, it would be the same without the rank of major general. Who has thought of such a crazy thing in just three years to create a huge financial group in the world, a group with a market value of over one trillion US dollars? Who dares to think about it, but this one around me not only thought about it, but did it.

"I'll announce it next! In the next exercise... everyone around me, presumably everyone knows, Chairman Zhang Yang of Starry Sky Group, and also Major General Zhang Yang! Will replace my position as the supreme commander of the Blue Army! According to the Wartime Management Regulations, General Zhang Yang’s rank will now be automatically adjusted to the highest rank, and the rank of Admiral until the end of the exercise! With the highest command, including me, everyone must obey the order unconditionally! Understand not!” Wang Mingguang read I went through the appointment order in my hand and said aloud to everyone below.

"Yes!" The neat answer resounded throughout the hall. "General Zhang, please issue your first order below." After reading the order, Wang Mingguang directly gave Zhang Yang a military salute and said with respect. Zhang Yang quickly returned a military salute. Although he was very happy in his heart, he is now an admiral. Although he is a temporary admiral according to the wartime regulations, that is also an admiral!

"No order, but before that, I want to say that I have watched all the previous exercises. I am the founder of Pangu System, but I have to say that each of you has disappointed me too much as a future republic* The founder of the matter system, you people are the pillars of the future Republican team! But you have not let go of your thinking at all! Pangu can do much more than what you can do now! Even you The functions of this hall are not fully understood! Since you haven’t done it, let me tell you the next time, what Pangu can do! Now, everyone disbands!" Zhang Yang did not say anything specific. ,

However, this new official takes three fires, the necessary speech is still necessary. Although Zhang Yang was a little bit dissatisfied after the speech, they didn’t say anything. After all, the young man standing there did enough things to make them look up, but everyone’s heart was There is a fire.

In fact, these days of watching the game, Zhang Yang has already discovered the blue side's problem, that is, they have not maximized Pangu's performance! After everyone returned to his work position, Zhang Yang went directly to the most console in Pangu, and then said aloud: "Pangu, verify the highest authority, verification code*"

Verification code confirmation! The highest authority is turned on, please enter the highest authority password, and carry out pupillary fingerprint seriously. "The voice of the Pangu machine reel rang throughout the hall. Zhang Yang immediately followed the voice prompts and entered a series of passwords with the highest authority into Pangu. At the same time, he took the pupil and fingerprint authentication seriously.

"After the highest authority authentication is completed, General Zhang Yang welcomes you!" The welcome sound of Pangu Jiluo Machinery sounded. "Pangu, order correction, now change the first sequence, shield all external signal connections, all signals that do not belong to the system are all firewalled, any purposeful, tracking and destruction of the system is transmitted here and carried out as soon as possible Anti-tracking." Zhang Yang directly issued the first order.

The command of Zhang Yang is very loud. Although the entire strategic command hall can accommodate hundreds of combat staff, because of the unique space setting, the command of Zhang Yang can be properly transmitted to everyone's ears.

"Order confirmation!" Pangu promptly sent a prompt. "The second command, now start the defense function of the seventh zone in the defensive base, collect and analyze all the sounds of the entire military base! Any reference to the commands inside the entire hall and other related content are all monitored, especially the external communication When it comes to the related content, it is found that the secret is leaked illegally, and immediately cut off all communications." Zhang Yang then issued a second order.

"Command confirmation!" With the prompt of Pangu's voice, the whole hall remembered the low-pitched discussion sound. If they could not understand the first command but understood it, then the second command would be easy to understand After all, these people have already understood the entire strategic command center and the Pangu system, but they didn’t expect that the base could actually be able to collect sound samples from all places in any and monitoring sound, In this way, even if someone from the other side sneaks in, it is completely under the supervision of Pangu.

"Third order! Amplify my voice appropriately to ensure that everyone in the hall can hear my voice." Zhang Yang gave another new order. "Command confirmation!"

After being confirmed by Pangu's order, Zhang Yang sat directly on the podium with the highest authority capable of being Pangu. At the same time, Zhang Yang glanced lightly at the whole hall, and then said: "I don't know how to command military operations, that is not my task. My current task is to teach you, what is Pangu, and also teach you not to take this seriously Come and see!

When Zhang Yang's voice echoed throughout the hall, Zhang Yang continued to glance at everyone and said, "The next thing I have done, you are better off, and at the same time all military transfers in all places are temporarily handed over to the Admiral. Don’t disturb me! Now I tell you, modern warfare is all-round, remember it is all-round! When they become enemies, any of their systems are what we need to use! Now, Pangu connects our military satellites system."! ! ! ;




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