The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 662: Let's find fault (1)

With a clatter, the office equipment such as notebooks and folders on the table were devastated. The owner swept it directly from the table and fell on the ground with a series of loud noises. The few people standing in the room could not bear it I picked it up while holding my eyelids, and my scalp was tingling.

The man who did all this is arguably the most powerful man in the world, but now this man is violently thundering and swearing like a street gangster, but surprisingly, none of these people in the house think this Men have no demeanor. On the contrary, several people have some sympathy for him. There is no way. Although he is the President of the United States, the President of the United States in this world is not omnipotent. Some people are not under his control. For example, gd!

Bush just came out of the hospital. The media about Bush’s Chapter 662 everyone came to find fault (Part 1). The media didn’t know, and in fact didn’t go to the hospital. He just invited a doctor to help Bush. But the culprit is definitely GD, Bush has some diseases. This time, the old disease relapsed because of GD, but fortunately, it is not a fatal disease, so after the doctor prescribed a prescription, Bush would be fine after a few words.

But unexpectedly, the news came just after discharge! "Asshole! This asshole! What do I eat! Why do you let him get away in this world! I don't care where he is! Get me over to him!" Bush growled angrily in the oval office. The following dozens of senior officials lowered their heads wisely and did not answer, including the director of i.

The anger of the president is understandable. At this time, those of them who are subordinates will not be used as punching bags. In many novels, TV series or movies, it seems that the United States does not have much power. It seems that the director and the Secretary of Defense can control the president. In fact, strictly speaking, this is not the case, although such a statement has some truth. , But the rights of the President of the United States under certain circumstances are very great!

For example, when the president believes that national security is challenged by everyone in Chapter 662 (Part 1), the national security is threatened and enters a special state, the president’s rights are very great, but if it is peaceful? * Tsukazu Hiru, these intelligence agencies are responsible for handling any intelligence, protecting the president, etc. Some black or gray operations are always the same. The president has a lot of control, so these people are not afraid of the president, but they use a sentence. Say, face is given to each other, they dare not get these handles out.

In addition, Bush is a very strong president, so these officials dare not say much. In fact, there is another reason for this. These people are indeed ashamed, and the country with the most comprehensive national strength in the world. ! No one, the most powerful intelligence service in the world! The largest military force in the world! The most powerful talent gathering country in the world! But that's it, they have no way to get this gd!

Do you say these people can't be ashamed? To be honest, hackers are not without it. Didn’t Kevin Mitnick finally get caught? Is nubi strong enough? But the Ministry of Defense still has its very detailed information. Although it is not enough to find the other party’s headquarters, Gates knows that it is i can’t check it anymore. If you check it again, these things will be dug out quickly. At that time, God knows what will happen. Those capitalists have enough funds to cause economic turmoil in the entire American society!

But gd is an exception! There is no clue at all! Can't find anything at all! Just like a mysterious ghost on the Internet, suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and then had the power of terror, at least on the Internet, the other party is like a god, although there is no God so omnipotent so exaggerated , But no one can find his place if someone wants to run.

This has to make people hurt, as it is now, gd said that there are handles such as McAfee and some departments in the hand, and the US government immediately fell into a passive state. Gates is not an idiot. There are many important research institutes in the entire US defense system that are related to McAfee and Symantec. Otherwise, why would McAfee listen to Bush? Isn't it because Bush has a big order for McAfee?

But now the security of these important military secret services has become a major threat, especially when the firewalls and products developed by McAfee and other companies are untrustworthy. There is a very serious problem before everyone. simple! That is how these American guarantees! Change a firewall and protection measures? Well, no matter whether we can find a suitable company, or whether the new firewall can block the problem of gd.

Just to say that the problem of changing firewalls and protection measures is not simple in itself, do you think this is a personal computer installed system? I don't need to use it if I want to use it. I don't want to use the hard disk to format it and just make another system? Today, if you want to use McAfee, just use McAfee. If you are unhappy, just uninstall Symantec.

If it were so simple, Bush would not have such a headache. The anger in my heart is almost vented, and Bush has also quieted down, taking a deep breath to calm his emotions. Bush has always felt that he is a very urban politician, but during this time Bush felt like he was like A virgin is as impulsive as he is, and no wonder Bush, who has to be ridiculed in this way, will not be angry until there are ghosts, not to mention the most powerful person in the world?

"Tell me, I know you don’t blame you on this matter, but as members of the cabinet, as my assistants, and as my staff, let’s talk about your views in light of the current situation? If we don’t agree with the terms of gd, What do we need to pay, and if we agree to his conditions, what will we face?" Bush, who was angry, sat in his place and asked with his hand out and tapping the table rhythmically.

"My Excellency the President, let me talk about it." After looking at the people around, Gates finally took the initiative to speak. He is the most prestigious person in the entire cabinet, and he is also the person who has served several presidents. His words are the most divided. "Well, you said." Bush nodded and looked up at Gates seriously.

"It's very simple, I won't turn the corner. Gd knows that we are the envoys behind. There is no need to doubt about this matter. Even if the other party does not say it clearly, it is obviously very stable. The other party just doesn't want to tighten us too much. Then the problem is very simple. If we follow the condition of gd, I don’t want to say more about what we will achieve in the end. But no doubt with the character of gd as a lunatic, there will definitely be other conditions, the price we pay... Money is second, and the reputation of the US government may be ruined." Gates said this beautifully.

But the implication is that none of the people here are fools, they all heard it. Gates’ so-called reputation of the US government was ruined. In fact, to put it bluntly means that, President, your people will be lost. People rushed out of office. For any American president, there are many ways to step down, but this method of stepping down is undoubtedly the most humiliating, and it is absolutely impossible for Bush to tolerate!

"Talk about other things." Bush is undecided. At this moment, Bush has become an excellent politician, with no expression on his face. Ordinary people simply can't see any emotions and joys in his face, as well as his specific ideas. Gates nodded and continued: "If you don't agree with gd's opinion, then the problem is very simple. The first is that McAfee is going to be carried out by gd, and it is bound to go bankrupt. Then we will have to pay. We have calculated it and it is close to 10 billion. The loss of dollars!"

"Money is not a problem." Bush waved his hand directly, and Gates did not despise Bush or anything. Money is really not a problem for the US government. This money does not need the US government to pay. In fact, it is very simple. It is just a mutual. The problem of conversion, for example, according to some federal laws to give McAfee some compensation, and then operate through some means, the money will come out, and then, even if it is directly paid, the US government is not short of this money, or, The President does not lack this money, and even Congress does not have to pass it.

"Well, I have asked people to analyze this issue. After McAfee went bankrupt, we can actually influence it through the government. For example, didn’t Inel always want to acquire McAfee? Now is the perfect time for Inel to acquire, Mike. Everyone knows what the overall strength of the Philippines looks like, but only encountered gd, so Inel is definitely interested in this. When we only need to give Inel some policies, then McAfee shareholders will also accept this Fact." Gates said the solution to McAfee.

Upon hearing Gates's words, Bush's face immediately showed an interesting look, nodded and said: "Continue to speak." Gates immediately said: "In fact, this problem is second, the second key issue is that There are many key systems in the entire federal government that use McAfee products, and gd is undoubtedly using these things to threaten us. If these systems are really attacked like the previous attacks on McAfee, I am afraid that it will cause tens of thousands of Economic losses of more than 100 million US dollars." Said Gates' expression was very serious.

Bush also raised his eyebrows, and his face was a bit ugly. If the US government can accept tens of billions of dollars, or even hundreds of billions of dollars, then trillions, which is what the US government cannot accept, and Congress cannot allow it. Such a thing happened. The Senate and the House do not mind letting him step down, and the government has no way to explain to the people.

"Is there any solution?" Bush asked the most critical question, and Gates immediately said: "Before I came, Ms. Litano (the Secretary of Homeland Security) and I have already discussed this issue. Our negotiation, the best way is that we have to do it first! Before the gd reaction, we first announced the termination of the contract cooperation with McAfee. Anyway, we have decided to sell McAfee to inel. Their contract will be in the future. It is not difficult to cooperate with inel! After we announced the termination of the cooperation with McAfee, I immediately uninstalled the products of McAfee. Before I came, I had talked with the senior executives of Symantec. They can complete the entire process within 8 hours. In the transition of network security work, they will arrange a large number of security personnel to complete this work!"

A white woman with gray hair sitting on the other side of Gates is not tall, and the whole person is relatively thin, but no one can believe that this woman is another important department in the cabinet. Minister, you need to know that the i, fbi, n departments must also belong to the Department of Homeland Security in some ways. At the same time, I am afraid that everyone does not know, this woman who looks like a woman next door is very strong! Otherwise, it would not be in line with Bush's employment style.

After Gates said that there was a stop here, Litano said: "Mr. President, I have explained the following tasks quickly and I am ready. The Ministry of Homeland Security will quickly arrange this matter. The 8-hour system announced to the outside world Within the time of maintenance and upgrade, we can complete the conversion of the entire system security defense In this way, there is no excuse for gd to launch an attack on us. If he really launches an attack, then we can completely Throw him into an anti-human perspective. In this way, we have enough public support! As for gd, if we really attack us desperately, we also have a trick, after all, there are nine of the thirteen root servers in the world. In the United States!"

Litano's words are powerful, her tone is full of strong confidence, and her confidence and determination are also revealed between the words! Litano's last sentence made it clear that if it can't be hit, it will use the US nuclear power in cyberspace! In this way, whether gd is really just a simple hacker or an organization, or simply an organization of some countries, he has to consider the consequences! After all, if you leave the network, gd is a person and cannot be stronger than the US government!

"Good! Very good!" Bush finally had a smile on his face! After pondering for a moment, he immediately frightened the decision, following in the footsteps of GD is definitely not a reasonable way, and the US government can not afford to lose that person. "President, Minister Gates, Minister Litano, I have a different opinion." The director i sitting next to him hesitated or spoke. RO! ! ! ;




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