The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 663: Everyone to find fault (middle)

"Oh?" Bush, Gates and others focused their attention on Robert, the director of cia. Robert nodded and said: "I will talk a little bit about my views. Many people have always thought that gscsd is a national organization, or is In response to the instructions given by the senior officials of the ancient Eastern Kingdom, based on the information in my hand and the clues of the investigation, I had to propose another idea." Robert said seriously.

Everyone did not speak, but just listened quietly. Robert was the director of cia, the largest foreign intelligence agency in the United States. The investigation of gscsd was naturally handed over to cia, and as the director of cia, on the analysis of these issues , They are no match for Robert.

"I have investigated all the issues related to SD in Chapter 663 of the gsc, including the initial problems with him. One of them believes that no one will be unfamiliar, that is Zhang Yang! The founder! The relationship between him and gscsd I think everyone knows, I will not repeat it, the founder of the Star Group, a young man called a genius and a miracle by businessmen around the world It’s awkward, and China’s obfuscation and encryption of his information, so we can’t get a lot of information, but I have to make another suspicion as far as the problems we get now.”

After saying that Robert paused for a while, as if attracting everyone's attention, and seeing everyone's eyes focused on himself, Robert nodded and said seriously: "I mentioned it in the report I submitted to the President, According to our staff analysis, gscsd is more than 70% likely to have a close relationship with Zhang Yang! Therefore, many of our previous actions, including more than half a year ago, were conducted in response to the Star Group investigation."

"What do you want to say?" Bush couldn't help but asked directly. Robert shook his head and said, "Mr. President, please be restless, everyone. I'm here in Chapter 663. Everyone came to find fault (middle). We once imagined the possibility that gscsd is an employee of Star Group, but later showed that this is not Too likely, and the targeted action more than half a year ago, and Minister Gates later went to China and Star Group President Zhang Yang also met, we will exclude the possibility of gscsd and Star Group, if that time We ruled out the possibility of a connection between them, but still retain some doubts, then after gscsd suddenly appeared again recently, we completely threw this possibility aside."

"I think, whether you are doing it or anyone else, as long as you have a super group that can generate hundreds of billions of dollars in profits every year, you must be impossible to be a hacker like gscsd because of this Once the hacker was discovered and joined us, the bankruptcy of the Star Group is inevitable. People are not gods..."U technology cannot be left at high levels, so this possibility becomes zero, since this possibility Sex became zero, and we thought of another question, that is, since Star Group cannot be related to gscsd, then why is gscsd related to Zhang Yang? "I" I think we have been ignoring the fact that it has been all afternoon, that is, we never thought whether gscsd intentionally used this to divert our attention and shift our attention to China! Transferred to the Starry Sky Group! "Speaking of this, Robert stopped his narrative and said this, what he was doing already guessed what Robert was going to say.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and immediately began to wonder how likely Robert's statement was, but the more they thought about Robert's words, the more these people felt the possibility of this idea! When the attention of the United States is focused on China, then what these people are doing behind their backs, I am afraid it is easy to avoid the US government, especially from the investigation of cia.

If Zhang Yang heard these words, he would definitely be stunned. In fact, if someone can see the whole thing from the perspective of God, they will understand that Robert has such an idea, in fact, it is very simple! That's how he thinks too much! Yes, I think too much! As the intelligence chief of a national intelligence department, no matter which country, this intelligence chief will inevitably analyze all situations and judge the possibility of all situations. These people are smart people.

But these people have a common problem! That is that everything is easy to think is very complicated, thinking everyone's thinking according to their thinking, but not everyone in the world is as smart as they are. If Zhang Yang heard these words, he would definitely remember the protagonist Tom Cruise and another person who drove into the river and escaped from the river That scene.

At that time, the person who was the chief analyst once asked Tom and asked, what did you think you just did, you fell into the river, and thousands of people with submachine guns on their heads were shooting wildly in the dark river , But you suddenly decided to light a molotov cocktail and swim in the river, what do you think?

Indeed, this very incredible thing, if we sit down and think about it quietly, we think that the action is very idiot, but it was successful. At that time, Tom said, I did not think so much, I was just intuition. It can be found from this that in fact, in many cases, reality is simply impossible to go as you think. Sometimes you think you think it is quite sufficient, considering all the possibilities, but in the end the facts tell you, buddy, you want There are so many, how can things be so complicated.

In fact, this situation is similar to Robert, but Robert is the responsibility. He is the director of cia. These people can’t simply think about the problem. In that case, it’s easier to have an accident. And in the eyes of Robert, this Is it always a high IQ crime?

Therefore, it is justifiable for Robert to think so, but what Robert did not know is that he directly complicated the whole thing by thinking so! If Zhang Yang knew, I might laugh and even have a stomachache. "Uh? General Robert, you mean, gscsd is not Chinese, but other people, just using the contradiction between us and China and wanting to benefit from fishermen?"

Robert already said so clearly, these people are fools if they don't understand, so Bush asked directly. Rob characteristic nodded and said: "There is no direct evidence, but I have some evidence here, we have always ignored a country, Russia!"

When the words "Russia" came out of Robert's mouth, including Bush and Gates, everyone's face was stunned for a moment, then a moment of contemplation, and then their faces changed a little. "Our agents in Russia have sent back a lot of confidential information, and we can't directly prove the connection between these two things, but I have to consider more. The influence of Putin on Russia is well known. Yes, what Leo and Vantaa did in the past, and there are detailed information about the KGB there afterwards, it is impossible for Russia to not care about it."

Speaking of which, the eyes of Robert and Gates and Bush exchanged their eyes in the air, and there were some events that Robert did not say, that was when the United States’ secret operation in Kyzyl was the top secret of the top secret, which was forever It is impossible to decipher the action. It may not be possible after hundreds of years.

Only Gates, Robert, and Bush knew about the action, and the rest, including the Minister of Homeland Security, Litano, did not know. This is also the reason why Robert will suddenly turn his attention to Russia. Everyone knows the situation in Russia in recent years. Although the Russian economy is recovering rapidly, the polar bear was injured so deeply that year!

Leovanta has stolen the wealth of the seven Soviet Union for many years, worth more than $27 trillion! This horrible wealth, horrible funds can be said to have drained the labor and sweat of all the Soviet Union. If this confidential news really poke out, I am afraid that the hatred between Russia and other former Soviet Union members and the United States is like China. Like Japan, it cannot be resolved in such a simple way.

But people don’t know, can the KGB not know? Can Putin, the former KGB leader, not know? What kind of person is Putin, Bush can't know more clearly, and these people of Robert all know that although the relationship between Russia and the United States is relatively ambiguous, the relationship between countries is like the face of a three-year-old child.

Today it may not be like a the missile will be thrown directly on your head. "So my opinion is that we must carefully consider this matter. My idea is to borrow McAfee’s name to spend two billion US dollars and donate it to the International Foundation for Disabled Children. Then we look at gscsd. What we do! We analyze what he is going to do. While fighting for us, we are simultaneously carrying out the series of things just proposed by Minister Gates. In this way, we not only have enough time, but also can study What kind of attention is gscsd playing at the end." Robert said.

"But this matter still needs you to decide, Mr. President." Robert finished his opinion in one breath, and the room fell into silence again. Everyone knows why Robert said that he wants the president to decide. The reason is very simple, because Robert's method, at least We must spend another two billion dollars! And it is impossible to save the money that Gates just said. Of course, if you did what gscsd said, and then this matter is so direct and serious, it’s better.

The atmosphere in the room was dignified. Two billion dollars is not a small amount. How much is the construction cost of an aircraft carrier? ! ! ! ;




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