The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 667: Japanese egg is broken (1)

The time of three hours is coming soon. Zhang Yang has already been mentally prepared. The US government cannot apologize publicly, so Zhang Yang has no hope at all, and Zhang Yang does not care about these. As long as he does not acquire McAfee, Zhang Yang is not ready to start. The world knows that this time the US government is definitely involved, otherwise, if such a situation has occurred in the past, the US government has already conducted a vigorous investigation. How could it be possible to publish a few such as salty as now? Is the announcement painless and it fell silent?

Seeing that the time of three hours is coming, it is already early in the morning, Zhang Yang yawned and prepared to sleep, regardless of whether the US government apologized or not, Zhang Yang is not rare, Zhang Yang is now thinking about McAfee, if McAfee declares bankruptcy In liquidation, if the Japanese egg is broken by Chapter 667 of the bank (1) If it is sold, Zhang Yang will ignore it. Anyway, there is a big difference between a company declaring bankruptcy and not declaring bankruptcy. No, if anyone wants to buy it, Zhang Yang doesn't mind the toss.

Even INTEL! I just soaked a cup of coffee from my chair. Suddenly a "Didi" alarm sounded from the computer, and then a bright red warning box popped up directly on Zhang Yang's screen. "I rely on!" Zhang Yang couldn't help but scream, this is the alarm box that will pop up after the starry sky finds the intrusion alarm! Note that it is an invasion, not an attack!

These are two concepts. As the largest group in the world, I don’t know how many hacker attacks the Starry Sky System suffers every day, but the intrusion means that the other party has at least breached the peripheral firewall and entered the system, but Zhang Yang has never seen it. Ever.

Sit back on the chair quickly, Zhang Yang looked at the alarm carefully, and he was relieved and could not help but scolded: "Don't you, who is this, scaring the old man in the middle of the night." The Gu newspaper that pops up on the computer is true That’s right, but it’s not that the main system of the starry sky was invaded, but that the starry sky subsystem of the starry sky security company was hacked. Chapter 667 The Japanese egg was broken (1) It also spread to the starry sky system inside.

The subsystem of Xingkong Security Company is not a complete copy of the Xingkong System, but only has the strong security capabilities of Xingkong, but just like Pangu, although it is a copied system, although it is more advanced than the systems of all security companies in the world , But still incomparable with the starry sky itself.

Zhang Yang was a bit curious. Since the operation of Star Security Company, it has not been hacked by hackers, but almost all those hacked are those personal computers loaded with photon defense software, but the kind of computers that are invaded. Only the major customers of Star Security Company's systems are hacked will be alerted.

"Starry Sky drove the hackers out and sent the intrusion information to me at the same time, and don't notify the technical security department that I took over.

"Zhang Yang quickly issued a command. Since it is a starry sky subsystem, the starry sky can of course control this subsystem at any time, and soon a series of intrusion messages appeared on Zhang Yang's computer screen. After a quick glance, Zhang Yang was surprised. By the way, the intrusion signal came from Tokyo, Japan.

Tokyo is not without customers of the Starry Sky Group. On the contrary, there are many large customers in the Tokyo Starry Sky Group, like many famous Japanese companies are customers of the Starry Sky Group, but like Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the like are more like 〖Japanese〗 There are no customers of this military industrial enterprise. If they dare to let the Starry Sky Group take charge of their safety, Zhang Yang dares to steal their technology.

This intrusion signal comes from an investment company in Tokyo, Japan. This investment company is not a local company in Japan, but an international investment company, but its main business is in the Asia-Pacific region, and the headquarters is located in 〖Japanese〗 is only Tokyo, its president is 〖Japanese〗 himself, but the largest shareholder is a consortium in the United States.

But because it is an investment company, it needs a lot of analysis of financial data around the world, etc., so this company has Tokyo's top server. It is estimated that this hacker wants to invade this server to do bad things as a broiler. I did not expect the Star Group used by this group. Security services only.

After scanning the entire server, Zhang Yang has determined that Starry Sky has successfully drove the hacker out of the system, and even the security personnel of this company have not been alerted, and looked at the incoming information sent by Starry Sky. Zhang Yang was a little bit curious at once. He shot a master, at least at the level of GOD. In Tokyo, Zhang Yang really didn't know that there were hackers.

"Starry sky, follow the other party's data flow, don't let the other party discover." Zhang Yang immediately issued a new order. When the order was issued, Zhang Yang just prepared to turn back to the United States to look at the situation there, the starry sky suddenly sounded : "Tracking started, a large-scale network intrusion virus was detected within the scope, request permission."

Yep? Zhang Yang was stunned, large-scale network intrusion? Who is doing things in Tokyo? Zhang Yang quickly entered the password in the authorization window that popped up. Starry’s counterattack ability is controlled by Zhang Yang. In addition to being able to fight back when his server is attacked, for example, in this case, Zhang Yang’s authorization is required. Otherwise, it is easy for the starry sky to track the other party to be tracked by the other party, but the starry sky does not fight back, so it is easy to shoot.

The starry sky prompts Zhang Yang’s curiosity. Zhang Yang quickly found several springboards to 〖日〗本 through another means, and then quickly opened several local webpages of 〖日〗本, etc., just opened one On the portal site, a huge news headline popped up, and the starry sky instantly helped Zhang Yang interpret it. When he saw the headline, Zhang Yang's entire chin almost fell off, and he couldn't help but called "I Grass".

"〖Japanese〗The Tokyo National Museum was robbed early this morning. The robber is a well-cooperated team and has a well-planned plan. According to the news reported by the newspaper media, the entire Tokyo National Museum is lost including most of the 〖中〗 There are a total of 76 collections including the 『Japanese〗 National Treasure that has been handed down to the 『Japanese』book! Except that one of them is from the 『Japanese〗 shogunate?猓渌娜Goldenly condemned Jia Xiaojiao鞔Blowing wood  punishment ɡ畹 is a kind of teasing and dumplings of the total dumplings, Jia Xiaojiao  but not  氝 Fanguā bird masterpiece, 〖China〗 The first masterpiece of landscape painting in the Southern Song Dynasty, "Xiaoxiang lying tour map" and so on."

"I am grass! Which great **** is this? Lao Tzu finally found out that he is even better than me." Zhang Yang was completely excited. Although Zhang Yang didn't know what the robber was for, these cultural relics of Nima were 〖Japanese〗 I have robbed from [China], but now some people dare to open up the robbery [Japanese] Tokyo National Museum? This alone. Zhang Yang admired his death. No matter who these people are, if they can really grab these things, even for money, Zhang Yang TM bought them. This is a national treasure! However, it is not "Japanese" National Treasure as mentioned in this media, this Nima is "Chinese National Treasure"!

"Starry sky continues to track down the hacker, and is also preparing to invade the network of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department." Zhang Yang's entire body seemed to be hit with blood, and American things were directly left behind by Zhang Yang, that stuff It's a fart, anyway, I don't have any interest in killing and invigorating, but it is possible to save these people, but it is possible to get started, but Zhang Yang does not think these people can run out of 〖Japanese〗 books.

This is too ridiculous, but it stole most of the first-class collection of the entire Tokyo National Museum! "Take 〖Japanese〗 the news of TV TOKYO and put it on the TV on the wall." Such a big thing, 〖Japanese〗 the news must be broadcast. With Zhang Yang’s words, the study is directly on the wall of the desk. From the middle... a crack was opened and an LCD TV screen appeared on the wall. Almost the entire villa was laid out like this. The TV and so on could basically shrink into the wall.

Soon, Starry Sky extracted the TV screen of TV TOKYO through satellites. As soon as the screen came over, Zhang Yang was taken aback by the situation in the screen. The National Museum of Tokyo is obviously playing in the screen at this moment, but this is already terrible. About one-third of the buildings behind the National Museum are collapsed and there is a blazing fire on it. There are countless fires behind the camera. The team is fighting the fire.

"This... isn't April Fool's Day today?" Zhang Yang looked dumbfounded. What kind of organization is this? For the first time, Zhang Yang discovered that there are people in the world who are as arrogant as Uncle bin Laden. You have to know that this is not a movie, but this is real life. There are really masters who can steal national treasures from such a high-level place. Come out? And more than one has been stolen, and a total of 76 have been stolen! I am grass!

"Boom" just after Zhang Yang took his eyes off the TV screen, because the starry sky had begun to tentatively invade the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department system, but Zhang Yang just lowered his head and heard a loud noise on the TV, and then the camera Quickly turned in a direction. From this direction, a huge fire ball appeared in the middle of the camera, but there were many buildings in the middle, so Zhang Yang did not know where that place was.

"Oh...Oh my god, there is the location of the palace. 1 Ono Jun quickly, we get on the train." The female anchor in the camera directly exclaimed, and the camera began to shake violently. . With a puff... "Zhang Yang sprayed all the saliva out, and I was grass. 〖Japanese〗This palace? Zhang Yang couldn't care about the TV. Although Zhang Yang didn't know who made it, Zhang Yang had a hunch that this is definitely Chinese, or simply Chinese people from China.

If it is simply a robber from another country, it is impossible to spare the pain and go to the palace of Japan. If this organization can be more bullish, just blow up the XX shrine. Zhang Yang couldn't help but whispered, you said that you are fine to blow up the imperial palace, there is a fart function there, and the emperor cannot be killed by you. 〖Japanese〗The emperor's palace is very large, Although just now,

The explosion seen from the camera is already terrifying, but it can't even take care of one tenth of the Japanese Imperial Palace. It is impossible to kill the emperor.

Besides, the emperor is a spiritual symbol. What can you do to kill it, buddy, if you are a Chinese or Chinese, you will blow up the Yasukuni Shrine! Zhang Yang's hands quickly typed various commands on the keyboard, and began to crack the system of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department crazy, while slandering inside. The thought in Zhang Yangxin just fell, and suddenly a violent explosion came from the TV.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment and then raised his head, because the voice of the female anchor was also turned by the stars, so she could understand Zhang Yang's speech. "Oh my god, there was another explosion, but the fire was not visible from our point of view. The helicopter that our TV station had just dispatched had been forced by the Self-Defense Force to land on top of a building near the Royal Palace. There was a better view. We Now turn the picture over there." With the voice of the female anchor, the picture turned directly to the top of a dozen-story building.

Obviously, the Japanese Imperial Palace was attacked. Helicopters would be ghosts if they could still fly up. That is, there are usually no-fly zones. Now the no-fly zones are obviously expanded. The helicopter of the guard is flying.

"... We just got a shocking news. This incident was obviously premeditated. The second explosion just heard was located in the northwest of the palace and was dedicated to World War II? *許矣⑿鄣木腹Crotch ?br/>

"!!!!!!" Zhang Yang is really indifferent. Who is this man? This is a big deal. 〖Japanese〗 Such a big thing happened, especially the Royal Palace was attacked. This matter is not less affected than the 9/11 incident in the United States, and the entire surrounding countries will be affected. The book is going to be martial law, and all access to the Japanese book must be blocked.

"Clear heart," a clear prompt sound pulled Zhang Yang back from the Looking down, it was because Starry Sky had cracked the system of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Zhang Yang immediately hacked into the system of Tokyo Metropolitan Police without hesitation, Zhang Yanggang,

As soon as he came in, countless messages popped out of the screen immediately. Zhang Yang’s invasion was quietly touched in. Although there was not much time before and after huā, this was the same as Zhang Yang’s previous invasion of the Japanese by using the starry sky. The system has a lot to do.

These pop-up messages are all commands quickly conveyed in the internal system of the Metropolitan Police Department, "Bring their communication channel closer, and the starry sky opens the soundproof door of the study." Zhang Yang thought about it and said quickly, Li Keqing and Li Shufang at this time They are all asleep, but just in case. With Zhang Yang's words, a transparent high-strength bullet-proof glass at the entrance of the study directly descended from the sealed door. This glass is high-strength, and it also comes with a sound insulation effect.

Now Zhang Yang is maximizing the subwoofer in the study, and can't hear any sound outside. ! ! ! ;




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