The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 668: Japanese eggs are broken (2)

"Starry sky takes over all the lines of the Metropolitan Police Department, but don't let the other party find out. In addition, connect all the surveillance cameras that the system takes over, analyze and search for useful information." Zhang Yang's commands sounded one after another. Only at this time will you find that the starry sky has How powerful, powerful hardware capabilities and the simple and efficient efficiency of the starry sky system have given starry terror analysis and data processing capabilities.

If someone can see the performance statistics of the starry sky, they will find that the performance that usually takes up less than 10% of the performance immediately soared to more than 30% after the few commands of Zhang Yang were issued, in just ten minutes. , Soaring performance occupancy rate quickly dropped, which means that the starry sky has already had the analysis results.

"The useful camera information is displayed on the wall of Chapter 668 Japanese Egg Broken (Part 2)." Zhang Yang saw that the starry sky had a result, and directly ordered, and soon followed Zhang Yang's order, around The wall similar to the brick is changed. At this time, you will find that it is not a brick at all. It is completely made of modern high-tech materials. The entire wall is large except for the interconnected parts. Some places can be transformed into LCD screens, which is why the wall thickness of the entire villa is almost close to about one meter, which is why this villa with an area of ​​only one or two thousand square meters can cost hundreds of millions of dollars The above reasons.

The walls of the entire room immediately seemed to be hung with countless LCD screens. These LCD screens can display content independently and independently. Sometimes, when looking at this villa, Zhang Yang couldn’t help but sigh for two years. It’s a miracle to build this kind of villa. If you put aside the walls, the complicated circuit inside will let any electrician come and see the collapse!

At the time when these things were installed, all the lines had unique numbers. The line arrangement of the entire villa was designed by the starry sky, and then the lines were arranged according to the number. Otherwise, there is no Chapter 668 Japanese egg Broken (2) Any electrician can take this kind of work.

"There is no target to track down." The hacker's strength is just right. Although the server of this investment company in Japan is not responsible for Starry Sky itself, the security services provided by Starry Sky Safety Company are no longer ordinary hackers. Of the first layer of defense.

At least Zhang Yang believes that hackers of the same level as the small king of the hacker alliance are unlikely. God can break through, but it takes time. Zhang Yang does not know how long the hacker spent, but this person's strength is definitely not bad. "It is estimated that there will be eleven minutes and thirty-two seconds to track the other party's specific location, and there are still eleven minutes and thirty-one seconds." The starry sky as usual, the sound of calm sounded.

"Not bad." Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh, no wonder that countless hackers have to build powerful hardware when they have the money. With the help of hardware, personal hacker strength can be played for a long time. For example, Zhang Yang, if all If he had to deal with everything, he could not have been so efficient, but with the help of the starry sky, some trivial matters would not need to be dealt with. Starry sky is not a panacea, but it can greatly improve Zhang Yang's hacking ability.

For the current starry sky, the current starry sky is no different from God. Coupled with Zhang Yang's analysis of the specific situation and giving orders to the starry sky according to the situation, the efficiency is even more terrifying.

Zhang Yang took a quick look at the monitors on the surrounding walls. The monitor's picture is not static, but is changing rapidly. From these changed pictures, you can find out. This is when Starry Sky is switching monitors to monitor specific targets.

One of the most noteworthy is a specially modified Hummer tracked by three off-road vehicles, and another dozen police cars and a luxurious Lamborghini sports car tracked by helicopters. Obviously, both parties of the first combination should not be a police officer, and although they are far away from the incident, from the tracking level of these four vehicles, one of these people was stolen. Those national treasures are probably very big, of course, they cannot be the ones that chase people.

"Starry sky searches for all satellite base stations near Tokyo and tracks the GPS signal." Zhang Yang looked at the video from the surveillance video on the wall and thought about it before making another decision. Whether it is GPS or Beidou Satellite Navigation System in China, your devices are not directly connected to the satellites. These devices have priority. Their connection signals are first connected to nearby satellite base stations and then connected through satellite base stations. The satellite, and then the satellite feeds back information to the ground server, so that the signal is the best, otherwise, so many users directly connect to the satellite, and the huge data processing makes the satellite collapse directly.

"Order confirmation." Starry Sky confirmed another order. Zhang Yang thought about it and issued a new order: "Analyze the two teams from the video of the surveillance camera to confirm their departure location." Zhang Yang quickly issued a command. Mou Xin's instruction. At this moment, it is not just Zhang Yang who is hurting in 〖日〗. In fact, almost all the media in the world who got the news and so on are stunned by things in Tokyo.

Don’t underestimate the power of information transmission in modern society, even major events happening in another part of the earth are absolutely capable of spreading throughout the earth in just ten minutes, unless the government of the country where the accident occurred controls such news, but like This kind of news similar to a terrorist attack is unlikely even if the government wants to control it, especially if the modern network is so developed.

Zhang Yang's series of information was quickly listed on Zhang Yang's computer screen under the efficient calculation of the starry sky. Zhang Yang checked it one by one, and soon Zhang Yang got the information he wanted. This is a video of a shootout. Look at the geographical location in a small lane not far from the Tokyo National Museum. The shootout seems to be a bodyguard chasing from the museum, while the other gang is six heavily armed Men, three of them carry four bags on their backs, and what is inside is self-evident, and the three behind are responsible for covering them.

Soon afterwards, Zhang Yang confirmed that the location of these six people should be in that Hummer. The three off-road vehicles tracked behind are not police. These people seem to have temporarily escaped police tracking. "Starry Sky looked up the license plates of the three off-road vehicles in the notes of the Metropolitan Police Department." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"The order confirms that the license plate belongs to [Japanese] Ben Yamaguchi Hall." Starry Sky's "Answer" case is very concise, but Zhang Yang thought of something in his mind instantly, Yazaku, "Japanese" open gangster? You can even join the organization preferred by Prime Minister of Japan! If Zhang Yang remembered correctly, the housekeeper of Lin Xiaohu, the housekeeper of the dragon gang, seemed to have told Zhang Yang that the first person who arrived in the accident and got the news in Tokyo was definitely not the police, but Yazzaku.

The so-called Yamaguchi team and so on, it seems right now, but why don't these people contact the police? After all, they are easy to be run away by the other party if they follow this way, and with the assistance of the police, the people in the Hummer cannot run away even if they are cattle. Could it be that they want to take the things inside for themselves? Or is there a shadow of these people behind the scenes? It is unlikely that although Yazaku is the underworld of 〖Japanese〗, it is impossible to blow up the Royal Palace and the Yasukuni Shrine, especially the location of the Yasukuni Shrine is even more than that in the mind of some Japanese Their emperors are important.

But this time it was cool, it was really destroyed by someone. No matter who these people are, as long as Zhang Yang can help, Zhang Yang will definitely help, nnd is too good. Why hasn't this happened in Zhang Yang's memory? The shrine in the previous life has never had any problems.

The target position of the human is tracked and the target position is locked. "The starry sky suddenly sounded, and then a map of Tokyo appeared directly on the computer screen. A cross icon began to shrink, and soon a red dot appeared on the computer screen, seeing the location of the other party. Zhang Yang was immediately sure that this person was definitely in a place similar to a box car, and should not be in a fixed place.

"Starry Sky will bring the surveillance camera data nearby and put it on the main screen." Zhang Yang said directly. Soon, a surveillance camera appeared on the screen. The quality of the camera was very poor, but it can still be seen that it is a box truck similar to a moving company. The truck is parked in the cab of a remote alleyway and no one should be there.

"Monitoring the communication frequency of the people." The entire system of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is under its own control. It is simply too easy to monitor the frequency of these people, whether they use radio or use it. The phone is also good. It will always use the signal even if it is an encrypted signal. It is a matter of minutes to crack in the hands of the starry sky, not to mention that they use these signals to relay through these official signal devices.

After seeing that the hacker was not from a fixed place, Zhang Yang had a very strong hunch in his heart that the hacker is definitely a gang with these people, especially in places like robbing the Tokyo National Museum. If there is no such thing High-tech criminals cannot succeed at all. Now, in the 21st century, not a few decades ago, the robbery can be completed by dynamite guns alone.

Especially those with superb password gates, infrared anti-theft measures, even heat-set induction, gravity induction, etc. If you don’t have a super computer expert, stealing is a joke. With the help of these people, Zhang Yang is even more certain that this hacker will definitely use some official communication channels for their own communication in order to ensure the maximum smoothness of the communication. Only in this way can they monitor the police’s Frequency, on the one hand, ensure that your own frequency is not monitored by the enemy.

Thinking of these, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that he had ignored the most critical things.

"Starry sky! Immediately search the entire Metropolitan Police Department's network to check whether there are other illegal intruders." Zhang Yang just intruded into the Metropolitan Police's network himself, but forgot to check whether there was an illegal intruder the day before yesterday, Starry Sky just A system, it is just discovering, and it is impossible to remind Zhang Yang, because there is no such thing in its program.

Thirty seconds later, after Zhang Yang successfully invaded the hacker system in the van, the starry sky sounded directly in the room: "Warning, there are two illegal intruders in the target network." With Starry sky warning sound, Zhang Yang immediately saw two illegally invaded ops marked by the system with bright red marks.

"Number the targets! The first target that was just tracked was target 1, the two in front of them were numbered 2 and 3, and so on." Zhang Yang quickly asked Starry Sky to number the targets, otherwise he gave orders At some times, some commands are unresolved.

"Numbering is complete."

"Match No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 targets." Zhang Yang directly issued new instructions. It has to be said that with a powerful sound collection system, Starry Sky accepts commands much faster. If it is another system, Zhang Yang You have to enter these instructions by hand.

"The match is completed, targets 1 and 3 are confirmed as the same target, and the targets are merged into target 1." Listening to the starry sky, Zhang Yang nodded slightly. Yes, this hacker really invaded the police station's network, and even The Loutong network of the entire city should also be under the control of the other party. No wonder they can escape the police pursuit. As for who is the sports car that the police chase, that Zhang Yang can't care.

Zhang Yang didn't do it for the first time. If the goals 1 and 3 are the same, who is the other goal 2 who entered the system illegally? A hacker watching? A hacker helping? Or is it the enemy of these people? If it is an enemy, Zhang Yang will have to help clear this number of them apparently found Zhang Yang, but did this number 1 find the number 2, then just say Not allowed.

"Monitor all the data of No. 1 and No. 2 and send their specific instructions." Zhang Yang said to the starry sky. As he said, Zhang Yang glanced at the wall of the two horses racing on the street, and after confirming that the Hummer did not have too many problems, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry.

With all the works of the two goals No. 1 and No. 2 in the system, after reading for about five minutes, Zhang Yang was sure that this No. 2 is definitely a person from Yazzaku. Obviously, No. 2 knows No. 1 The goal exists, because Zhang Yang found that some instructions sent on the 1st, such as the time to modify the traffic lights, etc., were obviously clearing the way for that Hummer, but also hidden inside the system 2

However, No. 1 secretly buried No. 1 in a huge trap.

With the command of No. 2, Zhang Yang is sure that there are at least a dozen passers-by and horses gathering at one point. When they are brought together, the Hummer can't even run away. ! ! ! ;




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