The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 678: Acquired McAfee (1)

"Okay, I can do as you ordered, but you are sure that the starry sky will not be attacked by thieves? If you can't guarantee, I will not agree, I am also a shareholder of the company, and I have the right to make decisions about the future of the company. Correct judgment.

Chen Xiaowei asked seriously, Zhang Yang smiled, this Chen Xiaowei, of course, he knows what Chen Xiaowei said, Chen Xiaowei actually wanted Zhang Yang to think clearly.

As for the shareholder matter she said..."Don't say that Zhang Yang has more than 90% of the shares, that is, 50.01%, the entire Starry Group is Zhang Yang's final say." Sister Xiao Wei The Star Group was founded by me. You can rest assured that I will not let him ruin it. You may not know who is in the cyber security department of our company. Chapter 678 acquired McAfee ( A) Know concave. ? Do you know Zimo? These international hackers are now in the cybersecurity department of our company. Zhang Yang smiled and said to Chen Xiaowei.

There are some things that let Chen Xiaowei know, and the secret Chen Xiaowei knows now is more important than this.

"..."So..." Well, I listen to you, but when are we going to announce the acquisition of McAfee?" Chen Xiaowei, as the president of the Star Group, although she does not need to know about hackers, as the president of the Star Group, she herself I think she needs to understand this.

Especially after Chen Xiaowei knew the power of hackers in those previous incidents, she went to the technical staff to get to know the world famous hackers. "You decided on these things. McAfee is now a mess that nobody wants. How much can their company leave if they apply for bankruptcy? So we can give them a little profit, and we can eat the rest, strictly. Speaking of which, McAfee still has many good things." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Well, okay, no problem, but there is another problem. If I remember correctly, you have a good relationship with the thief." If we announce the acquisition of McAfee in Chapter 678 (1) Acquisition, and will not come forward? Have you already negotiated? "Chen Xiaowei suddenly thought of another thing. Doesn't the thief seem to be Zhang Yang's apprentice? And the relationship between the two people was still good. Will this matter be discussed by Zhang Yang and He, and then come to entertain yourself?

Although the incident of Zhang Yang’s apprentice is not widely spread, there are actually many people who know it, at least they know it like Black Hawk, and they naturally know it, and Chen Xiaowei naturally knows that Zhang Yang suddenly makes such a mistake. Sex is a good negotiation.

"You think too much, and I tell you, don’t think so much better than you think! Compared with this kind of person who is tossing around the world, do you think he will be an ordinary hacker? Anyway, I don’t believe it, don’t say I and Ri only had some fate on the Internet, not to mention any deep friendship. Even if I have a good relationship with Chan on the Internet, you can’t believe it. Don’t you know that when Bush was running for president, Are the candidates of the opponent party all members of the Skull and Bones Society?" Zhang Yang said to Chen Xiaowei seriously.

"Uh? You mean shame is possible," Chen Xiaowei asked immediately, not at all. It is definitely possible. I don’t know what the thieves are doing, but you don’t find it. It’s not without purpose to do anything. I am afraid that we are being used as a gun by thieves, so you must not think that we and He are in a camp, and that thieves are not necessarily Chinese. "Zhang Yang began to scare Chen Xiaowei.

"Well, I understand." Chen Xiaowei's tone was heavy. "Well, that's good. I'm going to strengthen the system for the starry sky tonight. You will be able to announce it when the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow I will discuss with the network security department." Zhang Yang said.

"I know, let me know this." Since Zhang Yang has decided to do so, Chen Xiaowei must immediately do his best to help Zhang Yang deal with the latter things. After all, Zhang Yang is a person. It is impossible to take care of so many things. Chen Xiaowei on the Internet does not understand, but Chen Xiaowei can handle things in real life without worry.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang laughed. I don’t know what it would be like when the world got the news the day after tomorrow. But Zhang Yang really can't sleep tonight. Since he has told Chen Xiaowei that the job will definitely appear, then Chan will definitely appear. So Zhang Yang must use some other means now. Tonight Zhang Yang must find enough broilers.

And Zhang Yang also wanted to see how much performance he can get out of the starry sky and whether he can invade the starry sky. I don't know if this is a problem for myself, or simply say, this is to find abuse? Since Starry Sky cannot be used, Zhang Yang must use some large-scale servers to minimize the hardware performance advantages of Starry Sky.

For one night, Zhang Yang was blinded and did not close his eyes. Throughout the night, Zhang Yang found broilers for himself all over the world, especially the broilers responsible for the main operations. Don’t say it. If the starry sky is alone, you will definitely complain to Zhang Yang. Because Zhang Yang is using the starry sky to find broilers for himself this evening, and Zhangyang will use these broilers to attack the starry sky in turn. If the starry sky is personal, he will definitely curse Zhang Yang.

However, Starry Sky is not a human being, so it is just faithfully carrying out Zhang Yang’s orders. Zhang Yang’s first focus is on the large database of Zhu La’. In the past few years, the development of Yu La’ will become the company with the most servers in the world. After a few years, the mail server will account for 50% of the world, almost half of the world's servers are buckle coffee.

Although the current postal service ‘is not as great as the future generations, the postal service’ has recently established two large data centers in Europe, South America and North America. Zhang Yang spent the night mainly taking control of the large data center in Europe.

A large data center has no way to offset the hardware advantages of the starry sky, because the two sides have different focuses. The service keys of the data center are not used for simulation calculations, but for storing data. However, the total amount is also very infiltrating, so Zhang Yang has basically made this data center into his own broiler, which can basically offset most of the performance of the starry sky hardware.

The remaining part is the springboard that Zhang Yang is looking for. He must have enough springboards. The starry sky is a program, not a person, so after Zhangyang makes an attack on it, it will also counterattack, unless Zhangyang is blown to the starry sky to issue it. Orders are not allowed to fight back, but that would be unreal to outsiders.

It will take a long time to get up tomorrow. Until the sky outside is bright, Zhang Yang hides his broiler, then yawns and enters the bedroom. He takes off his clothes and drills into Li Keqing's rich mountain. Feeling Zhang Yang's dishonesty, Li Keqing groaned subconsciously. When Li Keqing opened his eyes, Zhang Yang was asleep, and there was a vague grunt.

Looking at Zhang Yang's head on his chest, just like his own child, his mouth was still next to the sensitive part of his chest, Li Keqing was flushed. Slightly reached out and hugged Lou Zhangyang, looking at the sky outside early, Li Keqing closed his eyes again.

The time of the two days was actually very fast. When Zhang Yang woke up during the next day, it was already noon. After lunch, Zhang Yang went directly to the company's security department and found a concave to follow his decision. . They said aloud when they heard that Zhang Yang decided to buy McAfee. . They are no different from Chen Xiaowei's initial reaction.

But Zhang Yang blocked them in one sentence. "Do you really think that nobody can beat Pi? Can you think you are not as good as him?" Although. . They know the answer in their hearts, but they cannot admit it clearly. Ah, everyone has a face, anyway.

So after Zhang Yang said it, concave. I just rolled my eyes and said: "I'm close, you're cheap, are you here to attack people? Even if you want to inspire the rustic, you don't have to be so ruthless?" "Haha I'm so ruthless, But we don’t play with him, how do you know how to play, don’t forget, how powerful Starry Sky has countermeasure mechanism, how powerful hardware performance., Zhang Yang smiled smugly before speaking.

"Yeah." Zhang Yang said so, and they immediately became excited. "This time, they probably also understood the starry sky. Although it is a part of the performance of the starry sky, the starry sky is concave. They are completely new. The system is completely different from the new supercomputer system of any system on the market. Even if such a system is even more powerful, is it troublesome if he wants to invade?

The reason why a hacker can invade other computers is because he knows the principles of these computer systems, for example, whether you use Post or Post, or spit. Just wait, these systems are reasonable in the market, they can all buy to study, study the loopholes of these systems, a series of systems always have the same place, for example, the original kernel of the system is the same.

But the starry sky is different, and the starry sky is not profitable to the outside world, so the starry sky is the only one. In this case, others have no chance to study at all, so if they want to invade the starry sky, it will be very difficult. I have to say that Zhang Yang was still inspired. . Their! Anxious, with the support of the starry sky, in this case, maybe you can really play with the thief.

Even if there is no distinction between top and bottom, it is very good for Star Group. "However, your relationship with the job?" Ou also thought of this.

"What is the relationship between the two of us? As for the so-called mentoring relationship, do you believe it?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows and asked a little dumbly. "Uh, oh, I don’t believe it, well, then that’s it. Anyway, you don’t care, we don’t even care, but you don’t even say, we have long wanted to compete with thieves, the world’s first hacker The feeling of hands-on is cool, but I said well in advance, if we tried our best, but still did not stop him, then you can not blame us."

. . Open to.

"Nonsense, can I blame you? If you want to blame, blame me first, then that's it. Let's do it together tomorrow, but can I help you still can't say it?"

"Okay, let’s hurry up. We’re going to catch the broiler. The broiler was not enough before, and now we have to do traps in China. Otherwise, if the thief comes, we can only passively defend. This is not a good thing. Fortunately, at least we have to snipe him first in the country. When he comes to our Starry Sky Group, I have to let him die first.". . Said with pride.

"Did you look at Tian Tian Tu Long Ji too much? Didn't you die halfway to the mountainside? That line, I flashed first." Zhang Yang lost his next sentence and ran away. After coming out of the security department, Zhang Yang was speechless." The gang of animals are really sinister, no, they have to catch the broiler when they go back, otherwise, it will not be fun if they are overcast by the time they go. .

In the next day and a half, Zhang Yang didn't go he concentrated on starting to catch broilers in the study. During this time, Zhang Yang also made a few broilers in China. After all, he needed domestic springboards, but he did In these large broilers, Zhang Yang discovered that it was wrong, and soon Zhang Yang understood the reason.

Fuck, the concave is too cheap, this animal is obviously using its influence in the domestic hacker circle to start domestic hackers to catch broilers on a large scale, and it’s no wonder that the servers of several companies I found before are all seven. There are things like honeypots, animals.

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, you want to be a soldier. Ah? Don’t say, Zhang Yang is really helpless because of the concave, because many of these honeypots are in the key processes of the system. It doesn’t matter if you don’t move it, but if you want to use this broiler, don’t let this The honeypot found that it was purely nonsense, but if you want to clear it, you are telling people that this server has been hacked by others? They immediately found it.

The problem is that the Starry Sky Group hasn't announced it yet. If someone finds it, it's a problem. The trick of killing the teacher by chaos is really seven, useful. ! ! ! ;




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