The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 679: Acquired McAfee (2)

Today is destined to be a crazy day. If it’s not today, it’s not April 1. I’m afraid everyone thinks today is the biggest April Fool’s Day in history. It’s at nine o’clock this morning, and at nine o’clock in the evening, the Starry Sky Group suddenly The latest news was announced through the official website. ;

When this news came, the first reaction of people all over the world was to disbelieve. Then, after confirming the authenticity of this matter in the official website of each language version of Star Group, there was only one left for everyone. It feels like a comet will hit the earth now!

No one thought that the Starry Sky Group would emerge at this time, including McAfee or even Bush, etc. No one had thought that the Starry Sky Group would actually acquire McAfee. Although McAfee's announced acquisition price is now Chapter 679, the acquisition of McAfee (2) is more than a billion dollars, which is far below the actual value of McAfee, but anyway, this time announced the acquisition of Mike Fei means that it officially matches with gd.

"I'm here, who should I support now? I am a fan of gd and starry sky group?" On many forums in China, there are countless comments like this.

"You said there is a possibility. Isn't gd saying that he is Chinese? Star Group is our own company. Upon hearing this news, will you say that gd will issue an announcement saying that the whole world will be our Chinese company? Can it be acquired?" Another group of people made this statement on other forums.

"If this is the case, it would be best. After all, I don’t want to choose to give up one. I like it twice. If nothing else, let’s say how much the Star Group has done for us ordinary people. I’m from Sichuan. For the elementary schools that Starry Sky Group has established here, I will stand up to Starry Sky Group. If gd really wants to fall out with Starry Sky Group, I still don’t want to see that."

"I guess you are not likely to say, what character is gd? Don't you understand it after reading so much, it is clear that Chapter 679 acquires McAfee (2) who dares to find gd's trouble, he I dare to find other people’s troubles, let’s talk about it, gd said that he is Chinese or Chinese? Maybe someone with ulterior motives is deliberately turning his attention. Anyway, I firmly support Star Group, Star Group is our pride!" This is obviously a fan of Starry Sky Group.

The World of Warcraft is operated by Starry Sky Group, because World of Warcraft is not the same game as World of Warcraft, and the unique operation mode of World of Warcraft has won the hearts of countless players, at least 100% in China Seventy of World of Warcraft players transferred to the World of Warcraft Edition. I have to say that this is a problem that makes Blizzard very painful, but there is no problem. Who made Blizzard now a subsidiary of Star Group?

And the agency right of World of Warcraft is coming, because Blizzard can now be said to be a Chinese company, so the question comes here, Star Group is also in China, both companies are Chinese, what agent is needed? However, because of this, many players of the World of Warcraft Athletic Edition still expressed their concerns on the forum.

The gd's attack capability has attracted worldwide attention. If gd's attack has rendered many of the Star Group's systems inoperable, then the damage to the star group cannot be compensated by McAfee. The loss must be calculated with at least hundreds of billions of dollars.

Originally, Zhang Yang felt that the announcement of the news was to make everyone pay more attention to the Starry Sky Group, and then everyone began to wait for the results, but Zhang Yang did not expect that this news will cause such a big response! There are at least countless television stations in the world where many people are worried about making plans for Star Group, and various netizens around the world have left messages to support Star Group on the Internet, and hope that Star Group will give up this move.

When these news spread around the world, the European and American entrepreneurs who are ready to watch the bustle of the world are completely shocked, because for the first time they discovered that the influence of the Starry Sky Group is so terrifying, not in China. Having said that, as long as a Chinese person mentions the Star Group, there is no thumbs up, but they never imagined that the Star Group actually has such a terrible influence abroad.

These people are undoubtedly all users of Star Group’s various enterprises, such as ine users. All ine users know that the Star Group network is related to many functions in their mobile phones. Once the Star Group network is attacked, their phones It will definitely be unusable.

For example, users of photon defense software now have 700 million active users worldwide! This means that the photon defense software is already popular in Europe, America and Asia, mainly because this software is too powerful! Especially his system optimizes the performance and maximizes the performance of the machine!

Now the photon defense software has been listed as a must-have software for installation on major computer websites around the world! There are even many large enterprise employees’ computers. Although they cannot uninstall the firewall anti-virus software installed by the company, they will also install a photon defense software. In their words, they do not trust those security companies because all the world’s Security companies have all had problems, but Starry Sky Group has not had any problems.

There is also an ever-increasing and ever-increasing Star Cup World Esports League, which currently covers almost all countries in the world, making the world more than tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of professional players than Zhang Yang’s previous life. A new career has been created, and there are countless more viewers, especially the World of Warcraft competition, which has been accepted by all players around the world.

Don’t forget, the characters in the World of Warcraft competition, etc., but the realistic characters made by the complete Nebula software, coupled with unparalleled gorgeous special effects, you can completely view this game as an epic! All in all, the Starry Sky Group unconsciously affects not only China, but also the world.

When such a thing broke out completely, when at least nearly two billion people in the world chose to support the Star Group, all these Star Group opponents, as well as presidents of various countries, presidents of various companies, and some influential The powerful characters are shocked! The number 2 billion is definitely not a fictitious number, because it is a China alone, except for a very small number of people, almost everyone will choose to support the Star Group, because everyone can see the changes that the Star Group has brought to this country. To. The remaining hundreds of millions of users are all Star Group users worldwide.

The CEOs of these major companies, they were shocked to discover at this time that these top dozens in various fields have the most extensive user products in each field, and each product can even create a market value of more than 100 billion US dollars. Company, every successful product can even give birth to a successful company, and now, they are surprised to find that all this is actually the Star Group!

Oh my God! Everyone who thinks clearly has such a thought in his heart. After the influence that broke out because of this incident, all talents found in horror that this establishment was only more than three years old, nearly four years old. The company has already had such a profound impact on the world!

Almost all the mainstream media in the world immediately expressed such emotions. What kind of magic made the oriental, young people who are only 25 years old, create such a miracle in four years! Is he really getting help from aliens? Otherwise, why did you create such a super company that has not been born since the birth of human history?

Looking at the comments of various media, almost all the CEOs of various companies in the world who are concerned about this matter can't help but express a feeling of emotion, more envy. No matter what it is, multiplying it by 1.4 billion is a huge number!

When Zhang Yang saw all these comments, when Li Keqing and Chen Xiaowei told Zhang Yang with all excitement, Zhang Yang was happy after the consternation, because Zhang Yang suddenly found that he needed to thank a person, or a company, This company is unimaginable to everyone, that is Tencent!

Perhaps it was Tencent who used his huge user base to do various rogue acts in China in his last life, which left a profound impact on Zhang Yang's heart. He actually did it subconsciously in this life. Unexpectedly, the Starry Sky Group has become so powerful. Zhang Yang has not had a too intuitive impact on his company. Until this time, Zhang Yang found that he had done something very arrogant.

In this case, wouldn't some of the regrets that happened in the past never happen? The thought in Zhang Yang's heart suddenly became very clear. In just one day, on the evening when a press conference was held, when the comments of mainstream media from major countries around the world all spread to the country and began to spread on the Internet.

As far away as the capital, several standing committee members including the prime minister and the chairman also sat together. "You said, do we still want to call Xiao Zhang?" The Prime Minister asked with a wry smile. The original Prime Minister wanted to call Zhang Yang. He wanted to ask whether Zhang Yang needed the assistance of the state. If the entire government had network hardware If you help the Starry Sky Group, it is impossible for the Starry Sky Group's host to fall.

China has the world's largest information shielding hardware. Perhaps it has something to do with national conditions, but it has to be said that this system has advantages and disadvantages. If the entire government will help at any cost, it may even pull out the gd. But when the feedback from the whole world came back, both the prime minister and the chairman were a little shocked, because they did not expect that the Starry Sky Group now has such a terrible global influence.

This is the first Chinese company with such influence! "You don't need to make this call. If you need help, he won't be polite to us. Since he doesn't need help, it proves that he has the ability and the confidence to resist this incident. If the Star Group spent this time thoroughly Crisis, then the global influence of the Starry Sky Group will be even greater, which is what we are happy to see." The chairman thought about it, or waved his hand seriously.

"That's... such a thing... Is the Starry Group's influence on all walks of life in China too deep? It's easy to have an accident." A member of the Standing Committee said with some worry. Everyone understands what this means in the Standing Committee. The chairman and prime minister also understand, but what does the country do? Can't do anything!

The chairman glanced at the standing committee lightly before saying: "The development of any thing has its advantages and disadvantages. No one of us can predict in the future, but these things will always be the responsibility of later leaders to deal with. Zhang is only 25 years old this year. You have seen everything he has done for the country, even more than the contributions of our leaders! Don’t be disappointed, if anyone becomes the president of the country, our gd can be within one year. An increase of 13%, I admit that you are stronger than him."

The chairman’s words made the Standing Committee members look weird, letting a country with a population of 1.4 billion and the world’s third largest area gd directly double more than a year, although this has become a fact, but this kind of thing Who can copy? I am afraid this has been the case since the history of mankind? If it did not happen, I am afraid that everyone would think it is mythical.

"So don’t think about these messy No matter how deep the influence of the Star Group is, it is also a group, and we represent this country. Do we, as leaders, deserve our own people’s prosperity? What do you want to do?" The chairman said something serious. The Standing Committee member who just said that immediately awkwardly bowed and said, "Chairman, you know I don't mean that."

"Oh, okay, okay, we’re not a member of the Standing Committee, what are you doing so seriously, since I’m talking about this, I’m going to tell you another thing, just listen to it, don’t be too surprised By the way, you all know that Star Group owns 20% of the shares of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. This is no secret. I read the ICBC’s report some time ago. Do you know? ICBC’s deposits in China are 8.4 trillion RMB, of which Personal deposits are 3.2 trillion RMB, corporate deposits are 5.2 trillion, and Star Group’s deposits are 2.1 trillion RMB." The Prime Minister smiled and said a set of data.

After the Prime Minister's words were spoken, everyone sitting could not help but take a breath, including the Chairman and the service staff next to them. RO! ! ! ;




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