The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 680: Acquired McAfee (3)

Chapter 680 Acquisition of McAfee (3)

"Has the negotiations started?" Zhang Yang asked Chen Xiaowei, looking at the development of the Starry Sky Group. Today, it has already exceeded Zhang Yang's expectations. When Zhang Yang heard all kinds of things that have surged around the world because of this After commenting, Zhang Yang burst into a sudden pride.

This is why he is sitting here today, "Well, we have sent the company's special plane to the United States. We have talked to McAfee before. They have a condition that if we sign the contract, we will not allow it. Changed, the liquidated damages are as high as 2 billion US dollars." Chen Xiaowei said helplessly.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but burst out laughing and waved his hand: "It looks like McAfee is afraid of being released by pigeons. Chapter 680 Acquisition of McAfee (3) tells him that we are definitely acquiring, we can Not inel."

"Well, I already said that." Chen Xiaowei said with a smile. "By the way, I have something to tell you this time. You go to talk to the reporter today. Tomorrow morning Star Group will hold a press conference to announce a news." Zhang Yang said to Chen Xiaowei with a smile.

"What news?" Chen Xiaowei was stunned for a moment. I don't know what news to announce at this time. The negotiations with McAfee have not yet been concluded. Is the acquisition successful or an unknown number? What news will be released?

"From tomorrow, I will officially take over as chairman of the Star Group." Zhang Yang said lightly. Everyone in the conference room was stunned for a moment. After stunned, Chen Xiaowei immediately exclaimed subconsciously and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure." Zhang Yang nodded.

"Okay, I immediately informed the reporter. I believe that this news tomorrow will blow the world out." Chen Xiaowei looked at Zhang Yang with a weird face and said. After the other executives in the meeting room froze, there was a hint of enthusiasm in his face. There was no way to sit in this position in the Starry Sky Group. No one did not admire Zhang 680 to acquire McAfee ( C) Yang, no one does not worship Zhang Yang. Only after you have worked in the Starry Sky Group, you will know how difficult and mythical the Starry Sky Group is today.

When a person is very good, a person as good as you will be dissatisfied for the first time, and feel that they will do better than you under the same conditions, but when a person is so good that everyone can’t even compare the idea. If it starts, the only thing left is worship. Undoubtedly, Zhang Yang is such a person. In the entire Star Group, how many talents are there in Star Group now? Which talents are not all elites, these executives are usually quite dissatisfied with each other, and most of them are dissatisfied with Chen Xiaowei.

But when it comes to Zhang Yang, there is no one who is not convinced, there is no way, they simply cannot do what Zhang Yang does. However, many executives looked at Li Keqing subconsciously. If Zhang Yang became chairman, what would Li Keqing do? Li Keqing sat next to him and said with a smile: "Oh, I haven't taken a break since I got married. Now I should take a good rest. The company's next move may be a little bit bigger. Each of you will be busy. , I think, if you have anything you haven’t done, hurry up and do it."

After talking, Li Keqing blinked mischievously at everyone, eh? What does this mean? Does it mean that Chairman Li is pregnant? The first of all executives thought about this problem. After all, the two have been married for so long, and it is the same to have a baby. However, Li Keqing did not announce it, nor did Zhang Yang say, nor did they dare to guess.

Zhang Yang and Li Keqing have passed through this matter. The reason is actually nothing wrong. Then the global economic crisis will break out completely, and the global economy will be a problem. Li Keqing is too tired. Zhang Yang does not want to make her too tired. By the way, as long as this period of time has passed, after the economic crisis, I am afraid that Zhang Yang and Li Keqing will not be the chairman, and then it will be Chen Xiaowei.

Zhang Yang and Li Keqing are just casual shareholders. Star Group announced that it would hold a press conference to the outside world. Almost all those with reporters in the city came, and even some non-specialized reporters flew to China in advance. The press conference was held on the entire first floor lobby of the Star Group headquarters building.

Here is prepared for major events, watching the reporters off the stage. Chen Xiaowei, the president of Star Group, stood on the stage and smiled to countless reporters: "Actually, the purpose of holding a press conference today is very simple, just to announce a new appointment. The press conference may be short and may be sorry Some reporters from afar, for this reason, for a while, everyone can have a lunch in the Star Group restaurant for free, this is our staff meal."

The following reporters were immediately excited when they heard. Who doesn’t know that the headquarters of the Star Group is basically not open to the public. Everyone knows that there are only a few words, the structure of the building, etc., prohibit employees from spreading outward. Of course, it's okay to take a picture inside the company, as long as you don't take all the places one by one.

Don’t look at what Chen Xiaowei said about employee meals, but no one knows that the standard of the Star Group’s employee meals in the outside restaurant is close to the standard of two hundred yuan! Don't underestimate the two hundred yuan. This two hundred yuan is not the selling price in the restaurant, but the cost price! Because the Star Group employees' meals are free, you can think about how good this meal is. It is said that those executives of the Starry Sky Group eat just that.

However, these reporters immediately became interested in the announcement of the Star Group’s announcement. You have to know that from the beginning of the establishment of the Star Group to the appointment of any executives, there has never been a press conference, but this time it will be a press conference. What does this mean?

"Here I announce an appointment on behalf of the company's board of directors..." Chen Xiaowei said that there was a pause, raised his head and glanced at the following, the reporters below immediately stopped breathing, the flashlights and so on stopped, and Chen Xiaowei continued to laugh The author said: "On behalf of the company's board of directors, I announced that the company's largest shareholder and the group owner, Ms. Li Keqing, will no longer serve as chairman of the Star Group."

"Li Keqing no longer serves as chairman of the Star Group?" Who is the chairman? There is a new idea in the minds of countless reporters below, and who can get such a big company? I am afraid that no one will do better than the woman who is hailed as a goddess by men all over the world. The world's most beautiful, beautiful and perfect woman, although she is already a famous flower.

"Oh, Miss Li Keqing hired a new chairman, who will act on behalf of Miss Li Keqing to exercise the rights of the chairman, make major decisions for the group, etc. For this, the salary of the chairman of the Starry Sky Group is 100 million US dollars. "Chen Xiaowei stroked the glasses above his nose and said gently.

The following is immediately an uproar, one hundred million dollars? Is this salary? I'm gone, doesn't that mean daily wages... Count it, I depend, daily wages are close to $270,000? Is this m still a salary? Starry Sky Group is rich in wealth. But if you think about it again, it’s true, you know, Chen Xiaowei is the president of the group but has shares, but the new chairman does not have shares, so it’s not too much to give 100 million dollars, just don’t know if the chairman is what happened.

"Well... I will announce that Starry Sky Group will formally hire Mr. Zhang Yang Zhang as the chairman of Starry Sky Group. He will lead Starry Sky Group on behalf of Miss Li Keqing and continue to bring you the most service." Chen Xiaowei finally announced the suspense .

When this result came out, the countless reporters in front of the TV, the computer, and the scene were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help rolling their eyes. I depend! Isn't Zhang Yang the biggest b of the Star Group? The biggest b is the chairman, you still hire, hire a fart, is this not hype?

However, this problem was quickly put aside by everyone. Everyone thought of another problem, that is, Zhang Yang founded the Star Group, but from the beginning of the Star Group to the present, he has only decided to develop the direction behind the scenes. There is an honorary position within the group, but now it has been announced as the chairman of the board in high profile. Doesn't this mean that the Starry Sky Group will have any big moves?

"Here is the new chairman of the Star Group, Mr. Zhang Yang Zhang, to speak." Chen Xiaowei said the last sentence with a smile. The following venue immediately reminded me of thunderous applause. Zhang Yang represents a legend, but the legend has little interaction with the media, because he has rarely attended several press conferences, which is in other companies. It is simply unimaginable.

When Zhang Yang stepped onto the podium and stood in front of the rostrum, he immediately smiled and said to the following reporter: "I believe that many journalist friends have just cursed me for cursing me for mystery, but I'm telling the truth. Because I found out that I have no money to spend recently, my wife is too tight, not giving me money to spend, as a last resort, I can only work out."

Zhang Yang’s words caused a burst of laughter to erupt immediately below. Of course, we don’t think much about the authenticity of these words. If you are short of money, don’t go to the Starry Sky Group. Executive President, I am afraid that those shareholders are willing to give you a lot of shares, with an annual salary of more than 100 million US dollars.

But this joke really brought the relationship between everyone closer together. "Oh, I want to say that it's really nothing, mainly because of a few points. First, I don't want my wife to be too tired, so I came to serve as the chairman. Secondly, I believe that under my leadership, the Star Group will be better, if You have the stock of the company under the Starry Sky Group, please don't throw it away. The third point, Starry Sky Group will next prepare a new company, the main area of ​​concern is aerospace, the specific content of the Starry Sky Group official website will release a special announcement ."

Zhang Yang's speech was very short, but the impact of this press conference was as Chen Xiaowei had predicted before, and the impact was too great. When the US stock market opened the next day, when it was noon in the US time, some European and American media outlets issued an express news.

"When Zhang Yang announced that he would serve as the chairman of the Star Group and advised reporters not to throw away the stocks of the companies under the Star Group, we witnessed the madness of the companies under the Star Group in the stock market today. You may not think about it, just Because one person was elected as the chairman of the board, one person's words, almost all of the listed companies in the Star Group have increased their share price by more than 10%! In other words, because of Zhang Yang's words, the market value of the Star Group has increased by nearly two hundred Billions of dollars! Two billions of dollars, my God, you know, this number can already be ranked in the top 20 of the Forbes World Rich List, just because one person has a word." This is a clamor for many European and American media.

Zhang Yang did not expect that the stock market would be so crazy. The 10% increase is not large, but the star group base is too large! So there will be such a horrible number. Zhang Yang knew that it was quite narcissistic, but he didn't expect that one sentence was worth 20 billion US dollars. This is the price of two aircraft carriers.

"Maybe many people can’t believe it, but this is the fact. I don’t know if Chairman Li Keqing is in conflict with Chairman Zhang Yang because of our statement? Of course, Zhang Yang is a genius, but I am a fan of Chairman Li Keqing. There are many reports of similar ridicule.

But Zhang Yang didn't have time to take care of this at the moment, because after such a long time of preparation, Zhang Yang was ready, and this evening was when gd invaded the Starry Sky Group. Zhang Yang has made sufficient preparations. First of all, Zhang Yang used his permission to isolate an independent area in the starry sky The performance of this part of the area is Zhang Yang's computer, otherwise, it will be impossible. Zhang Yang also went outside.

As for the independent network cable, it actually took so long. Zhang Yang mainly spent on writing a simple integrated attack system. This system has only one function, that is, deploying the large-scale broiler that Zhang Yang now gets. The Star Group's server launched an attack. You know, the Starry Sky Group is not only a starry sky, but also gd world hackers!

But Zhang Yang is himself. Now that there is no starry sky to deal with those background commands, Zhang Yang is busy. After restoring my physical strength, Zhang Yang re-scanned the situation of all domestic chickens. The situation is very good without any problems. On his last level one broiler, which is the large data center of ggle, Zhang Yang placed a Several viruses went in. If someone really traced themselves, Zhang Yang also had a way to get rid of it, so that they could not trace it at all.

It doesn't matter if you play it, but it's just a matter of playing in. Squeezing his finger, Zhang Yang took a deep breath, then directly hit the Enter key, and a command window popped out. RO! ! ! ;




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