The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 683: The most perverted hacker attack and defense in history (2)

This may be the most known hacker attack and defense war since the birth of the Internet. Perhaps many people knew when gscsd attacked those websites before, but most ordinary people at that time knew it afterwards, but this time is different. Almost all media around the world are carrying out a disguised "live broadcast", resulting in many people knowing this.

But no one expected that the original gscsd attacked the Starry Sky Group's network, but in the end, things had developed in a direction that no one expected at all! In Zhang Yang's vision, after he finally attacked the starry sky's defensive system, he would give up, and the next thing was logical. But Zhang Yang didn't expect that things didn't go in the direction he thought.

After Zhang Yang and **** shouted out the grass, the reason was not because of something else, but a sudden stream of data that didn’t know where it came from. It was like breaking through the starry sky’s first firewall directly. The second layer of firewall is cracked quickly. The efficiency of this data stream is very high, and it can also grasp the defects of starry sky in some aspects, and the speed of cracking is obviously faster than that of Yang.

After the reaction, a few thoughts flashed in Zhang Yang's mind, and several organizations that might have such strength flashed out of Zhang Yang's mind, but Zhang Yang almost subconsciously ruled out other goals. Now, the two most likely are now two. The first is the Red Smurf organization. Once Zhang Yang had dealt with them. These people obviously wanted to join them to fight against gscsd. To deal with the Starry Sky Group, it is very likely that these people suddenly appeared to help themselves.

After glancing at the second-tier firewall, Zhang Yang directly stopped his attack. Zhang Yang did not continue his hands. This group of people will probably take a while to crack the second-tier firewall. The situation is not too urgent. The expert knows whether it is there or not. As soon as this group of people started, Zhang Yang narrowed these people to a very small range, because other hackers have no such power.

In addition to the red smurf, there is only one other organization, anubis! And Zhang Yang has a hunch in his heart that the possible xing of anubis is larger than that of the red elves. Like this kind of obvious controversy, the xing style of the red elves is unlikely to appear, but the anubis is different. During this time, although no agreement was reached between Anubis and the US Department of Defense, there was a tacit agreement between the two parties.

No matter what the purpose of anubis is to attack the Star Group, it is clear that they are definitely not kind. The sudden and violent attack not only stopped Zhang Yang from attacking himself, but the sudden attack flow also shocked the hackers on the network and the security experts who were broadcasting live.

Because Zhang Yang stopped the attack, these security experts did not know for a moment. This new data stream is the strength that gscsd has been hiding until this time, or is there a new hacker? The time of just 20 minutes is not short, but this newly emerged data stream has broken through the second firewall of Starry Sky within 20 minutes and began to attack the third firewall rapidly.

Zhang Yang did not rush to do it. He was observing that the firewall of Starry Sky is not so easy to break through. There are many parts connected between the second layer firewall and the first layer firewall. These people have obviously been watching for a long time. It wasn't until the virus released by Zhang Yang took effect that the computing power of the starry sky was greatly affected before they began their long-anticipated attack.

Now entering the third firewall, the progress of this data flow slowed down immediately, but soon, these data flows quickly began to be divided into several data flows. With such a move, Zhang Yang instantly understood that this is not a person, but an organization, and there is an 80% possibility that xing is anubis! "Sister! Do you dare to intervene casually in the game I played? Grass! I haven't packed you for a long time, I really think you are invincible?" After observing for twenty minutes, Zhang Yang decided in his heart.

mlgbd, Laozi's attack on the starry sky is Laozi's own business. You can play as much as you want. Zhang Yang didn't even think about it. He quickly entered a few code commands directly on the screen. All the viruses that infected the starry sky subsystem deleted themselves, but in fact this did not solve the problem, because starry sky is not the same as ordinary systems. Ordinary systems, after the virus infected with the system deletes itself, it will be fine.

But now to deal with the virus of the starry sky is to let its self-judgment mechanism enter into an endless loop, that is to say, just like you give a person a question that has no answer at all, let him analyze it and answer it. As long as you show him the problem enough, the problem will be in his mind. It’s not that you deleted the problem, he won’t think about it.

Although this analogy may be inappropriate, there is something in common between the two. After deleting the virus, Zhang Yang stopped all his own attack methods directly, but quickly started to set up his own written programs, and at the same time opened all the scanning software and analysis software, began to scan this new data stream, and It started to follow the girl, since you want to intervene, that's fine, let's play with the two first.

It took ten minutes to reset my software and tools on one side. The anti-tracking analysis software on Zhang Yang’s side has already had certain results. At this time, suddenly the star detection system over there issued a violent alarm. . Although Zhang Yang is completely simulating gscsd to attack the starry sky, Zhangyang can still see the starry sky here, but he has nothing to do with it. I just suffered that kind of virus attack and the starry sky did not call the police. What's going on?

Could it be said that the people of anubis broke the starry sky firewall? impossible? Even if there is no countermeasure mechanism, they will not be able to break through the remaining 7-layer firewall at such a fast speed. Zhang Yang immediately switched to the starry sky page, just switched over, a series of warning notices popped up on the screen, Zhang Yang quickly turned off all these warning icons, and directly began to view the system log.

Immediately after Zhang Yang cleared these warning icons, Zhang Yang directly found that the occupancy rate of the starry sky was decreasing at a terrifying rate, and it was dealing with external attacks faster and faster, within a few minutes, originally The means of attacking anubis has turned from a little useless to completely useless!

Zhang Yang quickly glanced at the starry sky's system log. At this point, Zhang Yang's pupil shrank slightly. "I rely on!" After reading the entire system log, Zhang Yang couldn't help but yell. This alert is nothing else, but the self-judgment mechanism of Starry Sky has just been reorganized and optimized! The reason is caused by Zhang Yang's virus!

The virus sent by Zhang Yang just let the starry sky enter into an endless loop, but just when the starry sky's xing can quickly reach the warning line, the starry sky's judgment mechanism has directly made a breakthrough in this endless loop! It launched a countermeasure mechanism! But the countermeasure mechanism it initiated was not initiated because it reached the standard to trigger the countermeasure mechanism, but because of its judgment!

According to the system log, when the starry sky burrowed into the tip of the bull's horn, and began to frantically analyze an analysis with no results, it was about to reach the warning line, and its judgment mechanism produced a new breakthrough. It judges that the system will completely collapse after continuing this analysis, so it directly stops this endless analysis and seeks other solutions. In this way, it needs to thoroughly scan all its databases to see if it can. The solution to this problem.

Then Starry Sky scanned the existence of the countermeasure mechanism. After a comparative analysis, Starry Sky confirmed that it was the most efficient and safest way to start the countermeasure mechanism at this time, so it activated the countermeasure mechanism, but it was not fully activated, just The part that can solve this kind of problem was started, so the current situation appeared.

If Zhang Yang believes in teaching, he will definitely shout God! Zhang Yang is a programmer. He certainly understands that when such a breakthrough occurs in the starry sky's judgment mechanism, it will have records in its database. When the next time it encounters a similar problem, the starry sky will never fall into an endless loop. It calculated that the problem could not be thoroughly analyzed, then it would be carried out directly according to this step.

In other words, the biggest weakness of the starry sky is solved by itself! Although it is because of the existence of a countermeasure mechanism set up by Zhang Yang for this vulnerability in the starry sky, it can lead to its breakthrough. If there is no such countermeasure mechanism, just after Starsky did not find a firm solution after searching his database, he will try to analyze that Problems, re-find solutions, so that it is an infinite loop.

Although the countermeasure mechanism written by Zhang Yang played a significant role in it, Zhang Yang also had a new understanding of the original self-judgment mechanism of the starry sky! very good, very powerful! Zhang Yang is sure that the starry sky is definitely not what he may break, and it is useless to go all in! Of course, if he enters the core code to stop the starry sky from resisting, it can be done. The problem is that it is not an attack.

After a certain amount of surprise, Zhang Yang's mouth hung a grin, just, nnd, I don't know how to close it, it's really good that you appeared. Without thinking, Zhang Yang switched to the previous page again. He noticed that the new data stream was still trying to find a new breakthrough. Zhang Yang had ignored them and directly input the latest ip he analyzed into his attack software. The attack was restarted.

But the target of this attack is no longer the starry sky, but the data stream that appeared later, and a server that Zhang Yang just retrieved, a high-tech company server in India.

Zhang Yang's hands-on speed is very fast, and it is well targeted in advance. It can be described as a broken bamboo. In just a few minutes, Zhang Yang directly invaded the server of this Indian high-tech company. After the invasion was successful, Zhang Yang did not hesitate to throw his own anti-tracking viruses directly into the Internet system in India.

After recognizing it, open the analysis and tracking software to let him find the next broiler of the enemy. Zhang Yang directly aimed at the Indian telecommunications service provider and began to quickly crack their servers.

The changes on the network made all the bystanders look dumbfounded. A new data stream originally appeared, and the one disappeared directly at the beginning. Everyone thought this was the hidden power of gscsd, but as time went on However, the data stream of the gscsd that just disappeared directly began to attack this later appearance, and the intensity of the attack shocked all the people watching the battle.

The data flow of gscsd has been attacking the starry sky system just now, and because the counterattack of the starry sky and the judgment mechanism are too sharp, the onlookers did not feel how fierce the gscsd's attack is. The attack made everyone numb and numb.

"I rely on, what's the matter?" God, Lan Mo, Zi Mo and others all numbly stopped the movements in their hands, because Starry Sky is already okay here, all the attacking hackers have retreated, the Starry Sky system is working Self-healing, but the two parties who were just attacking the Star Group system began to If it was gscsd at the beginning, then this appeared obviously not the person on the gscsd side, or They want to stand on the united front with gscsd, but gscsd should know who they are, and it is not unimaginable to do such a thing with the gxing of gscsd. "Zimo raised her head and said after a little thought.

Zi Mo does not look very beautiful, can only be said to be a pretty girl, at least there is still a gap compared to Lan Mo, but the girl’s analytical ability and her IQ make the entire technical department The people are very admired. After listening to Zi Mo's analysis, everyone immediately recovered.

"Purple mm, hurry to give us analysis and analysis, who is the person who will appear later?" Shenyue immediately asked with some curiosity, let him play the technical line, let him consider these curved corners, then it would not work.

"Besides those who can let gscsd put us down to deal with it directly, I can't think of a second goal except for anubis, which has a great contradiction with gscsd." Zi Mo shook his head slightly and said the answer very directly.

"Fuck, these sluts." Shenyue immediately called out, no doubt this **** said anubis. ! .

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