The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 684: The most perverted hacker attack and defense in history (3)

Chapter 684 The most perverted hacker attack and defense in history

At the moment, not only are they speechless, but even the security experts in charge of live broadcasting around the world are completely speechless. Although they are not professional hosts, they are also guests anyway. How can I tell the audience about this? However, most experts still told the actual situation.

"...The situation has changed strangely. It is clear that the Starry Group has suddenly strengthened its defense. If the data stream that first appeared is gscsd, then the data stream that appears later does not know what mysterious characters are, but Obviously, this mysterious person hopes to be able to reach an alliance with gscsd to jointly break the Star Group system, but gscsd obviously does not eat this set. In the case where the Star Group has strengthened its defense, and when this mysterious person appears, it can be obvious It can be seen that as soon as this mysterious person appeared, gscsd stopped his own attack quickly, and then it didn’t take long for gscsd to directly point his own head at the mysterious person. What happened in the middle of this, we don’t know. , But the situation has clearly changed..." Most security experts are basically telling the same thing.

The audience in front of the TV and the computer was dumbfounded. What's going on? Why did a mysterious man come out halfway? And when I heard that gscsd directly abandoned the Star Group server and went directly to the mysterious person, everyone's curiosity was immediately raised.

"...God! The attack power of gscsd is undoubtedly manifested at this moment. It is obvious that the mysterious man is not prepared enough. I did not expect that gscsd would kill him and give up the starry sky group. Now several broilers of the mysterious man have been attacked one after another. The main position has been transferred to India! As the first information highway in Asia, India will undoubtedly be the victim of this incident. It seems that gscsd knows who this mysterious person is, but whether or not gscsd knows , The gxingxing grid of gscsd obviously does not want others to intervene."

Similar to what many commentators have said, the Indian network at this moment is completely destroyed. Anyway, it is no longer domestic. Zhang Yang no matter how much damage he can cause. The virus he placed is now spreading nets around and fishing around. With a curse, he directly hacked anubis to serve as a server for broilers, and is also the largest online platform exchange website in India, the India portal!

Anubis obviously did not expect Zhang Yang to be so ruthless. He directly abandoned the Starry Sky Group and rushed towards them. Soyi Zhang Yang succeeded so quickly. After invading this website, Zhang Yang almost didn't want to think about it. On the homepage of the website, an up-to-date announcement was made. We need to use the power of the media reasonably.

"...*, who let you intervene in the matter of Lao Tzu, don't think that the matter between us is so finished, anubis website, don't think that you are finished if you don't hide it behind the back, and I don't know Who is the principal behind this incident, but since the US government is not willing to move you? I really think I’m out of stock, come and come, let’s play first, and I’ll show you something good after playing.”

What Zhang Yang said in this way is naturally to attract the attention of all countries in the world to himself. At that time, the French government could not forget the affairs of France, nor could the European Union. And anubis has been declared a terrorist by the government of several countries. As long as he pokes himself out, at least most of the people are on his side.

Don't think that Zhang Yang is not on the road, and the media and other comments are not important. On the contrary, Zhang Yang is now creating momentum for himself. He must at least let others know who I am doing things with. At this moment, the eyes of the whole world are looking at this place. Isn't it silly to stop using it?

Zhang Yang was right, his announcement was almost spread to the world by the media all over the world in just a few minutes, and now things have become like this, there is no way for the governments of various countries to stop it. However, Zhang Yang's progress was not smooth. After he hacked the Indian portal, there was a powerful firewall in front of this website. If he wanted to continue tracking, he had to crack this firewall.

Zhang Yang just prepared to enter the code to let Google's data center start calculations, but after half of the input, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered, I am grass, I am not attacking the starry sky, why use the data center? After Zhang Yang quickly removed his previous restrictions, he directly said: "Starry sky, analyze and crack this firewall."

"Accept the command." The voice of the starry sky still sounded accurately, and soon countless cracked messages began to flash on the screen. If the people of anubis, or thanatos know, do not know if they will spit out a bit of blood, and bring this to play? Isn't that what it is?

However, this is not known to the second person, so Zhang Yang was fooled. With the help of Starry Sky, the firewall's cracking progress is very fast, and Zhang Yang also caught a little fun, that is, Starry Sky just started the countermeasure mechanism at the same time. It has released countless tracking viruses independently. At the moment, these viruses are tracking all the data streams that have invaded the starry sky around the world.

It is clear that part of it is anubis, but part of it is also arrogant. "I'm going." Zhang Yang remembered that he hadn't hurried to attack the starry sky. Taking advantage of the starry sky to crack it here, Zhangyang quickly switched to another page and directly started the self-destruction program in Google's large data center. So that all the traces left by Zhang Yang on the server are cleared by the virus that resides inside.

After the launch, Zhang Yang quickly returned to the starry sky page. At this moment, the starry sky page has transformed seven goals, four in Southeast Asian countries, one to Europe, one to the United States, and one in Australia. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn’t know which of the seven ips was true, but the Australian one was very likely, but other soldiers could not give up. Who knows where the base of anubis is?

Australia may also be a fake. "The starry sky tracked all the targets and cracked them with all his strength." Zhang Yang issued new instructions, and at the same time he directly tracked the data stream to Australia. Zhang Yang was very cruel this time. He directly attacked all the incidents he tracked. All the viruses were thrown out, and the line was bitten with all their strength. All the hosts that came across the virus swarmed at almost the same time.

These viruses are all viruses that have been sorted out by Starry Sky after analyzing all the firewall systems in today's world. They are high-intensity, highly complex, letter-structured, and have genetic hybridization. At the moment, there is a lot of grief on the Internet. The entire Southeast Asian country is unlucky. Although it is said that it is either publicity or anubis, there is no interest or time to destroy their network.

However, because the servers that Anubis hacked were the servers of some large companies in these countries, they were immediately known by the media all over the world who paid close attention to this matter. At this moment, Zhang Yang has also joined the ranks of the starry sky tracking. The starry sky is tracking seven targets at the same time. These seven targets are divided into many, but the fake targets separated from other targets naturally have the starry sky to judge and track independently, while Zhangyang mainly It's the Australian one.

"I said... We have nothing to do, why don't we go together? Why should they attack us? We can't attack them?" At the moment, in the technical security department of Star Group, Shenyue killed a weak proposal. In the large room of the entire security department, there was still a lot of discussion, and it suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at each other, and their faces became weird. After a while, a few people looked at it strangely, and then they all spoke in unison. Shouted: "Go!"

"Go! go! go! Everyone is on!" God also ji and shouted a few times, although the starry sky within the group can be restricted by publicity, but the information is shared, and they naturally see the starry sky. Automatic countermeasures to put out those viruses. So **** they can easily track dozens of data streams that have been led to the whole world.

This is a complete mess. You should know that such a big event, hackers around the world are watching the bustling, but at the moment, there are countless data streams emerging from the Starry Sky Group and they began to quickly trace back. These hackers immediately I was struck by thunder and I went there. What's going on?

And they can see that almost all of these data streams from the Starry Sky Group are directed at the second mysterious person, that is to say, the data stream of anubis exposed by gscsd. "This..." Everyone's comment in front of the TV was completely dumbfounded, which made them feel so embarrassed! How did they explain it! Can you not play like this?

Is this too messy? Are you doing 3p? I'm in the past. At first, Starry Group was engaged with gscsd, then anubis came out to help gscsd to engage in Starry Group, and then gscsd suddenly quit, then gscsd was not happy with anubis, then gscsd went to anubis again, and then two People began a chase battle, the star victims of the beginning of the Star Group have been forgotten.

But immediately afterwards, the victim was clearly dissatisfied. Why can you follow us, and we cannot follow you? So the Star Group joined the ranks of the attackers, followed by gscsd and started chasing anubis ass. Is this playing "The Legend of Three Kingdoms"?

A series of dazzling offensive and defensive conversions made people in front of computers and televisions stunned. At this time, people found out that the Starry Sky Group looked like a soft and weak sufferer, but the power erupted at the moment made people feel shocked and emotional. It is also a sleeping lion, but people didn't know it before.

But everyone is not too surprised at that time, after all, whether it is because of the gscsd transfer of the target in anubis, or the star group’s own defense is strong enough. In short, gscsd does not break the star group’s firewall, so it can be written like this With Niucha's firewall, the technical strength of the Star Group is naturally beyond doubt.

But at this moment everyone in the tripartite battle has completely turned into a hacker fight in the world. The governments of various countries have almost simultaneously upgraded their country's network security alert level. There is no way, this is all done. If there is no promotion The alert level is really late.

Almost all the world’s eyes have been attracted, especially the computer talents are running around and looking for places to watch each other. Anyway, this is a battle of the century. There has never been a hacking war. It will be so deep that neither the previous Sino-American hacking war nor the Sino-Japanese hacking war has affected so many countries.

More importantly, although there are not many hackers involved this time, it represents the ultimate power of the hacker world! In reality, three people fighting each other may cause confusion on one side, not to mention the almost unconstrained place on the Internet. It was almost the moment when they were dispatched, and the hackers who had just been interested in helping gscsd in the Star Group first were Because no one can do it, gscsd is going to do anubis, if gscsd Without invading the Starry Sky Group, these hackers abandoned their strength almost immediately, and stood firmly on the side of gscsd. Since they are on the side of gscsd, then go to anubis!

So, these hackers in China immediately rushed out, although they did not track the target for a while, but the circle of hackers is not big, plus the gang of gods are excited when they are excited, so the whole world is in chaos. Too. And the media that do live broadcasts can't live broadcast anymore, they are still live broadcast farts, even their networks have been affected. Although TV is not a big problem, the impact of the network is inevitable, especially after the hackers in various countries were traced by the viruses thrown out by the starry sky, everyone started to fight back.

"Mb!" Zhang Yang couldn't help but scolded two words, because Zhang Yang was dumbfounded, and he didn't expect things to get this way. Of course, Zhang Yang couldn't blame **** for them, because **** they are standing in the Starry Sky Group I think about it from the perspective of God, and if Zhang Yang is God, he will choose so. In the light of reason, the Star Group has been attacked by somebody inexplicably. Anti-tracking those hackers who break, right? ! .

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