The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 265 You Can Go Home

But this matter is also relatively difficult to deal with. After all, Han Shuang is not an ordinary person.

That's why they came up with this idea, which was to let Han Shuang just do his own work on the sidelines and not participate in this arduous task.

And in order to silence the people under me, they also chose a particularly easy task for him.

It can be said that this task does not require too much energy at all.

The staff below also saw this series of arrangements, but you didn't say anything more.

They are also very clear in their hearts. The leaders above can do this step and are already taking good care of their emotions.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Han Shuang would have been able to go home and rest while they were working overtime.

So although they were still very unhappy, they could only suppress this emotion in their hearts and did not dare to express it anymore.

It can be said that these leaders are in a state of anger now, and they don't want to hit the muzzle of this gun.

Moreover, it is not easy for these leaders to make such arrangements.

Moreover, this task has been very urgent recently, and everyone is very busy.

And now the leaders are working overtime with everyone in order to complete this task as soon as possible.

For the company, this task is very urgent and is related to the future interests of the entire company.

So we can't be careless if they mention this matter again at this time.

It is very likely that he will be regarded as the chicken who kills the chicken to scare the monkey, and Li Liwei happens to be in the company.

And when they are busy, they have no time to think about these other things.

In fact, Han Shuang's stay here is really boring. After all, the leaders in the company also take good care of her.

Looking at others working very nervously and busy, I am just doing the most relaxing work.

Han Shuang felt an inexplicable sense of guilt. He knew that if he did this, it would definitely make it very difficult for the leaders in the company.

Although he once proposed to Lin Hao that he should be an ordinary employee and experience life.

‥…Ask for flowers·0

You have to keep yourself busy every day. Only in this way will you not feel empty and lonely.

But his proposal was directly rejected by Lin Hao. In Lin Hao's view, how could his woman make him so tired now.

He knows very well how tiring his company will be if it is carried at full capacity.


According to Han Shuang's current physical condition, even if he is not exhausted, it will still be very difficult.

So Lin Hao rejected his request, so Han Shuang could only live a very relaxed working life now.

The task assigned to him was also very easy, and he just completed it by the designated off-duty time.

Now that his mission has been completed, there is no point in continuing to stay here. Instead, it will attract hatred.

After all, if everyone else is busy working there, you are the only one playing around.

Even if your own task has been completed, it will inevitably leave a bad impression on others.

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