The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 266 Professional Bodyguard

Therefore, Han Shuang returned home directly after asking the leader for instructions. This was also a better solution.

At least Han Shuang couldn't think of any better solution than this. He didn't want to cause a lot of trouble to the company because of himself.

After all, although this company is just one of many companies under Lin Hao, after all, it is also Lin Hao's hard work.

He didn't want "170" Lin Hao's hard work to go to waste, so he went home from get off work.

Although today's work is very easy in comparison, it is also quite tiring compared with his previous work.

So the first thing he did when he got home was to take a comfortable bath.

You have to soak in the bathtub for a while and apply a lot of small bubbles. It is a very pleasant life.

As for eating at that time, there will be a dedicated chef to cook for you, or the food will be cooked and delivered directly to you.

But Han Shuang felt that her interest was very high today, so she decided to cook by herself after taking a shower.

But when he opened the door, he felt that his home seemed a little different from his usual life.

So he was immediately alert, Han Du was not an ordinary woman.

He had experienced many things when he and Han Qin were together before, so he still had some self-protection skills.

He didn't turn on the light, but tiptoed, keeping a high degree of vigilance, um, walked towards the living room.

As long as any accident happens, he will be able to react immediately.

Moreover, in order to ensure his safety, Lin Hao also bought another house next to his house.

Special bodyguards have also been arranged to live here. If Han Shuang yells, those security guards will come over.

These bodyguards only serve Han Shuang alone, which means that they will not pay attention to anyone's orders except Han Shuang.

Of course, for the boss who hired them, Lin Hao, of course still has the biggest command.

But for Han Shuang, he can't alert the snake now, because he still doesn't know if there is a bad guy in his house...

He only noticed that there was a slight difference in his home, because there was an extra breath of strangers.

Of course, he can't be considered a stranger, but he is relatively unfamiliar compared to his own breath.

We can't blame Han Shuang, because after all, Lin Hao hasn't been with her for a long time.

In addition, Han Shuang is often in the company, so she is exposed to a lot of smells.

Therefore, it is also slightly unfamiliar with Lin Hao's breath. It just feels that although this breath is relatively unfamiliar, it also has a familiar feeling.

That's why he didn't call his bodyguard over immediately, but chose to check the situation by himself first.

Otherwise, 2.0, when those bodyguards come, things will not end so easily.

Although those bodyguards are completely obedient to their orders, it is inevitable that they will be unable to control themselves when the time comes to fight.

It will definitely cause some damage. It's okay if a stranger comes, but if it's a familiar person. .

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