The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 430 Gains And Losses

In this case, even if the family reaches glory by then, so what, they will only have respect for the family leader.

"There is no closeness. Normally, this would not be seen as a disadvantage, but once the family is in danger."

Then this shortcoming will be revealed, and there will be many people who will not keep one heart with the family leader, of course.

They also know that if this is the case, the choice made by the family leader is definitely the right one.

What is best for the family, but after all, not everyone can do it, be so cold-blooded and ruthless.

"Many things will be more rational, even if we simply cultivate such decisive people."

You can only cultivate them into a family. Your hidden power, the so-called killing machine, is only for this kind of people.

Only then can they be able to bring their cold-bloodedness to the extreme, and only then can they better fulfill their mission.

Since they have been chosen to become killing machines, they don't have to think too much.

"Just unconditionally carry out the orders given to them. That's all. They don't need to have other ideas at this time."

In other words, they have their own judgment. For them, they only need to execute it.

But it is obvious that such a killing machine cannot become the leader of the family, so Lin Hao has gone through these trainings.

He is also constantly transforming into a qualified family leader, possessing the kindness he should have.

"But most of them are the kind of people who deal with things simply, decisively and calmly, and this series of plans arranged by Lin Hao."

If it can be carried out successfully by then, the killings it will bring will be far more than what they have brought.

At that time, it will definitely bring huge casualties, and these casualties will definitely exceed their imagination.

Whether it is for Lin Hao, the people within his family, or his enemies.

"This kind of killing is far beyond their understanding, or their estimation. In fact, for Lin Hao."

He didn't want to see such a situation happen, but there was no way. For him, he had no other choice.

What he now shoulders is the fate of the entire family, and there are only two paths in front of him.

Either their family will disappear from now on, or they will cause this killing and then lead their own family.

To survive in this crisis, faced with such a choice, Lin Hao will undoubtedly choose the second path.

"People are selfish. Even if you want to be kind, it must be based on your ability to survive."

If you don't even have your life, what's the use of talking about kindness, so you can't blame Lin Hao.

Selfishness or ruthlessness, any family leader would choose this choice.

"Because for them, maintaining the entire family is their top priority."

The so-called cruelty, or callousness, is placed in a secondary position, as long as it can ensure that the rise and fall of the family will not be cut off. .

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