Then their mission has been completed, or they can be worthy of the rights they enjoy and their current status.

"And all poor people must be hateful if they cause such huge casualties."

It is unfair to those from the hostile families who are against Lin Hao.

Then the ones who caused the current situation are all themselves. If they were, they would not be occupied by the greed in their hearts.

If Lin Hao would not launch such a large-scale siege against Lin Hao and his family, then Lin Hao would have such a plan.

There are also no conditions for carrying out such a plan, which means that things will not develop to the point where they are today.

"For these families, they would not have caused such huge casualties. If you want to blame everything, you can only blame yourself for being too greedy."

The reason why it has developed to this point is because I deserve it, even if Lin Hao gets there.

If it really caused huge casualties, then they would not have any authority to blame Lin Hao.

Because the cause of all this today is also caused by the greed in their hearts, if it were not for the greed in their hearts.

"Lin Hao would not be able to come up with such a plan, nor would he have such favorable conditions to implement these plans.

In other words, if Lin Hao wanted to annex these families, he would have to think of other ways.

Whether it is in terms of time or means, it will be relaxed, instead of being as violent and bloody as it is now.

Therefore, they can only be said to be asking for trouble. Even if you pity them, there is nothing to pity.

However, when things have developed to this result, it is useless to say more. Now it is not to find out who is right and who is wrong.

“Because originally, there is no such thing as right or wrong, because everyone’s perspective and thoughts on things are different.

Their positions are also different, so consider these things from their respective perspectives.

Then there is no so-called right or wrong, because if they consider this matter objectively from their respective perspectives.

…Please give me flowers…

Everyone is right. After all, you can't blame them. Everyone is working hard to survive.

It is not said that it is necessary. Some people should survive and some people should be eliminated. This is already unfair in itself.

"So, there is no doubt that everyone has the right to live for themselves, or even live better."


Therefore, there is no so-called right or wrong. From their respective perspectives, everything is perfectly justified.

And this world is so cruel, if you don't like it, or you kill more decisively.

Maybe the opponent will react based on your fatal blow. By that time, the enemy will not show any mercy to you.

"Or it could be said that I spared your life because of a moment of kindness. This is impossible. I didn't say that you might have that moment."

He would have the thought of letting it go, but in the eyes of his enemies, he would never have such thoughts. .

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