In fact, maybe originally, this was not such a huge crisis for Lin Hao and his family.

At least they won't be as passive as they are now. They can only stay within the family, and the blockade will be strengthened.

"Only in order to save their lives. If this had been done before, this situation would definitely not have happened."

Because the combined strength of their entire family is also very powerful.

Unless they are, holding the idea of ​​​​wanting to kill everything. Maybe Lin Hao's family can be replaced.

There is a slight possibility to solve them, but if it is 550 million, it must be Lin Hao.

If they really control the power within the family, then for them, this will definitely be a bolt from the blue.

And they didn't know that what they thought was an opportunity was actually a very good opportunity for Lin Hao.

There was no big threat to the entire family before, so they had energy to focus on internal fighting.

"But now when they are facing a very huge threat from the outside, they are facing a disaster that is enough to annihilate them."

Then all their energy is focused on how to resist foreign enemies.

There is not so much thought to be used to activate various small thoughts internally.

So this also brought Lin Hao an opportunity to control the entire family.

"If Lin Hao can take this opportunity to lead the family out of this predicament."

Then those within the family who still have opinions about him must be speechless at this moment.

And in this crisis, it is also necessary to mobilize the power within those families, if they do not cooperate.

It is really difficult for the family to get out of this crisis, even though Lin Hao has a very smart brain.

"And a very cautious character, but if you don't have enough strength, then just having these (bedh) is not enough."

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are illusory and have no effect at all.

So for Lin Hao, this is also an opportunity, since he has a perfect plan.

Then what is needed next is enough strength to support "presumably those people within the ten-point family.

"They all know it very well, and most of these people are very loyal to their families. 17

It's not that he wanted to bring the family to destruction, otherwise Lin Hao would have used thunderous means.

After taking action to get rid of them, the reason why Lin Hao indulged them until today was because they were all members of the same family.

There will still be a lot of contact in the future, and their assistance will be needed in all aspects of work.

"In order to be able to complete it, he doesn't want to make the relationship so bad, if he can use such strong methods directly.

Then in the future, if you want to establish authority within the family, you will not get the most sincere support from their hearts.

So for him, this is actually a bad place, although it can help him control the entire family more quickly.

But from a long-term perspective, this is definitely a very uneconomical deal.

People like Lin Hao would definitely not choose such a stupid decision. .

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