The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 441 Consider It In Advance

The previous family leader actually took this situation into consideration when he handed over control of the family to Lin Hao.

"We have also considered that within the family, there will definitely be people who are not convinced and will take the opportunity to attack Lin Hao."

So before that, he had already prepared many means, including the worst plan.

If Lin Hao is really unable to control the situation by then, then he has left enough means to quell the turmoil within the family.

However, this method is also somewhat bloody and cruel, even though they are all members of the same family.

But if things really develop to that point, Hui Fu will make a choice without hesitation.

"They all use this method, thinking that compared with the whole family, some people will be sacrificed."

It is also very necessary, as long as it can ensure that the entire family can continue.

Then it is worth paying a huge price, because from the perspective of the family leader.

There is nothing more important than the development of the entire family, no matter when it comes.

All must be taken. The interests of the entire family are put first. Of course, every family cannot avoid internal battles.

"Because wherever there are people, there will be fights, which is inevitable, especially for a big family like this, which involves the interests of many parties.

So it is normal to have fights. If there is no fight, it really means that the family is about to be destroyed.

There is no chance to save anything, but if the fight is allowed, it is only within a reasonable range.

The fight is within the range they can bear, if their fight has exceeded this range.

"If it will only bring harm to the family and not bring any benefits, then when the time comes, this level must be controlled.

Even if some violent and cruel methods are used for this purpose, it is still very necessary.

Because if not, then the entire family may be dragged into the endless abyss by them.

In this case, the entire family was not destroyed by the enemy, but was destroyed by one's own hands.

...Please give me flowers...

"Then if you tell me, it's really a big joke. If you say this, you will face your ancestors.

They are also all faceless. Although the previous family leader also believed in Lin Hao's ability.

But after all, he couldn't joke about this matter, because it was related to the future destiny of the entire family.


It is also related to the future development of the family, so he is fully prepared and cannot take risks on this matter.

"If something really goes wrong, then he will really lose face, so his trust in Lin Jie is on the one hand. y

But on the other hand, he is also preparing for the worst, so as to prevent the eventual uncontrollable situation.

So he has already told Lin Hao all these methods, but he also told Lin Hao.

Unless it is critical, do not use this method, because once this method is used, the consequences will be unimaginable for them. .

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